In a 45-45-90 triangle, find the missing side lengths

Name: _________________________ Test Week 6

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1. Find the lengths of missing sides in simplest form.

a. b.

[pic] [pic]

c. The sides of a square are 14. How long is the diagonal?

d. The sides of an equilateral triangle are 30. How long is the altitude?

2. For safety reasons, a ladder should be placed to form a 75° angle with the ground. Round your answers to the nearest tenth.

a. How long must the ladder be in order to reach a point 8 feet off the ground?

b. How far from the base of the wall should the ladder be placed to form a safe angle and reach the height determined by part a?

3. Find x. Round all answers to the nearest tenth.

a. b.

c. d.

e. In triangle DEF, Angle F is a right angle, Angle D = 13o, e = 11 in. Find the length of side d.

f. In triangle GHI angle I = 45o g = 32 cm and I = 52 cm. Find angle G.

g. In triangle MNO angle N = 45o, m = 20 cm and o = 41 cm. Find the length of side n.


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