1 - Baden UMC

Baden United Methodist Church

420 Dippold Avenue

Baden, PA 15005-1716

D. Edward Bailey, Pastor


Time Value Mail Change Service Requested


Schedule of Services

Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Chapel – 8:15 a.m.

Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Sanctuary – 10:30 a.m.

Saturday……………………………………………………………………….……………………Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.

Last Saturday of Each Month………………………………………… Contemporary Service - Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.

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| |7:00p Trustees | | | | | |

| |meeting | | | | | |

| | | | | | |6:00p Worship |

| | | | | | |Service |

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|Recognition of | |12:30 UMW | | | | |

|graduates at the 10:30| | | | | | |

|service | | | | | |6:00p Worship |

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| |5:30 – 8:30 pm | | | | | |

|11:30a GEMS |We Care Food | | | | |6:00p Worship |

|meeting |Distribution | | | | |Service |

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| |5:30 – 8:30 pm | | | | | |

| |We Care Food | | | | | |

| |Distribution | | | | |6:00p Worship |

| | | | | | |Service |

|28 |29 |30 | | | | |

| | | |Sunday Worship: | | |Weight Watchers meets |

| | | |8:15am in Eaton |Chapel Café |AA meets in Fellowship |in Fellowship Hall |

|Church Picnic VBS | | |Chapel |open from 9:00am until |Hall every Sunday |every Wednesday at |

|Closing | | |10:30am in the |10:15am |evening at 6:00pm |6:00pm |

|immediately following | | |sanctuary | | | |

|the 10:30 service | | | | | | |

| | | |Summer Sunday School: | | | |

| | | |During 10:30 worship | | | |



| | | |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Sunday Worship: | | | | | | |

|8:15am in Eaton |Chapel Café |AA meets in Fellowship| |Pre-Charge Conference | |[pic] |

|Chapel |open from 9:00am until|Hall every Sunday | |Briefing | | |

|10:30am in the |10:15am |evening at 6:00pm | | | | |

|sanctuary | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Summer Sunday School: | | | | | | |

|During 10:30 worship | | | | | | |

|5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |

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| | | | | | |6:00p Worship Service |

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| | | | | | |6:00p Worship Service |

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|26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |31 | |

| | | | | | |Weight Watchers meets in |

| | | | | | |Fellowship Hall every |

| | | | | | |Wednesday at 6:00pm |


|2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |1 |

|[pic] | | | | | |4:00 wedding |

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| | | | | | |6:00p Worship Service |

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| | | | | | |6:00p |

| | | | | | |Worship |

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| | | | | | |6:00p Worship Service |

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|16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |

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| |September Gleam | | | | | |

| |Deadline | | | | |6:00p Worship Service |

|23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |

| | | | | | | |

| |5:30 – 8:30 pm | | | | | |

| |We Care Food | |Gleam Assembly | | |6:00p Worship Service |

| |Distribution | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|30 |31 | | | | | |

| | | |Sunday Worship: | |AA meets in Fellowship |Weight Watchers meets |

| | | |8:15am in Eaton |Chapel Café |Hall every Sunday |in Fellowship Hall |

| | | |Chapel |open from 9:00am until |evening at 6:00pm |every Wednesday at |

| | | |10:30am in the |10:15am | |6:00pm |

| | | |sanctuary | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Summer Sunday School: | | | |

| | | |During 10:30 worship | | | |

The Gleam Summer 2009

Baden United Methodist Church * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720

Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC

Did you know that life can become unbalanced? The obvious answer is yes! Relationships, too, can and do become unbalanced. If I was a seminar leader (and I had charged you an exorbitant price to be present) I could ask you to list on a piece of paper the names of the 5 or 10 people to whom you relate most frequently. For example, people in your family, at work, at school, at church, and so on. Then, I'd ask you to place beside each name either a plus sign or a minus sign. The plus sign means it is a positive relationship that charges your emotional battery; the minus sign means the relationship has a tendency to drain you emotionally. Now, by doing this you are not judging anyone or condemning anyone, you're simply evaluating a particular relationship in order to make it better.

