Questacon transcript of Sun and Moon video

Transcription of Science Time video – Sun and Moon

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Transcription from video:

Dion Hi


Dion Welcome to Questacon Science Time. I’m Dion

BJ And I’m BJ

Dion And today we’re talking about sun and moon.

BJ Let’s go.

Dion Let’s see. (Introduction music) Welcome everyone. Today we’re talking about the sun and the moon. So, can anyone tell me

Child And we’re talking about rockets.

Dion We might be talking about rockets a little bit later as well, defiantly.

Child And, and…

Dion What other things?

Child And…

Child The moon and the sun.

Child I know…um…

Dion What do you think?

Child That there’s hundreds and thousands of stars.

Dion Yeah, we’re going to talk all about the stars as well. Now, what do you see in the sky in the day time? Can any body tell me? What do you see in the sky?

Child The sun.

Child The moon.

Dion The sun. Sometimes you see the moon as well. What other things do you see in the sky?

Children Stars.

Dion Do you see stars at day time?

Children No.

Dion No, you don’t see stars in the day time. What else do you see in the sky at day time?

Child Clouds.

Dion Clouds as well. Well done. So you can see lots of things in the sky in day time.

Child The sun comes out and the moon.

Dion It does, the sun comes out and the moon as well.

Child And the rain.

BJ And the rain.

Dion So, do you think the sun is hot or cold?

Children Hot. Hot.

Dion It’s hot, isn’t it. It’s very, very hot. That’s why it keeps us nice and warm on our planet here. So, what we’re going to have a look at – we’re going to have a look at this here. Now, this is a very special planet. What’s this planet called? Thank you very much for that. What’s this planet called?

Children Earth.

Dion It’s Earth. And do we live on Earth?

Children Yes. Yes.

Dion Yes, we live on Earth. Now, Earth has lots and lots of countries all over it as you can see. Now, does anybody know, what country do we live in?

Child Canberra.

Child Australia.

Dion Australia. But we live in the city Canberra. So, we live in Australia. Now if I turn my Earth, can anyone see Australia? Say when you can see Australia.

Children I can. I can.

Dion Can you see? There’s Australia. That’s where we live. And we’ll find Canberra as well, which is over here.

Child ???? …down here.

Dion It’s pretty cold down there though, so we live up here in Australia.

Child This is a penguin place.

Dion There is a penguin place down there. Well done. We’re going to stick this little man here on Canberra. That’s where we here at Questacon. And we’re going to pretend this is us. We’re going to pretend this is us. And that’s where we are. So in all the world we are here. This is me maybe, right here.

Child But that may be me.

Dion That may be you as well. Now, what we’re going to have a look at – we’re going to get a sun now and we’re going to start shining the sun. If the sun is shining in Australia, is it day time or night time? What do you think?

Child It’s day time.

Dion It’s day time. Sitting on your bottom.

Child That’s a little planet.

Dion That is a little country. Now, what do we see in the sky a night time?

Child The moon.

Child A rocket.

Dion The moon. And sometimes you might be able to see a rocket.

Child And Buzz Light-year.

Dion And Buzz Light-year, you might be able to see him as well. What else do you see at night time?

Child Star.

Dion Stars. Twinkly stars as well. So, I have a moon right here. What shape is the moon?

Child Round.

Dion It’s round, isn’t it. So our moon is -

Child A circle.

Dion It is a bit like a circle, isn’t it.

Child It’s like an “o”.

Child It’s like a ‘narna.

Dion It is bit like a banana. It can be a little bit like a banana as well.

Child It’s not like this.

Dion No, it’s defiantly not like that. It’s like our moon right here.

Child A circle.

Dion So, sitting on you bottom for me. So, we’ve got our moon which is round. What shape is our planet Earth?

Children Round.

Dion It’s round as well, isn’t it? What happens is our moon actually goes around our Earth. That’s why we can see it at night time and also sometimes during the day as well. So, at the moment you can see the sun is shining on Australia, so it’s day time in Australia. What kinds of things do you do the day? What kinds of things do you do in the day time? What do you do?

Child We sleep sometimes.

Dion Sometimes you might sleep during the day, if your feeling a bit lazy then you can, you can have a bit of a nap. But what about – does anyone go play in the playground during the day time? Yeah, that’s a bit of fun.

Child No, you can’t do that ‘cause you might bump into people.

Dion Bump in to - ? Well you will bump into people during the day because there are a lot of people around during the day. Now, what happens to the sun at night time?

Child It goes down to bed.

Child It goes down to bed.

Dion It does to bed? It goes down, doesn’t it. We can’t really see it in the night time. And the reason that is, is because the Earth is moving. So the sun stays in the same spot –

Child Even the sun is a circle.

Dion Yes, the sun is a circle as well, well done. But, what we’re going to have a look at now is that the Earth actually starts to spin, as you can see.

BJ So look, the sun is shining on the Earth, but the Earth is moving. So, the sun is shining on the Earth and in Australia is starting to be evening. And now you can see, the sun is still shinning on this side, but Australia is on the other side of the world. So, if there’s no sun shinning on Australia is it day time or night time do you think?

Child Night time.

