Unit 3: Comprehension - Cengage

Unit 3: Comprehension

Short-answer questions

Specific instructions to students ? This is an exercise to help you understand what you read. ? Read the following activity, then answer the questions that follow.

Comprehension Task 1

Read the following passage and answer the questions in sentence form.

Tanya, the manager of the beauty salon, knew that Friday would be a busy day as they were fully booked. She arrived at 7.45 a.m. to prepare for the clients that were booked in. One of her staff had called in sick, leaving four staff to work in the salon. Unfortunately, the member of staff that she could call upon, in case of staff shortages, was also sick so there would only be four staff to work. The day was going to be hectic! Phillipa arrived soon after Tanya and immediately began by setting up the cubicles and placing out the towels and equipment. Once she had finished setting up, the first clients entered the salon. Carly and Tate, who were also staff members, arrived and Tanya was grateful that all of her staff members were now present. The first client that Carly had required a half leg wax and the following three clients that she had wanted piercings. Rhiannon and Charlotte entered the salon for their 9.45 a.m. appointment and both were looking forward to the manicure and pedicure that they had booked. Tate looked after both of them by getting them a cup of coffee and talking with them about how their holidays had been. Building a rapport with clients and looking after clients were main priorities for the salon. Tanya felt that if the clients were happy, then the business would mostly look after itself.

QUESTION 1 Why did Tanya know that the day was going to be a busy one? Answer: The salon was fully booked.

QUESTION 2 Why was the salon short-staffed and how many staff members were available? Answer: One staff member had called in sick and the relief staff was also sick, leaving only four staff members for the day.

Unit 3: Comprehension 7

QUESTION 3 What treatment did Carly carry out first? Answer: A half leg wax on the first client. QUESTION 4 What treatments did Charlotte and Rhiannon look forward to having? Answer: Charlotte and Rhiannon looked forward to having a manicure and a pedicure. QUESTION 5 What was one of the main priorities for Tanya in looking after her business? Answer: Building a rapport, looking after clients and customer service were a priority for Tanya.

8 Maths & English for Beauty Therapy

Comprehension Task 2

Read the following passage and answer the questions in sentence form.

Jess was an apprentice beauty therapist and fairly new to her role. She liked to get into work early at 8.30 a.m., and this morning was no exception, even thought the first client was not booked in until the salon opened at 9.00 a.m.

Her manager, Hana, had left her a list of jobs that needed to be done, but she was not sure whether any of the jobs required immediate attention or if they were of equal importance. Hana liked her to keep occupied while she was not busy helping out other colleagues in the salon. She checked with her manager to find out which jobs needed doing first, then prioritized the jobs and ticked them off as she carried them out. Hana was busy for most of the day interviewing for a new therapist to join the team.

While Jess was carrying out these jobs, she was asked by her colleagues to carry out various tasks to help out. Helen, the nail technician, asked her to prepare her client for nail services. Jess welcomed Helen's clients as they arrived at the salon, disinfecting their hands and shaping the nails prior to Helen carrying out the remainder of each service. Helen found this really useful as she had to leave work for the afternoon, to go to a hospital appointment. Jess managed to take a 15-minute break between helping Helen with her clients and putting towels ready for the laundry collection.

Jess found that ticking off jobs as she completed them was really helpful, as she had to keep stopping so she could attend to requests from colleagues. Catherine, another therapist, wanted her to prepare a trolley for massage, retrieve the consultation with the details of the pre-blended aromatherapy oils used previously, and mix them ready for use.

Later on in the afternoon, Jess also helped out on reception, as the receptionist had gone home sick at 2.00 p.m. She welcomed clients, found their record cards, and offered them refreshments and magazines. She answered the telephone and took appointments, checking first with Hana or Catherine that she had taken the correct details and got the right appointment times. It was lucky that she had managed to eat her lunch between 1.00-1.30 p.m.; otherwise it would have been difficult to take a break.

As the last few clients came into the salon, Jess managed a quick break of 10 minutes. When she returned, she tidied the reception area, helped load the towels into the laundry van and unpacked the freshly laundered towels ready for the next day. It had been a long day, but she had enjoyed the variety of jobs that the day had brought. All the staff finished work at the salon at 5.30 p.m. and left to go home.


Unit 3: Comprehension 9

QUESTION 1 How many clients did Jess prepare for Helen? Answer: Jess prepared five clients for Helen. QUESTION 2 Who applied the pre-blended aromatherapy oil to Catherine's client? Answer: Catherine applied the pre-blended aromatherapy oil to the client. QUESTION 3 Jess started work at 9.00 a.m. and she finished work at 5.30 p.m.; how much time did she take for breaks and lunch? Answer: Jess took 55 minutes in total. QUESTION 4 What was the manager occupied with for the majority of the day? Answer: Hana was interviewing for a new therapist to join the team QUESTION 5 Why did Jess only check with Hana or Catherine, when making appointments? Answer: Helen had left for the afternoon, the receptionist had gone home poorly and Hana was busy interviewing for a new therapist. QUESTION 6 What evidence is there of Jess planning and managing her workload? Answer: Jess checked with her manager to establish if any jobs needed priority, she placed her jobs in order of importance and ticked them off as she completed them so she could keep track of her progress.

10 Maths & English for Beauty Therapy

Comprehension Task 3

Read the following passage and answer the questions in sentence form.

Wendy has worked as a therapist in Gail's salon for the last 3 years. She has been searching on the Internet for spray tanning courses and has found a training course locally which only takes a day to complete. Wendy sees that this would enable the salon to provide an additional service and bring in new clients. With this in mind, she shows Gail the course details explaining that she will need paid time while she is attending the course and that she would like the salon to pay the ?140 course fee.

Gail is interested in Wendy's proposal, but wants more information before she considers her request further, as she feels there will be more cost involved than Wendy is initially presenting. To give Wendy time to do the research, Gail asks Wendy to attend a structured meeting within the next 28 days to discuss her request, her findings and review her training needs in general. During this time, Gail considers if she could fit this service in with what the business offers already. In principal, she could agree to Gail attending the course and she would be prepared to pay the course fee, but she needs to weigh up the space available within the salon to provide this new service, the cost of the specialist equipment required, the new product range and the additional cost of insurance incurred for offering this service.

Gail arranges a meeting with Wendy to discuss her proposal and the results of her research. Wendy admits that there were `hidden' costs that she had not discovered before her initial training request. On top of the training course fee you were expected to buy, as a minimum, a starter kit of a pop-up cubicle and basic compressor at ?499, plus an extractor at ?370 and the starter kit of products at ?255. Gail had also looked into the prices of the equipment and products and realized that the costs that Wendy was quoting was for the absolute minimum starter kit, which was quite flimsy for regular use. Faced with these costs, Gail explains that she does not see spray tanning becoming part of the services offered by the salon. In order to make it work and appear professional, she felt that they would need to purchase a spray tanning fixed booth, with built-in extractor at considerably more expense than Wendy was quoting, and there just was not enough space to provide this service. Also, they would need a compressor with more power and a starter kit of products, so the cost was becoming prohibitive. However, during their discussion and review of Wendy's training needs, they both agreed on an action plan for enhancing her skills by introducing a product range to the salon where the self-tanning lotion is applied manually, with product training provided within the cost.

Although Wendy was a little upset at first, she could see that Gail was thinking of the best interest of the business, after all. She could see that Gail had taken her request seriously and had compromised by offering her additional training through the introduction of a new self-tanning product, which would update her skills and be beneficial to the business.

Unit 3: Comprehension 11


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