I learned a long time ago that relationships are not always what they appear to be on the surface. For example, being with a new Christian who doesn't know much about the Bible and doesn't know much about church and is always asking questions and makes a lot of mistakes and calls you late at night with problems and always seems to require special time and attention-this kind of person is not a drain. This person is really is a re-charger! On the other hand, the disgruntled Christian who has been a church member for years and years but isn't happy with anything going on in the church-that person can be a real drain!

Over the years I have discovered some coping methods that help me keep balance in my relationships with others. There are three that I hope are helpful to you as you strive to keep balance:

1. Spend adequate time with those who "charge your battery." You can't be with these people exclusively, but make sure you spend enough time with them. That's why interacting with others in worship, group Bible studies, and attending social gatherings at the church is important. You should always leave church feeling more energized than when you came, because our role is to strengthen, encourage and comfort one another. That is why Paul wrote in Colossians 3:16, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.---Colossians 3:16

Jesus made it a point to spend time with those closest to Him. A good example of this can be seen at the Last Supper. On the night that Jesus died, as He ate with His disciples, He said to them, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer." (Luke 22:15)

2. Look for ways you can neutralize negative relationships.

There were many people in Jesus' life who tried to control Him, or manipulate Him, or place unrealistic expectations on Him. He always seemed to know how to deal with each one. Since His own brothers didn't believe in Him (John 7:5), He didn't let Himself get upset at their insincere advice. Instead, His attitude was, "Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother." (Mark 3:35) When the people in Nazareth didn't believe in Him, His response was to move on. (Mark 6:6) When His enemies tried to trick Him into condemning a fallen woman, He put them in their place and restored the woman into a right relationship with God. (John 8:1-11)

Though He came to be a servant of all, He didn't allow people to control Him. In fact, the Bible shows us that Jesus kept certain people at "arm's length." John said, "Jesus would not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all men." (John 2:24) Even when it came to His death, Jesus said "You would have no power over me if it were not given you from above." (John19:11) Jesus knew how to keep a negative relationship in check, to prevent it from becoming controlling, or limiting, or draining. He kept His boundaries and didn't allow people to cross the line.

You might want to take a look at the negative relationships in your life, and consider how you could neutralize their impact. Are you letting critical people have too much influence? Are you giving controlling people too much power? Are you allowing well meaning people to make a mess of things? You may need to draw a line in the sand and say, "Here I Stand."

3. Decide not to be a drain on others.

Jesus said, "Come to Me and I will give you rest...My yoke is easy...My burden is light." (Matthew 11:28) He also said, "I have come that you might have life--life to the fullest." (John 10:10) Jesus has high expectations for the way His followers live; He offers us encouragement, hope and support. Like Jesus, we can offer encouragement, hope, and support. We do not have to be a drain on others but instead we can re-charge the batteries in others.

I believe people are looking for authentic optimism that offers real life changing hope. As followers of Jesus, this is the hope we offer to others…The love of God!

Have a Great Summer!

It’s Great to Be Your Pastor!

Ed Bailey, Pastor


PLEASE PRAY FOR.... Pauline Bruning; Katherine Collingwood; Tommy Curtis; Ryan Dorrier; Linda Fleming; The Fritz Family; Maggie Gall; Jack Hayes; Jason Hazelwood; James Johnston; Ken Jones; Ellen Lawrence; Lance Cpl. Zachary Livengood; Amber Mazur; 2nd Lt. Patrick McCreary; Spc. Jeanette McDonald; Vonie Mills; Mark Montagna; Lorraine Rhode; Linda Ruckert; Virginia Salak; Lt. Col. Tim Seamon; Christine Smith; Charlotte Stumpf; Marge Tillery; Walt Tillery; Betty Vagias; David Waxler; Ally; Carolyn; Janine; Shirley.

Please help keep our prayer list current. If you know someone who needs prayer, call the office and let us know. If you know someone on the list who is doing better, please let us know so that we may remove his or her name. All names will remain on the list for no more than six weeks unless the office is notified otherwise.



1 Brent Harmon

3 Joshua Debogovich

5 Joe Barsic

Ashley Hartge

6 Ron Miller

7 Greg Seamon

Dave Waxler

Mickey Futato, Jr.

