PING XIANG - Directory



Spring 2020

| |

|Professor – Sport Pedagogy |

|Texas A&M University |

|Dept. of Health and Kinesiology |

|315 Gilchrist Building |

|College Station, TX 77843-4243 |

|(979) 845-1668; e-mail: |

|Fax: (979)-847-8987 |


1996 Ph. D. Kinesiology

Louisiana State University

School of Kinesiology

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

1987 M. Ed Theory of Physical Education

Shanghai University of Sport

Shanghai, China

1981 B. Ed Physical Education

Hunan Normal University

Changsha, China


Sept. 2011- Professor Department of Health and Kinesiology

Present Texas A&M University

Sept. 2005- Associate Professor Department of Health and Kinesiology

Aug. 2011 Texas A & M University

Sept. 1999- Assistant Professor Department of Health and Kinesiology

Aug. 2005 Texas A & M University

Sept. 1996 - Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Health and Kinesiology

July 1999 Texas A & M University

May 2016- Coordinator of Physical Education Teacher Certification Program

May 2019 Department of Health and Kinesiology

Texas A&M University

Sept. 2009- Director of International Initiatives

May 2013 College of Education and Human Development

Texas A & M University

January 2019- Honorary Visiting Chair Professor Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Dec. 31, 2021

Feb. 2019- Honorary Visiting Professor Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Dec. 31, 2021

Summer 2014 Prominent Overseas Scholar Shaoyang University, Hunan, China

June 2013 Visiting Scholar College of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal


Nov. 1, 2012- Honorary Professor The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

Oct.31, 2016

July 1, 2009- Honorary Associate Professor The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

June 30, 2011

Sept. 1991- Graduate Assistant Department of Kinesiology, Louisiana State University

July 1996

Jun. 1994 - Instructor Department of Continuing Education, Louisiana

Jan. 1995 State University

Aug. 1990 - Visiting Scholar California State University - Sacramento

May 1991

Sept. 1987 - Instructor Division of Physical Education Theory

Jul. 1990 Shanghai University of Sport, China

Jan. 1982 - Instructor / Coach Hunan University - Shaoyang, China

Jul. 1984


2019 Curriculum and Instruction Honor Award

Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America)

2017 Outstanding Service Award International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and


2015-2019 Nominated for 2016, 2017 and 2019 Scholar Lecture

Special Interest Group on Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education, American Educational Research Association (AERA)

2013 Nominated for a college level Association of Former Students Teaching Award

Texas A&M University

2012-2013 Huffines Faculty Scholar Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and Human

Performance, Texas A&M University

2012 Fellow # 523 National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK)

2012 Top 10 presenters Based on the total number of presentations made at

the Research Consortium of AAHPERD National

Conventions between 1992 and 2011

2011 Outstanding Service Award International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health

2009 Scholar Award Texas Association for Health, Physical Education,

Recreation & Dance (TAHPERD)

2009 Nominated for 2010 Alliance Scholar

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (AAHPERD)

2008 Nominated for 2009 Scholar Lecture

Special Interest Group on Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education, American Educational Research Association (AERA)

2007 Top 10 presenters Based on the total number of presentations made at

the Research Consortium of AAHPERD National

Conventions between 1992 and 2006

2006 Nominated for 2007 Scholar Lecture

Special Interest Group on Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education, AERA

2004 Exemplary Paper Award Special Interest Group on Research on Learning and

Instruction in Physical Education, AERA

2001 Member the Regents’ Initiative for Excellence in Education’s

Academy for Educator Development

Texas A & M University

2000 Nominated for 2001 Outstanding New Faculty Award

College of Education and Human Development

Texas A & M University

1999 Fellow The Research Council of SHAPE America


Dec. 2015- Associate Editor Journal of Sport and Health Science


2018 Guest Editor Special issue on physical activity in children’s health and

cognition, BioMed Research International,

2017 Guest Editor Special issue on student motivation, Journal of Teaching in

Physical Education, 36, July 2017.

June 2015- Editorial Board Member Journal of Sport and Health Science

June 2019

Sept. 2013- Editorial Board Member Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences


Aug. 2012- Editorial Board Member Journal of Teaching in Physical Education


July 2008- Co-Editor Journal of Teaching in Physical Education

July 2012

2007 Editor 2007 AERA Annual Meeting Proceedings of Special

Interest Group on Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education

2006- Special Section Editor of Pedagogy Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport


July 2002- Editorial Board Member Journal of Teaching in Physical Education

June 2008


1996 Achievement Goals and Self-Perceptions of Ability in Physical Education: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

Doctoral dissertation

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

1987 Evaluation and Assessment of Fundamental Motor Skills for Children Ages 4-7

Master’s thesis

Shanghai University of Sport, China


*Names in italics indicate co-authors are/were graduate students from Texas A&M University

8. Xiang, P. (2017). Expectancy-value based motivation for learning. In C. D. Ennis (Ed.), Routledge handbook of physical education pedagogies (pp. 581-593). New York, NY: Routledge.

7. Lee, A. M., Xiang, P., Pan, S., & Chen. S. (Eds.). (2015). Moving and learning: Elementary physical education for the future. Beijing, China: Educational Science Publishing House.

6. McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (2015). Critical thinking: What is it? How do we do it? In A. M. Lee, P. Xiang, S. Pan, & S. Chen. (Eds.), Moving and learning: Elementary physical education for the future (pp. 174 – 189). Beijing, China: Educational Science Publishing House.

5. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., & Lochbaum, M. (2013). Relations of children’s hierarchical ability beliefs to their cardiovascular fitness, physical activity levels and persistence/effort. In J.E. Saunders, M. Holzweg, W. Ho & L. Housner (Eds.) Current issues in contemporary comparative physical education and sport (pp. 121-129). Berlin, Germany: Logos Verlag Berlin GmBH.

4. Xiang, P. (2009). Competence and motivation as key constructs in student cognition. In L.D. Housner, M. W. Metzler, P. G. Schempp, & T. J. Templin (Eds.), Historic traditions and future directions of research on teaching and teacher education in physical education (pp. 127-134). Pittsburgh, PA: Fitness Information Technology.

3. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Guan, J. M., & Bruene, A. (2008). Changes in children’s motivation in physical education running programs: A three-year study. In N. P. Beauliu (Ed.), Physical activity and children: New research (pp. 177-193). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

2. Chen, L., Xiang, P., Keating, X., Olrich, T. W., & Chandler, J. P. (2006). Status and gender differences of coaches perceiving membership incentives of their respective associateions. In W.K. Simpson, D. Crider, A. Gillentine & D. Funk (Eds.), Applied Research in Coaching and Althletics Annual (pp. 108-129; Vol. 21), Boston, MA: American Press.

1. Ji, P., & Xiang, P. (1991). Guidelines to physical activities for young children. Shanghai: Shanghai Press of Science and Technology.


*Names in italics indicate co-authors are/were graduate students from Texas A&M University.

75. Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Chen, H. (in press). Self-regulated learning strategies and achievement goals among preservice physical education teachers. European Physical Education Review.

75. Guan, J. M., Xiang, P., Keating, X. F., & Land, W. D. (2020). Junior high school students’ achievement goals, social goals, and self-reported persistence in physical education settings. European Physical Education Review, 26, 218-230.

74. Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Chen, H. (2019). Psychometric properties of the Cognitive and Metacognitive Learning Strategies Scales among preservice physical education teachers: A bifactor analysis. European Physical Education Review, 25, 616-639. doi: 10.1177/1356336X18755087

73. Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Juzaily, N. (2019). Perceived coach supports and at-risk boys’

motivation at a summer sports camp: A commonality analysis. International Journal of Sports

Science & Coaching. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1747954119897521

72. Gao, Z., Chen, S., Sun, H., Wen, X., & Xiang, P. (2018). Physical activity in children’s health and cognition. BioMed Research International.

71. Liu, J., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., & Scarmardo-Rhodes, M. (2018). Physical education pre-service teachers’ understanding, application, and development of critical thinking. Quest, 70, 12-27. doi:10.1080/00336297.2017.1330218

70. Liu, J., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (2018). The mediating role of mastery-approach goals between coach supports and intrinsic motivation among underserved adolescents. The ICHPER·SD Journal of Research, 9, 3–8.

69. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Lin, S. Q., Gao, Z. & Francis, X. C. (2018). Students’ gender stereotypes about running in schools. The Journal of Experimental Education, 86, 233-246.


68. Gao, Z., Chen, S., Huang, C., Stodden, D., & Xiang, P. (2017). Investigating elementary school children’s daily physical activity and sedentary behaviors during weekdays. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35, 99-104. doi:10.1080/02640414.2016.1157261

67. Lee, J. E., Xiang, P., & Gao, Z. (2017). Acute effect of active video games on older children’s mood change. Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 97-103. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.12.060

66. Li, W., Xiang, P., Chen, R., Xie, X., & Li, Y. (2017). Unit of analysis: Impact of Silverman and Solmon’s article on field-based intervention research in physical education in the U.S.A. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 36, 131-142. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2016-0169

65. Liu, J., Xiang, P., Lee, J., & Li, W. (2017). Developing physically literacy in K-12 physical education through achievement goal theory. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 36, 292-302. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2017-0030

64. McBride, R., & Xiang, P. (2017). Motivational regulations among at-risk students in an after school activity program. The ICHPER·SD Journal of Research 9 (1), 38-46.

