The Montana nonpartisan (Great Falls, Mont.) 1919-03-22 [p 3]

[Pages:1]Classified Ad Department

SOME SAMPLES OF THEIR WORK You have the Finest Picnic Grounds

No. 2: The "Charity" Bill.

In Thirteen States.

This classified ad department is started for the benefit of these

who desire to take advantage of the best advertising medium Ia the

state. Have you anything to sell or exchange? This paper will assist yes in getting In touch with the right party. Have you feed grain, fruit or farm produce of any kind, blooded stoek or chickens, treeten, automobiles, farm machiery, land-anything? There are 25.0O farmers who subscribe to this paper. Headlines will be furnished for different subJeets withi limitations. Rates are three cents per word for every issue. Count the words and send enclosed with money order. All ads should reach this office Saturday before issue.


Representative Haalandlof Hill Who's Amendment Killed This Bad

We have the greatest Speakers on the Continent.

Get them to-gether in June next. Write about your location to.


Dr. W. L. Ditto

WANT a Belt Power Transmitter for


your Ford? Then DON'T pay We have a first class line of machin-

more than $12.50 for it. Buy the ery consisting of wagons, plows, Simplex. Simplest, handiest, most weeders, engine disc plows, bindpractical. Circular free. Frank R. ers, etc., which we offer at prices

Weisgerber, Salina, Kans.

you cannot duplicatfoer cash. The

Farmers' Produce Co., Big Sandy,


years our specialty. Stock and

eggs for sale. Price list free. F. "WE ARE the oldest, the largest and

A. Banderob, Mont.

best equipped woolen mill in the Northwest selling direct to the far

FOR SALE-800 acres of land including 8-16 Mogue engine, gang plow, Bain wagon, harness, binder, seeder, 3 Oacres winter rye. Terms $15.00 per acre, $5,000 down, rest

mers. One agent with Ford or rig wanted for each county. No previous experience necessary. Fergus Falls Woolen Mills, Co., Fergus Falls, Minn.

on time. J. H. Moore, Toston,


HAY FOR SALE-Alfalfa baled. Car

lots. A. G. Patey, Dore. N. D.


Earn $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Ex- FOR SALE-White Blossom Sweet perience unnecessary. Details free. Clover seed $13bushel. John MuelPress Syndicate, 588, St. Louis, Mo. ler, Worden, Mont.



The only farm journal in the northwest not owned or controlled by the


The only farm journal in the northwest with nerve enough to denounce

mob rule and defend the Nonpartisan League; The only farm journal in the United States that is

an authority on


Farming; The only




Montana that








the farmers of the state. Cut out the "kept" farm papers.

Quit buying ammunition for the enemy.

Support your own batteries. Fill out the following coupon



it with


P. O. order or



for one dollar. We will do the rest.


This is number two, of bills, good and bad which were introduced at Helena, bearing on the League and organized labor. This is a bad one.

It is one of the most deliberate and furtive attempts to strangle a free press and to break down labor organizations and such other institutions as cannot expect to receive donations from "Big Biz" and therefore must go to the common people for help.

The bill was introduced by Kinney of Wibaux and passed through the senate without its vicious intent being detected? but in the house, Haaland of Hill county--one of the best of the League representatives--mmediately scented the danger. d

It will be seen that the bill forbids the collection of funds without permission of the State Board of Charities, unless these funds are to go for business enterprises or religious organiza. tions. Representative Haaland moved to strike out the words "business enterprises" whereupon a terrific racket arose, for this would mean interference with the sacred hunting ground of the loan shark and gold brick merchant.

The bill should be carefully studied because it is typical of the treachery of which the politician is capable and is also a typical reflection of the politiclans method. Under the sacred name of charity and with the ostensible purpose of creating a board of charity to curb fakers and look .after .hard .cases, there is hidden a deliberate conspiracy to suppress all liberal institutions, because in the nature of things these must exist upon continual solicition of money by their executives from their members and friends, for reactionary privilege is always wealthy and progressive elements are always poor.

The Butte Bulletin is to be destroyed by bleeding it to death via, court proceedings and appeals. Senate Bill 200, if it had become law would have stopped any assistance reaching the Bulletin, for its collectors of voluntary assistance would have been in jail. And by a little stretching of the bill it could have been made to apply to the Nonpartisan league.. Rep. Haaland's challenge threw a bomb into the camp of the copper company and the enacting clause was stricken Out and the bill died.

President State Board of Examiners

D. C.


The newest and greatest drugless system for removing the cause of disease. Investigate today, Rheumatism, Stomach Troubles, Lumbago, Appendicitis.

I w- o




Office 14 Breen Black

EAT A STEAK,-, 11111151'111/11T11h1i1r1d1lllSl1t.

S., 1I

Great Falls IIIIIIllllllllllllulllllll



At the


You Are Surely Entitled to the Full Market Value for Your Livestock

If you do not get it, somebody else gets the benefit you should have. The day is passed when business is done on sentiment, and only results in dollars and

cents count.

