Format and Procedures of Course

Format and Procedures of Course

Format of course: This course will not be run in the traditional manner. In a traditional

course, the student attends lecture classes, takes notes, listens and concentrates

attentively. The student then goes home to review the class notes, read the text

and do the written home work. In this class the procedure will be just reversed.

The student will view video lectures on MyMathLab before coming to class. The

student can view the videos as many times as necessary to fully understand the

material. The videos can be re-wound, or fast forwarded as desired to gain full

understanding. Notes will be taken on concepts and example problems (just as if

attending a lecture class). In class, students will be working on guided practice

problems individually or in study groups with the instructor and T.A.’s circulating

to answer questions and give help. Although a sample calendar will be given

tracking sections to be completed on a daily basis in order to complete the course

on time, each student can progress at his/her own rate. Thus in class not all

students will be working on the same problems at the same time. It is important

to notice that all videos, home work and tests (with the exception of the final) can

be done on the computer based software, MyMathLab, and thus can be done at

home, in the dorm, on campus or anywhere there is a computer, 24/7.

Procedures of Course: Once you have logged on to MyMAthLab follow these guide lines:

1) Click on "Taking a Test" and do the chapter test,form A, as a pre-test. Do not be alarmed if you cannot do some of the problems. You are not expected to know all the material. Don't guess!. The computer is trying to find out what you know and what you don't know.

2) After taking the pre-test,click on submit at the lower right hand corner of the screen.

3) Return to MyMathLab home page. Click on "Study Plan". Then click on the chapter for which you just took the pre-test.Those

sections with a pencil icon next to it are the secions you need to work on in order to master the material.

4) View the lectures on MyMathLab for the sections indicated in step 3.

5) On the home page click on "Study Plan". Do the guided practice

problems in Study Plan for the sections indicated in step 3 until you feel you know the material. You only have to do what is necessary for you to master the material. Take advantage of all the options given such as: show me how to do this problem, give me another problem like this, show me a video presentation of the solution, etc. Work through the entire chapter in this way.

6) Take the B form of the chapter test. Don't forget to submit it.

You must get 72% or better on each form B test and they must be

completed in a timely manner. (A calendar will be given to you the first day of class.) If you did not get 72% or better repeat steps 3

through 6. You can take a test as many times as necessary in order for

you to get the grade you want. We record only the highest score of each B form of a test.

Remember you must get a 72% or higher. Always strive for 100%!!

So you take the pre-test (Form A of chapter test), go to study plan to

see which sections you must master, watch the video lectures for these

sections, return to study plan and do the guided practice problems until you have mastered the material, take the B form of the chapter test. Once you have achieved a score of 72% or better on the B form of a chapter test, proceed to the next chapter and follow the same steps.

WARNING: Do not skip any of these steps. If you follow directions

carefully you should be able to pass the B form of a test on your first

or second try.

7) Once you have completed all six tests,form B(chapters 1,2,3,5,6

and 7 -- we don't do chapter 4.)with a 72% or higher,contact me and make arrangements to take the final exam.

Theoretically, you can complete the course in less than the prescribed 8 weeks if you can complete all requirements. If the final exam is not taken during the first 7 weeks, it must be taken at the prescribed date and time in the 8th week as directed by the instructor.

Once you have passed the course you no longer need to attend class. If you can complete the course within the first 2 weeks of the semester, you can enroll in the next math course in your math sequence according to your major. This would save you time and money. But don't feel you have to do this. The important thing is that you really learn and understand the content material.


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