WHAT IS COPYRIGHT?Read the following information about copyright and answer the quiz questions below.What is copyright? Copyright is granted by law that allows someone to claim ownership of their work. Copyright applies to work that has been published AND unpublished work. Copyright protects you from others trying to steal or use your work without your consent.What does copyright protect?Copyright protects people’s original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works. What doesn’t copyright protect? Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, although it may protect the way these things are expressed.When does someone’s work become copyrighted?Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form.THINK ABOUT OUR SCHOOL - It is very easy for the lines to blur on what can and cannot be used when schools create their yearbook. It is very easy to pull an image from Google and throw it in the yearbook…especially when yearbook staff members are faced with the pressures of working on strict deadlines so that the book can be printed and delivered in time. School’s often face the challenge of needing to get information and photos fast and sometimes very last minute. It is important for us to realize that although the yearbook is a school publication, it is still held to the legal responsibilities of any other publication.A REMINDER ABOUT FOLLOWING COPYRIGHT LAW Copyright is a complicated topic and every rule and law is still standing. (Our) our emergency has not altered rules and laws on usage. In a time many of us are trying to find images to use in our publications, it is important to remember that virtually everything on the web is owned by someone. Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. are search engines. These sites allow you to search for anything. That does not mean the images that appear are ok to use..Most materials downloaded from the internet are not usable, and in many cases too low res to (print correctly) use anyway.THE NUMBER ONE RULE EVERYONE NEEDS TO REMEMBER IS, IF YOU DO NOT OWN IT OR YOU DID NOT GET PERMISSION TO USE IT; DO NOT USE IT.Downloading an image and indicating courtesy of Google is not ok, (unless Google actually owned the image and gave permission.) Downloading an image and indicating courtesy of the actual owner is also not permitted, unless the actual owner gives permission. If you see the comment (images may be subject Copyright) it is, most likely, excluded from fair use rules.Use of one school’s images infringes on the individual owner of the image’s copyright. It is important to remember that students have rights and copyright law applies to them as well. Using an image from one school for another is not ok, without written approval from the photographer and the school if they have a policy of image ownership.RULES AROUND IMAGE USE MAY CHANGE FROM PLACE TO PLACE BUT THE IT’S IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE TERMS MEAN.1. Fair Use: For us and our advisers this really only applies to commentary, by that I mean real articles not a one line caption. Fair use is an exclusion to copyright law. This exception allows for the use or partial use of copyright material. Material can be quoted verbatim for purposes such as teaching, criticism, news commentary, and research, without the need for permission. For example, if you’re writing a book review, you can use an official image of the book.2. Public Domain :Public domain images and art are available to the public as a whole, They are not subject to copyright or other legal restrictions. public domain items can be used freely. When the intellectual property rights have expired or have been forfeited, work gets into the public domain. Many images are in the public domain but It is difficult to tell what is in the public domain and what is not. It is best to assume copyright applies, unless you know for sure. Images from NASA and other government organizations are most likely to be in the public domain. Public domain works can be modified. You should indicate that the images you’re using are from the public domain.3. Royalty-Free: Royalty-free, does not mean it is free to use. It means once you obtain rights to use it, you can use copyrighted materials again and again without the need to pay additional royalties or license fees. In most cases you still have to pay the first time. Most stock image websites are royalty-free based. Adobe stock, Getty Images, Shutterstock, Corbis etc. all provide images to purchase for use in individual publications, remember when a school purchases an image it is for them to use, not for them to redistribute. Redistribution by Jostens or any rep requires a different form of licensing. Always check your rights of use via the stock site to see what the requirements are when publishing images and/or art.4. Creative Commons: The Creative Commons provides a simple, standardized way to grant copyright permissions to and from others . Copyright law creates an “all rights reserved” overall setting and CC copyright licenses grant a variety of usage permissions. CC creates a pool of content that can be copied, distributed, edited, remixed and built upon, all within the boundaries of copyright law. That said, every image is different and every image should be checked for the variety of creative commons licenses. Check each to see how it is tagged and follow their copyright statement. Some will require attribution.Written By: Jostens Yearbook Avenue. Link to article can be found hereCOPYRIGHT QUIZ Answer the following questions:True or False:If you wrote a book but did not publish it online, it is not protected under copyright law. You must register your work for it to be protected under copyright law.Most materials downloaded from the internet are not usable.If a photo pops up on my google search that means the owner of the photo has given permission for the public to use it.If a Liberty High School student took a photo, we can use it in our yearbook since we are in the same district.Define in your OWN words what the following mean:Fair Use:Public Domain:Royalty-Free:9. What does CC stand for?10. What does copyright protect? ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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