VNSG 1400 Nursing in Health and Illness I

VNSG 1231 - Pharmacology

Part A - Pharmacological Calculations

|Behavioral Objectives |Content |Learning Opportunities |

|Identify the basic units in the three systems of measurement and their |Units of measurement |Pickar, G. (2008) Dosage calculations. |

|equivalents. |Metric | |

| |Gram | |

| |Liter |Student may do on own for extra practice |

| |Meter |Text’s Computer disc |

| |Apothecary | |

| |Grain | |

| |Fluid ounce | |

| |Pint | |

| |Quart | |

| |Household | |

| |Drop | |

| |Teaspoon | |

| |Tablespoon | |

|Convert units of measurement within and between the metric, apothecary |Conversions | |

|and household systems. |Within systems | |

| |Between systems | |

|Calculate drug dosages in a variety of problems, including pediatric, |Calculation of drug dosages | |

|using appropriate formulas. |Adult formulas | |

| |Dosage desired/on hand formula | |

| |Dimensional analysis | |

| |Pediatric formulas | |

| |Body weight method | |

|Calculate IV flow rates in a variety of problems using appropriate |Calculation of IV flow rates | |

|formulas. |Formula for manually regulated IVs | |

| |Formula for electronic infusion pumps | |

Part B – Medications

|Behavioral Objectives |Content |Learning Opportunities |

|Define terms associated with pharmacology. |Terms Associated with Pharmacology |Edmunds, M. (2013) Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology |

| |Absorption | |

| |Addiction |Edmunds…….Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |

| |Adverse effect | |

| |Allergic reaction | |

| |Antagonism | |

| |Depression | |

| |Idiosyncrasy | |

| |Palliative | |

| |Pharmacology | |

| |Potentiation | |

| |Prophylactic | |

| |Side effect | |

| |Synergism | |

| |Systemic effect | |

| |Therapeutic | |

| |Tolerance | |

| |Toxic action | |

| |Toxicology | |

|Discuss the information the nurse needs to safely follow a medication |Medication orders |Edmunds…….Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |

|order. |Types of orders | |

| |Drug information | |

| |Classification | |

| |Drug name (trade & generic) | |

| |Safe dosage | |

| |Route | |

| |Pharmaceutical preparation | |

| |Frequency | |

| |Side effects | |

| |Toxic effects | |

| |Interaction/incompatibilities | |

| |Contraindications | |

| |Nursing implications | |

| |Sources of information | |

| |Drug standards | |

| |Drug legislation | |

| |Controlled Substances Act | |

|Discuss the purpose, advantages, disadvantages, and nursing implications|Routes of administration |Edmunds…….Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |

|of the various routes for medication administration. |Oral/sublingual | |

| |Enteral | |

| |Topical |Timby … Chapter 32-35 |

| |Instillations | |

| |Eyes | |

| |Ears | |

| |Vaginal | |

| |Rectal |Video: |

| |Inhalant | |

| |Parenteral |M044 – Mixing Insulins |

| |Injection sites | |

| |Intradermal |VIDEO TVCC Website |

| |Subcutaneous | |

| |Intramuscular |Administering Oral, Topical, Suppository & Inhalant Medications |

| |Z-track |Equipment Preparation in Parenteral Medication Administration |

| |Intravenous | |

| |Types of IV fluids | |

| |Continuous vs. Intermittent | |

| |Bolus | |

| |Heparin/saline lock | |

| |Central venous catheters | |

|Discuss the nurse’s responsibilities, including safety precautions, in |Nursing responsibilities for medication administration |Timby … Chapter 32 |

|administering medications. |Five rights | |

| |Safety principles | |

| |Factors affecting drug actions |Video: |

| |Developmental considerations |#59 – Preventing Medication Errors |

| |Patient teaching | |

| |Documentation |VIDEO TVCC Website |

| |Medication errors | |

| | |Case Studies in Medication Error Prevention |

|Discuss the drug categories listed including purposes, drug examples, |Drug categories |Edmunds … Chapter 11 ( 24 |

|and nursing implications. |Anti-infective | |

| |Pain medications | |

| |Drugs that affect the Neuromuscular System | |

| |Drugs that affect the Respiratory System | |

| |Drugs that affect the Cardiovascular System | |

| |Drugs that affect the Hematological System | |

| |Drugs that affect the Gastrointestinal System | |

| |Drugs that affect the Urinary System | |

| |Drugs that affect the Endocrine System | |

| |Drugs that affect the Immune System | |

| |Drugs that affect other body systems | |


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