Psychodynamic Doctoral Dissertations Completed in 2019 and 2020

Psychodynamic Doctoral Dissertations Completed in 2019 and 2020

Starting in 2010, Psychoanalytic Psychology began collecting and publishing annually a list of dissertations that had a psychoanalytic/psychodynamic focus from across doctoral programs in the United States. Below is the 10th annual dissertation list, which covers dissertations completed in the period from July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020. The list, although not exhaustive, has expanded to include international dissertations. The impressive and growing list shows the range of the important work being conducted by early researchers and scholars in the field.

Adelphi University

Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University

Adelphi University Adelphi University

Adelphi University Adelphi University

Ali, Amir

Groth, Taylor Gurgenidze, Anna Hurley, Joanna Kane, Fallon Liberta, Taylor Lipner, Lauren Liu, Di Marsh, Catherine Miller, Rena Morssal, Angie

Natoli, Adam Power, Kelsey

Ro, Arthur Sanders, Jade

Spirituality and Personality

Treating Adolescents With Eating Disorders and a History of Trauma: Relation of Therapeutic Alliance to Therapist Technique and Emotional Reactions

Mentalization and Shame in Context of Early Relational Misattunement

Disorganized Caregiving: Internalizing and Dissociative Symptoms in Early Adulthood

Can an 80-Year-Old Woman be Antisocial? The Impact of Age and Gender Biases on Personality Disorder Diagnosis

An Investigation of Cogmed Working Memory Training for Neurological Surgery Patients

Needle in the Haystack: The Identification of Ruptures in the Therapeutic Alliance with Implications for Psychotherapy Outcome

How Therapist and Patient Personality Styles Influence Therapeutic Process and Outcome

An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Unhoused Mothers with Psychiatric Challenges

Self-Criticism/Perfectionism and Therapeutic Alliance

Arab-Muslims in America Today: Psychological Difficulties within the Context of Identity, Islamophobia, and Microaggressions

The Moderating Role of Personality Functioning in Multimethod Assessment of Interpersonal Dependency: Evaluating Implicit?Self- Attributed Test Score Discontinuity

An Inquiry into Expectant and Recent Mothers' Conceptions of Motherhood

Diverse Leadership: Social Identities, Lived Experiences, and Social Justice Advocacy and A Critical Review of Diversity in Leadership: Implications for Social Justice Implicit Racial Bias and the Media

Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University Adelphi University

Adelphi University Adler University

Adler University Adler University Adler University

Alliant International University

Alliant International University Alliant International University Alliant International University

Alliant International University Alliant International University

Saraiya, Tanya Schapiro, Sara Sims, Daniel Streicher, Esther

Torres, Oneira Azfar, Zeeshan

Henaine, Nathalie R. Mather, Ryan Riley, Jacqueline Bowles, Cassandra Lemons

Converse, Gregory L. Doi, Daniel Feinberg, Michelle E.

Felix, Cheryl G. Martin, Maria

Interpersonal problems in PTSD: Examining the role of social cognitive and emotional factors

Mission Impossible: Men as Victims of Unattainable Masculine Standards

The Subjective Experience of Withholding

When Fathers Leave: Effects on the Self and Other Relationships

Cognition as a Predictor of Utilization of the Emergency Room: Differences in the Performance of English and Spanish Speakers on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment

Associations Between Attachment Styles and Their Subsequent Thoughts, Feelings, & Behaviors in Adult Heterosexual Relationships

Who am I? Who Are They? A Collective Case Study on the Qualities of Online and Offline Self-other Relationships in Adult MMORPG Gamers

Coming into Being: An Integrated Theory of Reproductive Fantasy, Identities, and the Erotic Pursuit of HIV

An Interpretative Phenomenological Approach (IPA) to Shame and Intimacy in Female Child Sexual Abuse Survivors

Resilience and the Parent?Child Relationship: Cultivating Attachment, Parental Self-Efficacy, Emotional Regulation, and Communication to Promote Resilient Processes in Early Childhood

Does the Rorschach Performance Assessment System's R-Optimized Administration Method Improve the Relationship Between Rorschach and TAT Measures of Object Relations?

Does Insecure Attachment Moderate the Influence of Gender Identity on Adolescents' Well-Being?

Borderline Personality Disorder: Impact of Countertransference Management on Therapist Attitudes and Burnout

Beyond Tolerance to Engagement: A Psychodynamic Approach to Multicultural Diversity Training for Mental Health Professionals Working with Adolescents

A Qualitative Study of Attachment Styles of Group Psychotherapists

Alliant International University Alliant International University Alliant International University

Alliant International University

Alliant International University Alliant International University Alliant International University

Antioch University Antioch University Antioch University Antioch University

Azusa Pacific University

Azusa Pacific University

Biola University

Biola University California Institute of Integral Studies California Institute of Integral Studies

Mayo, Mark Ryan Milo Haglili, Ronna Moheban, Bahar

Roberts-Parker, Emily

Schwartz, Grace V. R.

An Educational Intervention Aimed at Reducing A Future Psychologist's Visceral Reaction Towards Those Who Elect to Disable Their Abled Body: Body Integrity Identity Disorder

Healing and Transformation of Trauma Through Social Activism?A Psychoanalytic Analysis

Family of Origin Relational Factors and Eating Disturbances in Iranian-American Women

Evaluating a Mentalization Based Program for Addressing Eating Disorder Risk Among Young Adolescents

The Role of Loss on the Student Therapist's Affective Reactions and Technical Management of the Termination Phase: An Exploratory Study

Stares, Harriet Teles, Mark A.

Gleiberman, Peter Goddard, Michael S. Lazzari, Chad Allen Stewart, Jordan G.

Chiang, Jenna A.

