Rush Strong School

| Maury Middle School Lesson Plan Punctuating Direct Quotes |

|Teacher: Becky McGaha |

|Grade/Subject: Seventh Grade Language Arts |

| Unit: Punctuation |

|Lesson Title: Punctuating Direct Quotes with Knock Knock Jokes |

|STATE STANDARD(S) |Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, Standards, and/or State Competencies |

| |(SPIs, GLEs). |

| |

|SPI 701.1.15 Choose the correct use of quotation marks and commas (i.e., in direct quotations, with explanatory material within the quotes, proper use with end |

|marks). |

|LESSON OBJECTIVE |Clear, Specific, and Measurable – NOT ACTIVITIES |

| |Student-Friendly: "The student will…" |

| |Explicitly Stated for Students |

| |

|Students will create a dialogue using knock knock jokes and correctly use quotation marks and commas within the direct quotes. |

|ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION |Measures Student Mastery In More Than Two Ways |

| |Aligned with the Lesson Objective |

| |Includes Measurable Formative and Summative Assessments |

| |Requires Written Task |

|Students will correctly reproduce their knock knock jokes into a dialogue format using direct quote verbage and quotation marks, and write these correctly on the |

|card stock paper. |

|Students will then punctuate their knock knock joke dialogue reproductions by clueing elbow macaroni in the correct grammatical location for the commas and |

|quotation marks. |

|Formative Assessment Slips will be filled out by each student during this activity so that I can check for mastery. Reteaching and individual accommodations will |

|be made based on student answers. If time doesn’t allow for individual student accommodations during this lesson, the assessment slip information will be used to |

|plan additional practice in future instruction. |

|Students will be assessed based on their understanding and interpretations of today’s objectives. Formative Assessment Slips will be used during today’s lesson and|

|will guide future instructional planning. Formative Assessment Slip example: |

|NAME:_______________________________ |

|I understand completely how to punctuate quotes. |

|2 - I somewhat understand how to punctuate quotes. |

|3 - I do not understand how to punctuate quotes. |

|Summative assessment will take place at the end of the punctuation unit. The summative assessment will include multiple choice questions, essay questions, and |

|short answer questions. Students’ work will be checked for mastery using correct punctuation. The results of the summative assessment will determine future |

|planning instruction to reteach and do independent practice using correct punctuation. A nine week’s exam will also be given at the end of the second nine week |

|grading period and these results will also guide future planning preparations to assure student mastery of the content standards. |

|MATERIALS |Aligned with the Lesson Objective |

| |Rigorous & Relevant |

| |

|Promethean Board and Projector |

|Flip Chart – “Punctuation, Does it Matter?” |

|Correctly Punctuated Direct Quotes using Knock Knock Jokes (Copy Attached) |

|Knock Knock Jokes (Example Copy Attached) |

|Card Stock Paper |

|Glue Stick |

|Pencil |

|Elbow Macaroni (uncooked) |

|Formative Assessment Slips |


| |Essential Higher Order Question(s) |

| |Activates Prior Knowledge |

| |Real-World Connections |

|Higher Order Thinking Prompts/Questions |

|What do the use of quotation marks represent? (Analyzing and Evaluating) |

|How do we know where to put the quotation marks? (Applying and Understanding) |

|When punctuating direct quotes with quotation marks, what other punctuation marks are used? (Remembering) |

|Does the end mark (period, question mark, or exclamation mark) go before or after the end quotation marks? (Understanding and Remembering) |

|Prior Knowledge: |

|Students will rely on prior basic knowledge from their elementary school years to correctly punctuate the contraction “who’s” and to begin each sentence with a |

|capital letter. Based also on prior knowledge, students will correctly use the appropriate end mark. More complex prior knowledge will help students remember how |

|to punctuate the end of declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative sentences. Prior knowledge of today’s more complex earlier subobjective lessons (Daily Oral |

|Language and Skills Check) will be used to help relate to students’ lives and other curricular disciplines, we will view a flip chart entitled, “Punctuation, Does |

|it Matter?” This flip chart shows an example of one particular letter with punctuation and without punctuation, and how the meaning of the letter is totally |

|misunderstood due to lack of punctuation. I will relate how the love letter becomes a break-up letter due to no punctuation, and how misunderstandings between |

