The Horror and the glory

Name: Due Date:

The Horror and the Glory

Black Boy

Extra Credit Assignment


Part I. Read Part II: The Horror and the Glory (pages 258-384) of Black Boy

Part II. Create a book jacket for Part II.

Front Cover:

• Use the title for Part II: The Horror and the Glory

• Draw or find a visual that depicts a theme of Part II

• Use colors that represent Wright’s experience

• Provide the Authors name: Richard Wright

• Make up a publisher’s name

Back Cover:

• Write a 150 word summary of part II

• Choose a significant quote by Richard Wright from parts I or II that exemplify the theme presented in part II

• Find 2 quotes by famous writers who commented on Wright’s autobiography

• Find a picture of Wright (or draw one if you are artistically inclined), and beneath his portrait, write 50 words regarding his life/career while in Chicago & soon after

Inside Front Cover:

• Display the Negro Folk Song Wright uses as an epigram *

• On the inside back cover (opposite of the epigram), write a brief introduction (100-150 words) discussing Wright’s effective use of the epigram

Depending on the vivid and precise use of detail, clarity of writing, level of effort, neatness of presentation, and evidence of close reading, this creation can be worth up to 20 points extra credit.

* Epigram: A short witty poem or saying *


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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