
St. John’s HELPER

St. John’s United Church of Christ

1513 West Street

Rosenberg, Texas 77471

Church Office: 281-342-5159 fax: 832-759-5548 Church Email: stjohns_ucc@

Church Website:

Rev. Daniel Haas, Minister Cell phone #801-368-1180

December 7, 2016 Rev. Donald Kolkmeier, Pastor Emeritus

No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at St. John’s United Church of Christ

“Call to General Synod 31-Join Us in Baltimore!”

Written by John C. Dorhauer

General Minister and President

As always, Synod promises to be an inspiring and engaging event. Our keynote speakers include Aaron Mair, environmentalist and the first African American president of the Sierra Club, and Glennon Doyle Melton, activist, philanthropist, and author of the best-selling Carry On, Warrior and Love Warrior.

Preachers in worship include Amy Butler, Sr. Minister at The Riverside Church in New York; David Vasquez-Levy, President of the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley; Kimberly Kendrick, Sr. Co-Pastor at Church of the Living Water in Philadelphia; and myself.

Consistent with our theme, “Make Glad!” – we intend to make the experience one that infuses participants with joy. We will celebrate what it is that makes the United Church of Christ one of this nation’s most consistent agents for social transformation. We will seek to articulate a vision and a hope for a future in partnership with God’s Holy Spirit, a future that engages us in a mission that matters.

We will celebrate in song, dance, art, and worship what it is that our Creator shares with us each day that comes as a blessing.

We will celebrate the rich diversity of thought, mind, body and spirit that is made evident when we come together in one place.

This will be our first opportunity to gather at Synod with a new Purpose, Mission, and Vision statement. In a spirit of true discipleship and discernment, we will explore together what commitments to love God and neighbor, to welcome all, and to build a just world for all looks like and requires of us.

We are a people who share core values of extravagant welcome, of continuing testament, and of changing lives. My hope and prayer is that all who join us in Baltimore will:

• feel that extravagant welcome;

• open their hearts and minds to hear the new word God is speaking to this people, in this place, at this time;

• discover who it is that we are called to serve and how it is we can partner with them to change lives and change the world.

Bring a spirit of love, of compassion, of openness, and of hope with you. I look forward to seeing you in Baltimore. Until then, let the light of the living Christ shine in and through you, and be known to all whom you meet along the way.

See you in Baltimore,

John C. Dorhauer

General Minister and President

Offering for December 4, 2016

Unrestricted Income

General Fund ……………………. $2,907.00

General Fund income is used to pay our congregation’s operating expenses. We must receive $3,130 each week in unrestricted giving to sustain our annual budget of $162,738

Month to Date for unrestricted: $2,907.00

Restricted Income-December 4, 2016

Benevolence …………………….. 155.00

Copier…………………………….. 157.00

Restricted Income is money given for a specific purpose. It is never used to pay our church operating expenses.

Offering for December 4 $3,219.00

Attendance for December 4, 2016

Church Attendance 89

Sunday School 8


Requesting Prayer for Themselves:

Denver McFarland

Requesting Prayers for Others

Gary Ashley by Melba Ashley

Diana Barnett by Karen Sikes

Bobbie Jo Behrens by Karen Sikes

Eve Behrens by Karen Sikes

Milton Eastwood by Gloria Himly

Nathan Gaskamp by Florence Gaskamp

Nelda Gutowsky by Florence Gaskamp

Gary Harbes by Melba Ashley

Stan Kubelka by Kathy Kubelka

David Kveton by Alice Prosise

Emma Lee Marek by her family

Ginger Pawlek by Gloria Himly

Wolfgang Schmidt by Angelika Schmidt

Kara Schmith by Michelle Gutowsky

Sara Schoditsch by June Weiss

Rebecca Schulte by Gloria Himly

Darlean Swallers by Diana Beck

Sarah Weimer by Petra Weimer

Robert Wilbeck by Shirley Niemeyer

Preparing for Sunday, Dec. 11

Isaiah 35:1-10

Matthew 11:2-11

Sermon: “Be Glad”

Adult Sunday School

The Adult Sunday School class meets at 9:00 a.m. and typically ends around 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings in the Disciples Classroom. All are invited and welcomed to attend and share in various topics. Lessons are led by Leo Niemeyer and this week’s topic will be “What is Christmastide?”

