Touching Spirit BearWriting Assignment: Letter to SenatorQuestion: Should violent youth offenders be tried as adults?Directions: Gather evidence to form an opinion about the question above. Then, write a letter to our New York Senator William Larkin, Jr. explaining your point of view.Step 1: Find both sides of the argument3181025825300On the iPad, click on the icon labeled “Bisti Letter Project” from the menu bar. This link will take you to the New York Times Room for Debate topic: “When to Punish a Young Offender, and When to Rehabilitate.” There are 9 opinion articles on this topic, some on one side of the debate, some on the other.144382887600Step 2: Gather evidenceRead at least two articles from each side of the argumentAs you read, take notes on your note catcher to gather data for both sides of the argument 24544414788800Step 3: Form a claimBased on what you’ve read, answer the question: Should violent youth offenders be tried as adults?Remember, your claim should have an opinion and reasons behind it.24193516065500Step 4: Draft your letterUsing the guideline and sample letter, write a letter to Senator Larkin using the evidence and claim you’ve made on your note catcher.16844221061900Step 5: Typing a Final DraftOnce your rough draft has been returned with edits, you’ll have a chance to type your final draft on SMS letterhead to be printed and sent to Senator Larkin.Touching Spirit BearWriting Assignment: Letter to Senator – Note CatcherQuestion: Should violent youth offenders be tried as adults?Article Title & AuthorArgumentEvidence93345-40830500Touching Spirit BearWriting Assignment: Letter to Senator – Note CatcherQuestion: Should college education be free?Article Title & AuthorArgumentEvidence“The Problem Is That Free College Isn’t Free”by Andrew P. KellyCollege education isn’t free because someone has to pay for it; the burden just switches from college student to taxpayer.The “tuition cap limits college spending to whatever the public is willing to invest. But it does not change the cost of college, or what institutions actually spend per student.”“…tuition-free colleges won’t have the resources to serve additional students without compromising the quality of their offerings.”“Public Higher Education Should Be Universal and Free”by Sara Goldrick-RabFinancial aid for lower income families isn’t enough – there should be universal public higher education. “Universal public higher education recognizes that college must be afforded for all if it is to help drive our economy and our democracy … It helps students focus on learning rather than working so that they complete degrees faster and having acquired more skills. Best of all, it recognizes that ability to pay is not a marker of talent in America – unleashing the potential in us all.”“Free Tuition Is a Needless Windfall for Affluent Voters and State Institutions”by Michael J. PetrilliFree college would not actually help those who need it, but instead would burden wealthy voters and state schools. Free college programs that focus on community colleges, schools with “the worst track record with poor kids, especially those with exceptional academic promise” would be a disservice to disadvantaged students.“Just 40 percent of 12th graders are college-ready, even though nearly 70 percent already head straight into college … Far better to prepare more disadvantaged students to succeed in college by investing in K-12 reform” and college incentive programs.“Tennessee Is Showing How Free Tuition Community College Works”by Celeste CarruthersFree college tuition encourages students in the high school to reach their potential by providing them the opportunity to continue their studies in higher education.Free college “is effective at getting more students into college … It transforms the way students view college and their place in it. The price of college is a critical piece of information for students who are unsure about going, and yet, it is a mystery until after admission and financial aid decisions are in, often late in their senior year.” Free tuition eliminates this question of whether or not students can afford to go, and therefore motivates them to strive to achieve their best.-64770-52959000Touching Spirit BearWriting Assignment: Letter to Senator549698117475Date00Date10803471187450February 20, 2017100372314837800244475164888Address0AddressThe Honorable William J. Larkin, Jr.1093 Little Britain RoadNew Windsor, NY 1255339285395673Greeting0Greeting10797129271000-291465224790Introduction: Introduce yourself, where you live, and why you’re writing.00Introduction: Introduce yourself, where you live, and why you’re writing.Dear Senator Larkin,100372312149700-139065822325Claim:What is your position on the issue? Include at least two reasons in your claim.00Claim:What is your position on the issue? Include at least two reasons in your claim.My name is Janet Bisti and I reside in New Paltz, New York. I am a teacher of 7th grade English Language Arts at South Middle School in Newburgh, New York. I am writing to discuss the importance of higher education and ask you to help in making a college education free for all students.100372319473300College education should be free because it will motivate students to do well in high school if they know they have a future in college, and will also help disadvantaged students get the degrees required for entering the workforce.100372313970000-291888836718Supporting Evidence:Using the evidence on your note catcher, support your claim to convince your audience of your opinion.00Supporting Evidence:Using the evidence on your note catcher, support your claim to convince your audience of your opinion.According to Celeste Carruthers, free college tuition encourages students in the high school to reach their potential by providing them the opportunity to continue their studies in higher education. Carruthers states that free college “transforms the way students view college and their place in it.” Many students from disadvantaged homes lose hope that they will be able to afford a college education, and so therefore, are not motivated to do well in high school. I see this already happening in middle school and it breaks my heart. Students may not know until the spring of their senior year if they are to receive enough financial aid to cover the cost of their college education. Free college tuition would eliminate this question of whether or not students can afford to go, and therefore would motivate them to strive to achieve their best. Sara Goldrick-Rab agrees, stating “Universal public higher education recognizes that college must