2018 ? 2019 CODE'S BURT AWARD FOR AFRICAN YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE Eligibility and Submission Guidelines

Follow these three steps to submit a work to CODE's Burt Award:

Step 1

Read the following guidelines for information about the award, eligible works, submissions procedures, the selection process, and more.

Step 2 Complete all sections of the attached nomination forms.

Step 3 Gather the required materials outlined in the submission procedures and send.

Submission deadlines

March 31, 2018 March 31, 2019

2018 National prizes 2019 Grand prize

For the complete competition cycle schedule, see page 9.


For information about the national competition in your country, contact CODE's local implementing partner (see page 9).

For information about the grand prize, general information about CODE's Burt Award program, and CODE contact:

Claire Bolton, Program Officer, Literary Awards, CODE cbolton@code.ngo 1-800-661-2633



Sponsored by CODE and made possible by the generosity of William (Bill) Burt and the Literary Prizes Foundation, the Burt Award addresses an ongoing shortage of relevant, high quality books for young people while promoting a love of reading and learning at the upper primary and secondary school levels. Launched in Tanzania in 2008, it has since expanded to Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Canada and the Caribbean.

CODE's Burt Award for African Young Adult Literature is an English-language, multi-country prize, supported by smaller national prizes that determine the works eligible for the grand prize. The national prizes are CODE's Burt Award for Ethiopian Young Adult Literature; CODE's Burt Award for Ghanaian Young Adult Literature; CODE's Burt Award for Kenyan Young Adult Literature; and CODE's Burt Award for Tanzanian Young Adult Literature.


The objective of the award is to provide African youth with access to engaging, high quality, and culturally relevant reading materials.

Specific objectives of the program are: to recognize excellence in young adult literature; to support and motivate the development of reading materials for students aged 12 to 18, a critical stage of learning; to foster a love of reading and learning; to strengthen the English-language skills of youth; to support local publishing industries; and to increase the stock of English books in schools and libraries.

National Prizes

Eligible publishers must submit entries to CODE's implementing partners in each participating country: CODE-Ethiopia; Ghana Book Trust; National Book Development Council of Kenya; and Children's Book Project for Tanzania.

A local jury in each participating country selects a shortlist of up to five titles, with one declared the national winner. The winning creator(s) will receive a prize of $1,000 CAD.

The publisher of the winning title will be awarded a guaranteed purchase of 3,000 copies by CODE, to be donated to schools, libraries, community centres, and NGOs in its country of origin.

All winners and finalists of each national competition will be eligible to move forward to the grand prize. In total, up to 20 entries may be considered for the grand prize, based on a shortlist of up to five titles from each of the four participating countries.

Grand prize

Only winners and finalists of the national competitions are eligible for the grand prize.

The grand prize jury will select a shortlist of up to five finalists. One title will be named the grand prize winner, its creator(s) to receive a prize of $10,000 CAD. A second title will be named an honour book, its creator(s) to receive a prize of $2,000 CAD. The remaining finalists will each receive $1,000 CAD.

CODE will purchase up to 3,000 copies each of the grand prize winner and honour book for each of the four participating countries, up to 12,000 copies per title. These will be donated to schools, libraries, community centres, and NGOs in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania.


Additionally, the publishers of the grand prize winner and grand prize honour book will each receive a grant of $2,000 CAD to support the promotion of their Burt Award titles.

Eligibility of publishers

Only eligible book publishers operating in one of the participating countries can submit titles for consideration. To gain eligibility for works published outside of the participating countries, rights may be licensed to an eligible publisher.

Publishers must:

publish books based on an editorial selection process; be committed to a sustained trade book publishing program; pay royalties or financially compensate the writer, translator (if applicable), and

illustrator (if applicable) for any submission that is published; support the writer, translator (if applicable), and illustrator (if applicable) in the

development of the work; use appropriate and effective means to market, distribute and sell their titles; meet basic professional standards of publishing; and agree to the general terms and conditions of the guaranteed purchase agreement with


Eligibility of writers, illustrators & translators

Writers, illustrators, and translators who are citizens of the participating countries, whether by birth or naturalization, or who hold dual citizenship are eligible. Citizens of the participating countries who live outside of their countries of origin are also eligible.

Eligible works

The award is open to English-language young adult novels, short story collections by a single author, nonfiction (with some restrictions), and graphic novels.

For this award, the term "young adult" generally refers to readers from ages 12 through 18. Publishers should consider whether a work is written at an appropriate reading and maturity level, and is emotionally and culturally relevant to African young adults before submitting it to the award.

