2016: Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts NOTE: THIS IS ...

[Pages:3]February 18th 2016: Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Les Parrott, Ph.D.


INSTRUCTIONS: Thanks for attending AACC's Counseltalk Webinars! This is a practice quiz ? it mirrors that which you will be required to answer in order to gain CE credit at the conclusion of the Webinar. Please Note: This is a guide only ? your actual quiz is taken electronically online at the conclusion of the webinar from your control panel! Use this to help you look for the answers during the webinar. This quiz is not meant to be difficult, but to help verify your attendance.

1. The new generation:

A. Does not value marriage B. Values marriage C. Does not see the point in marriage D. All of the above

2. People want to stay married:

7. "People who say marriage is a part of their life plan and it will last for life" fall into the ____________ marriage mindset.

A. Romantic B. Resolute C. Rational D. Restless

A. For life B. For 25 Years C. For 50 Years D. As long as it is enjoyable

3. Those who seek pre-marriage education:

A. Reduce the risk of divorce B. Improve their fulfillment level in their

marriage C. Both of the above D. None of the above

8. "People who believe in marriage, but take their time because they know it's going to be hard work" fall into the ____________ marriage mindset.

A. Romantic B. Resolute C. Rational D. Restless

9. "People who love the world soul mate and love the concept of finding the one" fall into the ____________ marriage mindset.

4.The SYMBIS assessment is a:

A. Diagnostic B. Discussion Starter C. Survey D. Pass/Fail Test

5. The combination of everything picked up from answers on the SYMBIS assessment is referred to as:

A. Romantic B. Resolute C. Reluctant D. Restless

10. "People who say they will get married someday, but don't know when. They say they're too busy having fun" fall into the ____________ marriage mindset.

A. Marriage Momentum B. Marriage Mindset C. Caution Flags D. Wellbeing

A. Romantic B. Resolute C. Reluctant D. Restless

6. A person's attitude toward marriage is referred to as their ________________.

A. Marriage Momentum B. Marriage Mindset C. Caution Flags D. Wellbeing

11. "People who say `Why go through with marriage? It's just a piece of paper.'" fall into the ____________ marriage mindset.

A. Romantic B. Resolute C. Reluctant D. Restless

February 18th 2016: Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts Les Parrott, Ph.D.


12. When certain combinations of marriage mindsets do not blend well together ________.

A. The couple should not go forward with marriage

B. The couple will never work together C. Caution flags are pointed out D. None of the above

13. "A marriage can only be as healthy as the two people in it," describes which concept?

A. Marriage Momentum B. Marriage Mindset C. Context D. Wellbeing

14. A subcategory of wellbeing is:

A. Self-concept B. Maturity C. Independence D. All of the above

15. Tendencies or issues from a person's past are referred to as:

A. Self-concept B. Maturity C. Independence D. Caution flags

16. Baggage one brings into the relationship and the circumstances is:

A. Marriage Momentum B. Marriage Mindset C. Context D. Wellbeing

17. An aspect of context is:

A. Social B. Finances C. Expectations D. All of the above

18. When a second marriage is involved, an additional category is added to the context section of the assessment.

A. True B. False

19. How God designed each individual and the two separate personalities involved in a marriage describes this concept:

A. Empathy B. Dynamics C. Self-awareness D. All of the above

20. The capacity to see the world from another person's perspective is:

A. Empathy B. Dynamics C. Self-awareness D. All of the above

21. Couples have their best communication when:

A. They prove their point on the issue B. They disregard their feelings in the situation C. They feel emotionally secure and safe D. They talk all the time

22. Time, approval, loyalty, and quality are:

A. Four emotional safety needs B. Four types of attitudes C. Four different mindsets D. Four coping tendencies

23. A question on the SYMBIS assessment regarding the topic of love and sexuality is:

A. How do you rate your desire when it comes to sex? B. Who do you expect to be the initiator of sex in your

relationship? C. How often do you expect to have sex? D. All of the above

24. An attitude an individual may possess in a relationship is:

A. Resiliency B. Adaptability C. Optimism D. All of the above

25. An individual's natural coping tendencies when life becomes demanding impact:

A. Only the individual B. How their partner may perceive them under real

stress C. Their success D. All of the above

30. Regarding spiritual intimacy, a question asked is:

A. How do you walk together with God in a way that is meaningful and joins your spirits?

B. How does each individual feel close to God? C. What are each individual's spiritual practices? D. All of the above

26. Identifying your talking style falls under the category of:

A. Conflict B. Love and Sexuality C. Communication D. Bridging the Gender Gap

27. A question asked in the SYMBIS assessment regarding communication is:

A. How do you like your partner to communicate with you?

B. How much should you talk? C. When is the right time to be quiet? D. Who is in charge of communication?

28. In bridging the gender gap, this question must be asked:

A. What does a man need to know about his wife? B. What does a woman need to know about her

husband? C. Both of the above D. None of the above

29. How an individual deals with conflict includes:

A. Awareness B. Personal conflict challenges C. Hot topics (Issues they fight about most frequently

about as a couple) D. All of the above

Counseltalk Webinars are typically available for archived viewing 14-21 days after original air date. 30. RegardingYsopuirwituillarleincetiivmeawcyh,eanqtuheesatirocnhiavsekdevdidies:o is available. Questions? Email support@!

A. How do you walk together with God in a way that is meaningful and joins your spirits?

B. How does each individual feel close to God? C. What are each individual's spiritual practices?


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