Sierra Club Memorial and Commemorative Gifts

Sierra Club Memorial and Commemorative Gifts

Memorial Gifts By giving a memorial gift in memory of a family member or friend, you not only affirm your environmental values, but also recognize that these values were shared by the individual being honored. If you choose, we will send a card in your name to friends or loved ones close to the individual being honored, informing them of the gift. The gift amount will be kept confidential.

Commemorative Gifts Commemorative gifts offer a unique way to honor a special event, such as a wedding, anniversary or birthday, in the life of someone important to you. An attractive note is sent to the individuals being honored informing them of the gift and the identity of the donor. The gift amount will be kept confidential.

For both Memorial and Commemorative gifts, a letter is sent to you acknowledging the gift and confirming that notice of the gift has been sent.

Memorial Gift in memory of ___________________________________________________________________________ Commemorative Gift in honor of ________________________________________________________________________ Family/friend to be notified ____________________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________City___________________ State______ Zip_____________ Your name_______________________________________________________________ Day phone ________________ Address___________________________________________City___________________ State______ Zip_____________

Check enclosed

I prefer to give by: .Visa .MasterCard .American Express

Gift designated to: Sierra Club* Sierra Club Foundation**

Credit Card # ___________________________________________ Expiration Date ___________________ Amount $_____________ Signature ______________________________________________

Please send your gift to: Sierra Club Commemoratives/ Memorials

2101 Webster St, Suite 1300 Oakland, CA 94612

If paying by credit card, you can fax this form to:


These special gifts are most often unrestricted by the donor, providing support for the Club's major national conservation campaigns and applied where most urgently needed. In the past, we have been able to preserve national forests and help restore and protect wildlands all across the country with these generous gifts.

If you would prefer to handle this transaction over the phone with a credit card, please contact Sierra Club Member Services by phone at (415) 977-5653. For more information, you can also e-mail

*Gifts to the Sierra Club are not tax-deductible; they support our effective citizen-based advocacy and lobbying programs.

**Your charitable, tax-deductible contributions to The Sierra Club Foundation support grants for charitable, public domain education, research, expert testimony and legal action necessary to further the Club's conservation goals. Gifts in the form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other properties that have increased in value may add additional tax savings when given to the Sierra Club.


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