Canada Life UK: Investing, International, Retirement ...

4566285-60960000LF CANLIFE Portfolio Funds:Paragraphs for suitability letterInvestment solutions for today’s marketsIn a fast-moving world, choosing the right mix of investments has never been more challenging. Volatile, uncertain markets and tough economic conditions make it difficult to decide how to position a portfolio over the long term.Different asset classes – such as equities, bonds and property – move in and out of favour. It is not easy to decide when to switch from one to another. A blend of assets is usually the best long-term solution for investors, providing more consistent returns with lower volatility. The key is to determine the right mix for you.The first step in this process is to define your tolerance for loss and to propose an investment solution that suits your profile and objectives. Be aware, however, that even a diversified portfolio can fall in value.Importance of risk profilingRisk profiling can be the basis of a sound investment plan, helping an investor determine the right balance of risk and reward. Canada Life Asset Management has partnered with Dynamic Planner, a firm specialising in investment risk profiling. A market leader in this field, Dynamic Planner has devised a series of questions to determine how an individual feels about investment risk.Your risk profile and current situationYou have undertaken this process, and your risk profile was deemed to be [Insert profile and description].[Add client’s circumstances and objectives].We have discussed using the LF Canlife Portfolio Funds to help you achieve your financial objectives. Managed by Canada Life Asset Management, these funds are designed to meet specific risk profiles.LF Canlife Portfolio FundsThe LF Canlife Portfolio Funds invest in a range of assets, helping you diversify your exposure across different types of investments. Asset allocations are kept within predetermined limits, ensuring the funds do not deviate from the agreed risk profile.There are five funds, numbered III through VII, each offering a different risk level. The higher the number, the higher the risk. If your attitude towards risk or your circumstances change, you can simply switch to another LF Canlife Portfolio Fund that offers a different risk profile. Generally, as the risk rises so does the potential return, but also the likelihood of volatility (price change), while the lower the risk, the lower the potential return and volatility. The LF Canlife Portfolio Funds invest in other funds that are mainly managed by Canada Life Asset Management.The value of LF Canlife Portfolio Funds can fall as well as rise. Even the lowest risk fund can still fall in value.LF Canlife Portfolio [X] FundWe have selected the fund that is right for you, namely LF Canlife Portfolio [X]. [Insert relevant fund description from options below].FUND DESCRIPTIONSLF Canlife Portfolio III FundLF Canlife Portfolio III Fund invests about 69% in fixed income securities and cash but also includes UK and international shares and property. This is achieved through investment mainly in funds managed by Canada Life Asset Management. Funds managed by other investment managers may also be used.LF Canlife Portfolio IV FundLF Canlife Portfolio IV Fund invests about half of its assets in fixed income securities and cash with the remainder in UK and international shares and property. This is mainly achieved through investment in funds managed by Canada Life Asset Management. Funds managed by other investment managers may also be used.LF Canlife Portfolio V FundLF Canlife Portfolio V Fund invests about two thirds in UK and international shares and property with a little more than a third in fixed income securities and cash. This is achieved through investment mainly in funds managed by Canada Life Asset Management. Funds managed by other investment managers may also be used.LF Canlife Portfolio VI FundLF Canlife Portfolio VI Fund invests about 75% in UK and international shares with the remainder in fixed income securities, cash and property. This is achieved through investment mainly in funds managed by Canada Life Asset Management. Funds managed by other investment managers may also be used.LF Canlife Portfolio VII FundLF Canlife Portfolio VII Fund invests almost 90% in shares, with a substantial proportion of this invested overseas. The remainder is allocated to global bonds and property. This is achieved through investment mainly in funds managed by Canada Life Asset Management. Funds managed by other investment managers may also be used.Importance of active management by Canada Life Asset ManagementDynamic Planner produces long-term model portfolios with asset allocations for each LF Canlife Portfolio Fund. This is called the neutral allocation and offers a clearly defined risk and return profile. Every quarter Dynamic Planner reviews its model portfolios in view of market movements and makes asset allocation changes when appropriate. The LF Canlife Portfolio Funds are aligned to Dynamic Planner’s risk profiles 3 to 7 and aim to maintain that position regardless of rising and falling markets. The funds are reviewed daily and rebalanced if required, to ensure they adhere to individual risk profile aims and allocations on an ongoing basis. The underlying holding of the Portfolio Funds are mainly active funds that are managed by Canada Life Asset Management. The portfolio managers are experienced in managing assets through varying market conditions. Where there is no appropriate fund managed by Canada Life Asset Management, or the managers want to diversify the exposure to a particular asset class or region, then external passive vehicles such as ETFs or tracker funds may be used. UK commercial property exposure is gained mainly through investment in the LF Canlife UK Property ACS Fund – Canada Life Asset Management’ an internally managed regulated fund which invests in bricks and mortar.LF Canlife Portfolio [X]: Investments[Insert relevant fund target asset allocations as at October 2022 from below.]FUND INVESTMENTSLF Canlife Portfolio III Fund: InvestmentsLF Canlife Portfolio III had the following target fund allocations as at October 2022.Percent of FundFixed Income Total50LF Canlife UK Government BondiShares Core ETF GBP10LF Canlife Corporate Bond LF Canlife Short Duration Corporate Bond Fund15iShares Index-Linked Gilt Index Fund8LF Canlife Global