Shawn Zuratovic

9 Pat Debogovich

Justin Stephansky

12 Peggy Evanko

Kara Hudson

4 Daniel Tetrick

15 Sharp McElwain

18 Brooke DiCicco

19 Eva Swerdi

21 Mason Foley

22 Helen Robbins

23 Dave Saras

Miriam Bennett

25 Florence


26 Dale Brabson

Danna Smith

Nathaniel Irwin

27 Linda McCarriher

Chuck Hudson, Jr.

Ryan Hudson

Dinah Bailey

28 Dawn Alberts

29 Ken Jones

Clint Campana

30 Betty Holcomb


1 Leah Adkins

3 Pastor Bailey

4 Bryan Peoples

6 Greg Kouvolo

7 Scott Dawson

9 Nick McClure

10 Tammy-Lynn


11 Teresa Fausti

Garrett Foley

13 Janet Johns

15 Jim Romigh

Garrett Ropon

16 Betty Logan

Chris Mazur

18 Shirley Bruce

Carmel McCreary

Ashley McKee

20 Jim Hartge

Paula Hazelwood

John Peoples

David Woodling

22 Georgine Moorhead

24 Helen Quinet

26 Brandon Short

28 Mike Polonoli

29 Wayne Bennett


1 Nolan Chismire

2 Betty Wells

4 Shawn Setzenfand

5 John Irwin

6 Mary Wolz

9 Bill Orlowski

10 Dick Johns

11 Hannah Heilig

Michele Sheets

12 Steve Hespenheide

Jacob Charlovich

13 Lainee Ropon

15 Jen Zuratovic

16 Harry Stumpf

19 Mary O’Connor

Brandon Smith

20 Jim Wetzel

21 Bobby Charlovich

Bernice Oaks

Kayleigh Walsh

22 Lori Jewett

25 Don Carrodus

27 Randi Gibson

Keith Irwin

28 Linda Fleming

Marge Gardner

29 Catherine Lockard

30 Owen Lubic

Glenn Schaeffer, Jr.

