CD-ROM Boot Diskette for Desk Top Imaging




|Name Of Procedure: CD-ROM |Number: |

| Boot Diskette for DT Imaging |PRO-EDMS009 |

|Domain: |Category: |

|Procedures |Desktop Procedures |

|Date Issued: |Issued By: |

|2/14/2006 |DPW Bureau of Information Systems |

|Date Revised: | |

|7/27/2007 | |


This document assists administrators with creating CD-ROM Boot Diskettes


CD-ROM Boot Diskette for Desktop Imaging

1. Double click on the my computer desktop icon, click on Tools and select Map Network Drive

2. Insert a diskette into the A drive, Map drive to \\pwishbgfps23\Images\W2KBOOT\Desktop\CD_ROM

(pictures on the next page show how you map a drive)


3. This will open the “CD-ROM” folder. You want to double click on the cdrom.exe


4. This will start a formatting and writing process.


5. When it is done close any open screens.

6. Check the diskette to make sure that the autoexec.bat file is accessing the proper image file. Double click on A drive to open diskette


Need to make sure that

the autoexec.bat file has

the correct image name

entered. If not, type in the

change and then save it. Go

to file and select save.

Close the open screens.

7. After checking and correcting, if needed, the autoexec.bat file on this diskette you are ready to use it to load the latest desktop image for a set of bootable media

Procedure Revision Log:

|Change Date |Version |Change Description |Author and Organization |

|02/10/2006 |1.0 |Initial creation. |Bob Jones |

|07/26/2007 |1.2 |Revised |Vivian Hess |

| | | | |


Right click on autoexec.bat, then select edit

Here you will type the infor-mation in step 2.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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