Macro Bond iShares Core Global17Equities Total26LF Canlife UK EquityLF Canlife UK Equity Income12LF Canlife North AmericanISHARES S&P US BANKS UCIT9iShares Japan Equity Index Fund5Property Total5LF Canlife UK Property ACS iShares Developed Markets Property Yield ETF5Cash Total19LF Canlife Sterling Liquidity19GRAND TOTAL100LF Canlife Portfolio IV Fund: InvestmentsLF Canlife Portfolio IV had the following target fund allocations as at October 2022.Percent of FundFixed Income Total37LF Canlife UK Government BondiShares Core ETF GBP5LF Canlife Corporate Bond LF Canlife Short Duration Corporate Bond14iShares Index Linked Gilt Index Fund8LF Canlife Global Macro BondiShares Core Global10Equities Total44LF Canlife UK Equity LF Canlife UK Equity Income16iShares Continental Euro Equity Index FundiShares STOXX EUR 600 Ind5LF Canlife North American ISHARES S&P US BANKS UCIT14iShares Japan Equity Index Fund5LF Canlife Asia Pacific4Property Total5LF Canlife UK Property ACS and iShares Developed Markets Property Yield ETF5Cash Total14LF Canlife Sterling Liquidity14GRAND TOTAL100LF Canlife Portfolio V Fund: InvestmentsLF Canlife Portfolio V had the following target fund allocations as at October 2022.Percent of FundFixed Income Total21LF Canlife Corporate Bond and LF Canlife Short Duration Corporate Bond9LF Canlife UK Government BondiShares Core ETF GBP3iShares Index Linked Gilt Index Fund4LF Canlife Global Macro BondiShares Core Global5Equities Total62LF Canlife UK Equity and LF Canlife UK Equity Income23iShares Continental Euro Equity Index FundiShares STOXX EUR 600 Ind5LF Canlife North AmericanISHARES S&P US BANKS UCIT21iShares Japan Equity Index Fund5LF Canlife Asia Pacific4iShares Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund4Property Total5LF Canlife UK Property ACS and iShares Developed Markets Property Yield ETF5Cash Total12LF Canlife Sterling Liquidity 12GRAND TOTAL100LF Canlife Portfolio VI Fund: InvestmentsLF Canlife Portfolio VI had the following target fund allocations as at October 2022.Percent of FundFixed Income Total12LF Canlife Corporate Bond and LF Canlife Short Duration Corporate Bond8LF Canlife Global Macro BondiShares Core Global4Equities Total75LF Canlife UK Equity and LF Canlife UK Equity Income23iShares Continental Euro Equity Index FundiShares STOXX EUR 600 Ind5LF Canlife North American ISHARES S&P US BANKS UCIT22iShares Japan Equity Index Fund5LF Canlife Asia Pacific10iShares Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund10Property Total5LF Canlife UK Property ACS and iShares Developed Markets Property Yield ETF5Cash Total8LF Canlife Sterling Liquidity8GRAND TOTAL100LF Canlife Portfolio VII Fund: InvestmentsLF Canlife Portfolio VII had the following target fund allocations as at October 2022.Percent of FundFixed Income Total4iShares Global HY CORP-DI4Equities Total89LF Canlife UK Equity and LF Canlife UK Equity Income34iShares Continental Euro Equity Index FundiShares STOXX EUR 600 Ind6LF Canlife North American 20iShares Japan Equity Index Fund6LF Canlife Asia Pacific10iShares Emerging Markets Equity Index Fund13Property Total5LF Canlife UK Property ACS and iShares Developed Markets Property Yield ETF5Cash Total2LF Canlife Sterling Liquidity2GRAND TOTAL100Daily rebalancingMarket movements may affect the proportion of a fund that is allocated to different asset classes. The funds are therefore reviewed daily and rebalanced if required, to maintain the target allocations. Lower costsBy investing mainly in in-house funds, Canada Life Asset Management is able to maintain low costs across their suite of LF Canlife Portfolio Funds.Canada Life Asset ManagementCanada Life Asset Management is a UK-based asset manager responsible for managing more than ?38.2bn of equities, fixed income and property1. It has been active in the UK for more than 100 years, having first established its life insurance business here in 1903. As an asset manager, Canada Life Asset Management focuses on the long term and believes that active management is the best way to add value for clients and generate superior returns. Its parent company, Great-West LifeCo, is one of Canada’s largest financial companies with over ?1,505bn in consolidated assets under administration2. By being part of a much larger group, it is able to draw on a pool of expertise and resources that enable it to better serve its clients and help them to meet their objectives.1 As at 30/06/222 As at 30/06/22Warnings: Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount invested. Income from investments may fluctuate. Currency fluctuations can also affect performance This document is issued for information only by Canada Life Asset Management. This document is intended to be used as a sales aid and does not constitute a direct offer to anyone, or a solicitation by anyone, to subscribe for shares or buy units in fund(s). Subscription for shares and buying units in the fund(s) must only be made on the basis of the latest Prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) available at The funds may invest in property funds that may be illiquid and subject to wide price spreads, both of which can impact the value of the fund. The value of the property is based on the opinion of a valuer and is therefore subjective.For full details of the Fund's risks, please see the latest prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) available at No guarantee, warranty or representation (express or implied) is given as to the document’s accuracy or completeness. The information contained in this document is provided for use by investment professionals and is not for onward distribution to, or to be relied upon by, retail investors. Canada Life Asset Management is the brand for investment management activities undertaken by Canada Life Asset Management Limited, Canada Life Limited and Canada Life European Real Estate Limited. Canada Life Asset Management Limited (no. 03846821), Canada Life Limited (no.00973271) and Canada Life European Real Estate Limited (no. 03846823) are all registered in England and the registered office for all three entities is Canada Life Place, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 5BA. Canada Life Asset Management is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Canada Life Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.CLI02164 31/10/2023 ................

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