be afforded for all if it is to help drive our economy and our democracy … It helps students focus on learning rather than working so that they complete degrees faster and having acquired more skills.” Free college tuition would level the playing field for all young people to get jobs that pay above the poverty line. With the number of skilled jobs requiring a college education, it only seems fair that we include at least two years of higher education in our country’s free education plan.100584017462600Not everyone agrees with this policy, however. Andrew Kelly argues that college education wouldn’t really be free because someone has to pay for it; the burden just switches from college student to taxpayer. While this is true, I could consider paying 1005840-98192200higher taxes for education a wise investment in the future of our economy. Many studies have shown that those with a degree from an institution make more money over the -213360616585Address the Counter-Claim:Argue against the other side – state details from the opposite argument and explain why your claim/opinion is the correct one.0Address the Counter-Claim:Argue against the other side – state details from the opposite argument and explain why your claim/opinion is the correct one.course of their lifetime than those without. This increase in wealth for the middle class will boost the economy and benefit everyone. Michael J. Petrilli argues that free college programs that focus on community colleges, schools with “the worst track record with poor kids, especially those with exceptional academic promise” would be a disservice to disadvantaged students, claiming that while 60% of students attend college, only 40% of them are college ready. Providing these students with a free education would be taking money away from the high schools that need the support in getting students ready for college. While I agree that preparing students for college is a struggle for many districts, I do not feel that taking away a free college education is the solution. All public schools need financial support, but I would argue further that motiving students through an investment in their future will go further than any other educational reform already in place.99906713419600-6286539370Conclusion:Restate your claim. Ask for a response & thank him.0Conclusion:Restate your claim. Ask for a response & thank him.In summary, free college tuition is an investment not only in our young people’s future, but also an investment in our economy. It is a strong motivator for disadvantaged students to work towards their potential and earn a degree, to gain the skills necessary for becoming a productive member of the workforce. I appreciate your help and ask that you please send me a response regarding this very important issue.Thank you for your time and consideration.-6032556515Closing:End your letter with “Sincerely” and your signature.Closing:End your letter with “Sincerely” and your signature.99906716234700Sincerely,Janet BistiTouching Spirit BearWriting Assignment: Letter to Senator131384818074100549698117475Date00Date10803471187450100372314837800244475164888Address0AddressThe Honorable William J. Larkin, Jr.1093 Little Britain RoadNew Windsor, NY 1255339285395673Greeting0Greeting10797129271000-291465224790Introduction: Introduce yourself, where you live, and why you’re writing.00Introduction: Introduce yourself, where you live, and why you’re writing.Dear Senator Larkin,131384819233800100372312149700-139065822325Claim:What is your position on the issue? Include at least two reasons in your claim.00Claim:What is your position on the issue? Include at least two reasons in your claim.My name is and I reside in , New York. I am a 7th grade student at South Middle School in Newburgh, New York. I am writing because 13042231522660010037231947330092883821132100130422311282900-291888836718Supporting Evidence:Using the evidence on your note catcher, support your claim to convince your audience of your opinion.00Supporting Evidence:Using the evidence on your note catcher, support your claim to convince your audience of your opinion.-295175913397Address the Counter-Claim:Argue against the other side – state details from the opposite argument and explain why your claim/opinion is the correct one.0Address the Counter-Claim:Argue against the other side – state details from the opposite argument and explain why your claim/opinion is the correct one.1304223-444500928838-1106910010065751978860010160207010Conclusion:Restate your claim. Ask for a response & thank him.0Conclusion:Restate your claim. Ask for a response & thank him.1342723270700In summary, I appreciate your help and ask that you please send me a response regarding this very important issue.Thank you for your time and consideration.-6032556515Closing:End your letter with “Sincerely” and your signature.Closing:End your letter with “Sincerely” and your signature.999067162347001304223982600Sincerely,Touching Spirit BearWriting Assignment: Letter to Senator131384818074100549698117475Date00Date10803471187450100372314837800244475164888Address0AddressThe Honorable William J. Larkin, Jr.1093 Little Britain RoadNew Windsor, NY 1255339285395673Greeting0Greeting10797129271000-291465224790Introduction: Introduce yourself, where you live, and why you’re writing.00Introduction: Introduce yourself, where you live, and why you’re writing.Dear Senator Larkin,131384819233800100372312149700-139065822325Claim:What is your position on the issue? Include at least two reasons in your claim.00Claim:What is your position on the issue? Include at least two reasons in your claim.My name is and I reside in , New York. I am a 7th grade student at South Middle School in Newburgh, New York. I am writing because 13042231522660010037231947330092883821132100130422311282900-291888836718Supporting Evidence:Using the evidence on your note catcher, support your claim to convince your audience of your opinion.00Supporting Evidence:Using the evidence on your note catcher, support your claim to convince your audience of your opinion.1005840450850010160207010Conclusion:Restate your claim. Ask for a response & thank him.0Conclusion:Restate your claim. Ask for a response & thank him.1342723270700In summary, I appreciate your help and ask that you please send me a response regarding this very important issue.Thank you for your time and consideration.-6032556515Closing:End your letter with “Sincerely” and your signature.Closing:End your letter with “Sincerely” and your signature.999067162347001304223982600Sincerely, ................

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