Bradley Wayne



7..........................................................Elaine Alberts

14..............................................................Bill Alberts

21..............................................................Dave Smith

28........................................................Nancy McBain


5...........................................................Shirley Bruce

12.........................................................Glen Schaeffer

19.............................................................Janet Johns

26.............................................................Dick Johns


2...............................................................Amy Freed

9..........................................................Esther Hallas

16.......................................................Marilyn Dobich

23....................................................Nancy VanDeCar

30........................................................Donna Muders



7........................................................Caroline Fausti

14........................................David & Betsy Woodling

21.............................................................Teres Fausti

28...............................................Bill & Elaine Alberts


5...........................................................Shirley Bruce

12.......................................................Marilyn Dobich

19.............................................................Teres Fausti

26.......................................John & Phyllis Parkhurst


2.................................................Dick & Janet Johns

9..........................................Bill & Nancy VanDeCar

16.............................................................Teres Fausti

23..............................................................Betty Wells

30...............................................Bill & Elaine Alberts



7 8:15...............................................Timothy Smith

10:30.............William Ickley, William VanDeCar

Joe Fausti, Bobby Charlovich

14 8:15............................................Gerald Ferguson

10:30….....................John Parkhurst, Alan Freed

Dave Smith, Don Fleming

21 8:15..........................................Paula Hazelwood

10:30.......................Joyce Hudson, Tracy Krepps

Carol Walker, Nancy VanDeCar

28 8:15............................................Gerald Dunstan

10:30.............................Fred Zajac, Dale Sheaffer

Bobby Charlovich, Joe Fausti


5 8:15..............................................Timothy Smith

10:30.............William Ickley, William VanDeCar

Joe Fausti, Bobby Charlovich

12 8:15............................................Gerald Ferguson

10:30….....................John Parkhurst, Alan Freed

Dave Smith, Don Fleming

19 8:15..........................................Paula Hazelwood

10:30.......................Joyce Hudson, Tracy Krepps

Carol Walker, Nancy VanDeCar

26 8:15............................................Gerald Dunstan

10:30.............................Fred Zajac, Dale Sheaffer

Bobby Charlovich, Joe Fausti


2 8:15..............................................Timothy Smith

10:30.............William Ickley, William VanDeCar

Joe Fausti, Bobby Charlovich

9 8:15............................................Gerald Ferguson

10:30….....................John Parkhurst, Alan Freed

Dave Smith, Don Fleming

16 8:15..........................................Paula Hazelwood

10:30.......................Joyce Hudson, Tracy Krepps

Carol Walker, Nancy VanDeCar

23 8:15............................................Gerald Dunstan

10:30.............................Fred Zajac, Dale Sheaffer

Bobby Charlovich, Joe Fausti

30 8:15..........................................Gerald Dunstan

10:30............................Joyce Hudson, Viki Zajac

Phyllis Parkhurst, Carol Walker


Meetings & Events

June 1 7:00pm Trustees Meeting

June 7 10:30am Graduate Recognition

at the 10:30 worship

June 9 12:30pm UMW meeting

June 11-14 Annual Conference

June 22-26 VBS 2009

June 28 11:30am VBS Closing &

Church Picnic

July 2 Pre- Charge

Conference Briefing

July 11 1:30pm Golf Outing

Aug 17 September Gleam






7 Joyce Hudson(teacher), Dave Smith(helper)

14 Michele Sheets (teacher), Nicole DiCicco (helper)

21 Marilyn Dobich (teacher), Teresa Fausti (helper)

28 No Sunday School (VBS closing program)


5th Janet Johns (teacher, Sue Meade (helper)

12th Tracy Charlovich(teacher),Tracy Krepps (helper)

19th Randi Gibson (teacher), Dege Smith (helper)

26th Amy Freed (teacher), Teresa Fausti (helper)


2nd Donna Brynczak (teacher), Betty Holcomb (helper)

9th Michele Sovich (teacher), Leslie Foley (helper)

16th Nancy VanDeCar (teacher),Paula Hazelwood (helper)

23rd Tabitha Bailey (teacher), Marilyn Dobich (helper)

30th Dawn Arnold (teacher), Joanne McCartney (helper)

-Summer Sunday School will be held in the preschool area next to Chapel Café

-You will be able to pick up the Teaching Guide after Sunday School the week prior to your scheduled week of teaching

-If you have an emergency and are not able to teach or help please call Dege Smith 724-869-5832 so a replacement can be found.

Thank you for your willingness to serve God and the Children in this ministry!!



June 1 Paul & Nancy Driesch

June 1 Dave & Jane Saras

June 8 Bill & Elaine Alberts

June 10 Walt & Patty King

June 10 John & Jan Pasuit

June 11 Wayne & Wanda Bennett

June 19 Jim& Cheryl Logan

June 20 Larry & Georgeann Musgrave

June 23 Dan & Randi Gibson

June 25 Dale & Nicole DiCicco

June 30 Paula & Alan Hazelwood

June 30 Dick & Janet Johns


July 2 Harry & Anna Margaret Decker

July 11 Harry & Charlotte Stumpf

July 25 Bud & Sue Meade

July 31 Mike & Deborah Polonoli


August 3 Collin and Jill Sanders

August 11 Glenn and Suzanne Schaeffer

August 18 David and Betsy Woodling

August 21 Bill and Nancy VanDeCar

August 26 Ron and Jill Miller

August 28 Joe & Donna Herrmann

August 30 David and Joanne Harmon

Please help us keep our Anniversary list current. If you have a summer anniversary that is not included on our list, or if you would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office. Thank you.



A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the Christian Women’s Celebration: Pastor Ed, Alan, Dale, Fred, Bill, Joe, Alan, Nancy and Hannah.


A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the bus trip to the Sight and Sound Theater to see “Behold the Lamb”. This event raised $1,200.00 for the Baden UMC Mission Share.

[pic]2nd Lt. Patrick McCreary sends his thanks and appreciation to the members and friends of Baden UMC for their continued thoughts and prayers. [pic]

To Our Loving Congregation,

Thank you all for your prayers & thoughts over the last 3 months. I’m sure they were one of the major factors helping me get back to normal.

