Nuclear damage Parameters for SiC/SiC Composite in Fusion Systems

[Pages:23]Nuclear dam age Param et ers for SiC/ SiC Com posit e in Fusion Syst em s

Moham ed Sawan

Fusion Technology I nst it ut e The Universit y of Wisconsin- Madison

Yut ai Kat oh, Lance Snead

Mat erials Science and Technology Division Oak Ridge nat ional Laborat ory

I nt ernat ional Sym posium on Silicon Carbide and Carbon- Based Mat erials for Fusion and Advanced Nuclear Energy applicat ions

January 19- 22, 2009 Dayt ona Beach, FL

Much Harder Neut ron Spect rum in Fusion Com pared t o Fission


Fusion 14.1 MeV Peak

Neutron Flux per Group (n/cm2s)

Fusion Lacks Significant Therm al Com ponent

1013 1011 109 107

Average Energy Fission 0.7 MeV Fusion 2.7 MeV

Fission Reactor Fusion Reactor FW

Neutron spectra normalized to 1015 n/cm2s total flux

46 Energy Group Structure

1015 0-2






Neutron Energy (eV)

He/ dpa rat io is significant ly higher t han in a fission react or nuclear environm ent ( ~ 10 vs. ~ 0.3 for FS)

Effect m ore pronounced for SiC ( ~ 90 vs. ~ 1 for SiC)

M. Sawan

1st RCM on " Nuclear Dat a Libraries for Advanced Syst em s- Fusion Devices" 2- 5 Dec 2008, I AEA, Vienna

Applicat ion of SiC/ SiC Com posit es in Fusion Syst em s

SiC/ SiC com posit es have been considered for use in fusion syst em s

Because of t heir low induced radioact ivit y and high t em perat ure operation they represent an attractive candidate for structural m aterial

They have been proposed as st ruct ural m at erial for FW and blanket in several MFE and I FE designs

SiC/ SiC com posit e is t he preferred st ruct ural m at erial for FW and blanket of t he HAPL I FE design wit h m agnet ic int ervent ion

SiC/ SiC com posit es are considered for use as flow channel insert s ( FCI ) in dual coolant lit hium lead blanket ( DCLL) . They provide elect rical insulat ion t o m it igat e MHD effect s and t herm ally isolat e t he high t em perat ure LiPb from t he low t em perat ure helium cooled FS

Lifet im e of SiC/ SiC com posit es in fusion radiat ion environm ent is a m aj or critical issue

Radiat ion effect s in fiber, m at rix, and int erface com ponent s represent im portant input for lifetim e assessm ent

I m pact of radiat ion on insulat ing propert ies of FCI is also a crit ical issue

M. Sawan

1st RCM on " Nuclear Dat a Libraries for Advanced Syst em s- Fusion Devices" 2- 5 Dec 2008, I AEA, Vienna

High Average power Laser ( HAPL) Concept ual Design

Dry wall m ust accom m odat e ion and photon threat spectra from target

Ext rem e flux of int erm ediat e energy ions pose a significant issue of

extrem ely high pulsed tem peratures

and erosion/ ablat ion of FW

Magnet ic int ervent ion used t o st eer ions away from cham ber wall

? Direct drive targets

? Dry wall cham ber ? 40 KrF laser beam s

? 367.1 MJ t arget yield ? 5 Hz Rep Rat e ? 6 MW/ m 2 peak NWL

Large fract ion of m agnet ic energy can be dissipated in cham ber walls if an electrically resistive structural m aterial is used ( SiC/ SiC)

LiPb or Flibe self- cooled blanket s used

1 cm Be insert used in FW coolant channel wit h Flibe for t rit ium selfsufficiency

M. Sawan

1st RCM on " Nuclear Dat a Libraries for Advanced Syst em s- Fusion Devices" 2- 5 Dec 2008, I AEA, Vienna

Nuclear Analysis for SiC/ SiC in

Fusion Environm ent

Radiat ion param et ers det erm ined for SiC/ SiC com posit es for MFE and I FE syst em s

Configurat ions of ARI ES-AT advanced t okam ak and HAPL laser fusion conceptual designs were used

M. Sawan



1st RCM on " Nuclear Dat a Libraries for Advanced Syst em s- Fusion Devices" 2- 5 Dec 2008, I AEA, Vienna


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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