School Issues

School Issues:

• Should schools require student uniforms?

• Should recycling be mandatory?

• Should Internet be censored at school?

• Should textbooks or library book choices be censored?

• Should schools have later start times?

• Should students be responsible for cleaning their school?

• Should recesses be eliminated to have more time for learning?

• Should the driving age be raised to 18?

• Should parents of teen vandals be held responsible for their child's damage?

• Should parents of excessively absent students be prosecuted under the law?

• Should "home schooling" be permitted?

• Should students failing their classes have their driver's license revoked?

• Should cell phones be allowed in schools?

• Should higher education/college be free to everyone?

Other Issues:

• Should there be a minimum age requirement to work?

• Should there be city curfews for minors?

• Should violent video games be banned?

• Should the United States spend money on space exploration?

• Should everyone be required to be an organ donor?

• Should people be required to carpool because of air pollution?

• Should healthcare be free to everyone?

• Should animal testing be allowed?

• Should internet chat rooms be stopped?

• Should rainforest logging be stopped?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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