SUMMUM | The Sum Total of All Creation

Chapter 12 O P P O S I T I O N


Before working the other exercises in this chapter, write definitions of each of the key terms from the chapter. Place the cursor in the brackets. Begin typing. Your words will be displayed within the brackets.

Identical: { }

Degree: { }

Partial: { }

Paradoxes: { }

Reconciled: { }

Opposition: { }

Aspects: { }

Manifold: { }

Extremes: { }

Diametrically: { }

Thesis: { }

Antithesis: { }

Reconciliation: { }

Recognition: { }

Summa Individuals: { }

Illustrations: { }

Event: { }

Intermediate: { }

Phenomena: { }

Thermometer: { }

Compelled: { }

Relative: { }

Unreconcilable: { }

Absolute: { }

Distinguished: { }

Ascend: { }

Immersion: { }

Class: { }

Transformed: { }

Altered: { }

Alteration: { }

Occasioned: { }

Vastly: { }

Analogy: { }

Alterable: { }

Innumerable: { }

Dominates: { }

Tendency: { }

Dominant: { }

Psychokinetic: { }

Induction: { }

Communicated: { }

Treatments: { }

Melancholy: { }


This summary, when completed, gives you a comprehension of the primary points of the chapter in the text. Fill in the brackets with words or phrases that complete the ideas.

1. "Everything is [ ]; everything has an [ ] point; everything has its [ ] of [ ]; like and [ ] are the same; opposites are [ ] in [ ], but different in [ ]; extremes [ ]; all [ ] are but partial truths; all [ ] may be [ ]." -- Summum

2. The great fourth Summum Principle, the Principle of Opposition, embodies the idea that all manifested things have two [ ]; [ ] aspects; two opposing [ ]; a pair of opposites, with manifold [ ] between the [ ] extremes. An understanding of this Principle explains the [ ] which have perplexed the minds of humans.

3. "Everything is and [ ] at the same [ ]"; “[ ] truth is partially [ ]"; "all [ ] are a [ ]"; "there are [ ] sides to every [ ]"; "there is a [ ] side to every coin"; etc.

4. The Summum [ ] are that the difference between things seemingly [ ] opposed to each other is merely a matter of [ ]. It teaches that "the pairs of opposites may be [ ]," and that "thesis and antithesis are [ ] in [ ], only different in degree." The universal [ ] of [ ] is effected by a [ ] of this Principle of [ ]. The Summa Individuals claim that illustrations of this Principle may be had on every hand, and such illustrations come from an examination of the [ ] [ ] of anything. They begin by showing that spirit and matter are but two opposing points of the same event, the intermediate fields and levels being merely degrees of vibration. They show that [ ] and The [ ] are the [ ], the difference being merely a matter of [ ] of [ ] manifestation. Thus the [ ] and laws are the two [ ] [ ] of [ ] phenomena. Likewise with PRINCIPLE and principles; INFINITE MIND and finite minds.

5. Passing on to the physical level, they illustrate the Principle by showing that "Hot and Cold" are [ ] in nature, the difference being merely a matter of [ ]. The thermometer shows [ ] [ ] of [ ], the lowest point being called [ ], and the highest, [ ]. Between these two opposing points are [ ] degrees of hot or cold. Call them [ ] and you are equally [ ]. The higher of two degrees is always warmer while the lower is always colder. There is no place on the thermometer where hot [ ] and cold [ ]. It is all a matter of [ ] or lower [ ].

6. So is it at the [ ] level. “[ ] and [ ] are generally regarded as being events [ ] opposed to each other, entirely [ ], [ ]. But as you apply the Principle of [ ], you find that there is [ ] such thing as [ ] [ ] or [ ] [ ], as distinguished from each other. The [ ] are merely [ ] applied to the [ ] opposing points of the [ ] [ ]. Beginning at any point of the scale you find more [ ] or less [ ] as you [ ] the [ ], and more hate or less love as you [ ]. This is true no matter from what [ ], high or low, you may start. There are [ ] of love and hate, and there is a middle point where "[ ] and [ ]" become so faint that it is difficult to distinguish between them. "Courage and Fear" come under the same rule. The pairs of [ ] exist [ ]. Where you find one [ ] you find its [ ].

7. The student who is [ ] with the [ ] by which the various [ ] of [ ] science produce changes in the [ ] states of those around them may not readily understand the [ ] underlying these changes. But once the Principle of [ ] is understood, it can be observed that the mental changes are occasioned by a change of position on the [ ] (a sliding along the same scale). The change is not in the [ ] of altering one thing into something entirely [ ], but a change of degree within the same thing or [ ], a vastly important difference. Borrowing an analogy from the physical level,

8. it is impossible to change [ ] into sharpness or [ ] into highness, etc. But hot may readily be altered into [ ] simply by lowering the [ ]. In the same way hate and love are mutually [ ].

