Craigentinny Primary School

? Craigentinny Primary School16744957556500School Reopening GuidelinesAugust 2020Craigentinny Primary School4 Loganlea DriveEdinburgh EH7 6LRPhone: 0131 661 2749Email: admin@craigentinny.edin.sch.ukMessage from the Head TeacherDear Parents and CarersWe are looking forward to welcoming your children back to school on Wednesday 12th August or Thursday 13th August. We have missed them all and know that the last months have been challenging and uncertain, so we are looking forward to being in school together again. We will be following the government and healthcare guidance, and this means that school will look different to before the school closures. We look for your support in ensuring the safety and health and wellbeing of our whole school community. I am so grateful to all of you and the school staff for the way we have worked together for our school community, whilst managing the challenges we have faced and continue to face.? As we take this next step forward, into new territory, I want to thank you for your continued support and patience. There may be challenges and changes we need to make as we start this new way of working, but we shall keep you informed of these.I hope this document will give you clear information about how Craigentinny will operate from 12th August 2020.Look forward to seeing you all soon.Miss DeanSchool AttendanceDue to social distancing and government guidance, we will be following the recommended model of attendance in line with Authority guidelines. This will be 50% attendance on Wednesday 12th August and Thursday 13th August, with 100% of pupils returning to school on Friday 14th August.The model of attendance in week one, week beginning 10th August will be:MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayIn-ServiceIn-ServicePupils with surnames A-L onlyPupils with surnames M-Z onlyAll PupilsAll pupils will attend school from the week beginning 17th August.Children will remain in their class groups at all times. Children will not be required to socially distance from pupils in their class, but will need to socially distance from children from other classes. Children will learn, play and eat together in their classes and where possible they will remain with the same staff member(s). Staff members will change to cover staff lunches, breaks and staff planning and preparation time. There may also be occasions where staff are required to change due to unforeseen circumstances. The School DaySchool will initially operate around staggered drop-off and collection times to ease congestion around the school gates and to encourage social distancing and avoid people congregating on the playground. Children will enter the building at different points to avoid a larger group entering through one door. These are as follows: Monday - ThursdayNursery EntranceMain EntranceSideEntranceBack EntranceDROP OFF8.30amNursery8.45amP3BP3AP68.55amLCCs9.00amP7P4AP4/5P59.15amP2AP1A and P1BP2BPICK UP2.30pmNursery info to follow3.00pmP3BP3AP63.05pmP2AP1A and P1BP2B3.10pmLCCs 3.15pmP7P4AP4/5P53.30pmNurseryFridayNursery EntranceMain EntranceSideEntranceBack EntranceDROP OFF8.30amNursery8.45amP3BP3AP68.55amLCCs9.00amP7P4AP4/5P59.15amP2AP1A and P1BP2BPICK UP11.40amP2AP1A and P1BP2B12.00pmLCCsP3BP3AP612.15pmP7P4AP4/5P512.30pmNurseryWe respectfully ask all parents:To avoid arriving before their allocated drop-off or pick up time.Only one person to drop off and collect.Please allow for social distance when passing through the school gate or waiting for children in the playground.To email or telephone the school office rather than visiting the office in person.If you need to speak to the class teacher please email or phone the school office.Absence and LatesIf your child will be absent from school please call the school by 9:00am on 0131 661 2749 providing the reason for absence.If your child is going to be late to school, please call the school office to let them know. Then ask your child to come in the main entrance and ring the buzzer.HygieneAt Craigentinny we will follow the government guidance on hygiene and social distancing. Detailed information about this can be found at the following link: ensure infection control measures:Ensure staff and children wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds regularly. This should happen:On arrivalBefore and after eatingBefore and after toiletingBefore and after moving between spaces; such as from outside to inside or room to roomBefore or after sports activitiesBefore and after preparing foodBefore and after eating foodWhen leaving schoolThere will be provision of tissues in each classroom. No non-staff visitors to the school while staff and pupils are in attendance.All staff will monitor of staff/children for symptoms at all times. An isolation space will be used if a pupil displays symptoms of COVID-19 until collected by a parents or carer. Visuals and posters about hygiene and handwashing will be displayed in school.Where possible doors and windows will be kept open in rooms with pupils and staff to ensure ventilation.Although pupils will not be expected to ahere to two metre social distancing with children from their own class, there will be the following measures in place to maintain two metre social distancing is in place for children from different classes:Break and lunch arrangements such as staggered times and designated playground spaces for classes.Toilet visits to be confined to maximum of four pupils in the communal toilets.Entry and exit from the building to be staggered to prevent grouping of children.Adults to maintain social distancing with other adults.Parents and visitors not to have access to inside the school building.Only essential staff meetings and with minimum 2m distance between attendees.Visuals and posters about social distancing will be displayed in school.Ensure that infection control arrangements are in place where food is being eaten:Appropriate hygiene controls in place by canteen staff.Break and lunch arrangements to maintain 2m distancing outwith classes.Staggered lunches and breaks.Pupils to eat lunch in their classrooms with their class groups.Handwashing Advice (from Health Protection)Regular hand washing with soap and water is