63. Wang, J., Xiang, P., Zhang, D., Liu, W., & Gao, X. (2017). Evolution of physical education undergraduate majors in higher education in China. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 36, 373-387. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2017-0178

62. Xiang, P., Agbuga, B., Liu, J., & McBride, R. E. (2017). Relatedness need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, and engagement in secondary school physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 36, 340-352. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2017-0034

61. Zeng, N., Ayyub, M., Sun, H., Wen, X., Xiang, P., & Gao, Z. (2017). Effects of physical activity on motor skills and cognitive development in early childhood: A systematic review. BioMed Research International. doi:10.1155/2017/2760716

60. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Su, X. (2016). Student perceptions of instructional choices in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 35, 138-148. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2015-0010

59. Li, W., Xiang, P., Gao, Z., Shen, B., Yin, Z., & Kong, Q. (2016). Impact of national physical activity and health guidelines and documents on research in teaching k-12 physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 35, 85-96. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2015-0098

58. McBride, R., Hürmeriç Altunsöz, I., Su, X., Xiang, P., & Gıyasettin Demirhan (2016). Self-regulated learning and perceived health among university students participating in physical activity classes. The Physical Educator, 73, 352-372. doi:10.18666/TPE-2016-V73-I2-6281

57. Su, X., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Liu, J, & Thornton, M. A. (2016). At-risk boys’ physical activity self-efficacy and social self-efficacy in a summer sports camp. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 35,159-168. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2014-0176

56. Zhang, T., Xiang, P., Gu, X., & Rose, M. (2016). College students’ physical activity and health-related

quality of life: An achievement goal perspective. Research Quarterly for Sport & Exercise, 87,

182-190. doi:10.1080/02701367.2016.1159279

55. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (2015). Achievement goals and students’ self-reported personal and social responsible behaviors in high school physical education. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 18, e22, 1-9. doi:10.1017/sjp.2015.26

54. Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Su, X., & Juzaily, N. (2015). At-risk boy’s intrinsic motivation toward physical activity: A three-year longitudinal study. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19, 200-207. doi:10.1080/1091367X.2015.1074578

53. Su, X., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (2015). College students’ achievement goal orientation and motivational regulations in physical activity classes: A test of gender invariance. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 34, 2-17. doi:10.1123/jtpe.2013-0151

52. Zhang, P., Xiang, P., Lodewyk, K., Sheng, H., & Gao, Z. (2015). Examining psychosocial correlates of adolescent girls’ physical activity levels. Obesity and Control: Open Access, 1:105. doi:10.14437/OCOA-1-105

51. Gao, Z., & Xiang, P. (2014). Effects of exergaming based exercise on urban children’s physical activity participation and body composition. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 11, 992-998.

50. Gao, Z., Hannan, P., Xiang, P., Stodden, D., & Valdez, V. (2013). Video game–based exercise, Latino children’s physical health, and academic achievement. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 44(3S3), S240–S246.

49. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., Chen, S. L., & McBride, R. E. (2013). The influence of student teaching on physical education student teachers’ self-efficacy and outcome expectancy beliefs. Journal of Teaching, Research, Media in Kinesiology, 2, 1-15.

48. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., Lochbaum, M., & Guan, J. (2013). The impact of achievement goals on cardiorespiratory fitness: Does self-efficacy make a difference? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84,313-322.

47. Guan, J. M., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Keating, X.D. (2013). Achievement goals, social goals, and students’ reported persistence and effort in high school athletic settings. Journal of Sport Behavior, 36, 149-170.

46. McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (2013). Self-regulated learning and perceived health among students participating in university physical activity classes. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 32, 220-236.

45. Xiang, P., Chen, S. H., & Gao, Z. (2013). Instructional choices and student engagement in physical education. Asian Journal of Exercise & Sports Science, 10 (1), 90-97.

44. Zhang, T., Solmon, M. A., Xiang, P., Gu, X., & Chen, Q. (2013). Relationships among self-determined motivation, achievement outcomes and related social and individual factors in middle school physical education. The Global Journal of Health and Physical Education Pedagogy, 2, 250-261.

43. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (2012). Students’ attitudes toward an after-school physical activity program. European Physical Education Review, 19 (1), 91-109.

42. Misra, R., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Lambert, L., Sen, C., & Kahar, P. (2012). Learning preference

and motivation to learn by age and gender in patients with chronic wound. Journal of

Community Medicine & Health Education, 2:127. doi:10.4172/jcmhe.1000127

41. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., Lee, A. M., & Kosma, M. (2011). Effect of learning activity on students’ motivation, physical activity participation and effort/persistence. International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance Journal, 6 (1), 27-33.

40. Gu, X. L., Solmon, M., Zhang, T., & Xiang, P. (2011). Group cohesion, achievement motivation, and motivational outcomes among female college students. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23, 1-14.

39. Liew, J., Xiang, P., Kwok, O., & Yongman, A. (2011). Effortful persistence and body mass

as predictors of physical activity achievement in children and youth: A longitudinal study. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 8, 234-243.

38. Xiang, P., Gao, Z., & McBride, R. E. (2011). Student teachers’ use of instructional choice in

physical education. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82, 482-490.

37. Xiang, P., Liu, Y. L., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (2011). Longitudinal goal patterns and their effects on students’ motivation in running programs. The Journal of Experimental Education, 79, 295-317.

36. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (2010). Achievement goals and their relations to

children’s disruptive behaviors in an after-school physical activity program. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 29, 278-294.

35. Keating, X.D., Harrison, L., Chen, L., Xiang, P., Lambdin, D., Dauenhauer, B., Rotich, W., & Castro, J. (2009). An analysis of research on student health-related fitness knowledge in K-16 physical education programs. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 28, 333-349.

34. Agbuga, B., & Xiang, P. (2008). Achievement goals and their relations to self-reported persistence/effort in secondary physical education: A trichotomous achievement goal framework. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 27, 179-191.

33. Cunningham, G., & Xiang, P. (2008). Testing the mediating role of perceived motivational climate in the relationship between achievement goals and satisfaction: Are these relationships invariant across sex? Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 27, 192-204.

32. Gao, Z., & Xiang, P. (2008). College students’ motivation toward weight training: An application of expectancy-value model. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 27, 399-415.

31. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., Harrison, L. Jr., Guan, J. M., & Rao, Y. (2008). A cross-cultural analysis of self-efficacy and achievement goals between American and Chinese college students in physical education. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 39, 312-328.

30. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., Lee, A., & Harrison, L. (2008). Self-efficacy and outcome expectancy in beginning weight training class: Their relations to students’ behavioral intentions and actual behavior. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79, 92-100.

29. Guan, J. M., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (2007). Reliability and validity evidence for achievement goal models in high school physical education settings. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 11, 109-129.

28. Li, W., & Xiang, P. (2007). Ability conceptions in physical education: Some measurement considerations. Quest, 59,358-372.

27. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Bruene, A., & Liu, Y. L. (2007). Achievement goal patterns and their impact on fifth graders’ motivation in physical education running programs. Pediatric Exercise Science, 19, 179-191.

26. Guan, J. M., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (2006). Reliability and validity evidence for the Social Goal Scale-Physical Education (SGS-PE) in high school settings. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 25, 226-238.

25. Guan, J. M., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (2006). Achievement goals, social goals, and students’ reported persistence and effort in high school physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 25, 58-72.

24. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (2006). Fourth graders’ motivational changes in an elementary physical education running program. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77, 195-207.

23. Xiang, P., Solmon, M., & McBride, R. E. (2006). Teachers’ and students’ conceptions of ability in elementary physical education. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77, 185-194.

22. Guan, J. M., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (2005). Chinese teachers’ attitudes toward teaching

physical activity and fitness. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 33, 147-157.

21. Xiang, P., Chen, A., & Bruene, A. (2005). Interactive impact of intrinsic motivators and extrinsic rewards on behavior and motivation outcomes. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 24, 179-197. (Featured in Physical Activity Today, Spring 2006; selected as Research Report of the Month in December 2005 by Unlock Research; cited by a 2008 publication in Journal of Educational Psychology)

20. Guan, J. M., Xiang, P., & Keating, X. D. (2004). Evaluating the replicability of sample results: A tutorial of double cross-validation methods. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 8, 227-241.

19. McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (2004). Thoughtful decision making in physical education: A modest proposal. Quest, 56, 337-354.

18. Xiang, P., Bruene, A., & McBride, R. E. (2004). Using achievement goal theory to assess an elementary physical education running program. Journal of School Health, 74, 220-225. (Selected as Research Report of the Month in October 2004 by Unlock Research; cited by a 2010 publication in Developmental Review and a 2008 publication in Journal of Educational Psycholog)

17. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (2004). Fourth graders’ motivation in an elementary physical education running program. The Elementary School Journal, 104, 253-266.

16. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Guan, J. M. (2004). Children’s motivation in elementary physical education: A longitudinal study. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75, 71-80.

15. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Solmon, M. (2003). The motivational climate in ten teachers’ elementary physical education classes: An achievement goal theory approach. The Elementary School Journal, 104, 71-91. (Selected as the 2004 Exemplary Paper, the American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group on Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Educaiton and as Research Report of the Month in December 2003 by Unlock Research; cited by a 2007 publication in Review of Educaitonal Research)

14. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (2003). Relations of parents’ beliefs to children’s motivation in an elementary physical education running program. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 22 410-425.

13. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Guan, J. M., & Solmon, M. (2003). Children’s motivation in elementary physical education: An expectancy-value model of achievement choice. Research Quarterly for Sport and Exercise, 74, 25-35. (Nominated for the 2004 Exemplary Paper Award, the American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group on Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education)

12. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., & Wittenburg, D. (2002). Dispositions toward critical thinking: The preservice teacher’s perspective. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 8, 29-40.

11. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Wittenburg, D., & Shen, J. (2002). An analysis of preservice teachers’ predisposition toward critical thinking: A cross-cultural perspective. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 30, 131-140.

10. Xiang, P. (2002). Chinese children’s self-perceptions of ability in physical education. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 17, 97-105.

9. Xiang, P., & Lee, A. (2002). Achievement goals, perceived motivational climate and students’ self-reported mastery behaviors. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 73, 58-65.

(Featured in the College of Education and Human Development’s “Engaged Scholarship” newsletter, July 2003)

8. Xiang, P., Lowy, S., & McBride, R. E. (2002). The impact of a field-based elementary physical education methods course on preservice classroom teachers’ beliefs. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 21,145-161.

7. Xiang, P., Lee, A., & Shen, J. (2001). Conceptions of ability and achievement goals in physical education: Comparisons of American and Chinese students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 26, 348-365.

6. Xiang, P., Lee, A., & Williamson, L. (2001) Conceptions of ability in physical education: Children and adolescence. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 20, 282-294. (Featured in the College of Education and Human Development’s “Engaged Scholarship” newsletter, August 2001; cited by a 2008 publication in Review of Educational Research)

5. McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (2000). Learning style perspectives: Impact in the classroom. Media Review, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 20, 105-107.

4. Xiang, P., & Lee, A. (1998). The development of self-perceptions of ability and achievement goals and their relations in physical education. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 69, 231-241.

3. Xiang, P., Lee, A., & Solmon, M. (1997). Achievement goals and their correlates of American and Chinese students in physical education: A cross-cultural analysis. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 28, 645-660.

2. Lee, A., Carter, J., & Xiang, P. (1995). Children’s conceptions of ability in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 14, 384-393.

1. Xiang, P. (1988). A study on the assessment of fundamental motor ability of children from 4 to 7 years old. Journal of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, 3, 42-46.


*Names in italics indicate co-authors are/were graduate students from Texas A&M University.

147. Lee, J, Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Liu, J., Juzaily, N. & Lee, H. (2019). Psychometric properties of the BREQ-3 in college PA classes. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Tampa, FL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 90, A-16-17.

146. Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Chen, H. (2019). Self-regulated learning strategies and achievement goals among preservice PE teachers. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Tampa, FL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 90, A-89-90.

145. Xiang, P., Liu, J., McBride, R.E., & Su, X. (2019). Contributors of self-efficacy in a summer sports camp: Boys’ perspective. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Tampa, FL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 90, A-8.

144. Gao, Z., Lee, J. E., Stodden, D., Xiang, P., & Zhang, P. (2018). Trajectory changes of physical activity and weight status in children. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Nashville, TN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 89, A-83.

143. Juzaily, N., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Liu, J., Lee, J, & Wang, Y. (2018). The Self-Regulated Questionnaire-Exercise: Gender measurement invariance. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Nashville, TN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 89, A-45–46.

142. Latterman, L., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Liu, J., & Lee, J. (2018). Learning transfer of a summer sports camp: Qualitative evidence. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Nashville, TN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 89,


141. Lee, J, Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Liu, J., & Juzaily, N. (2018). The 3×2 goal model in college physical activity classes: Psychometric properties. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Nashville, TN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,

89, A-49–50.

140. Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Juzaily, N., Lee, J., & Wang, Y. (2018). Construct validity and stability of the IBS among at-risk boys. Paper presented at the 2018 SHAPE America National Convention, Nashville, TN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 89, A-22–23.

139. Wang, Y., Xiang, P., Liu, J., McBride, R. E., Larry, L., & Lee, J. (2018). Self-efficacy and expectancy beliefs in a summer sports camp. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Nashville, TN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 89, A-50.

138. Juzaily, N., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Lee, J., Liu, J., & Scarmardo, M. (2017). The Achievement Goal Questionnaire-Physical Education psychometric properties: Gender measurement invariance. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Boston, MA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88, A-49-50.

137. Latterman, L., Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Juzaily, N., Lee, J., & Scarmardo, M. (2017). Expectancy-value motivation among at-risk boys: A 1-year prospective study. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Boston, MA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88, A-36-37.

136. Lee, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Liu, J., Juzaily, N., Scarmardo, M., & Latterman, L. (2017). Achievement goals in a summer sports camp: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Boston, MA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88, A-29.

135. Liu, J., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (2017). Psychometric properties of the CMLSS: A bifactor analysis. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Boston, MA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88, A-165-166.

134. Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Lee, J., Juzaily, N., Latterman, L., & Scarmardo, M. (2017). Psychometric properties of the BREQ-2 among at-risk boys. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Boston, MA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88, A-47-48.

133. Wang, Y. Y., Liu, J., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (2017). Underserved boys’ self-efficacy, PACER performance and ethnicity in a summer sports camp. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO. Abstract published in: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49(5S), 716.

132. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Liu, J., Scarmardo, M., Juzaily, N., Latterman, L., & Lee, J. (2017). Temporal stability of perceived competence in a summer sports camp. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Boston, MA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88, A-48-49.

131. Juzaily, N., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Liu, J., Scarmardo, M., & Lee, J. (2016). A Rasch model analysis: The achievement goal questionnaire-physical education (AGQ-PE) psychometric properties. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, A-19.

130. Latterman, L., Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Scarmardo, M., Lee, J., & Juzaily, N. (2016). Expectancy-value motivation in a summer sports camp: A prospective study. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, A-18.

129. Lee, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Liu, J., Latterman, L., Scarmardo, M., & Juzaily, N. (2016). The 2x2 achievement goal model in a summer sports camp. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, A-21.

128. Li, W., & Xiang, P. (2016). Unit of analysis: Impact of Silverman and Solmon’s article on field-based intervention research in physical education. Paper presented at 2016 annual meeting of AERA.

127. Liu, J., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E., Scarmardo, M., Latterman, L., Juzaily, N., & Lee, J. (2016). Trajectory of intrinsic motivation changes in at-risk boys. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, A-15-16.

126. Liu, J., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E., Scarmardo, M., Latterman, L., Juzaily, N., & Lee, J. (2016). Antecedents, consequence, and mediating role of mastery approach goals. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, A-16.

125. Liu, J., Scarmardo, M., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Latterman, L., Juzaily, N., & Lee, J. (2016). Achievement goals in predicting at-risk boys’ behaviors. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, A-74.

124. McBride, R. E., Juzaily, N., Xiang, P., & Lee, J. (2016). Crititical thinking dispositions psychometric properties assessment: Applying the Rasch model. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, A-16-17.

123. Xiang, P., Agbuga, B., McBride, R. E., & Liu, J. (2016). Students’ perceived relatedness in middle school physical education. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87, A-15.

122. Latterman, L., Su, X., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Liu, J., & Otsuka, M. (March 2015). Adolescent at-risk boys’ perceptions in a summer sports camp. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Seattle, WA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86, A-1.

121. Li, W., Xiang, P., Gao, Z., & Shen, B. (April 2015). Impact of national physical activity and health

documents and guidelines on research in teaching k-12 physical education. Pape presented

at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

120. Liu, J., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Su, X., Scarmardo-Rhodes, & Otsuka, M. (March 2015). Perceived instructor support and student motivation in a summer sport camp. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Seattle, WA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86, A-3.

119. Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Su, X., Scarmardo-Rhodes, & Otsuka, M. (March 2015). Achievement goals and motivational regulations in a summer sports camp. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Seattle, WA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86, A-32.

118. Nasnoor, J., Yang, J., Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Su, X. (March 2015). Changes in perceived instructor support in a summer sports camp. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Seattle, WA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86, A-2.

117. Otsuka, M., Su, X., McBride, R. E., Liu, J., Xiang, P., & Scarmarado-Rhodes, M. (March 2015). Changes of adolescent boys’ motivational regulations in a summer sport camp. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Seattle, WA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86, A-1.

116. Su, X., Xiang, P., Liu, J., McBride, R. E. (March 2015). Relationships between three types of perceived competence and motivational outcomes. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Seattle, WA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86, A-151.

115. Xiang, P., Su, X., McBride, R. E., Liu, J., & Scarmardo-Rhodes, M. (March 2015). Three types of perceived competence in a summer sports camp. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Seattle, WA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86, A-39.

114. Yang, J., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (March 2015). Impact of SDT on effort and future intention for physical activity. Paper presented at the SHAPE America National Convention, Seattle, WA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 86, A-2.

113. Chen, S. H., Xiang, P., & Gao, Z. (April 2014). Relationships between students’ perceived relatedness and motivational outcomes in PE. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, A-39.

112. Gao, Z., & Xiang, P. (April 2014). Effects of DDR-based exercise on children’s self-esteem and physical activity. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, A-9.

111. Hu, X., & Xiang, P. (April 2014). Longitudinal relations among students’ gender role beliefs, task values, and motivations in running activities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

110. Li, W., & Xiang, P. (April 2014). Statistical analysis (SAS/SPSS) on intervention research on intact classes. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, A-13.

