Is the Earth Really Round - Texas A&M University

Is the Earth Really Round?


Activity Summary:

Everyone is told that the Earth is round, but can you prove it? We don’t really need a satellite photo of Earth to determine that the world is round. Students will do two experiments that prove the Earth is round. One involves shining lamps on flat and round objects and the other requires students to use models of the Earth, Sun, and Moon and observe the shape of the Earth’s shadow upon the Moon. Students will also observe a computer simulation of the Earth’s seasons.


Science: Earth and Space Science, Science as Inquiry

Grade Level:

Target Grade: 7

Upper Bound: 8

Lower Bound: 6

Time Required: 30 min

Activity Team/Group Size: N/A

Reusable Activity Cost Per Group [in dollars]: $0

Expendable Activity Cost Per Group [in dollars]: $0


Graduate Fellow Name: Steve Kautz and Timothy Yu

Teacher Mentor Name: Rachel Martin and Lane Buban

Date Submitted:

Date Last Edited: 3/21/2005

Activity Introduction / Motivation:

Ask the students how they know that the Earth is round? Then ask them to think of as many ways possible to prove that the Earth is round.

Activity Plan:

Part 1 Simulating the temperature gradient caused by Earth’s curvature:

We all agree that the equator is hotter than the North and South Poles. Here’s how we can prove that this could only happen if the earth is spherical.

1.) Simply place a desk lamp with the light facing straight out (horizontally)

2.) Hold a basketball (or any ball) ½ to 1 foot from the bulb directly in front for 30 secs to a minute

3.) Touch the ball and feel the centre area that was nearest the lamp then touch the top and bottom of the ball

4.) Note a difference in temperature by touching and also by using a thermometer.

5.) To complete the experiment hold a cube, a cardboard box or even a sheet of paper in front of the lamp in the same way and note that the entire surface facing the lamp gets hot. This would mean that the entire world would be an equator and be about the same temperature.


If Earth were round, we would expect the equator, the imaginary belt at the longest diameter of Earth, to be warmer than the poles because it receives more direct incident light from the Sun. Hence, the center of the ball is warmer than the top and bottom of the ball. Even as our planet rotates around its axis and passes through the day/night cycle, the equator will always be hotter because it receives the most direct sunlight. Conversely, the opposite is true for the North and South Poles. They receive the least direct sunlight and thus are always cooler than the rest of Earth’s surface!

Part 2: Simulating a lunar eclipse to show the shadow of earth’s curvature on the moon

1.) Grab a basketball, tennis ball, and a small desk lamp.

2.) Have one student hold the basketball and one hold the tennis ball. Tell the students that the lamp represents the sun, the basketball represents the Earth, and the tennis ball represents the Earth’s moon.

3.) Also have the students hold each ball out to their side in the correct order. (Lamp…basketball…tennis ball). To position the students correctly, imagine wall clock where the sun is at 6’O clock and the earth is at the center of the clock face. The moon would be at about 1 or 2’O clock.

4.) Shine the lamp on the earth and observe the shape of earth’s shadow upon the moon. Observe the curved shadow on the face of moon. The students may need to adjust the distance between the basketball and the tennis ball to see the shadow correctly. If the tennis ball is too close to the basketball, the shadow curvature will be difficult to see.

5.) Then replace the Earth (basketball) with a book and observe the shape of the shadow that it casts upon the moon.

Alternative Demonstration using an overhead projector instead of a table lamp:

1.) Cut out one circle using construction paper. The diameter should be about 7-10 inches. Glue the circle to a long piece of wooden craft stick or rod. The overall shape of the object should resemble a circular fly swatter. This is the model of Earth.

3.) The sun is represented by the light bulb inside the overhead projector. The pull-down screen represents the surface of the Moon. During a lunar eclipse, the earth completely blocks the sunlight from reaching the surface of the Moon. Simulate this by moving your Earth model slowly starting from just outside the edge of the screen into the light path of the projector. Stop when Earth’s shadow is half visible on the projector screen.