the first line of defence where hand washing facilities are available. Hand gels should only be used where pupils and staff don’t have access to hand washing facilities. Hand gel must be alcohol based. Alcohol free hand gels will not kill the virus. As well as hand washing good cough etiquette is required (cough into a tissue, discard the tissue and wash hands / cough into elbow wash hands).Facilities Management are working to prepare the building for our return on 12th August and will then implement an ongoing cleaning procedure in line with Authority guidance.If you have any concerns relating to health and safety please contact a member of the Senior Leadership Team via the school office.School ClothesChildren are expected to wear school uniform and it is recommended that your child wears clothing that can be washed frequently to reduce the risk of infection. Blazers or any items which require dry cleaning should not be worn to school. If you require support with school uniform, please contact the school office.Advice is that pupils are changed into school clothes just before they leave the house for school in the morning and change out of school clothes immediately when they get home after school. Clothing must be suitable outdoors and weather appropriate as we hope to maximise time outdoors. Shoes should be appropriate for all activities including outdoor learning and play. On sunny days all children should have sun cream applied before they come to school. Children should be able to manage their own clothing and shoes where possible e.g. Velcro shoes for children unable to tie laces.Children should not bring a school bag to school. They will be provided with named and labelled resources and water bottles. Children can bring lunch boxes to school. Children can bring a snack for break-time.Pupils should bring their gym kit to school. These will be returned home after each use to be washed and then returned to school.The ClassroomsWhen in class older pupils will have a designated desk and chair. Younger pupils will take part in play-based learning approach and so will not have a set desk, however play resources will be selected to ensure cleaning between use. Children will not share the same personal equipment. Each child will have an individual resource pack, labelled with their name. This will include stationery, jotters, whiteboard and a water bottle.We have removed unnecessary items in classrooms to increase space. Soft furnishings and soft toys have been removed, as well as items that are more difficult to clean. The children will not access toys and resources independently and the staff will select toys and resources for use during the day. This is to ensure cleaning between use by different classes. Some tables and chairs have been removed from classrooms to create more space. We will ensure doors and window are open where possible to ensure ventilation.NurseryChildren attending Craigentinny Nursery will still be involved in play-based learning opportunities, alongside adult led activities. Soft furnishings, soft toys and items that are harder to clean have currently been removed. Furniture has been carefully positioned to encourage a wider spread of children within each area of the nursery and constant use will be made of our outdoor spaces.Social distancing between children in Nursery will not be expected, however we will be following current Government Guidelines. Children will be kept with the same group, who they will be able to play alongside. Regular, supervised, hand washing will take place and hand gel will be available. Toys and surfaces will be washed after each session and staff will select new toys each day, based on children’s interests. Adults will continue to socially distance which will require changes to be made to our entry and exit points and routines. Further guidance can be found at Guidance on Reopening ELC.BreaksBreak-times will be staggered to ensure reduced numbers in the playground.Each stage will use the same designated entrance that they use at the beginning and end of the school day. They will also have a designated space in the playground for break and lunch time.Nursery EntranceMain EntranceSideEntranceBack Entrance10.15amLCCsP3BP3AP610.30amP7P4AP4/5P510.45amP2AP1BP1AP2BP1P3P4Front PlaygroundP2P4/5P6Grass AreaP5P7LCCsBack Playground* if too wet or muddy, front playground will be split into two sectionsPupil Support Assistants will cover playground times to allow Teaching Staff to take their break and lunch. Staff must observe social distancing in the hall, corridor, classroom and playground.On return to the school building after break all staff and pupils should sanitise their hands before entering the building. LunchesLunch will be staggered for use of the playground. Each class will have their lunch in their designated classroom. Children will continue to observe social distancing out with their class group.Once all children have eaten their lunch, a member of staff will remain with the group in their designated outdoor space (or classroom space if wet).Nursery EntranceMain EntranceSideEntranceBack Entrance12:00-12:30LCCsP3BP3AP612:30-13:00P7P4AP4/5P513:00-13:30P2AP1BP1AP2BP1P3P4Front PlaygroundP2P4/5P6Grass Area *P5P7LCCsBack Playground* if too wet or muddy, front playground will be split into two sectionsAll children will have packed lunches from school. There will be no hot meals served currently. This will help us to enable the kitchen team to stagger their working hours in order that social distancing in the workplace is adhered. If your child receives free school meals, we will give them a packed lunch when they are in school and a direct payment on the days that pupils do not physically go to school. For other pupils, we can provide a packed lunch which you will pay through ParentPay to avoid the circulation of cash. School packed lunches will be delivered to the classrooms. We are working on the choice of packed lunches at the moment. Alternatively, parents may wish to provide their own packed lunch.Children can bring lunch boxes to school. Children can bring a snack for break-time.Lunch arrangements for Nursery will follow when we have more information about this.Wet BreaksOn very rainy days