Mr. Wood's AP World History Page

Name: ______________________________AP World History Classical Period 600 BCE – 600 CE – Part II- Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism and Daoism KEY CONCEPT 2.1: The DEVELOPMENT & CODIFICATION of RELIGIOUS & CULTURAL TRADITIONSStandard4.0 3.5Not a 3.5 yetStandard 2: The emergence of complex civilizations, including:Religion and Philosophy60 – 50 points 50- 37 points Less than 37 points Take complete notes of the packet _______/10 pointsFill out graphic organizer for SAQ and LEQ______/5 points Short Answer Question (SAQ)_____/15 points - Every point earned on rubric x 5Long Essay Question (LEQ) Causation______/30 points - - Every point earned on rubric x 5You know how Jesus was Jewish but had a slightly different view of that religion and started his own called Christianity? Well, in India they had a similar guy. ?His name was Siddhartha Gautama. ?He was a Hindu prince who sought out to end suffering. ?He came up with his own 8-fold Path to Enlightenment and left Hinduism behind when he became... The Buddha ("Enlightened One"). Summarize this paragraph in 1-2 sentences____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Define what the 10 terms mean below with 3-5 details each- SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMADefinition- Historical significance- FOUR NOBLE TRUTHSDefinition- Historical significance- KARMADefinition- Historical significance- MAHAYANADefinition- Historical significance- THERAVADADefinition- Historical significance- MIDDLE WAYDefinition- Historical significance- 8-FOLD PATHDefinition- Historical significance- NIRVANADefinition- Historical significance- ASHOKADefinition- Historical significance- Go to APWorldipedia Key Concept 2.1 - down to:II. New belief systems and cultural traditions emerged and spread, often asserting universal truths.Take THIEVES notes on the following parts: focus on the First sentence, last sentence, bold words and summarizing what is most important from the paragraphs Take notes on the following video linked on Mr. Wood’s page- BBC The Story of India - Episode 2 - The Power of Ideas Watch from 8:45 – 14:05 notes on the Buddha and his life Watch the same video from 45:10 – 51:10 notes that answer the question: What happed to the Emperor Ashoka after he massacared the people of Kalinga? - Remember that Ashoka became a Buddhist. Take notes on the following video linked on Mr. Wood’s page- EASTERN PHILOSOPHY - The Buddha - on the following – Buddha, Four Noble Truths, 8-fold Path, Ashoka Watch the following video - Buddha and Ashoka: Crash Course World History #6- one – Watch the first 5 minutes, this is a great review, but you do not need to take notes!Step two- at 5:20 watch and take a few notes on the lives of Buddha, Ashoka and Buddhism You only need to take 7 – 10 notes, try to take notes on what you know the least. Watch the two videos and take notes about Mahanaya and Theravana Buddhism Minute Faith ~ Mahayana Buddhism Faith ~ Theravada Buddhism the Freemanpedia reading on Buddhism, you may take notes on it or highlight the key terms for notes Optional writing notes for Freemanpeda reading can go here!Use the SCAP steps to interpet and analyze the following primary source Mr. Wood will hand out a reading on the Four Noble Truths. – Document #1 SpeakerUsing 2-3 short quotes what you know or can infer about this speaker. 2-3 details (Is this person rich/poor, man/woman, a noble/peasant/royalty/scholar, etc ?)Write the main idea that the speaker is trying to say. (This should have a minimum of 2-3 details) ContextUse the clues in the text to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one). Write how the historical event or historical period likely prompted the author to write this piece.Is it a primary or secondary source? How do you know?AudienceName for whom was the document initially written, give 1-2 short quotes explain why. Point of ViewWhat is the Point of View of the author (consider gender, class, time period, religion, political views), ? This is the biggest religion on earth. ?There are over 2 billion Christians out there. ?The whole thing started in the Middle East as a local Jewish carpenter claimed to be the son of god. ?He was later crucified by the Romans. ?According to the Christians, he came back from the dead and then went to heaven. ?This story has had a massive influence on the rest of history. ?If you live in the United States, you can't miss this story as Christianity is the predominant religion here. ?This is also (besides Buddhism with Ashoka and Siddhartha) the only religion that requires you to know?TWO?people in this era: Jesus and Constantine.Summarize the above paragraph in 1-2 sentences________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Define what the 10 terms mean below with 3-5 details each - JESUS of NAZARETHDefinition- Historical significance- BIBLEDefinition- Historical significance- CRUCIFIXIONDefinition- Historical significance- BAPTISMDefinition- Historical significance- GOSPELDefinition- Historical significance- MESSIAHDefinition- Historical significance- POPEDefinition- Historical significance- CONSTANTINEDefinition- Historical significance- MARYDefinition- Historical significance- EDICT of MILANDefinition- Historical significance- Go to APWorldipedia Key Concept 2.1 - down to II. New belief systems and cultural traditions emerged and spread, often asserting universal truthsD.?ChristianityTake notes on the following video linked on Mr. Wood’s page "A Brief History of Jesus"...a cinematic & historical look at his life set to "Canon in D" - note this is made from a Christian perspectiveTake notes on the life Jesus – Note Jesus would have had darker skin than any of the Jesus’s in the video Take notes on the following video linked on Mr. Wood’s page The Edict of Milan and Constantine - You can stop watching at 2:45 or so… Summarize the following opening paragraph and tell what is important about Confucianism in one sentence If I was playing Civilization or Age of Empires-style game, and I had to enter at the beginning of the game what type of belief system my people should follow... I would choose Confucianism. ?It's great (if you are a man). ?Everyone knows their place in society. ?There are respectful relationships from father-to-son all the way up to the Emperor. ?Everyone works hard and does as their elders tell them. ?I'm assuming you're a teenager. ?If so, this must sound terrible. ?You're probably Daoist. ?We'll cover them next... _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Define what the 10 terms mean below with 3-5 details each - KUNG FU-TZEDefinition- Historical significance- FIVE RELATIONSHIPSDefinition- Historical significance- FILIAL PIETYDefinition- Historical significance- MENCIUSDefinition- Historical significance- ANALECTSDefinition- Historical significance- II. New belief systems and cultural traditions emerged and spread, often asserting universal truthsTake notes on the following video linked on Mr. Wood’s page- EASTERN PHILOSOPHY – Confucius - your notes on Confucius, The Analects, Filial Piety, Respect for elders, respect for leaders/superior Read and take notes from the following website linked to Mr. Wood’s page- Introduction to Confucianism and Five Relationships- the following video and explain how it shows Filial Piety in 2-3 details Filial Piety: Father and Son (Eng subtitles) - the SCAP steps to interpet and analyze the following primary sourceSelections from "The Analects"?- Confucius? taken from - a very high level of respect + love Remonstrate- To show someone where they are wrong, to try to tell your point of viewMurmur- a very low noise, hard to hear like mumblePropriety- Acting in a way that follows tradition and respect, example- behavior during churchFILIAL PIETY Zi, you asked what filial piety was. The Master said, "The filial piety of nowadays means the support of one's parents. But dogs and horses likewise are able to do something in the way of support; -- without reverence, what is there to distinguish the one support given from the other?" The Master said, "In serving his parents, a son may remonstrate with them, but gently; when he sees that they do not incline to follow his advice, he shows an increased degree of reverence, but does not abandon his purpose; and should they punish him, he does not allow himself to murmur." Mang I asked what filial piety was. The Master said, "It is not being disobedient." Soon after, as Fan Chih was driving him, the Master told him, saying, "Mang Sun asked me what filial piety was, and I answered him, 'not being disobedient.'" Fan Chih said, "What did you mean?" The Master replied, "That parents, when alive, should be served according to propriety; that, when dead, they should be buried according to propriety; and that they should be sacrificed to according to propriety." SpeakerUsing 2-3 short quotes what you know or can infer about this speaker. 2-3 details (Is this person rich/poor, man/woman, a noble/peasant/royalty/scholar, etc ?)Write the main idea that the speaker is trying to say. (This should have a minimum of 2-3 details) ContextUse the clues in the text to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one). Write how the historical event or historical period likely prompted the author to write this piece.Is it a primary or secondary source? How do you know?AudienceName for whom was the document initially written, give 1-2 short quotes explain why. Point of ViewWhat is the Point of View of the author (consider gender, class, time period, religion, political views), ? Go to the following website linked to Mr. Wood’s website and fill in the following Freemanpedia- Confucianism- the Map show where Early Confucianism spread by 200 B.C.E and label the following modern day countriesEarly Confucianism – China- Japan-Korea -Summarize the following opening paragraph and tell what is important about Confucianism in one sentence Whatever, man. ?Daoism is what it is. ?It isn't what it isn't. ?Read the Tao Te Ching (the basis of Daoism that Lao Tzu wrote before he left China). ?It's only 20 something pages. ?It's tough. ?It tells you more about what it isn't than what it is. ?It is tough to get a straight answer out of this thing. ?Basically, the Daoists follow their Dao (the way). ?I like to break it down like this.?Confucianists are like well trained bomb sniffing dogs. ?They know how to get things done... They've done their homework... They are obedient. ?Then, we have the Daoists. ?They are like a room full of cats. ?They do what they want, when they want. ?They follow their Dao. ?Go with the flow. ?Regardless, they've played a HUGE role in Chinese history.