Sig Figs - UCSB

Sig Figs

1. Rules for determining significant figures

a. Nonzero integers always count as sig figs

b. Zero’s can be one of three types:

i. leading zeros do not count (ex. 0.0012 2 sig figs)

ii. captive zeros do count (ex. 1.0012 5 sig figs)

iii. trailing zeros do count if the number has a decimal point

(ex. 1.00120 6 sig figs, 120 2 sig figs)

Determine the number of sig figs in:

5.010 0.602 1.20 x 10-5 1000.34 35007.3040 650 420.

2. Rules for calculating with significant figures

a. In multiplication/division, the answer contains the same number of sig figs as the least precise number (least sig figs) in the calculation

b. In addition/subtraction, the answer is rounded to the number of decimal places as the least precise (least decimal places) number in the calculation.

Write the answer with the correct sig figs for:

(3.84 x 10-7 x 4.010 x 1012)/0.0046 =

2.245 + 3.1 + 9.87 =


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