Faith Vicinanza - The Utter Folly Tour (or Faith and Peter ...

Faith Vicinanza

P. O. Box 596

Newtown, CT 06470-0596

(ph) 203.426.3388

(f) 203.426.3398

email: faith@


Faith Vicinanza is a published poet, visiting artist, workshop facilitator, editor, publisher, and event designer/manager. Ms. Vicinanza is a Master Teaching Artist in Poetry for the CT Commission on the Arts; on the editorial staff of several national literary magazines; the founder and Executive Director of The CT Poetry Festival (1997, 2001, and 2003); and founder / executive director of Hanover Press, committed to bringing new and accomplished voices to a wide readership.

Ms. Vicinanza is founder and executive director of PoetTs, Inc., a not-for-profit collective of poets and teachers that develop and facilitate visiting artists' programs for young writers. She develops and delivers creative writing and self-expression workshops for writers' retreats, conferences, and festivals; as well as stage performances; and is co-founder of Creative Beginnings -- a partnership offering workshops to support the creative writing process. She has worked with The Danbury School System, Litchfield Performing Arts, The Greater Hartford Arts Council, The Urban Artists' Initiative, The Connecticut Commission on the Arts, BOCES (NY), and numerous Connecticut Public Libaries, among others.

Ms. Vicinanza founded or co-founded a number of writers' support groups and poetry programs in coffee houses, libraries, art spaces, schools, museums, and community centers throughout Connecticut, including the Wednesday Night Poetry Series initiated in 1995 -- the longest running weekly poetry reading and open mike series in the state featuring new voices and accomplished poets from around the world.

Ms. Vicinanza has been featured from San Francisco to Stockholm, Sweden, is the author of three books of poetry, and the co-author of a creative writing workbook. Her most recent book, Faith Vicinanza’s Greatest Hits 1994-2004 was published by Pudding House Publications (2004). Ms. Vicinanza’s poetry and photography have appeared in a wide range of literary magazines and journals including Dogwood (2004), Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry (a ten year history (Manic D Press, San Francisco, June 2000)), The Red Brick Review, The Connecticut River Review, The Fairfield Review, Selected Poems From The Daily Grind (an anthology - fall 2002), Sensations Magazine (First Place in the Sensations Magazine Best Newcomer contest, fall 2002), Poetry Super Highway (poet of the week, December 2002), The Connecticut Review (spring 2003), X Magazine (spring 2003), The Paterson Literary Review (issue 32, spring 2003), The Connecticut River Review (spring 2003), Hat City Press, Common Ground Review (Fall/Winter 2003) and is forthcoming in Stark, The Depot Anthology (fall 2005), and a new collection “Conversations With the Dead”.

Ms. Vicinanza was one of 16 poets to be nominated for the position of Poet Laureate of the State of Connecticut in 2001, and is the recipient of the Connecticut Commission on the Arts Distinguished Advocates for the Arts Award (March, 2003).



Poetry Publication includes:

The Depot Anthology [Alice-Anne Harwood, co-editor, winter 2005]

Caduceus [Tony Fusco, editor, September 2004]

Dogwood (2004)

The Houston Poetry Festival, juried poet [Robert clark, editor, October 2003]

Caduceus [Tony Fusco, editor, September 2003]

Common Ground Review [Larry O'Brien, editor, September 2003]

The Must Apprentice Guild [August Highland, editor -- summer, 2003]

Hat City Press [Al Levesque, editor -- June, 2003]

The Connecticut River Review [Sue Holloway, editor -- spring 2003]

X Magazine , U.K. [Nii Parkes, editor -- spring 2003]

The Paterson Literary Review [Maria Mazziotti Gillan, editor -- Issue 32, spring 2003]

Connecticut Review [ Vivian Shipley, editor -- spring 2003]

Poetry Super Highway [Rick Lupert, editor, December 2002]

Selected Poems from the Daily Grind [David R. Surrette, editor -- summer 2002]

Sensations Magazines [David Messineo, editor --

- - - First Place in the Sensations Magazine Best Newcomer contest, fall 2002]

The Fairfield Review [Ed Happ, editor -- spring 2001]

In The Raw [summer 2001]

The Red Brick Review [Sean Thomas Dougherty, editor -- fall 2001]

The Connecticut River Review [Kevin Carey, editor -- winter 2000]

Poetry Slam - The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry

- - - [Gary Glazner, editor -- Manic D Press, San Francisco, June 2000)

Master Teaching Artist in Poetry for The Connecticut Commission on the Arts.

