Indiana State University

ENG 241: American Literature Survey II Preparation for Examination #1

Your first hour examination, as explained in our syllabus and policy statement distributed on day one and available at our course website, consists of both short answer and essay questions. The examination is worth 200 points, or 20% of the course grade. An explanation of the examination's format follows.

For the matching portion of the examination, you will place the letter of the alphabet corresponding to the correct story or novella title in the blank preceding the item. Since we read only eight short stories and one novella [Daisy Miller], and excerpts from one novel [Sister Carrie], all titles will appear as the correct answer to more than one question. The author biographies, essays, and other supporting materials will not be covered in this portion of the examination. Of course, I will not include character names in any of the story quotations, for that information would give each answer away. Here are the matching key that will be distributed at the examination and a few sample questions:

Section I: 25 Matching [2 points each = 50 points].

Place the letter of the alphabet corresponding to the correct story title in the blank preceding each item. Please print in capital letters when you supply your answers to avoid the confusion that sometimes results from presentation of lower case cursive handwriting. The stories are presented in alphabetical order and assigned a letter of the alphabet below.

|A |"At the Cadian Ball" by Kate Chopin |

|B |"The Blue Hotel" by Stephen Crane |

|C |Daisy Miller by Henry James |

|D |"Editha" by W.D. Howells |

|E |"The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" by Mark Twain |

|F |"The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane |

|G |"The Other Two" by Edith Wharton |

|H |Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser |

|I |"The Storm" by Kate Chopin |

|J |"A White Heron" by Sarah Orne Jewett |

Here are two sample questions; use the key to select the correct answers:

1. _____The tree[....]must truly have been amazed that morning through all its ponderous frame as it felt this determined spark of human spirit winding its way from higher branch to higher branch.

2. _____Her firm, elastic flesh that was knowing for the first time its birthright, was like a creamy lily that the sun invites to contribute its breath and perfume to the undying life of the world.

Section II: Two Short Essays [75 points each = 150 Points].

As I explained in class on Friday, the questions appear below exactly as they will appear on the examination, and you will be able to consult your textbook while writing your responses. Consider your options below, select the two questions to which you will reply, and prepare your responses before you come to class on Wednesday. You may bring two 4 X 6 index cards [one for each answer] containing your thesis statement and a list of the details from the stories and essays that you intend to use for supporting evidence. You may use both sides of the cards.

Short Essay #1. Define realism by writing a discussion of ONE of the following stories, being sure to use specific details from the story as well as supporting quotes and ideas from class lectures, handouts, and the short essays on realism in our textbook. The relevant essays, of course, are From "Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading: An Impersonal Explanation" by W.D. Howells [1747-50] and From "The Art of Fiction" by Henry James [1750-52].

A. Daisy Miller

B. "Editha"

C. "The Other Two"

Short Essay #2. Define naturalism by writing a discussion of ONE of the following stories, being sure to use specific details from the story as well as supporting quotes and ideas from class lectures, handouts, and the short essays on naturalism in our textbook. The relevant essays, of course, are "True Art Speaks Plainly" by Theodore Dreiser [1756-58] and "A Plea for Romantic Fiction" by Frank Norris [1752-56].

A. Chapters I and III of Sister Carrie

B. "The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane

C. "The Blue Hotel" by Stephen Crane

D. "The Storm" by Kate Chopin


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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