4.) Repeat the demonstration by turning Earth to the side so that it’s flat. Move the flat Earth across the light path as before. Now Earth’s shadow is a line on the Moon.

5.) Hammer the point home by showing one of the live lunar eclipse videos in the Links section. Ask the students to describe the shape of Earth’s shadow on Moon’s surface.


The curved shape of the Earth’s shadow upon the moon indicates that the Earth is not flat but round. Note that this does not prove that the Earth is spherical. If this same phenomenon is observed all over the world, then it would strongly suggest that the Earth is round all over, e.g. spherical. Be sure to mention the fact that Earth is actually much larger than the moon, but the moon is at a far enough distance away from the Earth such that Earth’s shadow on the Moon is approximately equal to the Moon’s diameter. If Earth were much larger than the moon, for example, then Earth’s shadow would look straighter and less curved.

Activity Closure:

Ask the class as a whole to come up with at least one other way to prove that the Earth is round.

Possible Solutions:

• A satellite photo of Earth taken from space shows definitively that it is round.

• A ship disappears from view on the ocean horizon because the Earth is round. Water always maintains a horizontal orientation regardless of the elevation of the two land masses it is between.

• If you were flying a plane along Earth’s equator in the exact opposite direction as the spin of the Earth but at the same speed, the sun would remain at the same position in the sky (assuming you started in the morning).


Ask students to write out as many ways possible to prove that the earth is round and the reasoning behind each of these. Also ask them to define the Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox, and Winter Solstice. Then grade for accuracy.

Learning Objectives:

Students learn how to prove that the Earth is round.

Students learn the theory behind the change in seasons.

Students increase their Earth science vocabulary.

Background & Concepts for Teachers:

Theory behind the Earth’s seasons including the definitions of solstice and equinox. The students should also know that planets, including Earth, revolve around the Sun and that the moons revolve around their respective planets.

Prerequisite Vocabulary / Definitions:

Rotation – the spinning of the Earth on its axis

Axis – imaginary line drawn from Earth’s North Pole through to the South Pole.

Revolution – the motion of the Earth around the Sun.

Equator – imaginary line drawn around the Earth at its largest circumference.

Orbit – curved path of one planetary body around another e.g. the Earth around the Sun.

Spring Equinox – one of two days in the year when the Sun is directly above the Earth’s equator, the lengths of day and night are nearly equal all over the world. The Earth’s tilt is not toward or away from the Sun. This marks the beginning of Spring for the northern hemisphere and the beginning of Autumn for the southern hemisphere.

Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year when the Sun is at its greatest distance south of the equator.

Autumnal Equinox – one of two days in the year when the Sun is directly above the Earth’s equator, the lengths of day and night are nearly equal all over the world. The Earth’s tilt is not toward or away from the Sun. This marks the beginning of autumn for the northern hemisphere and the beginning of spring for the southern hemisphere.

Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year when the Sun reaches its greatest distance north of the equator.

Materials List:



Tennis ball


Any flat book

Activity Extensions:

Science: Seasonal Change

Ask the class why there are seasons on Earth. The seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis as well as its position in orbit around the Sun. This web simulation will help students understand how the Earth’s tilt and its orbital path around the Sun are the reasons for the change in seasons. Click on “Exploring Seasons”


Social Studies and History: Debunking Columbus

Have the students write a short report on the evolution of the Round-Earth theory dating back to the ancients. Students should understand that the prevailing understanding during the age of Columbus was that the Earth is round, not flat as is widely reputed. Earth's circumference was estimated around 240 BC by Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician and astronomer who estimated the circumference of the earth and the distances to the moon and sun (276-194 BC).


Lunar Eclipse video 2

Lunar Eclipse video 1

Diagrammatic model of the equinox and solstice

Evolution of the Round Earth Theory






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