Poetry Editor for:

The Connecticut Poet, a state-wide poetry calendar/newsletter (founder and editor,

since 1993)

STARK, a poetry/photography literary magazine (founder and co-editor, since 2003)

The Underwood Review, a literary/arts magazine (founder and co-editor, since 1998)

The Depot Anthology (co-editor, 2003)

The Charter Oak Review (2001 - editorial staff)

I Celebrate: the Anthology, woman celebrating women through poetry (2001 –

editorial staff) and several school literary magazines

Poetry Event Management includes:

Executive Director for The 8th Annual National Poetry Slam Championship & 1997

Connecticut Poetry Festival

Executive Director for The 2001 CT Poetry Festival and The 2003 CT Poetry Festival

Executive Director and founder of The Northeast Writers Conference, each spring

and fall (1997 - present)

Director and founder of The Northeast Performance Poetry Showcase (1994-1997)

Executive Director/founder of PoetTs, Inc. (formerly Words in Motion), a Connecticut-

based poets, writers, and teachers collective (since 1997)

Poetry Director / The Buttonwood Tree (1997-2002)

Director and founder of The Wednesday Night Poetry Series (1994-present)

Creating and facilitating creative writing programs for schools and organizations

(1993 - present)

Board memberships:

PoetTs, Inc (president, 2003-present)

The Connecticut Poetry Society (president, 1998-2000)

Long Tidal River Anthology, an anthology of Connecticut writers past and present (advisory board, 2001)

North End Arts Rising, Inc. / The Buttonwood Tree (1999-2002, president 2000-2001)

The Litchfield County Writers Project (member since 2000 - 2002, vice-chair 2001)

The Center for the Book (CT advisory board since 2000-present)

Poetry juror for:

Ct Commimssion on the Arts (Performance Artist Roster) (01/2005)

Center for the Book Poetry Book Awards (2003)

New London Boats, Books, and Brushes (2002, 2003, 2004

Touchstone Poetry Festival (2002)

Urban Artists Initiative summer conference: "Working Artists: Energizing Communities Through the Arts" (2001)

The International Festival of Arts and Ideas in New Haven, CT (2001)

New Milford's grade school Gifted Young Writers programs (1998-2000)

.. various poetry contests


Member of CT's 1994 & 1996 National Poetry Slam Teams, plus the 1997 U.S.A. Slam Team that competed in Stockholm, Sweden.

Provide private editing services and mentoring to aspiring and seasoned writers.

Bringing Slam Poetry to Connecticut:

In 1992, a friend and I went to see a poetry slam in Westbourough, Mass., and met the East Coast catalysts for slam, Michael Brown and Patricia Smith. On the two hour drive home, my friend (Charlie Chase) and I put the plan together for slamming in Connecticut. On August 9, 1992, we held the first slam at the Daily Cafe in New Haven to a crowd of 200. Patricia Smith featured, Michael Brown hosted, and it was an extraordinary event. The national competition for 1997 was hosted here in Connecticut, it was the 7th Annual National Poetry Slam Championship competition, and to date the only one ever done in a non-metropolitan location. The event was two years in the planning, featured nearly 400 poets from around the world, and locally, and saw 5,000 folks come through the doors of venues all over downtown Middletown over a five day period. Thanks to committee members

Stephan Allison

Elizabeth Thomas

Victoria Rivas

Tim Foley

Kate Thomas

Peter Vicinanza

Gabrielle Zane

Linda Claire Yuhas

David Jackson


and others.

At the peak of slam poetry in Connecticut, there were 14 active slam venues,

and there were 7 active slam venues when I retired as slammaster for Connecticut in 1999. Today (2005), there are no regular slam venues from Connecticut that participate in the National Poetry Slam Competition, and have not been for two years. For more information about slam poetry around the world, go to

Hanover Press:

In 1995, I began a small literary press, which has published over 30 titles to date, mostly poetry. Three titles have received Pulitzer Prize nominations:

Short Poems, City Poems 1944-1998 (Leo Connellan)

A Sense of Season (Linda Claire Yuhas)

The Space Between (Sandra Bishop Ebner)

Two poets have been Pushcart Prize nominees:

Sandra Bishop Ebner (from her book The Space Between)

Elizabeth Thomas (from her book Full Circle)

Crazy Quilt by Vivian Shipley was a finalist for the 2000 Paterson Poetry Prize.


Following are some of the workshops taught/facilitated over the years:

So You Want To Be In Print

How To Put Together A Chapbook

Priming The Pump

How To Start And Maintain A Writers' Support Group

Freewriting / Random Writing

Writing From Mythology

Group Poetry


Being a Poet in These Times

Presenting / Performing Your Poetry

Doing What You Love

Developing Subject Matter

Pantoums and Limericks

Finding Your Creative Voice

Revision (re-Vision)

Manuscript Prep. & Publishing

From Page to Stage

Writing Prompts

Poetry in the Classroom

Creative Beginnings

The Portable Writer's Workshop

and more...

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