9. The student will readily recognize that in the mental states as well as in the [ ] of physical fields, the two [ ] points may be classified as [ ] and negative, respectively. Therefore [ ] is positive to hate; courage to fear; activity to non-activity, etc. It will also be noticed that even to those [ ] with the Principle of [ ], the positive point seems to be of a higher degree than the [ ], and readily dominates it. The tendency of [ ] is in the direction of the dominant activity of the [ ] point. When it is understood that [ ] Induction is possible, that is, [ ] states may be produced by "[ ]" from others, then you can readily see how a certain rate of [ ] or [ ] of a certain mental state may be [ ] to another person and their [ ] in that class of mental state thus changed.

10. A little [ ] will show you that these mental changes are nearly all along the lines of [ ]. The change is one of [ ] rather than of kind.

11. A [ ] of the existence of this great Summum Principle will enable the [ ] to better understand their own mental [ ] and those of other people. You will see that these states are all matters of [ ], and seeing thus you will be able to raise or lower the vibration at will.


Enter the number of the appropriate answer in the brackets in front of the description. There is one correct answer for each blank.

[ ] Everything is Dual; everything has an

opposing point; everything has its pair of

[ ] every truth is partially

[ ] all truths are

[ ] there are two sides to every

[ ] there is a reverse side to every

[ ] The Summum Teachings are that the

difference between things seemingly

diametrically opposed to each other

is merely a matter of

[ ] Summum teaches that the pairs of

opposites may be reconciled, and

that the thesis is identical in nature,

and only different in degree to the

[ ] Hot is identical in nature to

[ ] There is no place on the thermometer

where hot ceases and cold

[ ] At the mental level it is the same as but

different in degree to Love

[ ] It is this fact that empowers the enlightened

to alter one mental state into another, along

the lines of

[ ] In addition to the changing of the vibration

of your own mental states through the

operation of the Art of Immersion, this

principle may be extended so as to

embrace the phenomena of the influence

of one mind over that of


Type your answers within the brackets.

1. Start by examining material objects around you.

a. Examining a ball, describe the two sides.

{ }

b. Examining water, describe the two sides.

{ }

2. Now turn into your mind and examine your thoughts.

a. Examine a particular thought which has a feeling to it. Find a higher and lower point on the scale of this thought. Describe the two points.

{ }


Formulate answers to these questions. Refer to both your text and your lecture notes. You need not write out the answer in full sentences, but make notes on all the details you would include in a full answer. Review your answers with someone else in the class after each of you has completed the exercise. Type your answers within the brackets.

1. Explain how everything is Dual.

{ }

2. Why does everything have an opposing point?

{ }

3. How are like and unlike the same?

{ }

4. How are opposites identical in nature?

{ }

5. Explain the bonding of extremes.

{ }

6. Describe how all paradoxes may be reconciled.

{ }

7. If everything is and exists, how could it be nothing or non-existent at the same time?

{ }

8. Why and how is every truth partially false?

{ }

9. Explain how and why all truths are a paradox.

{ }

10. Explain the Summum Teaching which states that things seemingly diametrically opposed to each other are merely matters of degrees.

{ }

11. Explain the relationship between antithesis and thesis.

{ }

12. What is the universal reconciliation of opposites?

{ }

13. What is the relationship between LAW and laws?

{ }

14. What is the relationship between INFINITE MIND and finite minds?

{ }

15. Why are Hot and Cold the same thing?

{ }

16. Explain where Hot starts and Cold ends.

{ }

17. Describe where high and low are found on the temperature scale.

{ }

18. What is meant by "the terms are relative" when speaking of Hot and Cold on the temperature scale?

{ }

19. When you travel around the world in an eastward direction, and you reach a point which is called west, what has happened?

{ }

20. Discuss how Hate and Love are the same thing.

{ }

21. Is it possible to have Love without Hate existing somewhere on the other end of the scale?

{ }

22. How are the enlightened empowered when they have the knowledge to work with the Principle of Opposition?

{ }

23. Why cannot Love be altered into East?

{ }

24. Can the moods of those around you be affected by the Principle of Opposition, and if so how?

{ }

25. How is the Principle of Vibration related to Opposition?

{ }

26. What is the tendency of nature in it's direction towards positive or negative?

{ }

27. Describe the Art of Immersion.

{ }


Place an ‘X’ next to the phrase that most correctly completes each statement.

1. All paradoxes may be

a. thought of as unnecessary.

b. found under rocks.

c. reconciled.

d. none of the above.