Works translated by an eligible translator from any language into English are eligible. The jury will assess only the English text. The prize for a translated work will be shared equally between the writer and the translator.

Co-authored works by no more than two eligible writers will be accepted in every category. The prize for a co-authored work will be shared equally between the writers.

Graphic novels must be fully illustrated at the time of submission to the national competitions to be eligible. Artwork for titles named either as national winners or finalists may be improved before submission to the grand prize, but new art cannot be added.


Eligibility of published books

The graphic novel may be co-illustrated by no more than two illustrators. Fifty percent (50%) of the prize for a graphic novel will be awarded to the writer(s) and fifty percent will be awarded to illustrator(s).

Illustrated non-fiction (defined for this award as a work that is comprised of at least 40% art) may be submitted with or without illustrations at the publisher's discretion. If illustrations are included, they must be complete at the time of submission to the national competitions. Artwork for titles named either as national winners or finalists may be revised and improved before submission to the grand prize, but new art by a different illustrator/artist cannot be added. Please note: If the work is submitted without illustrations, it may not be resubmitted with illustrations to the national award or grand prize award in future years.

Illustrated nonfiction may be co-illustrated by no more than two illustrators. Fifty percent (50%) of the prize for an illustrated nonfiction will be awarded to the writer(s) and fifty percent will be awarded to illustrator(s). If the work is submitted without illustrations, only the writer(s) will receive the prize.

Selections from works, such as a short story from a collection, previously published in magazines, newspapers, journals or web sites are eligible.

Revised editions are eligible only if the majority of the work is deemed new, excluding a foreword written by the writer or editor. The first edition must accompany any revised edition entered for the award.

Adaptations of works from other literary genres, such as the adaption of a play into a novel, are eligible if the text has been modified sufficiently to transform it into an original new work.

Sequels to published books, including sequels to Burt Award-winning books, and series books are eligible. Do not submit related volumes.

No more than two submissions by an author, illustrator, or translator will be considered in a given year.

No more than three submissions per publisher will be accepted.

First and revised editions published within 12 months prior to the deadline for submissions are eligible (March 31, 2017 ? March 29, 2018). Revised editions are eligible only if the majority of the work is deemed new, excluding a foreword written by the writer or editor.

Books must have an ISBN, be distributed in at least one of the participating countries, and be available through bookstores.

Books may be submitted to national prizes as advance reading copies or bound proofs. Proofs must be edited and in their final version; however, the final book jacket is not required.

The minimum length for novels, short story collections, and nonfiction is 22,500 words or 90 pages, with the exception of hi-lo works (high interest-low reading 4

level), which must have a minimum of 14,000 words. Publishers must provide the reading score for hi-lo works.

Illustrated nonfiction (where illustrations comprise at least 40% of the work) and graphic novels must have a page count of at least 80 pages.

Eligibility of unpublished manuscripts

Manuscript submissions are eligible for the national prizes. They must be written in a 12-point, Times New Roman font, be double spaced, and have standard margins. It is mandatory that manuscripts be edited prior to submission.

Manuscripts must be bound. No loose or stapled sheets will be accepted.

Manuscripts previously submitted to a Burt Award competition must be substantially revised to be eligible. A revised manuscript can only be re-submitted once.

Publishers must have negotiated and signed a contract with the creator(s) prior to beginning any editing or production work on the manuscript.

Manuscripts will be assessed alongside published books. Please only submit works of high quality.

The minimum length for novels, short story collections, and nonfiction is 22,500 words, with the exception of hi-lo works (high interest-low reading level), which must have a minimum of 14,000 words. Publishers must provide the reading score for hi-lo works.

Illustrated nonfiction and graphic novels must have an estimated published page count of at least 80 pages.

Authors, illustrators, translators and publishers of unpublished national winners and finalists are expected to continue improving their work before submitting it to the grand prize.

Any manuscript submissions to the grand prize must be fully edited and ready for publication. They do not have to be printed at the time of submission.

Eligibility of published books in translation

Ineligible works

Books originally published in languages other than English can be made eligible through translation into English. The publication date of the book in its original language may be up to three years prior to the submission deadline (March 31, 2015 and March 29, 2018 for the 2018 competition).

The translation may be submitted as a published book or a manuscript following the guidelines above.

Plagiarized works.

Published books that have been previously submitted to a Burt Award competition.

Manuscripts previously submitted to a Burt Award competition, including former iterations of the award that do not include substantial changes.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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