Setting Priorities - EIU

Setting Priorities

Prioritize and rank each item in the order you think it should be accomplished. Number the items from 1 to 10. One is the item that should be completed first; 10 is the last thing on your to do list.

_____ Chemistry exam tomorrow morning that you’ve known about for 2 weeks.

_____ Two page English paper due tomorrow afternoon.

_____ A friend needs your expert help with algebra—NOW!

_____Party tonight with a live band and free food.

_____ Spanish quiz tomorrow morning that the teacher announced in class today.

_____ Drama club meeting tonight at 8:00 p.m. and you are the president.

_____ You have to do some training and lifting at the Rec for your athletic team.

_____No clean socks or underwear. You have to do laundry.

_____ History paper due in two days, but there is a big concert tomorrow in Chicago so

you won’t have time to do it then.

_____ You need some sleep.

1. What is your group’s rationalization for the order you selected?

2. What are some ways to avoid letting so many things pile up?

3. How should you work through and plan for upcoming commitments and assignments?


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