El 20 de enero ESPAÑOL 1

martes Pers 2, 3, 4

1. La asistencia (attendance)

2. Review verbs like gustar (student progresses slides): PPT: Verbs like gustar Flashcards

While SraB STAMPs Reading Activity that students finished over the weekend.

3. Correct the FRONT of the WS: Reading Act pp 40-41

Then turn it in so SraB can check the writing assignment on the back.

4. Make the booklet for the project.

5. Distribute the instructions for the project.

Instructions for Project:

1. Front page: Write the title: ¿Eres tú mi media naranja?

Write your name: ________

Write your period: _____

Decorate it.

2. Choose the 7 Spanish sentences that describe the likes/dislikes/etc you feel most strongly about.

3. NEATLY Write or Type and paste the sentence(s) describing that like/dislike/etc AND a picture illustrating that like/dislike/etc on each of the 7 pages of the booklet including the back page.

4. Make sure you correct your errors and copy the sentences carefully because grammar will be graded again!

5. Make sure your pictures are professional and cute to get all the points for presentation.

6. Project will be graded on:

o presentation/effort to make it look nice (typed or NEATLY written sentences; CUTE drawings or clipart)

o completeness (Decorated Title page with Name & Per + 7 pgs with sentences about your likes/dislikes/etc and pictures to illustrate each of them)

o Grammar and Spelling corrected

6. Return the sentences students wrote in Spanish on their likes/dislikes/etc.

Copy the formula on the top of your paper. Most mistakes have to do with not conjugating the verb in 3rd person singular/plural that agrees with the noun that follows or forgetting to include the definite article (el, la, los, las) with the noun.

Formula for conjugating verbs like Gustar:

A +person +IOP +verb with 3rd person ending + infinitive

Or A +person +IOP +verb with 3rd person ending + el/la/los/las +noun (+ adj)

7. Correct the errors on your project sentences. This is your chance to get help. You can also come in at lunch.

If time permits:

8. Review basic questions with PPT: Basic questions

La Tarea:

1. MEMORIZE VERBS LIKE GUSTAR + VOC you can use with these verbs for a Pop Quiz ;) this week. Look for the PPT: Verbs like gustar Flashcards on the class website SraBernal. and practice them until you know them by heart.

2. REVIEW Basic Questions on PPT that is also on the website

3. Work on your ¿Eres mi media naranja? project. –DUE THURSDAY!

Nombre _______________________________ Fecha ________________ Per ____ Pg _____

Reading Activity ¡Adelante! Pg 40-41: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

Strategy: Using Cognates to understand the reading.

1. What are cognates? __________________________________________________

Answer the questions in complete Spanish sentences:

2. ¿De dónde es Marisol? Marisol es de Puerto Rico.

3. ¿Cuántos años tiene Daniel? Daniel tiene trece años.

4. ¿Quién vive en España? Silvia vive en España.

5. ¿Cuántos años tiene Pablo? Pablo tiene quince años.

6. ¿De dónde es Pablo? Pablo es de Guinea Ecuatorial

7. ¿En qué continente está Guinea Ecuatorial? Está en África.

8. ¿Quién no vive en un Estado libre asociado (a territory) de los Estados Unidos? Daniel, Silvia y Pablo no viven en un Estado libre asociado de los EEUU.

9. ¿Qué actividades le gusta hacer a cada persona?

|Marisol: |Daniel: |

|1. Le gusta practicar deportes, |1. Le gusta mucho ver la tele, |

| | |

|2. escuchar música, |2. escuchar música, |

| | |

|3. jugar al básquetbol. |3. tocar el piano, |

| | |

| |4. pasar tiempo con amigos en un café o en una fiesta. |

|Silvia: |Pablo: |

|Le gusta leer revistas, |Le gusta jugar al vóleibol, |

| | |

|bailar, |jugar al tenis, |

| | |

|cantar |escribir cuentos, |

| | |

|escuchar música alternativa, |organizar fiestas. |

| | |

|hablar por teléfono con amigos | |

10. Completa el gráfico de barras (bar graph). Indica en el gráfico a cuántos de los cuatro jóvenes (young people) les gusta cada una de estas actividades: [pic]

11. ¿Con cuál de estos chicos tienes más en común? ¿Por qué? ¿?

Escribe un mensaje personal similar a los mensajes en estas (these) páginas. Puedes usar los mensajes en estas páginas como (as a) modelo para escribir tu mensaje.

Lugar donde vives: __________________________________________

Tu nombre: ____________________________ Tu edad: ____________











Instructions for Project:

1. Front page: Write the title: ¿Eres tú mi media naranja?

Write your name: _____

Write your period: _____

Decorate it.

2. Choose the 7 Spanish sentences that describe the likes/dislikes/etc you feel most strongly about.

3. NEATLY Write or Type and paste the sentence(s) that describe your likes/dislikes/etc AND a colorful picture illustrating that like/dislike/etc on each of the 7 pages of the booklet including the back page.

4. Make sure you correct your errors and copy the sentences carefully because grammar will be graded again!

5. Make sure your pictures are colorful, professional and cute to get all the points for presentation.

6. Project will be graded on:

o presentation/effort to make it look nice (typed or NEATLY written sentences; CUTE drawings or clipart); colorful

o completeness (Decorated Title page with Name & Per + 7 pgs with sentences about your likes/dislikes/etc and colorful/artistic pictures to illustrate each of them)

o Grammar and Spelling corrected


Instructions for Project:

1. Front page: Write the title: ¿Eres tú mi media naranja?

Write your name: _____

Write your period: _____

Decorate it.

2. Choose the 7 Spanish sentences that describe the likes/dislikes/etc you feel most strongly about.

3. NEATLY Write or Type and paste the sentence(s) that describe your likes/dislikes/etc AND a colorful picture illustrating that like/dislike/etc on each of the 7 pages of the booklet including the back page.

4. Make sure you correct your errors and copy the sentences carefully because grammar will be graded again!

5. Make sure your pictures are colorful, professional and cute to get all the points for presentation.

6. Project will be graded on:

o presentation/effort to make it look nice (typed or NEATLY written sentences; CUTE drawings or clipart); colorful

o completeness (Decorated Title page with Name & Per + 7 pgs with sentences about your likes/dislikes/etc and colorful/artistic pictures to illustrate each of them)

o Grammar and Spelling corrected

Formula for conjugating verbs like Gustar:

A +person +IOP +verb + infinitive

Or A +person +IOP +verb + el/la/los/las +noun (+ adj)

Project: ¿Eres tú mi media naranja?

(Are you my other half?)

1. Pretend you are looking for the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend.

2. Although opposites attract, you will probably have a better relationship with a person that has the same likes and dislikes as you than someone who hates what you love or loves what you hate.

3. Brainstorm: What are the areas people should agree on in order to have a lasting relationship.


Favorite movie type of movie should be similar.

It wouldn’t be fun to go to the movies with someone who always wants to see scary movies if you hate scary movies.

Food, Pastimes, Places to go, Things to do, Characteristics you like/dislike in people.

4. For this project, you are going to start by writing 10 sentences describing your likes, dislikes, etc using A VARIETY OF VERBS LIKE GUSTAR in English.

5. You will be translating those sentences to Spanish in class without the help of classmates.

6. Once you turn in your sentences to get checked and you make the corrections, you are going to put those sentences into a small book and illustrate your sentences with cute drawings or clipart to complete the project. Then we will share the books to see if you can find your “media naranja” among your classmates!








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