Congregational Meetings

Please mark Sunday, December 18th on your calendar for the annual Congregational Budget Meeting that will occur during the morning worship service. The annual Congregational Meeting will be Sunday, January 22 when election and installation of new church positions will take place.

New Copier Installed

Our new Kyocera copier has been installed and has been completely paid for by your generous donations ($5,200). Thank you for your continued support. This machine is much faster than our previous model and hopefully takes care of our need for many years to come.

Choir Christmas Cantata

The church choir will present their Christmas Cantata on Sunday, December 18th during the morning worship service. Please make plans to join this special service of music.

Christmas Eve

Our Christmas Eve candle light service will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 24th and Holy Communion will be observed. Please bring family and friends with you.

Progressive Dinners

There’s still time to sign-up to attend the progressive dinner on Tuesday, December 13th which will start at the home of Michelle and Paul Gutowsky (for appetizers and entrée) with JoAnn Meyer assisting and will follow to the home of Rev. Mirjam & Daniel Haas for dessert. There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex or you can call the church office to RSVP.

Mature Adults

The Mature Adults will meet on Tuesday, December 20th at 1:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall for an afternoon of fellowship, refreshments and games. Please invite a friend and come spend a joyous afternoon at St. John’s. For more information please contact Alice Prosise.

Daily Devotionals

The These Days-Daily Devotions for Living by Faith for January-March is now available for pick up in the Narthex. There is no charge for these booklets as they are being provided by the Women’s Guild to anyone looking for a daily devotional guide.

Women’s Guild Christmas Brunch

The Women’s Guild will hold a Christmas Brunch and short meeting on Tuesday, December 13th at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Kathy & Stan Kubelka. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. Please RSVP your attendance by calling the church office.

Church Office Closed

Please note that the church office will be closed on Monday, December 26th in observance of Christmas.

Offering Envelopes

The 2017 boxed sets of offering envelopes will be available in the Narthex beginning Sunday, December 18th.

2017 Altar Flowers

The 2017 Altar Flowers sign-up sheet will be available starting this Sunday in the Narthex. A copy of the 2016 chart will be available for you to review and if you wish to maintain the same date as before just place a check mark over that date along with your initials and should you wish to give up a date just place an “X” over that date and initial alongside. Those spots will then become available for others to then use.

Santa is Coming to St. John’s

SEE SANTA ON SATURDAY, December 10, between 9 am and 12 noon. Children from Travis Elementary School and Bowie Elementary School are invited to St. John’s for a morning of Christmas crafts, games, and music. Women in the Guild are planning special activities. Bring your children, grandchildren, and neighbors. Everyone can enjoy the party! JoAnn and Don Meyer have spoken to Santa and he is coming to St. John's! Come and SEE SANTA ON SATURDAY, December 10! Please RSVP to the church office (281-342-5159).

Christmas Fund for VOC

“For 115 years, the Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund has been a tangible expression of God’s love. One of the four Special Mission Offerings of the UCC, the Christmas Fund provides UCC congregations and members as opportunity to reach out in loving compassion, providing assistance to those who have so faithfully served our church and who now find themselves facing unexpected financial needs” explains the Board of Pensions. Our special offering will be on Sunday, December 18th and special envelopes will be included in your bulletin.


For Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lay Reader: Michelle Gutowsky

Flowers for Altar: Nina Cooper

Greeters & Ushers for December

Tom Gaskamp & Sandra Croft

Lay Readers for December

Tom Gaskamp, Michelle Gutowsky,

Nina Cooper

Altar Flowers for December

Enax & Beck family, 12/4

Nina Cooper, 12/11

Women’s Guild, 12/18 & 12/24

December 11, 2016

Adult Sunday School, 9:00 a.m.

Rev. Daniel Haas will deliver the

morning message entitled, “Be Glad”

Looking Ahead

Adult Sunday School-9:00-9:30 a.m.

Bible Study-2nd and 4th Tuesday

Confirmation Class-2nd & 4th Sunday

Choir Rehearsals, Wednesday @ 7pm

Confirmation Class, 12/11

Women’s Guild Christmas Brunch, 12/13

Progressive Dinner, 12/13

Choir Cantata, 12/18

Congregational Budget Meeting, 12/18

Special VOC offering, 12/18

Boy Scout Christmas Party, 12/18

[pic] Thought for the week:

“There is always, always, always, something to be grateful for….”

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Link to Kroger’s Community Rewards website:

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