All students should have longer lunches

All students should have longer lunches

By: Alexys Karl

Don’t you think students should have a longer lunch period? Students would have a longer time to eat, finish a book or morning work, and then teachers would have more time to eat and get some planning done. If students had a longer time to eat it could leave the students to be healthier, too.

First, students should have a longer lunch because they would have more time to eat their lunch. Students would have more time to eat if the lunch lines were long. Some people are slow eaters and need to have more time to eat their lunch. Unfortunately, some students have to throw most of their lunches away. That is because the students don’t have enough time to eat. Students would have a longer time to eat if the lunch periods were longer.

Secondly, students should have a longer lunch because they would have time to finish work from the morning board or read their books. If some people finish early, they would have more time to do their work. Finishing the morning board work is really good because then they don’t have to have it to become homework. Also if some people finish early they could read their books. Reading their books is good because that will increase their vocabulary. It will also help their PSSA scores go up. Reading is very important for students and so is finishing their morning work.

Thirdly, students should have a longer lunch because not only will it help them, it will help the teachers too. If the teachers had longer lunch periods, they would have more time to eat heir lunches just like the students. Also, if the teachers and students get done early, they would have time to plan their lessons, like: grading papers and responding to e-mails. One example is that most teachers like to get more time to eat. That is why students and teachers need more time to eat their lunches.

In conclusion, students should have a longer lunch period because then they would have more time to eat their lunches. They would also have more time to read their books or finish work from the morning board, and I t will also benefit the teachers so they could get planning time. Now, you should know that students should have a longer lunch period


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