Possible Side Effects of Tacrolimus

Possible Side Effects of Tacrolimus (Table Version Date: March 16, 2017)


|In 100 people receiving Tacrolimus, more than 20 and up to 100 may have: |

|Anemia which may cause tiredness, or may require blood transfusions |

|Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting |

|Bruising, bleeding |

|Diabetes |

|Abnormal body movement |

|Feeling of "pins and needles" in arms and legs |

|Headache |

|Dizziness |

|Difficulty sleeping |

|Kidney damage which may cause swelling, may require dialysis |

|Hair loss |

|Itching, rash |

|High blood pressure which may cause dizziness, blurred vision |

|Swelling of the body |

|Fever |

|Infection, especially when white blood cell count is low |


|In 100 people receiving Tacrolimus, from 4 to 20 may have: |

|Damage to organs (heart, lungs, brain, others) which may cause changes in thinking, confusion, memory loss or shortness of breath |

|Allergic reaction which may cause rash, low blood pressure, wheezing, shortness of breath, swelling of the face or throat |

|Change in the heart rhythm, abnormal heartbeat, or heart stops beating |

|Heart attack or failure which may cause chest pain, swelling of ankles, and tiredness |

|A tear or a hole in the bowels which may cause belly pain or that may require surgery |

|A new cancer resulting from treatment of earlier cancer |

|Brain damage, which may cause headache, seizure, blindness |


|In 100 people receiving Tacrolimus, 3 or fewer may have: |

|None |


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