Robert, Rachel E.

Holcomb , Jenny A.

Kim, Somang Praise Dowding, Tonya Hutchison, Cynthia Kay

Addiction as an Attachment Disorder

Attachment, Emotion Regulation, and Substance Use among Substance Using Adults

The Use of Mobile Social Technology as Transitional Objects Impact on Personality Functioning

A Drama-Based Group Intervention for Adolescents to Improve Mentalization

Separating Rope Strands: An Unraveling of Shame in Gay Men

The Rorschach's (R-PAS) Capacity to Predict Quality of the Working Alliance

Time-limited Dynamic Psychotherapy in University Counseling Centers: Perspectives and Experiences from Clinicians

Adoption as Trauma: An Attachment-Based, Trauma-Informed, and Neurobiological Lens for Adoptive Families

Fear and Power in the Analytic Hour: A Phenomenological Exploration Within Multicultural Contexts

Sexual Guilt and Shame: Damaged Sense of Self and Psychodynamic Therapy as a Healing Modality for Asian American Christian Women

The Clinical Utility of Surrender in Psychoanalysis

Transference?Countertransference Enactments in the Treatment of Adults with a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse

California Institute of Integral Studies California Institute of Integral Studies California Institute of Integral Studies California Institute of Integral Studies

California Lutheran University

California Lutheran University California Lutheran University City University of New York

City University of New York

City University of New York City University of New York

City University of New York

City University of New York City University of New York City University of New York

City University of New York City University of New York City University of New York

Addressing Problematic Eating in Mood Lockenemyer, Sarah J. Disorders: A Model Program

Morice, Anthony Ronald

Mapping the Psychic Change: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Alcoholics Anonymous

Slap, Diane

Treating Early Childhood Trauma from an Object Relations Approach

Wicks, Caitlin

#whoamI? Hyperconnectivity and Female Identity Development in Adolescence

Christian, Ebony

Attachment Styles and Relationship Satisfaction Among Same-Sex Couples: A Closer Look Using Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

Conceicao, Iuri

Thought Suppression and Defensive Style in Neutral and Personally Relevant and Emotionally Laden Thoughts

Scott, Amy

The Impact of Receiving Feedback from the Client on the Alliance and Outcome in Therapy

Brown, Joseph E.

Psychoanalytic Determinates of the Love/Work Balance in a Cohort of African-American Men

Dambreville, Naomi

The Social Cost of Pain: Rejection Sensitivity, Social Rejection, and Cannabis Use in Young Adults

Danies, Ashley

Intra-Familial Microaggressions, Object Relations, and Racial Identity Formation in Multiracial Individuals

Gagnon, Greg Hamadani, Jaleh

Attachment, Exploration, and Internalized Homonegativity The Impact of Mentalization and Self- compassion on Psychological Adjustment in Adolescents

Hatch, Loryn

From One Period to the Next...: Menstruation and the Psychoanalytic Process of Working Through to the Feminine

Hegsted, Camilla Porter

The Role of Mentalized Affectivity in Romantic Love and Relationship Satisfactions

Karan, Esen

The Development of Face Morphing Task to Assess Self Other Differentiation

Marcus, Moshe

Compulsive Doubting: Self and Other in the Psychology of Judgment, Certainty, and Indecision

Therapist Mentalization and Patient Outcomes Palumbo, Michael V. in the First Year of Psychotherapy

Turner, Zoe

Stalking and Attachment Theory: Causes and Management

City University of New York

Columbia University Columbia University

Duquesne University

Duquesne University

Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology

Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology

Fielding Graduate University

Fielding Graduate University

Fielding Graduate University

Fielding Graduate University

Fielding Graduate University

Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology

Wright, Laurel G. Jackson, Devlin A. Love, Melanie

Bekkeli, Kai Le Page Freeman, Erica Schiller

Gorokhovsky, Yulia

Joaquin, Michelle Kufferath-Lin, Tatianna Sherman, Arielle

Burroughs, Jamel

Haladjian, Lucia Hayes, Bea Francis Merg, Andrea Laurel Silverman, Markie

Burnett, Karissa, A.

Keys, Christina M. Peters, Emily F.

Affect, Behavior & (Dys)Regulation: Integrating Outcomes from Youth's Projective Tests and Self-reports

The Nature, Motives, and Perceived Consequences of Therapist Dishonesty

Sex, Dishonesty, and Psychotherapy

Towards Collaboration: A Comparative, Longitudinal, Conversation Analysis of Change in Talk-in-Interaction in Psychotherapy

From Case Study as Symptom to Case Study as Sinthome: Engaging Lacan and Irigaray on "Thinking in Cases" as Psychoanalytic Pedagogy

Outcomes and Emotion Regulation for Children Enrolled in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Regulation Focused Psychotherapy for Children

Development and Evaluation of Regulation Focused Parent Group (RFPGs) for Spanish Speakers

Parental Reflective Functioning in Regulation Focused Psychotherapy for Children

Psychotherapy Process Research in Regulation Focused Psychotherapy for Children

Depression and Gender Role Conflict in Midlife Men: What Can the TAT Tell Us about Their Experiences?

Intergenerational Trauma Among Second, Third, and Fourth Generation Armenian Genocide Survivors

Life Narratives of Vulnerable Adolescents: The Heroes with Whom They Identify

Identity Development Among Adult Children of Incarcerated Mothers: Narrative Analysis

Women's Return to Work Experience Post- Miscarriage Covert Psychological Abuse and the Process of Breaking Free: A Transformative Mixed- Methods Study on Female Survivors of Male Partners Denial of the Subjective Body: An Intersubjective-Embodied Feminist Psychotherapy

Perichoretic Self: A Kleinian-Trinitarian Exploration of Selfhood


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