109. Liu, J., Wagner, S., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (April 2014). Physical education preservice teachers’ understanding of critical thinking. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, A-147.

108. Liu, J., Xiang, P., Wagner, S., & McBride, R. E. (April 2014). Understanding effective teaching in physical education: From perservice teachers’ perspective. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, A-148.

107. Su, X., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (April 2014). At-risk boys’ self-efficacy in a summer sports camp. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, A-37.

106. Xiang, P., & Li, W. (April 2014). Statistical design/analysis for intervention research on intact classes in physical education. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, A-13.

105. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Hu, X. (April 2014). Students’ gender role beliefs about running in schools. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, A-33.

104. Yang, J. Y., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Su, X., Liu, J., & Langford, H. (April 2014). The effects of initiative game participation in a summer camp. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 85, A-39.

103. Feng, M., Zhang, T., & Xiang, P. (April 2013). Examining Chinese students’ achievement goals, social goals, and motivated behaviors. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Charlotte, NC. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84, A-40.

102. Gao, Z., & Xiang, P. (April 2013). Children's physical activity levels in interactive dance across skill levels. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Charlotte, NC. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84, A-5.

101. McBride, R. E., Sacli, F., & Xiang, P. (April 2013). Student perceptions of choice and teacher support during initiative games. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Charlotte, NC. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84, A-50.

100. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Humeric Altunsoz, I., Demirhan, G., & Su, X. (July 2013). Validation of two psychometric instruments for research on self-regulated learning and achievement goals in turkish physical education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d’Education Physique (AIESEP), Warsaw, Poland

99. Su, X., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Yang, J. Y, Sacli, F., Speer, R., & Schroeder, G. (April 2013). Achievement goals as predictors of expectancy-value motivation, effort, and intention. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Charlotte, NC. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84, A-59.

98. Yang, J Y., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Su, X., Schroeder, G., Speer, R., & Sacli, F. (April 2013). Self-determination as a predictor of effort and future activity. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Charlotte, NC. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 84, A-60.

97. Gao, Z., & Xiang, P. (March 2012). Impact of interactive dance on children’s physical

activity and body composition. Paper accepted and scheduled for presentation at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Boston, MA; however, the Convention was canceled due to a city-wide power outage. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 83, A-1.

96. Liu, Y. L., Paul, S., & Xiang, P. (March 2012). Childhood overweight and obesity in China: What development taught us. Paper accepted and scheduled for presentation at the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation of the AAHPERD National Convention, Boston, MA; however, the Convention was canceled due to a city-wide power outage.

95. McBride, R. E., Su, X., Xiang, P., & Yang, J. Y. (March 2012). Critical thinking dispositions as predictors of self-regulation. Paper accepted and scheduled for presentation at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Boston, MA; however, the Convention was canceled due to a city-wide power outage. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 83, A-55.

94. Su, X., Xiang, P., McBride R.E., & Yang, J.Y. (March 2012). Predicting roles of achievement goals in students’ self-regulated learning. Paper accepted and scheduled for presentation at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Boston, MA; however, the Convention was canceled due to a city-wide power outage. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 83, A-64.

93. Xiang, P., Chen, S. H., & Gao, Z. (2012). Instructional choices and student engagement in

physical education. Paper virtually presented at the Third International Conference

on Sport and Society, Cambridge University, UK, July 23- July 25, 2012.

92. Xiang, P., Gao, Z., & Stodden, D. (June 1, 2012). Impact of an integrative dance based program on urban children’s physical fitness and academic achievement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA. Abstract published in: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Vol. 44, No. 5, S118.

91. Zhang, T., & Xiang, P. (May 30, 2012). Examining elementary school students’ motor skills,

physical activity, and health-related physical fitness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA. Abstract published in: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Vol. 44, No. 5, S161.

90. Gao, Z., & Xiang, P. (September 2011). Gaming approaches to promote exercise. Project presented at Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Salud America! annual summit meeting in San Antonio, TX.

89. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., & Lochbaum, M. (June 2011). Examining the relationships between

children’s hierarchical ability beliefs, cardiovascular fitness and achievement behaviors. Paper

presented at the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport meeting

(Physical Education and Sport: Challenges and Future Directions), Shanghai, China.

88. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (April 2011). The influence of student teaching on physical education student teachers’ self-efficacy and outcome expectancy beliefs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

87. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., & Sheng, H. P. (March 2011). Examining adolescent girls' exercise motivation and physical activity participation. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, San Diego, CA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-49.

86. Gao, Z., Valdez, V.E., & Xiang, P. (May 2011). The impact of structured exercise program on urban children’s physical health and academic performance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of World Congress of Exercise is Medicine in Denver, CO.

85. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Bruene, A. (March 2011). Indicators of self-regulated learning among high school athletes. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, San Diego, CA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-49.

84. Xiang, P., Li, W. D., & McBride, R. E. (March 2011). Stability and change in students' ability beliefs about running. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, San Diego, CA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-49.

83. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (March 2010). Effects of physical education student teachers’ beliefs on their instructional choices. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-49.

82. Guan, J. M., & Xiang, P. (March 2010). Achievement goals and persistence in college physical activity settings. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-51.

81. Liu, Y. L., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (March 2010). Classification of participants: A guide to appropriately using cluster analyses. Paper presented at a symposium titled “classification techniques toward physical activity and health related behaviors” at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-7.

80. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Tyson, G., & Bruene, A. (March 2010). Regulators of student learning in college physical activity classes. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-62.

79. Xiang, P., Liu, Y. L., & McBride, R. E. (March 2010). Goal patterns in physical education running programs: a cluster analysis. Paper presented at a symposium titled “classification techniques toward physical activity and health related behaviors” at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-8.

78. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Guan, J. M., & Bruene, A. (March 2010). Relationships between children’s gender role beliefs and motivation in running. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-78.

77. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Bruene, A., Su, X., & Yang, J.Y. (March 2010). Self-regulated learning as a predictor of college student health. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-28.

76. Xiang, P., & Yang, J. J. (March 2010). Pedagogical consideration: How do I teach to my students? Paper presented at a symposium titled “Interdisciplinary research evaluation: Feasibility of Tai Chi as lifelong exercise” at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A-4.

75. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P., Konukman, F., & Yılmaz, I. (April 2009). Reliability and validity of Turkish version of the trichotomous and 2x2 achievement goal scales in college physical activity settings. Paper presented at the international session of the AAHPERD National Convention, Tampa, FL.

74. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Konukman, F., Yılmaz, I., & Ekmekç, R. (April 2009). Achievement goals as performance predictors in college physical activity courses. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Tampa, FL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80, A-50.

73. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., & Liu, W. (April 2009). Effect of student teaching on pre-service teachers’ efficacy beliefs in physical education. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Tampa, FL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80, A-57.

72. Gu, X. L., Solmon, M., Zhang, T., & Xiang, P (April 2009). Group cohesion, achievement motivation, and motivational outcomes among female college students: A prospective study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

71. Huang, G., Gao, Z., Xiang, P., & Liu, W. (April 2009). Relationships between PE student teachers’ efficacy beliefs and outcome expectancy. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Tampa, FL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80, A-61.

70. Liew, J., Xiang, P., Kwok, O., & Yangman, A. (April 2009). Effortful persistence and body mass as predictors of running performance in children and youth: a longitudinal study. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, Co.

69. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., & Bruene, A. (April 2009). Perceived choice and its impact on self-regulated learning. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Tampa, FL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80, A-66.

68. Xiang, P., Gao, Z., & McBride, R. E. (April 2009). Examining student teachers’ use of instructional choice in physical education. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Tampa, FL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80, A-84.

67. Xiang, P., Liew, J., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (April 2009). Longitudinal relationships among students’ expectancy beliefs, task values and their motivational responses in running activities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

66. Zhang, T., Solmon, M., Xiang, P., & Gu, X. L. (April 2009). Middle school children’s motivation in physical education: A self-determination theory perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

65. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (April 2008). Relationships between students’ achievement goals and their observed disruptive behaviors in an after-school physical activity program. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Ft. Worth, TX. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79, A-40.

64. Bruene, A., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (April 2008). Middle school physical education students' perceptions of enrollment and competence. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Ft. Worth, TX. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79, A-41.

63. Gao, Z., Lee, A., Xiang, P., & Kosma, M. (March 2008). Students’ motivation and physical activity levels in middle school physical education: The effects of activity, grade, and gender. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York City.

62. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., & Bruene, A. (April 2008). The impact of choice on self-regulation among middle school students. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Ft. Worth, TX. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79, A-58.

61. Xiang, P., Liu, Y. L., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (March 2008). Achievement goal patterns and their effects on students’ motivational responses in physical education running programs: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York City.

60. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (March 2007). Pedometer-assessed physical activity level and body composition among minority children in an after-school physical education program. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Baltimore, MD. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78, A-88.

59. Bruene, A., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (March 2007). Students’ motivation toward running in middle school physical education and athletics. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Baltimore, MD. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78, A-50.

58. Gao, Z., & Xiang, P. (March 2007). Exploring the mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between achievement goals and fitness testing scores. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Baltimore, MD. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78, A-56.

57. Guan, J. M., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (March 2007). Examining the 2 x 2 achievement goal model: a mixed method. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Baltimore, MD. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78, A-66.