2. The Principle of Opposition embodies the idea that all manifested things have

a. five things to be concerned about.

b. a specified time to live but can change that time if they know the secret formulas or combinations.

c. the need to be under the law of survival of the fittest to fulfill the Principle of Opposition.

d. two sides; two aspects; two opposing points; a pair of opposites, with manifold degrees between the two extremes.

3. An understanding of this Principle explains the paradoxes which have perplexed the minds of

a. all living prophets.

b. the chosen followers of the only true religion.

c. all religious leaders who have not found god within them.

d. humans.

4. You have always recognized something like this Principle and have endeavored to express it by such saying, maxims, and aphorisms as the following:

a. "Only those who know the correct name of God will be saved."

b. "It is necessary to belong to the right church to go to heaven."

c. "God knows who the good people are in advance and lets them know his name so they will be saved."

d. "Everything is and isn't at the same time"; "every truth is partially false"; "all truths are a paradox"; "there are two sides to every story"; "there is a reverse side to every coin."

5. The Summum teachings are that the difference between things seemingly diametrically opposed to each other is merely

a. a fairy tale made up to confuse those who know the truth.

b. meaningless to those who are members of the true religion, for they have been told what the truth is by their leaders.

c. a matter of degree.

d. a diversion to lead astray those who know God.

6. Summum teaches that "the pairs of opposites may be reconciled" and that "thesis and antithesis are

a. some of the things which cannot be reconciled, mysteries not to be questioned"

b. found in the Holy of Holies and not under the Law of Opposition."

c. identical in nature, only different in degree."

d. none of the above.

7. The universal reconciliation of opposites is effected by a recognition of

a. the only true God and the destruction of all other religions.

b. by denying others their religious beliefs and exercise of their religion.

c. enthusiastic proselytizing to bring the message of the true church to all, so that those who believe in other religions can be kept out of heaven and made to become servants of those who know the secret hand shakes and secret pass words into heaven.

d. this Principle of Opposition.

8. On the physical level the Principle of Opposition is seen by showing that "Hot and Cold" are

a. things which science knows all the answers about.

b. identical in nature, the difference being merely a matter of degree.

c. found only on thermometers.

d. the nature of things when they are in moments of indecision.

9. The thermometer shows many degrees of temperature, the lowest point being called cold, and the highest,

a. warm.

b. hot.

c. between.

d. around.

10. The higher of two degrees is always warmer while the lower is always colder. There is no place on the thermometer where

a. hot ceases and cold begins.

b. the inverse of the Principle of Injection is more relevant.

c. degrees cannot be found.

d. none of the above.

11. Travel around the world in an eastward direction and you reach a point which is called

a. the heart of India.

b. the land of the neverending story.

c. the land of the inscrutable.

d. west from your starting point.

12. So is it at the mental level. "Love and Hate" are generally regarded as being events

a. to avoid.

b. only for good people who have chosen the right church.

c. never to be truly known.

d. diametrically opposed to each other, entirely different, unreconcilable.

13. But as you apply the Principle of Opposition, you find that there is no such thing as

a. "Love and Hate."

b. the possibility of reconciliation of philosophy and religion.

c. absolute love or absolute hate, as distinguished from each other.

d. none of the above.

14. Love and Hate are merely terms applied to the two opposing points of the

a. things husbands and wives argue about.

b. same event.

c. beginnings of the birth of new opposing points.

d. absoluteness of the only true religion.

15. Things belonging to different classes of events cannot be altered into each other, but things of the same class may be changed, that is,

a. if you are of the correct race you have the privilege of being chosen to receive God's special blessings.

b. if you are of the chosen people you genetically inherit God's special blessing and deserve to rule those around you.

c. if you are of God's chosen people you deserve to receive special privileges for God respects some of his children more than others.

d. may have their vibration changed.

16. Thus love never becomes east or west or red or violet. But it may and often does turn into

a. those things which you desire it to be.

b. the tool which allows you to bring the things to you that you deserve in life.

c. the answer from God which, when completely understood, will allow you to use it to get the things you really want and satisfy your needs.

d. hate.

17. Likewise, hate may be transformed into love by

a. using the secret formula found in books on how to use crystals.

b. standing in a river for ten years with your left arm held above your head, reciting the proper mantra.

c. changing its vibration.

d. performing the correct religious rite when the position of the planets are located so as to give you the greatest power found in the aspect of interceding spheres.

18. Courage may be altered into fear, and vice versa. Hard things may be rendered soft. Dull things become sharp. Hot becomes cold. The alteration is always between

a. those who know they have the only right way.

b. the pages of metaphysical books on how to get what you want with inner massage.

c. a rock and a hard spot.

d. events of the same kind but different degree.