We want you to compare the results in dollars and cents we get for you with those received elsewhere. A comparison will convince you that "Kirk Service" gets you the most money for your livestock.

J. R.Kirk Commission Co., Inc. South St. Paul, Minn. Authorized Sales Agency of the American Society of Equity

Cor. First Ave. Sand Third


Uliunl umunnuhnluiinuiunuinni




Enclosed find one dollar for which send me the Scientific Farmer for one year, beginning with the................number. Keep up the fight and "We'll Stick."

Name ............


P. O. . ................................................

State . ........ ........................................

(Introduced by Kinney)

A Bill for an Act Entitled: "An Act to Create and Establish a Board to be Known as the State Board of Charities, to Provide

for its Organization, and to Regulate the Soliciting of Subscrip-




KNOCKS RHEUMATISM tions or Donations for Charitable, Philanthropic and Other Pub-


lic Purposes Other Than Investments and Business Enterprises or Religious Organizations. It Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana:

Doctors in all parts of the country have been kept busy with the epidemic of influenza which has visited so many homes.

7k BOX FREE TO ANY SUFFER?B Up in Syracuse, N. Y., a treatment

Section 1. State Board of

There is hereby created a board to be known as the Charities and the membership thereof shall be com-

The symptoms of this disease are very distressing and leave the system in a run down condition. Almost

for rheumatism has been found that hundreds of users say is a wonder, reporting cases that seem little short

posed and consist of the Governor, Secretary of State, and State Au- every victim complains of lame back of miraculous. Just a few treatments

Elevator Scheme


ditor, and the Governor shall be ex-officio chairman of such board. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the officers herein named to

meet at the Capitol on or before the first day of April, 1919, and perfect the organization of such board for the purpose of carrying the

and urinary troubles which should not be neglected, as these danger signals often lead to dangerous -kidney troubles. Druggists report a large sale on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root

even in the very worst cases seem to accomplish wonders even after other remedies have failed entirely. It seems to neutralize the uric acid and lime salt deposits in the blood, driv-

Continued from page one) the legislature for enactment and

ON THE OTHER SIDE purposes of this act into effect.

which so many people say soon heals ing all the poisonous clogging waste

Section 3. lawful for any

From and after the passage of this person, firm, corporation, society

act, it shall be unor organization of

and strengthens the kidneys after an attack of grip. Swamp-Root, being an herbal compound, has a gentle

from the system. Soreness, pain, stiffness, swelling just seem to melt away and vanish.

to be referred to the people in the next general election. The idea was to have the mill controlled by the same board as the elevator and $500,000 in bonds were to be

issued. But the copper company was

not satisfied with this. The bill was amended to provide for a board of managers to be appointed by the governor, a different board from that controlling the elevator. Finally the bill failed by lack of agreement between the

houses. But the terminal elevator proj-

There is only one possible hope for the farmers; they must "hang together or hang separately." If the farmers have sufficient political sense to present a united front and stand shoulder to shoulder they can

win out against all the money the pro-

tected interests can produce. But the

farmers must forget that they are

or have been Grits or Tories; they must nominate and elect their own candidates, who can be depended up-

on to fight for a square deal. The situation is now clearly before the farmers. It is up to them to decide. They can take it easy and let the protected interests run the country, or

any kind to solicit funds in more than one county in the State of Montana for any charitable or philanthropic purposes, or any public purpose other than business enterprises and religious organizations, without first procuring a license so to do from the State Board of Charities.

Section 4. The State Board of Charities shall have power and authority to make all necessary and proper rules and regulations to carry the provisions of this act into effect and shall require all persons, firms, societies and organizations hereby required to obtain a license, to make application in writing, setting forth the purpose or Qurposes for which such person, firm or corporation, society or organizations intend to solicit funds, which application shall be verified by the oath of such person or the chief executive of such firm, corporatio, society or organization, and it shall also be the duty of said State Board of Charities to make a rule or regulation requiring such person, firm, corporation, society or organization to file with the State Board of Charities quarterly statements showing the amounts and

healing effect on the kidneys, which is almost immediately noticed in most cases by those who try it. Dr. Kil? mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., offer to send a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root, on receipt of ten cents, to every sufferer who requests it. A trial will convince any one who may be in need of it. Regular medium and large size bottles, for sale at all druggists. Be sure to mention this paper.



they can join forces in the fight and from whom, collected, the place where deposited and the uses to

try to save themselves and their fam- which the same shall be applied, together with such additional rules

The treatment first introduced by Mr. Delano is so good that its owner wants everybody that suffers from rheumatism or who has a friend so afflicted, to get a free 75c package from him to prove just what it will do in ever ycase before a penny is spent. Mr. Delano says: "To prove that rheumatism, no matter how severe, stubborn or long standing the case, and even after all other treatments have failed, I will, if you have never previously used the treatment, send you a full size package free if you will just cut this notice and send it with your name and address with 10e to help pay postage and distribution expense to me personally.