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Define what the terms mean below with 3-5 details eachDAODefinition- Historical significance- DAO TE CHINGDefinition- Historical significance- LAO TZUDefinition- Historical significance- II. New belief systems and cultural traditions emerged and spread, often asserting universal truthsWatch the following video and explain how it shows Filial Piety in 2-3 details EASTERN PHILOSOPHY - Lao Tzu - on the following key ideas: Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, The Dao (the way), Stillness, role of nature OverviewLook at the entire visual image- write 2-3 details that explains what is in this image. This is “big picture,” and not a small detail in part of the image. PartsFocus on the parts of the visual (read labels, look for symbols, study the details). Write 2-3 details about what the individual parts/symbols mean or represent?TitleWrite the title and 2-3 details about what the title tells you about the image. InterrelationshipsWhat relationship does each of the parts (and title) have to one another? What is the main idea of the visual as a whole?Conclusion Use the clues in the visual image to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one). Use the SCAP steps to interpet and analyze the following primary sourceSelections from “Dao De Jing”Laozi showing preference/favoritismBellowsSageAn extremely wise manYieldProduce/provide5.NatureNature is not kind;It treats all things impartially.The Sage is not kind,And treats all people impartially.Nature is like a bellowsEmpty, yet supplying all needs,The more it moves, the more it yields;The sage draws upon Tao in the same wayAnd cannot be exhausted.SpeakerUsing 2-3 short quotes what you know or can infer about this speaker. 2-3 details (Is this person rich/poor, man/woman, a noble/peasant/royalty/scholar, etc ?)Write the main idea that the speaker is trying to say. (This should have a minimum of 2-3 details) ContextUse the clues in the text to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one). Write how the historical event or historical period likely prompted the author to write this piece.Is it a primary or secondary source? How do you know?AudienceName for whom was the document initially written, give 1-2 short quotes explain why. Point of ViewWhat is the Point of View of the author (consider gender, class, time period, religion, political views), ? Spread of Religion, Hierarchy and Gender Roles Go to APWorldipedia Key Concept 2.1 - down to III. Belief systems affected gender roles. Buddhism and Christianity encouraged monastic life and Confucianism emphasized filial piety.?In the next series of videos we are looking at Monasticism and how it exists in both Christianty and Buddhism, many historians argue that both Buddhism and Christianity were able to spread in large part because of MonasticismTake notes on the following video linked on Mr. Wood’s page- HISTORY OF IDEAS – Monasticism – can stop watching at 8:00!! Do not take notes on the people and dates – focus your notes on what is Monasticism – Remember it is very important that this exists in both Christianity and Buddhism!!)Take notes on the following video linked on Mr. Wood’s page- 9a Buddhist practices – monasticism, monks, nuns, sangha – notes on the following video linked on Mr. Wood’s page- Monastic History – notes on the following video linked on Mr. Wood’s page- Community Life – the following question as you watch the video – What does it mean to live in a community? Look at the two maps below and fill out the OPTIC steps 32518362031900-4826004191000OverviewLook at the entire visual image- write 2-3 details that explains what is in this image. This is “big picture,” and not a small detail in part of the image. PartsFocus on the parts of the visual (read labels, look for symbols, study the details). Write 2-3 details about what the individual parts/symbols mean or represent?TitleWrite the title and 2-3 details about what the title tells you about the image. InterrelationshipsWhat relationship does each of the parts (and title) have to one another? What is the main idea of the visual as a whole?Conclusion Use the clues in the visual image to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one). Use the SCAP steps to interpet and analyze the following primary source Mr. Wood will hand out a reading. – Document #2 SpeakerUsing 2-3 short quotes what you know or can infer about this speaker. 2-3 details (Is this person rich/poor, man/woman, a noble/peasant/royalty/scholar, etc ?)Write the main idea that the speaker is trying to say. (This should have a minimum of 2-3 details) ContextUse the clues in the text to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one). Write how the historical event or historical period likely prompted the author to write this piece.Is it a primary or secondary source? How do you know?AudienceName for whom was the document initially written, give 1-2 short quotes explain why. Point of ViewWhat is the Point of View of the author (consider gender, class, time period, religion, political views), ? Use the SCAP steps to interpet and analyze the following primary source Mr. Wood will hand out a reading. – Document #4SpeakerUsing 2-3 short quotes what you know or can infer about this speaker. 2-3 details (Is this person rich/poor, man/woman, a noble/peasant/royalty/scholar, etc ?)Write the main idea that the speaker is trying to say. (This should have a minimum of 2-3 details) ContextUse the clues in the text to establish when the document was created. Provide 2-3 examples that show this (if the year is listed that counts as one). Write how the historical event or historical period likely prompted the author to write this piece.Is it a primary or secondary source? How do you know?AudienceName for whom was the document initially written, give 1-2 short quotes explain why. Point of ViewWhat is the Point of View of the author (consider gender, class, time period, religion, political views), ? ................

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