56. Keating, X., Harrison, L., Guan, J. M., Xiang, P., Bridges, D., & Chen, L. (October 2007). An examination of teaching health-related fitness knowledge in K-16 physical education programs. Paper presented at the national conference entitled “Historic Traditions & Future Directions in Research on Teaching & Teacher Education in Physical Education,” Pittsburgh, PA.

55. Li, W. D., & Xiang, P. (October 2007). Ability conceptions in physical education: Some measurement considerations. Paper presented at the national conference entitled “Historic Traditions & Future Directions in Research on Teaching & Teacher Education in Physical Education,” Pittsburgh, PA.

54. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., & Bruene, A. (March 2007). Students’ perceived choice in high school physical education. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Baltimore, MD. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78, A-66.

53. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (March 2007). Seventh graders’ motivation in running: an achievement goal theory perspective. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Baltimore, MD. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78, A-77.

52. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P. & McBride, R. E. (April 2006). Achievement goals and students' reported disruptive behavior in an after school physical education program. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Salt Lake City, UT. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77, A-48.

51. Gao, Z., Lee, A. M., Xiang, P. & Harris, L. (April 2006). Relationships among achievement goals, self-determined motivation and persistence in college physical activity classes. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Salt Lake City, UT. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77, A-57.

50. Gao, Z., Xiang, P., Lee, A. & Harris, L. (April 2006). Self-efficacy and outcome expectancy in beginning weight training class: Their relations to students’ behavioral intentions and actual behavior. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (Selected as the 2006 Graduate Research Award by the American Educational Research Association, Special Interest Group - Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education)

49. Guan, J. M., Xiang, P. & McBride, R. E. (April 2006). Reliability and validity evidence for the trichotomous and 2 x 2 achievement goal models in high school athletic settings. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Salt Lake City, UT. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77, A-38.

48. Liu, Y.L., & Xiang, P. (April 2006). Classification of elementary school children based on the achievement goals in physical education: a comparison of clustering techniques. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Salt Lake City, UT. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77, A-39.

47. Loewer, J., Cunningham, G. B., & Xiang, P. (April 2006). Relationships among self-efficacy, perceived effort, enjoyment, and boredom in college physical activity classes. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Salt Lake City, UT. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77, A-80.

46. Xiang, P., & Cunningham, G. B. (April 2006). An analysis of the 2x2 achievement goal model in college physical activity classes. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Salt Lake City, UT. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77, A-72.

45. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Bruene, A., & Morris, B. (April 2006). Fourth graders’ ability beliefs about running. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Salt Lake City, UT. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 77, A-72.

44. Agbuga, B., & Xiang, P. (April 2005). Gender differences among Turkish students in secondary physical education: An achievement goal theory approach. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, A-61.

43. Bruene, A., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (April 2005). Changes in children’s motivation in physical education running programs: A three-year study. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, A-63.

42. Guan, J. M., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (April 2005). A Comparison of the trichotomous and 2*2 achievement goal models in high school PE settings. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, A-73.

41. Guan, J. M., Xiang, P. & McBride, R. E. (April 2005). Reliability and validity evidence for the social goal scale-physical education in high school settings. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, A-51.

40. Xiang, P., Bruene, A., & McBride, R. E. (April 2005). Achievement goals and their roles in students’ motivation and performance in physical education running programs. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, A-95.

39. Xiang, P., & Cunningham, G. B. (April 2005). Achievement goals, perceived motivational climate, and their relations to students’ satisfaction with physical activity. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Chicago, IL. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, A-96.

38. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (April 2005). Achievement goal patterns and their impact on fifth graders’ motivation in physical education running programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Montreal, Canada.

37. Agbuga, B., & Xiang, P. (April 2004). Achievement goals among Turkish students in secondary physical education. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75, A-55.

36. Azzarito, L., Solmon, M. A., Xiang, P., Caire, M., & Shen, J. H. (April 2004). A cross-cultural analysis of motives for physical activity. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75, A-56.

35. Azzarito, L., Solmon, M. A., Xiang, P., Caire, M., & Shen, J. H. (April 2004). Self-determination and motivation for physical activity: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego.

34. Bruene, A., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., & Knight, S. (April 2004). Teaching for meaning within a middle school physical education setting. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75, A-61.

33. Bruene, A., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Guan, J.M. (April 2004). A longitudinal study of children’s motivation and performance in physical education running programs. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75, A-61.

32. Gao, Z., Harrison, L., & Xiang, P. (November 2004). Competence beliefs, achievement values, race, and gender in physical activity. Paper presented at the 2004 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport conference.

31. Guan, J.M., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (April 2004). Validity, reliability, and replicability of the 2x2 achievement goal scale-physical education instrument in high school physical education settings. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75, A-38.

30. Guan, J.M., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (April 2004). Achievement goals among high school students in physical education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego.

29. McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (April 2004). Beliefs and motivational strategies among elementary physical education teachers. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75, A-74.

28. Xiang, P., Bruene, A., & McBride, R. E. (April 2004). Relationships among achievement goals, perceived motivational climate, and student motivated behaviors in an elementary physical education running program. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, New Orleans, LA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75, A-86.

27. Xiang, P., Chen, A., & Bruene, A. (April 2004). A reality check: Interactive impact of intrinsic motivators and award on behavior and motivation outcomes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego.

26. Xiang, P., Solmon, A. M., & McBride, R. E. (April 2004). Teachers and students’ conceptions of ability in elementary physical education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego.

25. Bruene, A., Xiang, P., & McBride, R.E. (April 2003). Children’s motivation in an elementary physical education running program. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, 2003, Philadelphia, PA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74, A-38.

24. Lowy, S., & Xiang, P. (October 2003). Implementing a PDS model with an elementary physical education methods class: Improving a field-based professional education course. Paper presented at the National Physical Education Teacher Education Conference, Baton Rouge, LA.

23. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (April 2003). Relations of parents’ beliefs to children’s motivation in an elementary physical education running program. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Philadelphia, PA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74, A-59.

22. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Bruene, A., & Lowy, S. (April 2003). Children’s motivation in a year-long elementary physical education running program. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Philadelphia, PA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 74, A-59.

21. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Guan, J. M. (April 2003). Children’s motivation in elementary physical education: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of AERA, Chicago, IL.

20. Guan, J. M., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (April 2002). Validity and reliability of teachers’ attitudes toward teaching physical activity and fitness instrument – Chinese version. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, San Diego, CA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 73, A-67.

19. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Solmon, M., Guan, J. M., & Lee, M. (April 2002). The motivational climate in elementary physical education: An achievement goal theory approach. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, San Diego, CA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 73, A-85.

18. Guan, J. M., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (March 2001). Chinese teachers’ attitudes toward teaching physical activity and fitness. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Cincinnati, OH. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 72, A-65.

17. Li, W., Lee, A., Solmon, M., Hill, R., & Xiang, P. (March 2001). Students’ implicit theories of ability, achievement goals, perceptions of the motivational climate, cognitive processes and performance levels in golf. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Cincinnati, OH. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 72, A-72.

16. Xiang, P., & Lee, A. (April 2001). Achievement goals, perceived motivational climate and students’ self-reported mastery behaviors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of AERA, Seattle, WA.

15. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Guan, J. M. (March 2001). Children’s motivation in elementary physical education: An expectancy-value theory approach. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Cincinnati, OH. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 72, A-84.

14. Xiang, P., Lee, A., & Williamson, L. (April 2000). Conceptions of ability in physical education: Children and adolescence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), New Orleans, Louisiana.

13. Xiang, P., Lowy, S., & McBride, R. E. (March 2000). Perceptions of education majors about elementary physical education: Impact of a field-based elementary physical education methods course. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Orlando, Florida. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 71, A-85.

12. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Shen, J., & Wittenburg, D. (March 1999). An analysis of preservice teachers’ predisposition toward critical thinking: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of AERA, Montreal, Canada.

11. Xiang, P., & Lee, A. (March 1999). Conceptions of ability and achievement goals in physical education: Comparisons of American and Chinese students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of AERA, Montreal, Canada.

10. Xiang, P., & Lee, A. (March 1999). Achievement-related goals and beliefs in elementary physical education: A cross-cultural analysis. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Boston, MA. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 70, A130-131.

9. McBride, R. E., Wittenberg, D., & Xiang, P. (April 1998). The disposition toward critical thinking: Preservice physical educators’ perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA.

8. Xiang, P., Lee, A., & Williamson, L. (April 1998). Effective and successful teaching in physical education: A student perspective. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Reno, Nevada. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 69, A108.

7. Williamson, L., Lee, A., Hebert, E., & Xiang, P. (March 1997). Students’ beliefs about causes of success and failure in physical education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, Illinois.

6. Xiang, P., & Lee, A. (March 1997). Achievement goals and task value beliefs in physical education: Age and gender effects. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, St. Louis, Missouri. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 68, A96.

5. Xiang, P., & Lee, A. (March 1997). The development of self-perceptions of ability and achievement goals and their relations in physical education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, Illinois.

4. Xiang, P., & Lee, A. (April 1996). Developmental changes in students’ ability perceptions in physical education. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Atlanta, Georgia. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 67, A93.

3. Solmon, M., Lee, A., Hill, K., Harrison, L., & Xiang, P. (April 1995). Goal perspective, learning strategies, and practice patterns in physical education. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Portland, Oregon. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 66, A72-73.

2. Xiang, P., & Lee, A. (April 1995). Interaction of feedback and achievement goals during motor skill learning. Paper presented at research consortium of the AAHPERD National Convention, Portland, Oregon. Abstract published in: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 66, A70.