F. H. Delano, 1099 Wood Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. I can send only one Free Package to an address.

ect is under way. The bonds on the market. They bear 5

are per

ilies from interests.

the grasp

of the


and regulations governing the solicitation, collection and ment of such funds as in the judgment of such Board may

disbursebe neces-

STOP cent. Elevator Bond Dope. This also has some interesting

seatures. The proceeds of the

sary or proper to prevent improper exploitation on the people of the State of Montana.

Provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent or to regulate the activities of any religious or fraternal organization or any organization which has heretofore or which may here-



We are going during the next

to enroll or two years.

Lraeb-eonr rionll theevecriytielsasist

farmer in just begin-

* ning to see through the smoke-screen of slander and blackmail thrown 9

up by the Helena Independent and other tools of the kept press.

bonds will be held by the state


after be authorized by the government of the United States or the

Tobacco and Snuff treasurer subject to the needs of

the elevator commission. They

State of Montana to solicit or collect funds for any of the purposes herein mentioned.

will be deposited in the banks as state funds. They will draw approximately 2 1-2 per cent interest. The banks will have the money to lend out to farmers or

others at 10 per cent, or whatever the banks can get. In the mean-

-Gold Seal No. 10-Kills the desire for tobacco and snuff. A guaranteed vegetable treatment, a tonic for the stomach and nerves. Sworn affidavit and testimonials from men who have been cured. Complies with pure food laws. Treatment requires only a few days. Price of full treatment, $2.25.

Section 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months or shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or shall suffer both such fine and imprisonment.

Section 6. This act shall take effet and be in full force from and after its passage and approval.

We want five hundred meetings outdoor and indoors, large pienice and open air gatherings. Get in touch with the state office at once and arrange all details with reference to place, committees, etc., Ssothat we shall be able to furnish you one or more good speakers.

REMEMBER, NOV. 5, 1920. D. 0. DORMAN, State Superintendent.


time the owners of farm lands Our book "A" gives full particu-

DECLARE FOR POLITICAL ACTION will be taxed to pay the differ- lars; it is FREE. Send right now.

ence between 2 1-2 and 5 per cent


until the elevator is built and be-

Bismarck, N. D.

gin paying profits. This may be a considerable per-

iod, it appears, for the board of managers of the elevator is given full power to investigate, to investigate not only the way to build an elevator, but also the advisability of building any such

Cut this Advertisement out, it may not appear again.


Women as well as men are made miserable by kidney and bladder trouble. Thousands re-

commend Dr. Kilmer's

Swamp-Root the great kidney medi-

(Grain Growers Guide) Indications all point to a political

and economic struggle in Canada in

the very near future. The organised farmers have demanded that the eco-

nomic burden which they are forced to carry for the benfit of the protected manufacturers must be lifted

chief strength is economic necessity and the moral soundness of their cause. Politically, the farmers have never in the past shown any great wisdom. They have allowed themselves to be divided between the Grit and Tory parties while the privileged interests have controlled both parties

and have, therefore, been able to take


cine. At druggists in large and medi- from their shoulders

toll off the farmer no matter how he


Kidney disease is no respecter of persone. A majority of the tils afflicting people today can be traced back to kidney trouble.

The kidneys are the most important organs of the body. They are the fllterers, the purifiers, of your blood.

KiCdney disease is usually weariness, sleeplessness,

indicated g nervousness.

despondeney, backache, stomach treu-

be. pain in loins and lower abdomen.

gall stones. gravel, rheumatism, sciatica


tione and destroys the germs whlsb

have caused morrow. Go

it. to

Do your

not wait until druggist today


in5ist on GOLD MEDAL. Haarlem Oil



hours yoe returning

ahnaidd ww?illl bb less tthhee Haaayayrleyymoouu riir. stuw

After youseltt

you feel that yoa continue to tak

hoeaovneeor are

yasulee each day, sot as to ase i

In the meantime the bonds bear interest; and, as aforesaid, Montana has no state bank to make

um size bottles. You may receive a sample size by parcel post, also pamphlet telling about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,

On the one side there will not be chiefly the organized formers representing the agricultural industry of Canada. The farmers in their organi-

voted. The farmers, through their

organizations, have progressed rapidly and are less bound by party ties than ever in the past. In Manitoba

good use of the money in the in- and enclose ten cents, also mention zations number approximately 120,- and Alberta they have definitely de-

and lumbago. All these derangements are nture's

slgnals to warn you that the kidneys need help. You should use GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules imme-

iet-clase condition and ward oil the danger of other atlcke

Ask for the original imiOrte4 GOWI MPEDAL?brand. Three eaies Money refunded i they do not help you.

terests of the people.

this paper.

000 in the four provinees. Their clared for political action.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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