pupils will have break and lunch in their designated classroom with a supervising adult. This will only be with other children from their class.The School HallsThe halls will not be used for any school gatherings such as assemblies but can be used by classes with cleaning between use.Corridors There will be a ‘one-way’ route around the school. Arrows on the ground will show direction of travel. This MUST be followed at all times, unless in case of an emergency evacuation. ToiletsToilet visits to be confined to one child per class at a time. There will be a maximum of four children in the communal toilets at one time. The number of sinks in use in the toilets will be reduced to ensure social distancing. Individual cubicles only will be used. Urinals will be closed.If your child requires personal care or has an accident when in school, they will be assisted by a member of staff in PPE equipment including a facemask, apron and gloves. First AidIf a child injures themselves during teaching time, break or lunch a qualified first-aider will support the child. This member of staff must put on appropriate PPE before dealing with the incident – gloves, a disposable apron, face covering. The Accessible Bathroom will be used for treatment and this ensures that the child requiring support is kept socially distanced from others. Parents or carers will be contacted immediately should children display symptoms which may be related to Covid-19 (see below).MedicationMedication will generally be administered as normal. Where possible, if this can be done out with school hours or independently administered by your child, we will advise this. Schools will follow advice from NHS Lothian regarding some procedures that should not be undertaken in school. We will be sending out forms for medication your child may need to take on return. School staff will be available in the playground on return in August to collect medication and forms. Symptomatic Pupils and StaffIf any pupil displays symptoms of COVID-19 when in school, they will be moved to the Isolation Space (room opposite the school office) and their parent or carer will then be telephoned and asked to collect them immediately. The child should then self-isolate according to the NHS guidance. If a member of staff displays symptoms of COVID-19 when in school, they will be sent home immediately and should then self-isolate according to the NHS guidance. Staff must be aware of Test and Protect?arrangements should they experience an outbreak. If a member of the staff team has symptoms, they must contact the NHS to arrange to be tested at 0800 028 2816 or? You can find more information on the COVID-19 Test and Protect?webpage.If someone develops COVID-19 symptoms, they should be tested in line with NHS procedures. The rest of the class do not need to leave school, unless they display symptoms. We will record a child or member of staff displaying symptoms with the Authority using our Significant Occurrence Procedure. We will contact the Health Protection Team if there are two or more cases on site.Someone in our house has coronavirus symptomsYour child should not come into school if they or someone in your household has Covid-19 symptoms or has been tested positive for Covid-10. Please follow the NHS Guidance on self-isolating. You can find all the information about what you need to do on the NHS Inform website - NHS COVID19 Guidance.Please inform the school office if you or a member of your household displays Covid-19 symptoms.Test and Protect can be tested for Coronavirus in Scotland and how to access it Tracing see NHS website for information about symptoms and advice regards COVID-19 - NHS COVID19 Guidance.CurriculumOur curriculum initially will focus on health and wellbeing and settling children back into the revised school situation. There are no individual or small group interventions or Support for Learning initially on our return. We will reinstate these groups when we are advised it is safe to do so. Reading books will be collected in as children return to school and we will not be sending any more books home at this current time. Children will be directed to online reading resources or paper-based activities to access at home.As a school we will make steps to give access to Teams for all pupils. CleaningFacilities Management are preparing the building for our return and will then implement an ongoing daily cleaning procedure in line with Authority guidance.Breakfast ClubBreakfast Club will open from Monday 17th August.After School ClubOSCARS After School Club are planned to open from Wednesday 12th August. Information about this to follow from OSCARS.Active Schools ClubsWe are waiting for information about the reopening of Active Schools.Parent Meetings and Open MorningsWe will not hold parent meetings, consultations or open mornings in school until further notice. Information about sharing your child’s learning with you will come later in the first term. In the case of a Child Planning Meeting, these will be scheduled through Microsoft Teams. We will contact parents and carers individually about this where necessary.Access to the School for Parents and CarersWe would ask all parents and carers to contact the school office by phone or email rather than coming into the school building.Telephone Number : 0131 657 2749Email Address : admin@craigentinny.edin.sch.ukIf you need to access the school, please use the intercom at the main entrance for assistance.Emergency EvacuationIn case of an emergency evacuation please follow the usual guidance. The one-way system does not need to be adhered to. School TransportWe ask that you arrive to school as close to drop off and pick up times as possible and then leave the school playground promptly. This is to minimise congestion. Advice is to walk to school where possible instead of travelling by car or public transport. Transport provided to your child by The Authority will continue. Children will not be expected to adhere to social distancing when travelling.StaffingWhere possible, your child will be taught by their class teacher. However due to individual circumstances, this may not always be possible. ................

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