1. Xiang, P., Lee, A., & Solmon, M. (April 1995). Achievement goals of American and Chinese students: A cross-cultural analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco.


*Names in italics indicate co-authors are/were graduate students from Texas A&M University.

17. Guan, J. M., Land, W., Xiang, P., & Keating, X.D. (2019). Achievement goal orientations: Gender differences across middle school, high school, and college students. Paper to be presented at the Southwest Educational Research Association (SERA), San Antonio, TX.

16. Guan, J. M., Keating, X.D., & Xiang, P. (2018). Measuring perceived motivational climate in middle school physical education. Paper presented at the TAHPERD, Galveston, TX.

15. Liu, J., McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Su, X., & Wagner, S. (December 2014). An examination of physical education preservice teachers’ cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies. Paper presented at the 91th Annual Convention of Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Galveston, Texas.

14. Liu, J., Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., Su, X., & Scarmardo-Rhodes, M. (December 2014). The mediating role of mastery approach goal between instructor support and student intrinsic motivation. Paper presented at the 91th Annual Convention of Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Galveston, Texas.

13. Liu, J., Wagner, S., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (December 2013). Technology use in physical education: Preservice teachers’ perspectives. Paper presented at the 90th Annual Convention of Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Dallas, Texas.

12. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Bruene, A., Su, X., & Yang, J.Y. (February 2011). Indicators of self regulated learning among high school athletes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.

11. McBride, R. E., Xiang, P., Bruene, A., & Rhyza, J. (February 2009). Self-regulated learning among students placed at risk. Paper presented at the annual Southwest Educational Research Association Convention, San Antonio, Texas.

10. Agbuga, B., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (February 2006) An expectancy-value model of achievement choice and students’ self-reported disruptive behaviors in an after-school physical activity program. Paper presented at the annual Southwest Educational Research Association Convention, Austin, Texas.

9. Bruene, A., McBride, R. E. & Xiang, P. (December 2005). Awareness and implementation of teaching for meaning principles in physical Education. Paper presented at the annual convention of Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Corpus Christi, Texas. Awarded the Outstanding Graduate Poster Presentation.

8. Bruene, A., McBride, R. E., Knight, S., & Xiang, P. (February 2004). Teaching for meaning within a middle school physical education setting. Paper presented at the annual Southwest Educational Research Association Convention, Dallas, Texas.

7. Guan, J. M., McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (February 2004). Achievement goals among high school students in athletic programs. Paper presented at the annual Southwest Educational Research Association Convention, Dallas, Texas.

6. Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (February 2004). Teachers’ conceptions of ability in elementary physical education. Paper presented at the annual Southwest Educational Research Association Convention, San Antonio.

5. Bruene, A., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (February 2003). Relations of parents' achievement goals and their children's motivation in an elementary physical education running program. Paper presented at the annual Southwest Educational Research Association Convention, San Antonio.

4. Xiang, P., McBride, R. E., & Bruene, A. (February 2003). The relationship between parents’ achievement goals and their children’s persistence/effort in an elementary physical education running program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Southwest Educational Research Association, 2003, San Antonio, Texas.

3. Bruene, A., Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (December 2002). Elementary children’s motivation and performance in a running program. Paper presented at the annual convention of Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Dallas, Texas. Awarded the Outstanding Graduate Poster Presentation.

2. McBride, R. E., Staudt, K., & Xiang, P. (February 2002). Beliefs and motivational strategies among elementary physical education teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, Texas.

1. Xiang, P., McBride R.E., Guan, J. M., & Lee, M. (February 2002). Children’s motivational beliefs in elementary physical education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, Texas.


53. Xiang, P. (October 2019). Alternative assessment in physical education. Invited presentation at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.

52. Xiang, P. (October 2019). Critical review of journals. Invited presentation at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.

51. Xiang, P. (October 2019). Critical analysis and review of physical education. Invited presentation at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.

50. Xiang, P. (October 2019). Physical literacy and quality physical education in integrating humanistic values. A keynote address at the 5th International Conference on Educational Research and Practice, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

49. Xiang, P. (July 2019). Kinesiology and physical education. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

48. Xiang, P. (July 2019). Understanding sport pedagogy research in higher education. Invited presentation at College of Education at Zhejiang University, China.

47. Xiang, P. (June 2019). Research on student running motivation in school physical education. Invited presentation at Hunan University of Technology, China.

46. Xiang, P. (June 2019). Research on student running motivation in school physical education. Invited presentation at Yichun University, Jiangxi, China.

45. Xiang, P. (July 2018). Kinesiology, physical education, and pedagogical research. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

44. Xiang, P. (November 2017). Strategies for publishing in SCI and SSCI journals. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

43. Xiang, P. (November 2017). How to bridge theory and practice in sport pedagogy research? Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Shanghai Normal University, China.

42. Xiang, P. (July 2017). Physical activity/physical education for children from early childhood to elementary school in US. Invited presentation at Hunan Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports, China.

41. Xiang, P. (June 2017). How to bridge theory and practice in sport pedagogy research? Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Hunan Normal University, China.

40. Xiang, P. (July 2016). U.S. sport pedagogy research. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Hengyang Normal University, China.

39. Xiang, P. (November 2015). Trends of physical education in the United States. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Shanghai Normal University, China.

38. Xiang, P. (December 2014). Physical education trends and physical education teacher certification/licensure in the United States. A keynote address in the Launch of Society of Health and Physical Educators, Malaysia (SHAPE Malaysia).

37. Xiang, P. (October 2014). My journey in the United States. Invited presentation at the School of Kinesiology, Louisiana State University.

36. Xiang, P. (October 2014). Student motivation in physical education running programs. Invited presentation at the School of Kinesiology, Louisiana State University.

35. Xiang, P. (June 2014). School physical education in the United States: Characteristics and trends. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Henan University, China.

34. Xiang, P. (June 2014). School physical education in the United States: Characteristics and trends. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Huan Zhong Normal University, China.

33. Xiang, P. (June 2014). How to publish in SSCI journals from an editor's perspective. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Huan Zhong Normal University, China.

32. Xiang, P. (June 2014). Understanding student running motivation in schools: A longitudinal perspective. Invited presentation in the Department of Physical Education, Shaoyang University, China.

31. Xiang, P. (June 2014). Physical education in the United States: History, development and changes. Invited presentation in the department of physical education at Shaoyang University, China.

30. Xiang, P. (June 2014). Physical education teacher preparation in the United States. Invited presentation in the Department of Physical Education, Shaoyang University, China.

29. Xiang, P. (May 2014). My journey in the United States. Invited presentation in the Department of Physical Education, Shaoyang University, China.

28. McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P (June 2013). Indicators of self-regulation among turkish university students enrolled in physical activity classes. Invited presentation at the Fifth International Congress of Educational Research Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey.

27. Xiang, P. (June 2013). Understanding student running motivation in schools: A longitudinal perspective. A keynote address at the 2013 Sport Pedagogy Conference, Taiwan Society for Sport Pedaogy, Taiwan.

26. Xiang, P. (June 2013). Understanding student running motivation in schools: A longitudinal perspective. Invited presentation at Taitung University, Taiwan.

25. Xiang, P. (June 2013). Sport pedagogy research and its trends in the United States. Invited panel presentation at the 2013 Sport Pedagogy Conference, Taiwan Society for Sport Pedaogy, Taiwan.

24. Xiang, P. (June 2013). My journey in the United States: Successes and failures. Invited presentation at National Kaohsiung Normal University, National Taitung University, National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan Sport University.

23. McBride, R. E., & Xiang, P. (Dec. 2012). Dispositions as motivators in critical thinking. Invited presentation at the 12th International Sports Science Congress, Denizli, Turkey.

22. Xiang, P., & McBride, R. E. (Dec. 2012). Understanding student running motivation in schools: A longitudinal perspective. Invited presentation at the 12th International Sports Science Congress, Denizli, Turkey.

21. Xiang, P. (Oct. 2011). How to publish from an editor's perspective. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Shanghai Normal University, China.

20. Xiang, P. (Oct. 2011). How to foster student critical thinking skills in physical education. Invited presentation for the national training for in-service physical education teachers at East China Normal University, Shanghai.

19. Xiang, P. (Oct. 2011). How to apply a reciprocal teaching style and teach cooperative games in elementary physical education. Invited presentation for the national training for in-service physical education teachers at East China Normal University, Shanghai.

18. Xiang, P., & Kulinna, P. (November 2011). Publications in physical education pedogogy. A keynote address at the International Forum on “Scientific Research Methods of Kinesiology/Tiyu Science” in Beijing Sport University, China.

17. Liu, Y. L., & Xiang, P. (July 2010). Children and adolescent obesity in 21st century: Can running be one of the solutions? Invited presentation at the Sports Science Seminar: Sports for All and Health, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

16. Xiang, P. (July 2010). Children and adolescent obesity in 21st century: Can running be one of the

solutions? Invited speaker at the 9th Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and

Fitness (SCSEPF), Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China.

15. Xiang. P. (June 2010). Student motivation to participate in physical education. Invited presentation at Hunan Normal Univerity, Changsha, China.