|loved ones and friends could arise due to misreading or misunderstanding due to no punctuation. I will relate how important punctuation is in a science |

|experiment, for example, and how dangerous a misunderstanding could possibly be. |

|Real-World Connection: |

|To relate to students’ lives and other curricular disciplines, we will view a flip chart entitled, “The Importance of Punctuation”. This flip chart shows an |

|example of one particular letter with punctuation and without punctuation, and how the meaning of the letter is totally misunderstood due to lack of punctuation. I|

|will relate how the love letter becomes a break-up letter due to no punctuation, and how misunderstandings between loved ones and friends could arise due to |

|misreading or misunderstanding due to no punctuation. I will relate how important punctuation is in a science experiment, for example, and how dangerous a |

|misunderstanding could possibly be. |

|INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN |Step-by-Step Procedures and Times |

| |Modeling Strategy – “I Do” |

| |Planned Questioning (Knowledge/Comprehension, Application/Analysis, Creation/Evaluation) |

| |Multiple Thinking and Problem Solving Strategies |

| |Grouping Strategies |

| |Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Provide Intervention & Extension |

|Class time Required: Approximately 50 minutes |

|Procedures: |

|To relate to students’ lives and other curricular disciplines, we will view a flip chart entitled, “Punctuation, Does it Matter?” This flip chart shows an example |

|of one particular letter with punctuation and without punctuation, and how the meaning of the letter is totally misunderstood due to lack of punctuation. I will |

|relate how important punctuation is in a science experiment, for example, and how dangerous a misunderstanding could possibly be. |

|The correctly punctuated dialogue using direct quotes with knock knock jokes will be taught, explained, viewed, and discussed. |

|With partners, students will pick two knock knock jokes to correctly punctuate. |

|Students will get card stock paper, a glue stick, and a handful of elbow macaroni. |

|Accommodations for Individual Students: |

|Accommodations will be made for students by peer tutoring in the high/low group pairing and with individual assistance from me. I will frequently monitor student |

|work and will check for understanding. I will use the formative assessment understanding slips as an indicator to assist individuals. I will reteach and reword |

|the lesson as necessary. I will display correctly punctuated direct quotes using knock knock jokes on the Promethean Board. |

|Grouping: |

|High-Low Pairing in Groups of 2 or 3 |

| |

|Higher Order Thinking Prompts/Questions |

|What do the use of quotation marks represent? (Analyzing and Evaluating) |

|How do we know where to put the quotation marks? (Applying and Understanding) |

|When punctuating direct quotes with quotation marks, what other punctuation marks are used? (Remembering) |

|Does the end mark (period, question mark, or exclamation mark) go before or after the end quotation marks? (Understanding and Remembering) |

| |


| |Student Work Encourages Higher Order Thinking & Problem Solving |

| |Relevance to Students' Lives |

| |Differentiated Strategies for Practice to Provide Intervention & Extension |

| |

|Students will correctly reproduce their knock knock jokes into a dialogue format using direct quote verbage and write these correctly on the car d stock paper. |

|Students will then analyze their dialogue examples and evaluate their quotes for correct placement of commas, end marks, and quotation marks. |

|Students will view correctly punctuated direct quotes with two knock knock joke examples. These will be displayed on the Promethean Board. |

|Students will then punctuate their knock knock joke dialogue reproductions by clueing elbow macaroni in the correct grammatical location for the commas and |

|quotation marks. |

|I will relate this activity to students’ lives by explaining how a love letter could become a break-up letter due to no punctuation, and how misunderstandings |

|between loved ones and friends could arise due to misreading or misunderstanding when punctuation is lacking or misplaced. |

|Accommodations will be made for students by peer tutoring in the high/low group pairing and with individual assistance from me. |

|CLOSURE |Reflection/Wrap-Up |

| |Summarizing, Reflecting, Restating, Connecting |

| |Provides for Student Engagement |

| |

| |

|When all students have finished punctuating their jokes, all peer group members will analyze each others’ dialogue sentences before turning the assignment in. |

| |

|Students will share their individual knock knock jokes with the class and restate why they punctuated the quotes as they did with correct comma and quotation mark |

|placement. |

| |


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