Life Design Catalyst




May 2018

I very much value your thoughts about this training. Your specific feedback helps me make corrections as I move toward my goal of creating purposeful, visionary Life Design Catalysts that empowers students to be responsible for creating meaningful educational experiences.

Please use the other side of his sheet for additional comments…

1. On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate the overall value of this workshop to you (circle one):

Poor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent

|Rating |1 |

2. Specific concepts/strategies I will use/adapt include:

• Superpower Reflection; Best Self; I Am Statement.

• Thank you for the notebook. It will be my pleasure sharing these tools in my crafting of Shifting Lenses.

• I will be using the design strategies in my work with advising and counseling students as well as in the classroom. I will be creating my side hustle and delving into all the ways I can implement my purpose statement.

• Life word; Superhero Activity.

• Energy/Family/Service activity; I Am Statements; Current State Poster; Superhero Poster; Card Sort with Top 5 Values.

• Pretty much everything.

• ALL OF THEM!...especially I Am/You Are activity.

• Look at the things I do through the Purpose lens.

• I’m not sure yet. But I’m looking forward to exploring the plethora of opportunities.

• Meaningful Work; Superhero.

• Superhero Poster; Timeline; I Am Statement.

• Literally everything. This could not have come at a better time for me! Thank you for always being +1.

• I will add the Superpower activity and will continue to use the values, feelings, beliefs; gifts, I Am activities along with many of the videos.

• To work from my Superpowers to achieve my goals.

• Current State activity; Meaningful work statement 3 different ways; Superhero poster.

• I’ve learned the importance of communicating with strangers. I won’t allow myself to be so caught up in my own world.

• Literally all of it. I Am List. Meditation. Idea Exchange. Building Your Tribe. Tracker. Resources.

• Too numerous for this space…many are in the binder, and many more are in the resources, books, and links presented. The approach exemplified in Bill’s scholarship and manifesto will yield more.

• Power of vulnerability; what’s your story; purpose and meaningful work (veteran group).

• Worksheets/Posters; structure of process; center with meditation; exercise – reflection – connection; one minute write on day’s topic.

• Meaningful work statement.

• Vulnerability; Transformation Triad.

• Side Hustle.

• I will continue to broaden my “tribe” and board of directors. The lollipop project proved to me the impact I have made on the people in my life.

3. What I liked best about the training content and/or facilitation...

• Tools that we can use over and over again; Bill’s intentionality in spending time with people.

• Caine’s Arcade struck my heart. It transformed me. My little Darah has always known her purpose and the video encouraged me to FINALLY let her lead me.

• ALL of the content. I also appreciated being able to partner with and share with multiple individuals.

• Group discussion.

• VULNERABILITY – the opportunity to be real with “strangers” (no longer strangers); all the new techniques/activities; the hands-on nature of the whole program (learning by doing).

• Deep dive into self and ability to develop others.

• The way the group got so close and vulnerable.

• The people attending and facilitating.

• The group and community. I believe keeping the numbers at 30 really helped build community and allowed everyone to interact.

• Both Bill and Megan are very kind, attentive, and enthusiastic! They care, and that is what makes this training work.

• Talking with others.

• Interactions with the group.

• Bill provides a safe space for learning and making connections.

• The bonding and open, safe environment. The humor of Bill and his wisdom.

• The people! (Including Bill )

• Simply having good conversations with people who think like me.

• Constant connection to new people with deep and powerful conversations. Included alone and group time, visual and auditory learning.

• Open-endedness, with provisions for personalization and specificity.

• The interaction between all the participants.

• Conversations with like-minded. Ideas. Interventions and examples how used with various audiences.

• Opening questions activity – broke shit down REAL FAST!

• Using the room/people to dictate flow.

• Energy, family, service.

• The challenges the workshop presented, the reflection it allows.

4. Ways I think the training content and/or facilitation can be improved...

• More time for self-reflective activities.

• I would ask that there are enough chances to meet EVERYONE – I loved connecting with new people each day.

• The openness of the group was priceless. I would have liked a little more structure so that more personal work could have been done and less general conversation.

• Music…before and after the day and in between activities. It may help with energy.

• Not sure at the moment (sorry!).

• I’d love some veggies for snacks. Given the lack of a fridge, I’d say baby carrots would be best – they last pretty well for a day. And/or nuts like almonds would be great. Also a water kettle and various teas would be lovely.

• Keep groups this small.

• Keep the groups smaller and foster more conversations and less activities.

• Longer. I feel like I need more.

• Nothing comes to mind right away.

• N/A.

• Maybe provide pencils so that when we can make a poster we have the ability to erase.

• It’s all fabulous and noce to have time to share as much as we did.

• Do what makes you happy. Keep it fun.

• I wish it was one day longer. Please keep it at this size.

• From what I have seen, I expect that continuous improvement is built into process.

• N/A.

• Physical activity after workshop days. Sitting all day but option to play. Physically in evening (scavenger hunt, yoga, team building collaboration to solve puzzle). Record video to have access at later time.

• N/A.

• On golf course.

• Come with a warning label… Honestly, I have made so much gain this week.

5. I'd also like to say or add...

• Awesome that we get a repeat attendee discount.

• I thank God Bill and Michael met. Thank you for this AMAZING, TRANSFORMATIVE opportunity. Exploring these sides of myself have made me BETTER. And drive myself to impact the world. I love you, Bill. Thank you for going to look for me and hugging me when you found me. You’re a ROCKSTAR.

• This was a BLESSING!

• Thanks!!! Super fun, challenging, and refreshing.

• Amazing! I hope to return, and I’ll be recommending this to others!

• Thank you Megan, Scott, and Bill for all you’ve done for me. I will forever be impacted.

• You’re all wonderful. Thank you.

• This has really re-ignited a fire for my passions and I am eternally grateful.

• Thank you!

• This is stupid and not important, but I wish there was a salty snack. Fruit and candy are great, but I drink a ton of water, then crave something salty.

• Thank you so very much, Bill and Megan!

• Thank you for your integrity and authenticity to share the materials and personal stories.

• Thank you, thank you, thank you! Overwhelming gratitude – life changing!

• I really enjoyed being in your presence.

• This was amazing and changed my life. I can’t wait to come back!

• Thanks, Bill!

• Thank you to Megan and Scott for all the behind the scene work. I hope to see you both doing what Bill is doing in the near future. You have what it takes!!

• You have given me the technology to serve MY purpose! Thank you Bill for being my FLAMING BUSH (Biblical reference)!! I look forward to continuing to work with you.

• Bill, Megan, Scott…you change lives. DON’T STOP! ♥

• Grateful for impact workshop has and ability to pay it forward.

• Netflix and chili.

• I was told the impact this course would have, but I had no clue the impact a simple workshop could have.

Note: If you’d be willing to share a testimonial about this training program, please write your name, position, and a couple of sentences on the other side of this evaluation.

• “I showed up to the workshop feeling like I was walking in a pitch black desert all alone. Leaving today, I feel like my spirit has been resurrected into the light. It’s incredible knowing I now have a tribe to stay connected with.” – Gennaro Ringley, Strength and Conditioning Coach

• “I came here to learn how to work with my students more effectively. I wound up learning more about myself in the process and I’m forever changed!” – Jennifer Gatlin, Academic Advisor, University of Oklahoma


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