14. Xiang, P. (June 2010). Student motivation to participate in physical education. Invited

presentation at Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha, China

13. Xiang, P. (June 2010). Student motivation to participate in physical education. Invited

presentation at East Normal University, Shanghai, China

12. Xiang, P. (June 2010). Student motivation to participate in physical education. Invited

presentation at Shanghai Univeristy of Sport, Shanghai, China

11. Xiang, P. (July 2010). Pedogogy and research in US. Invited presentation at the “Current Status and Future Directions in Sports between China and US” conference, Beijing, China

10. Xiang, P. (December 2008). Understanding perceived competence and motivation as key

constructs in student cognition in physical education. Invited presentation at Shanghai University of Sport, China.

9. Chen, A., Garn, A., Shen, B., Solomon, M., & Xiang, P. (April 2007). Motivational theories. A panel presentation at the Invisible College of Special Interest Group of Teaching and Learning in Physical Education, the annual meeting of AERA, Chicago, IL.

8. Xiang, P. (October 2007). Competence and motivation as key constructs in student cognition. Invited presentation at the national conference entitled “Historic Traditions & Future Directions in Research on Teaching & Teacher Education in Physical Education,” Pittsburgh, PA.

7. Xiang, P. (June 2007). How to publish in SCI and SSCI journals. Invited presentation at Shanghai University of Sport, China.

6. Xiang, P. (June 2007). Introduction to school physical education in US. Invited presentation at Nanjing Institute of Physical Education, China.

5. Blankenship, B., Kulinna, P., Solmon, M., & Xiang, P. (April 2006). Negotiating the publication maze: Viewpoints from editors, reviewers, and authors. A panel presentation at the Invisible College of Special Interest Group of Teaching and Learning in Physical Education, the annual meeting of AERA, San Francisco, CA.

4. Xiang, P. (June 2005). Tenure and promotion in American universities. Invited presentation at the Department of Physical Education and Civilization Sociology, Shanghai University of Sport, China.

3. Xiang, P. (June 2005). Graduate education in kinesiology in American universities. Invited presentation at the College of Physical Education, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China.

2. Xiang, P. (December 2003). Comparisons between the educational systems in China and the United States. Invited presentation at No. 2 High School in Shaoyang, Hunan Province, China.

1. Lee, A., McBride, R. E., Rikard, L. & Xiang, P. (April 2001). Evaluating scholarly publications in physical education pedagogy. A panel presentation at the Invisible College of Special Interest Group of Teaching and Learning in Physical Education, the annual meeting of AERA, Seattle, WA.


2002- Selected from a national pool to participate in a training program on the use of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Database, Sponsored by National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac, Maryland, May 20-24.


July 2010 Visiting research fellowship ($2,500.00) from the Dr. Stephen Hui Research Center for Physical Recreation and Wellness, Hong Kong Baptist University.


2019 Mechanisms for motor learning deficits after human spinal cord injury (Co-investigator with Dr. Yuming Lei as Principal Investigator at TAMU)

T3: Texas A&M Triads for Transformation


2012 Self-efficacy of boys placed at risk in a summer sport camp (Principal Investigator)

Huffines Faculty Applied/Practitioner Grant

Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and Human Performance

Texas A&M University


2011 Measures of self-regulation and motivation on boys placed at risk participating in a group initiatives course (Co-investigator with Dr. Ron McBride at TAMU)

Huffines Faculty Applied/Practitioner Grant

Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and Human Performance

Texas A&M University


2009 Integrating Dance Dance Revolution to promote urban Latino school children’s physical health and academic achievement (Co-investigator with Dr. Zan Gao at the University of Utah as Principal Investigator)

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Salud America! Program $74,041.00

2004 The Texas 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant (Co-investigator in collaboration with Hearne ISD)

Federal funds followed through the Texas Education Agency

$ 1,500,000.00 from 2004 to 2008

2002 A roadrunners program: Elementary school children’s motivation and performance (Principal Investigator)

College of Education and Human Development Seed Grant

Texas A&M University


2000 Learning environments and children’s self-perceptions of ability and achievement goals

in physical education. (Principal Investigator)

College of Education and Human Development Seed Grant

Texas A&M University


1995 Self-perceptions of ability and achievement goals in physical education. (Principal Investigator)

James J. Corbett Graduate Summer Research Awards

Department of Kinesiology

Louisiana State University


1994 Cultural variations in goal orientations: Comparisons among People’s Republic of China, Chinese American, and Anglo-American students. (Principal Investigator)

James J. Corbett Graduate Summer Research Awards

Department of Kinesiology

Louisiana State University



2010 Moving write along… a pilot exploration of the relationship between

physical activity and academic writing (Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Pat Goodson TAMU)

Texas A&M University Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities


2010 Assessing motivational elements and critical thinking characteristics of students in secondary school physical education (Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Ron McBride at TAMU)

Texas A&M University Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities


2009 Impact of structured physical activities on urban Latino children’s physical health, self-

esteem and academic performance (Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Zan Gao at University of Utah as Principal Investigator)

Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant Program


2009 Project GAME: Promoting urban school children’s exercise motivation and physical

health (Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Zan Gao at University of Utah as Principal


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Games Research Program


2009 The Impact of interactive games on urban Latino school children’s physical health and

academic achievement (Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Zan Gao at University of Utah as Principal Investigator)

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Active Living Research


2009 Gaming approaches to promote physical activity among urban school children. (Co-Principal

Investigator with Dr. Zan Gao at University of Utah as Principal Investigator)

Aetna Foundation Regional Community Grants Program


2008 A Multilevel exploration of the implementation of mandated physical fitness assessment

in Texas urban high schools (Principal Investigator with Dr. Weidong Li at Ohio State University as Co-Principal Investigator and Dr. Ron McBride at TAMU as Co-Investigator)

American Council of Learned Societies


2008 The Impact of daily physical education on academic achievement within a middle school

Setting (Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Ron McBride at TAMU as Principal Investigator)

National Association for Sport and Physical Education


2004 Examining adjustment and wellbeing of immigrant children and families (Co investigator with Dr. Ranjita Misra at TAMU as Principal Investigator).

Texas A&M University Interdisciplinary Grant Program


2004 The impact of teaching for meaning (TfM) on self-regulated learning (SRL) among middle school students (Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Ron McBride at TAMU)

Texas A&M University Scholarly and Creative Activities Proposals


2003 An examination of teacher use of choice in junior high school physical education classes

(Principal Investigator)

Established Scholar Grant

Research Consortium of AAHPERD


2002 Elementary school children’s motivation in a roadrunners program (Principal


Texas A&M University Faculty Mini-Grant Program


2001 The motivational climate in junior high physical education: An achievement goal theory approach (Co-Principal Investigator with Dr. Ron McBride at TAMU)

Established Scholar Grant

Research Consortium of AAHPERD


2000 Learning environments and children’s achievement goals in physical education (Principal Investigator)

Texas A&M University Faculty Mini-Grant Program



Health/KINE 214 Health and Physical Education for Elementary Classroom Teachers

KNFB 315 Elementary School Physical Activities

KINE 404 Coaching Psychology

KINE 425 Tests and Measurements in Physical Education/Health

TEFB 429 Supervised Student Teaching

KINE 489 Special Topics in Teaching and Schooling in the Model Society

KINE 489 Special Topics in Tests and Measurement in Physical Education/Health

KINE 681 Seminar: Reports and Discussions of Topics of Current Interest in Kinesiology

KINE 684 Professional Internship

KINE 685 Directed Studies

KINE 691 Research



Jihye Lee (May 2019; Distinguished Honor Graduate of both Department of Health &

Kinesiology and College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University)

       Dissertation title: The 3 × 2 achievement goal model and motivational regulations in college

physical activity classes

Jiling Liu (December 2016)

Dissertation title: Self-regulated learning strategies and achievement goals among physical

education preservice teachers

Xiaoxiao Su (December 2014; Distinguished Honor Graduate of College of Education and Human

Development, Texas A&M University)

Dissertation title: At-risk boys’ self-efficacy in a summer sports camp

Jae Young Yang (August 2014)

Dissertation title: An investigation of initiative games through a self-determination

theory perspective

Bulent Agbga (May 2007)

Dissertation title: Children’s achievement goals, attitudes, and disruptive behaviors in an after-school physical activity program

Jianmin Guan (May 2004)

Dissertation title: Achievement goals among high school students in physical education (Selected as the 2005 Dissertation Award of the Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University)


Maiya Otsuka (2014)

Robby Speer (2012)

Glen Schroeder (2012)

Daniel Gomez (2010)

Mary Beth Isenhart (2008)

Joanna Ryza (2008)


Xueying Hu (PhD, August 2015)

Dissertation title: Models for hierarchical-structured item response data and a longitudinal

multilevel logistic regression model on DIF analyses

Yang Zhang (PhD, 2008)

Dissertation title: Factors influencing career experiences of selected Chinese faculty

employed at a research extensive university in Texas

Luis Paulo Rodrigues (PhD, 2005)

Dissertation title: Development and validation of the AHEMD (Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development)

Gyu-Young Hwang (PhD, 2004)

Dissertation title: An examination of the impact of introducing greater contextual interference during practice on learning on golf putt


Hyeseung Lee (M.S., August 2019)

Hao Ma (M.S., August 2015)

Michell Moore (M.S., 2009)

Gretchen Tyson (M.S., 2009)

Claudia Benavides Espinoza (M.Ed., Dec.2006)

Karen Elliot (M.S., 2004)


Larry Latterman

Nasnoor Juzaily Nasiruddin

Melissa Scarmardo-Rhodes



Nov. 2019- Departmental Host of Dr. Dong Wang, a visiting scholar from Shanghai Jiao Tong

Present University, China

Dec. 2014- External Assessor for Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) to the Faculty of

Dec. 2016 Educational Studies at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia

May 2014- Member of the By-Law Committee, International Chinese Society for Physical

May 2015 Activities and Health (ICSPAH)

May 2015- Chair of the Membership Committee, ICSPAH

March 2017

Oct. 2013- Departmental Host of Dr. Yanling Li, a visiting scholar from Hunan Normal

Jan.2014 University, China

April 2012 –

September 2017 Evaluator, Changjiang Scholars Program (Ministry of Education, China)

April 2012- Treasurer, ICSPAH

March 2017

2011 Member, Academic Committee of the International Conference on toward the Future: New TiYu Science and Physical Education, Suzhou, China, Oct. 27-30, 2011 and the International Forum on "Scientific Research Method of Kinesiology/Tiyu Science" in Beijing Sport University, China, Nov. 1 -2, 2011.