19. The student who is unfamiliar with the processes by which the various disciplines of mental science produce changes in the mental states of those around them may not readily understand

a. who the chosen people are.

b. what the chosen people are doing when they are telling those around them that they are the chosen people because they have the true religion.

c. the principle underlying these changes.

d. why all enlightened individuals stand on one foot for ten years with the right arm in the air repeating the correct mantra.

20. But once the Principle of Opposition is understood, it can be observed that the mental changes are occasioned by

a. a religious authority who is in control of the situation.

b. someone given the authority from God to know all the right answers, and then tells those following them why they have the right way.

c. someone who thinks they know these principles and what Summum is about, but has never taken the time or effort to really find out.

d. a change of position on the scale (a sliding along the same scale).

21. It is impossible to change hot into sharpness or loudness into highness, etc. But hot may readily be altered into cold simply by lowering the vibrations. In the same way hate and love are mutually

a. the only things you need to be concerned with

b. the answer to all questions.

c. alterable.

d. none of the above.

22. The student will readily recognize that in the mental states as well as in the phenomena of physical fields, the two opposing points may be

a. placed in a pyramid and meditated upon.

b. placed next to a pyramid and meditated upon for five minutes and then put under the pyramid for one week.

c. put under a pyramid for one hour with deep innerbody massage.

d. classified as positive and negative, respectively.

23. The tendency of nature is in the direction of

a. getting all you can while the going is good.

b. getting your fair share for you are a child of God.

c. the dominant activity of the positive point.

d. abusing you for it is very unfair.

24. In addition to changing the vibration of your own mental states through the operation of the Art of Immersion, this principle may be extended so as to

a. allow you to get ahead of everyone else for you can control destiny by using vibration to get what you want.

b. embrace the phenomena of the influence of one mind over that of another.

c. embrace the phenomena of the influence of your mind against the natural law and change the laws of nature for you feel they should be different.

d. empower those who build pyramids to use them to heal the sick.

25. When it is understood that Psychokinetic Induction is possible, that is, mental states may be produced by "induction" from others, then you can readily see how a certain rate of vibration or alteration of a certain mental state may be communicated to another person, and their

a. mind becomes yours and you are in control of them.

b. vibration in that class of mental state thus changed.

c. life is in your hands.

d. will is melted away and you gain total control of them.

26. A mental scientist brings their own mind up to the desired vibration by their trained will and, obtaining the desired alteration in their own case, produces a similar mental state

a. for all to observe.

b. in the other by psychokinetic induction.

c. and then watches it take its own course.

d. none of the above.

27. The result is the vibrations are raised and the person is fixed toward the positive end of the scale instead of

a. finding the right religion.

b. falling in with those who God already knows will not make it to heaven.

c. toward the negative.

d. being not able to find the correct name for God.

28. A knowledge of the existence of this great Summum Principle will enable the student to better understand their own mental states and those of other people. You will see that these states are all matters of degree, and seeing thus you will be able to

a. change water into gold.

b. change fish into plastic.

c. change all the people in the world to think the way you do.

d. raise or lower the vibration at will.




1. coin

2. degree

3. antithesis

4. false

5. paradox

6. another

7. story

8. opposition

9. immersion

10. Hate

11. begins

12. Cold


dual, opposing same, event

pair, opposites, unlike love, hate, ascend, scale

identical, nature, degree descend, point

bond, truths, paradoxes degrees

reconciled Like, Dislike

sides, two opposites, everywhere

points, degrees phenomena, opposite

two, paradoxes unfamiliar, processes

isn't, time, every discipline, mental, mental

false, truths, paradox, two principle

story, reverse Opposition

teachings scale

diametrically, degree direction

reconciled different, emotion

identical, nature hot, loudness

reconciliation, opposites cold

recognition, Opposition vibration

real, nature alterable

SUMMUM, Many phenomena, opposing

same, degree positive, love

mental, LAW unfamiliar

opposite, points, one Vibration

identical negative, nature

degree, many, degrees positive

temperature, cold Psychokinetic

hot, many mental, induction

either, correct vibration

ceases, begins alteration, communicated

higher, vibrations vibration

mental, Love, Hate study

diametrically immersion, degree

different, unreconcilable knowledge

Opposition, no student, states

absolute, love, absolute, hate degree

two, terms, two


8, 4, 5, 7, 1, 2, 3, 12, 11, 10, 9, 6


1. c 8. b 15. d 22. d

2. d 9. b 16. d 23. c

3. d 10. a 17. c 24. b

4. d 11. d 18. d 25. b

5. c 12. d 19. c 26. b

6. c 13. c 20. d 27. c

7. d 14. b 21. c 28. d


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