Dion Night time, exactly. So it’s night time in Australia. But if you have a look on the other side of the world, in places like Brazil, the sun is shinning so it’s day time. So, when we’re sleeping in Australia, people in Brazil and other countries on the other side of the world their going out and having lunch, playing in the playground and lots of different things.

Child An astronaut might come from there.

Dion An astronaut might come from these places as well. What happens is the world still keeps spinning. It still keeps spinning. And it’s going to spin so much until Australia is on the other side again. So, now it’s day time in Australia again and what time of day is it - is it day time or night time on the other side of the world?

Children Night time.

Dion It’s night time. So, where the sun isn’t shinning it’s night time. Very well done.

BJ So, where does the sun go when it’s night time for us?

Dion Where do you think.

Child Bed time.

Dion Bed time. Also to the other side – it shines on the other side of the world.

BJ It goes to the other side of the world.

Dion So at night time the sun shines on the other side of the world when we don’t have any sun because it’s night time. Now, we’re going to have a look at our moon now. We what we’re going to see is this moon, it’s round and it goes round in a circle around our Earth. But, the Earth also goes in a round circle around the sun as well. So, what we’re going to do – BJ’s going to be the Earth, and also a moon as well, and I’m going to be the sun now. So we’re going to get the torch over here and I’m going to be the sun. There we are, so I’m the sun now.

BJ So the Earth spins around. Then the moon goes around the Earth and they both go around the sun.

Dion So you can see the Earth spins around the sun and the moon is always spinning around the Earth. All the time.

BJ Wow, lot’s of going round.

Dion And that’s why it changes from day time to night time and that sort of thing. Now, we talked about the moon being different shapes before, someone said it was a banana shape. Which is true. It can be a banana shape. What other shapes can the moon be in the sky?

Child A circle.

Dion A circle as well. What other kinds of shapes do you think? I actually have a picture here and this can show us all the different shapes of the moon. So we’ve got our full moon, when the moon is really nice and round. We’ve also got our banana moon, which is called a crescent moon. Can everyone say that word? Crescent. That means the moon is in a bit of a banana shape. Now, has anyone ever gone out at night time to see no moon at all? Have you ever been out at night when you can’t see any moon? You might not have seen any moon at night time and that might be because it’s a new moon. Now, the reason the moon changes shape is because of the sun. The reason we can see the moon is because the sun is shinning on to it. So, BJ if you can be the sun again, this time we’re going to start off with the sun shinning on the front of the moon. Now, you can see the front of the moon is all shiny and that’s because the sun is shinning on it and we can see the whole moon. This would be a full moon. Now what happens is the moon also moves around so sometimes the sun is only shinning on half the moon. This means we can only see half the moon in the sky because the sun is only shinning on half of it there. We can only really see the bits of the moon that the sun shines on. And sometimes the sun is shinning on the back of the moon and this means that we can’t see any of the moon. Even though the sun is shinning on the back here, we only see the front and it’s got no sun ligth on it, and that means we can’t see the moon. There we are. So we’ve got lots of things to look at in Science Time today. So if everyone is ready – ready, set, go. Explore the room. See what you can find.

BJ Go have a play!

Dion Have fun!

BJ While they’re having a play, let’s go have a closer look at the phases of the moon. Let’s go. Hi there, behind me is Questacon’s Clockwork Universe. I like to call it the moon clock, because you can see the different phases of the moon as they change. Let’s have a closer look. Take a close look at the moon. Do you remember that the moon looks different shapes because as it moves around the Earth different parts of the moon are lit up by the sun. The wonderful thing about this moon clock is we can see it all happen really quickly. So the whole face of the moon is covered in shadow. But, as the shadow moves across the face of the moon a little bit of the moon is lit up by the sun. We call that the crescent. And a little bit more is lit up until it’s a half moon. And a little bit more, until it’s a full moon. The whole face of the moon is lit up. And the shadow will keep moving across, here it comes, covering up a little bit of the moon. And now it’s a half moon again. And now it’s a little crescent of the moon. Until the whole moon is in shadow again. Now this goes over and over and it changes. Every night the moon looks a little bit different. Take a look at the moon tonight, I wonder what it looks like. Will it be a crescent? Will it be a half moon? Or maybe even a full moon. Let’s go back and see what the kids are doing at Science Time.

Dion So, we had lots and lots of things to think about, talk about and explore in Science Time today. But now it’s time to see what we can take home with us. Boys and girls at home you can also take some things home. First of all we’ve got a parent information sheet. This parent information sheet will give you some information about what you can do at home. Some activities and also some information. That’s lots of fun. But, for everyone here we’ve also got some colouring in to do as well. This one is what we’ve got here. We’ve got our sun and moon colouring in. So, what can you see? What’s this big thing in the middle of the picture?

Children The sun.

Dion The sun, well done. And what’s this other thing here? What’s this thing here?

Child The moon.

Dion That’s our Earth actually. That’s our Earth. And what’s this smaller one next to the Earth?

Children The moon.

Dion Our moon, well done. That’s all our round moon, Earth and sun. We can colour in that all those different colours. But, now it’s time to say good bye. So if everyone can have a look at the boys and girls at home. Can everyone wave and say goodbye.

Children Goodbye.

Dion & BJ We’ll see you next Science Time!


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