April 2011- Past president, ICSPAH

April 2012

July 2010- Mentor of Kun Wang, doctoral student from East China Normal University

July 2011

April 2009- President, ICSPAH

March 2011

2006 Member of the By-Law Committee of the ICSPAH

2005-2006 Departmental Host of Dr. Jianhua Shen, a visiting scholar from Shanghai University of Sport


Sept. 2014- Member, the Standing Committee on Membership, National Academy of

Sept. 2017 Kinesiology (NAK)

2012-2014 Member, the AAHPERD Research Consortium Research Writing Award Committee

2013 Member of the 2013 Best Reviewer Committee, Journal of Teaching in Physical


2012 Chair of the Research Consortium Pedagogy Review Panel for the 2013

AAHPERD convention

2010 Chair, the 2009 Metzler-Freedman Outstanding Paper Award Committee, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education

2009 Chair, the 2008 Metzler-Freedman Outstanding Paper Award Committee, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education

2007 Editor, Special Interest Group: Research on Teaching and Learning in Physical Education 2007 Conferences Proceedings – American Educational Research Association

2005-2007 Program Chair of the American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group on Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education (AERA-PE SIG)

2007 Member of 2007 AERA-PE SIG Exemplary Paper Committee

2007 Chair of the Research Consortium Pedagogy Review Panel for the 2007 AAHPERD convention

2005 Chair of the Research Consortium Pedagogy Review Panel for the 2005 AAHPERD Conventions

2006-2007 Member of the Distinguished Awards Committee of the AAHPERD Research


2006-2007 Member of the Ethics Committee of the AAHPERD Research Consortium

2005 Member of the 2005 AERA-PE SIG Scholar Lecturer Committee

2004 Co-chair of the Chinese-American Scholars Net in Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance


2007-2009 Member of TAHPERD Awards Committee


Sept. 2012-May 2013 Member, the Faculty Senate International Programs Committee

2011 Chair, 2011 Bush Excellent Awards for Faculty in International Teaching


2011 Member, Vision 2020: Diversity and Globalization Study Team

2010 Member, the International Program Office Grant Review Committee

Sept. 2009 – May 2013 Member, the Confucius Institute Management Committee

Sept. 2009 – 2012 Member, the European Union Center Management Committee

Sept. 2009 – 2010 Member, the International Programs Enhancement and Coordination Committee

Sept. 2009 – May 2013 Member, the Study Abroad Program Policy Committee

2001-present Member, the Regents’ Initiative for Excellence in Education’s Academy for Educator Development, Texas A&M University

1997- present Member, the ATMentors, Texas A&M University

2003-2005 Participant, the Matching Program piloted by the ATMentors, Texas A&M University


May 2017-Dec.2017 Member, Council on Teacher Education

2013 Member, the College of Education and Human Development Search Committee

for the Position of Program Coordinator for High Impact Learning Experiences

2012 Chair, the College of Education and Human Development Globalization Committee

2012 Member, the College of Education and Human Development Faculty Development Leave Committee

2012 Member, the College of Education and Human Development Search Committee

for the Position of Program Coordinator for High Impact Learning Experiences

2010 Member, the Lohman/Hepp and Jane and Collie Conoley Fellowships Committee

2004 Member, the College of Education and Human Development Outstanding Mentor Award Selection Committee

2002 Member, the College of Education and Human Development Outstanding Mentor Award Selection Committee

2001-2002 Participant, the Technology Mentor Fellowship Program sponsored by the College of Education and Human Development

2001-2002 Member, the College of Education and Human Development Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

2000-2001 Member, the College of Education and Human Development NCATE Committee


May 2018 – May 2019 Member, the Curriculum Committee of the Kinesiology Division

March 2018 – present Member, West Point Application Committee

May 2016 – May 2019 Member, the Assessment Committee

May 2016 – May 2019 Coordinator of the Physical Education Teacher Certification Program

Aug. 2016 - May 2017 Chair, the Clinical Assistant Professor of Sport Pedagogy Search Committee

Mar. 2016 - Aug.2016 Chair, the Visiting Assistant/Associate Professor of Sport Pedagogy Search Committee

2015-2016 Chair, Tenure and Promotion Committee

2012-2013 Member, Advisory Council of the Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and

Human Performance

2011 Faculty Travel Committee

2009-present Tenure and Promotion Committee

2001-present Chair, the Departmental Undergraduate Student Teacher Preparation Portfolio Committee

2008-2016 Member, Undergraduate Student Professional Phase Admission Committee

2008-2009 Member, the Health Division Chair Search Committee

2006 Chair, the Departmental A-1 Teaching Review Committee

2003-2004 Member, the Departmental A-1 Service Review Committee

2004 Member, the departmental Dissertation/Record of Study of Year Award Committee

2001-2003 Member, the Departmental Pedagogy Curriculum Revision Committee

2002 Chair, the Departmental A-1 Teaching Review Committee

2001 Member, the Departmental A-1 Research Review Committee

2000-2002 Member, the Departmental NCATE Committee

2000 Chair, the Departmental Development of ExCet Practice Exams for Physical Education Committee


Research Grants, Doctoral Dissertations, Books and Program Standards

External examiner of doctoral thesis, University of Wollongong, Australia, 2017

Reviewer of research grants for Northern Illinois University, Spring 2012

Reviewer of grants for the Research Consortium of AAHPERD, 2009, 2010

Reviewer of research grants for the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), 2008, 2010

Reviewer of research grants for Wayne State University, Spring 2007, Spring 2008

Reviewer for the book entitled “Psychology in Physical Education: From Theory to Practice,” 2007

Reviewer for the book entitled “Motivation in Physical Education and Sport: from Theory to Practice,” 2004

Reviewer of Advanced Standards for Masters Degree Programs in Physical Education for the National Association for Sports and Physical Education, AAHPERD, 2001

International, National and Regional Conferences

Reviewer of abstracts for the Research Council Sociocultural and Social Justice Review Panel for the 2016 and 2018 SHAPE America National Conventions

Reviewer of abstracts for the Research Council Psychology and Motivation Review Panel for the 2015, 2017, 2018 2019 and 2020 SHAPE America National Conventions

Reviewer of abstracts for the Research Consortium Psychology and Motivation Review Panel for the 2014 AAHPERD National Convention

Reviewer of abstracts for the Research Consortium Pedagogy Review Panel for the 1997, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 AAHPERD National Conventions

Reviewer of abstracts for the Research Consortium Sociocultural Aspects of Physical Activity

Review Panel for the 2006, 2011, 2012 and 2014 AAHPERD National Convention

Reviewer of abstracts for the 12th International Sports Science Congress, Denizli, Turkey (Dec. 14-16, 2012)

Reviewer of abstracts for the Special Interest Group on Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education for the 2004, 2005, 2009 annual meetings of AERA

Reviewer of abstracts for the Special Interest Group on Research on the Education of Asican and Pacific Americans for the 2004, 2005 2006 and 2007 annual meetings of AERA

Reviewer of abstracts for the Special Interest Group on Motivation for the 2006, 2007 and 2009 annual meetings of AERA

Reviewer of abstracts for the 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 conventions of the Southwest Educational Research Association

Peer-Reviewed Journals

Reviewer for American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2013


Reviewer for British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2001

Reviewer for British Journal of Psychology, 2004, 2005

Reviewer for European Physical Education Review, 2011, 2014, 2018

Reviewer for International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance Journal, 2018

Reviewer for International Journal of Disability, Development, & Education, 2007

Reviewer for International Journal of Educational Research, 2009

Reviewer for International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2015, 2018

Reviewer for International Journal of Sport Psychology, 2007, 2008, 2009

Reviewer for Journal of Educational Policy, 2007

Reviewer for Journal of Exercise and Fitness, 2010

Reviewer for Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2007, 2009

Reviewer for Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 2008

Reviewer for Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002

Reviewer for Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2006-2009, 2011

Reviewer for Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 2008

Reviewer for Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 1999, 2002-2010, 2018

Reviewer for Sex Roles, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2015

Reviewer for Social Behavior and Personality – An International Journal, 2004

Reviewer for Telematics and Informatics, 2018

Reviewer for The Elementary School Journal, 2005

Reviewer for Urban Education, 2010


American Educational Research Association and Special Interest Group (SIG) of Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education (1995-2014)

International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health (ICSPAH)

National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK)

Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America)

Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (TAHPERD)

Text and Academic Authors Association (2016-2019)

The Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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