Wimpole Speed Watch Report 2019 – Parish CouncilOver the past 12 months, (5th January to 23rd December 2019) 47 speed watch sessions have been conducted in Wimpole by 9 volunteers who have given up 247 hours of their own time to reduce the incidence of speeding in the village for the benefit of its residents. All sessions have been conducted outside No 80 as you enter Wimpole going in the direction from Arrington to Cambridge, as we have found this to the most effective location.?15,824 vehicles’ speeds have been monitored over this period with 631 (4%) being recorded over 46mph, with an average speed of 49.4mph. Has there been any change in the percentage speeding since we started in January 2018??20182019 Two Years ?6th Jan 2018 5th Jan 2019 6th Jan 2018?to 15th Dec 2018to 23rd December 2019to 23rd December 2019Number of sessions6547112Number speeding 1,2006311,831Total vehicles 21,16715,82436,991% speeding 5.744.9Av Speed 50.249.449.9Both the incidence of speeding and the average speed has reduced since we started in 2018. However, we have conducted less sessions in 2019 so it is difficult to make accurate comparisons.How excessive has the speeding been?Numbers & % Speeding in 40 mph limit 20186th Jan 2018 to 15th Dec 20182019 5th Jan 2019 to 23rd December 2019Two Years6th Jan 2018to 23rd December 2019?Numbers Speeding Percentages Speeding Numbers Speeding Percentages Speeding Numbers Speeding Percentages Speeding 46 - 4970358.640363.9110660.450 - 5944637.220832.965435.760 - 69423.5182.9603.370 - 7970.620.390.5 80 +20.20020.1Totals1200100.0631100.01,831100.0In 2019 there werefewerexcessive speeders, with 5% more recorded in the 46– 49 mph bracket.All owners of speeding vehicles have been sent letters by the Police and the worst offenders have been visited.Over the two year period only 4.64% (85 out of 1831) of these have been recorded speeding more than once, this shows how effective the Speed Watch Scheme continues to be.In May 2019 we joined up with Orwell, who wanted to get their Speed Watch up and running and now the equipment is being used in both villages by a combined pool of 14 volunteers, but all with limited time availability. Despite having a larger number of volunteers,Wimpole has been unable to maintain the 2018 level of activity (down 28% this year) and the desired frequency of sessions due to lack of volunteers’ time, impacted this year by illness and family bereavement.We still need more volunteers to cover holidays etc and it is particularly disappointing that more Wimpole residents are unwilling to assist,bearing in mind they are the ones who will benefit If you live in Wimpole or Orwell, have experienced a near miss pulling out on to the main road, have children that need to cross it, or are concerned in general about speeding on the A603, we would like to hear from you. Speedwatch training for new volunteers takes place at Cambourne Police Station. Only one session is required and the sessions are currently running from 10.00-11.30 on a Saturday morning.If you are interested to volunteer and would like the dates to register for training please contactParish Clerk: Sally Walmsley sally@ Tel: 01763 852137 Thank you Wimpole Speed Watch Co-ordinator6th January 2020??? ................

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