God Bless You All. ~ Dick Johns

THE WE CARE FOOD PANTRY is selling polo shirts. The shirts will be dark beige with the cross and flame emblem and Baden United Methodist Church embroidered on them. All adult sizes are available. The price of these shirts will be $20.00. The deadline for

orders is June 28th. All proceeds will benefit the

We Care Food Pantry.

If you know someone who is graduating from High School or college, please call the church office at 724-869-2720 so they can be recognized at a worship service on June 7th. Thank you.

The church directories are here! Please pick up your copy from the Narthex or call the church office to make arrangements.

FALL BUS TRIP AND STAGE SHOW: Arrangements are being made for another bus trip to the Sight and Sound Theaters for their presentation of “Miracle of Christmas”. The bus will leave on November 7th and return on the 8th. Proceeds from this trip will help to raise funds for our Mission Share.

Congratulations to Ray and Christine Smith who were recently blessed with a baby girl. Their daughter Sydney Raye Smith was born on Saturday, April 11, 2009. In addition to her parents, she is welcomed by her grandparents, Patty and Walt King.



We would like to congratulate Lori Jewett and Jeff Kengerski on their wedding on June 30th.

Congratulations also to Melissa DiNuno and Justin Whitworth who were united in Holy Marriage on Saturday, May 9th.

We wish them many, many years of happiness together.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

12:30 pm


Devotion……………………………….….....Anna Margaret Decker

Hostesses.............................................The Executive Board

Program……………………….……….........making favors for the

Butler Dist. September


Each person is asked to bring a salad to share for lunch.

Listed below is a wish list from the Women’s Shelter. If you wish,

you can bring one of these items to the June meeting.



We will have our family picnic on Sunday June 14, 2009 after the 10:30 am worship service. It would be nice to have everyone attend. Devotions will be led by Joann McCartney. Bring a dish to share and your place setting.

Items for the Women’s Shelter will be collected. (see wish list below)

If needed, we will work on favors for the district fall meeting.



The Butler District UMW is promoting the conference priority goal “to reduce waste, conserve energy and water, and promote sustainable purchasing practices”.

One suggestion is to use fewer plastic grocery bags by using the eco-friendly bags that most stores have for sale near the check out. These are also easier to carry.

The second suggestion is the following all purpose cleaner.

2 cups white distilled vinegar 2 cups water 20-30 drops of essential oil (optional)

Can be used on hard surfaces like countertops and kitchen floors, windows and mirrors.

Tip: Microwave in a glass container until warm for tough cleaning jobs.


women’s shelter wish list

New women’s needs: bath & body gift sets, black hair products, pocket calendars, slipper socks, nightshirts (one size fits all), sweat suits (all sizes), gift cards (Wal-mart & K-mart), journals, shampoo, conditioner, manicure sets, umbrellas, pre-paid phone cards, sewing kits, nail polish, polish remover, socks.

New shelter needs: all paper products, cleaning supplies, rag mops, silverware, cooking utensils, pots & pans, bakeware, storage containers, pillows, towels/washcloths, small appliances, batteries, notebooks, pens and pencils.

Food items: coffee & tea, cream & sugar, butter/margarine, prepared sauces, snack foods, drink mixes, cereal, jelly, canned spaghetti, boxed dinners, frozen waffles, frozen pancakes, breakfast meats, all meats, monetary donations for the food are always appreciated.

Freedom and Faith!

We are blessed to be citizens of the “land of the free”. As Jesus Followers in the United Methodist Church, the freedom we have enjoyed has allowed us to create a rich heritage of being a mighty movement of God. During the frontier days Methodist Christians swept across the “amber waves of grain” and “the purple mountain majesties” and with 34,517 congregations and 7, 989,875, lay members we truly are a church that is “from sea to shining sea”. (We are also global church with a world-wide membership of about twelve million.) Built into our DNA as a United Methodist Church, is our connection to the other 34,516 congregations in the U.S. The biggest benefit of being connected is that we are able to partner with the other United Methodists across the country and do ministry in ways and places we could never do alone. I am grateful to be one of 44,220 clergypersons in the UMC.

As part of the connection, we support ministries and structures that allow ministry to happen beyond our local community. This is done through the “Mission Share”. Our Mission Share for 2009 is $20, 259.00. With God’s help we will meet this amount and be a part of what God is blessing through the United Methodist Church here and around the world.

Did you know that Mission Share dollars

➢ Help pay the cost for our United Methodist colleges and universities, with the hope that our students will become better educated and perhaps become faithful pastors and leaders within our churches.

➢ Help to afford care and support for children with AIDS, and to speak out against violence in the Middle East that is creating a new generation of orphans.

➢ Help pay for teachers, pastors, and missionaries around the world—in Russia, Korea, and Africa, to name a few. The United Methodist Church is the only Protestant denomination allowed to maintain a permanent presence in Russia. The General Board of Discipleship’s Upper Room division hosted the first ever Emmaus Walk in Russia in 2008.

➢ Support Africa and Korea which are the fastest growing Christian communities in the world and the United Methodist Church has an active and visible presence in both of those locations. KumNon Methodist Church in South Korea is the largest Methodist congregation in the world with 112,000 members. This effort began thirteen short years ago, funded by World Service.

➢ To the World Methodist Council have made it possible for Wesleyan churches to be established in 132 countries.

Did you know that

➢ United Methodists gave $20.8 million to support victims of the 9/11 attacks. To date, 99% of the funds collected have been distributed with no administrative fees.

➢ The funds raised for Hurricane Katrina relief have aided 120,000 families. The 2004 tsunami relief effort was the largest ever by the United Methodist Church.

➢ When Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, FEMA realized that they were not prepared to deal with the on going process. They asked (first time in history) UMCOR to take over operations within Alabama because the United Methodist Church was the only denomination with the structure and resources to take on the task.

We are so blessed in this great nation! In all of human history there has never been a nation like the USA. Because of our freedom we are blessed to be able to openly and freely worship God! Most of all we are blessed to be free to pursue our God given purposes. We are blessed to belong to a Church that is connected and able to do so much for Christ in a world that so desperately needs good news! This summer, as you celebrate Independence Day, keep in mind these words from the Apostle Paul, “For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm...”---Galatians 5:1

Baden United Methodist Church

Vacation Bible School

June 22nd, 6:00 P.M. - June 28th 8:45 P.M.

Registration Form

(Please complete a separate form for each child)

Name______________________________________________ age _________________

Street address ________________________________________________________

City _____________________________________ State __________ zip ____________

Date of birth __________________ Age _______________

Last grade completed ___________________________

Mother’s name ________________________________________

Phone (____) _____________ Cell phone (____) ___________

Email address _______________________________________

Father’s name ________________________________________

Phone (____)____________ cell phone (_____)____________

Email address _______________________________________

Emergency contact person _____________________________________________

Relationship to child ______________________phone ____________________

Allergies or other medical conditions _______________________________


Dismissal Information

Name(s) of person(s) who may pick up this child from VBS

Home church __________________________________________________________

[pic]HELP NEEDED: We are looking for hard working volunteers to help with the VBS Closing / Church Picnic. We need grill chefs to cook the hot dogs and hamburgers, as well as helping hands to work in the kitchen and with cleanup. Please contact Dege Smith at 724-869-5832 if you would like to help.

Baden United Methodist Church

Golf Outing

Black Hawk Golf Course

Saturday July 11, 2009

First Tee Time: 1:30pm

Cost: $60.00

(includes 18 holes of golf and cart)

Reception to follow

Door prizes!




To sign up call the church office at 724-869-2720

or Bill Alberts 724-869-2213

All proceeds will go toward Mission Share


The Gleam

Baden United Methodist Church

Monthly Newsletter

(724) 869-2720

badenumc@ (Office)

revedbailey@ (Pastor)

Ronda F. Curcio, Editor

Monthly Volunteers

Shirley Bruce, Nancy Dominick,

Carol Harmotto, Joyce Ickley

September Issue Deadline – Aug. 17

Assembly Day – Aug. 26

Baden Church is a caring congregation dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the community through its joyful expression of love, fellowship and service.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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