Henry County Schools

 April 13- April 17It’s Week 4 of Remote Learning!Below you will find the lessons to work on with your child this week. We have taken into consideration the work in the packets distributed by the County when planning for this week. If you were unable to pick up a County Packet please follow the tutorial to access the pages online. As always, work at your own pace and enjoy this time with your child. Thank you for making the best of a difficult situation and helping your child maintain what we’ve worked on this year! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email or Remind.Monday, April 13 / Day 7 of the County packet*Packet- Day 7*Phonics: Review RhymingRead the following sentences to your child. Have them rhyme a new word to complete the sentence. Let’s play in the sun and have some ____. (fun) Pick up your socks and put them in the ____ (box)Play the rhyming game- say- “What rhymes with bail but starts with a /s/?” (sail) “What rhymes with ball but starts with a /f/?” (fall) “What rhymes with cold but starts with a /s/?” (sold)Review that the vowel “a” has a short sound and a long sound. Write the word “sat” and have your child sound out the word/ /s/ /a/ /t/.Write the word “bake” and have your child sound out the word/ /b/ /a/ /k/ e. (remind them what makes a long a sound)Now create a simple sentence using the word and then help them extend the sentence by asking questions. For example:Child- The cat sat.Parent- What kind of cat was it?Child- The yellow cat sat.Parent- Where was it?Child- The yellow cat sat on the couch.Repeat using the word bake*Packet- Day 7*Reading: Day 7_”Playground” and “Rocks”Listen to the story Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt living things that were up in the garden and down in the dirt.Sight word practice: Review Sight words: suggested words: little, to, did, and, saidSight word song- sight words by playing games:*Packet- Day 7*Writing:Writing sentences review. are living a historical event, one that will be talked about and remembered for years to come! Start a journal- write about all the things that are different/ have changed in your life so far. *Packet- Day 7*Social Studies: American symbols review!Day7_American Symbols Matching orWhat does symbol mean? Name some American symbols: 7_Yankee Doodle Dandy Recall and RetellWatch and act out the song. Retell the song with key details.Tuesday, April 14/ Day 8 of the County packet*Packet- Day 8*Math: Day 8_Write Addition Equations Within 5Subtraction video: Work out the subtraction story. Draw a picture and write the number sentence to go with it.The puppy had 9 bones. He ate some bones. Now he has 4 bones left. How many bones did he eat? (9 - ___ = 4)*Packet- Day 8*Science: Living things review! Day 8_Sum It Up!_Living and Nonliving ThingsPlants are living things. See the chart showing the life cycle of a plant. Make observations outside of the plants you can see. Record (draw and label) the plants that you see.Wednesday, April 15/Day 9 of the County packet*Packet- Day 9*Phonics: Review that the vowel “i” has a short sound and a long sound. the word “bit” and have your child sound out the word/ /b/ /i/ /t/.Write the word “bite” and have your child sound out the word/ /b/ /i/ /t/ e. (remind them what makes a long a sound)Now create a simple sentence using the word and then help them extend the sentence by asking questions.Expanding Sentences example:Child- The dog bit.Parent- Who did the dog bite?Child- The dog bit the man.Parent- What kind of dog was it?Child- The little dog bit the man.Repeat using the word biteExpanding sentences- How to stretch a sentence.*Packet- Day 9*Reading: Day 9_”The Clouds” and “Making Pizza”Listen to The TIny Seed. the story using pictures and sentences. Sight word practice: Review Sight words: suggested words: all, do, of, we, am, Sight word song- sight words by playing games:*Packet- Day 9*Writing: Add an entry to your journal. Remember to use complete sentences and add drawings. Anytime something new happens or something you want to remember happens, add an entry to your journal!*Packet- Day 9*Social Studies: This video recaps most of the American symbols we learned about: 9_American Symbols AssessmentThursday, April 16/ Day 10 of the county packet*Packet- Day 10*Math: Day 10_Solve Word Problems Within 5 game has several different activities to do with the 10 frame. Try all the games that go with the 10 frame. Make sure to listen to what the game tells you to do.*Packet- Day 10Science: Day 10_Living and Nonliving Card Sort or do plants need to live? Use the chart to draw your own picture of a plant showing what it needs to live. Friday, April 17It’s Fun Friday! Please use this day to catch up on anything you were not able to finish during the week and/or do some of these fun activities! Build ItExplore ItCreate ItUse recycled items from around your house to build a toy robotMake a ‘boat’ out of aluminum foil. Place it in a bowl of water to see if it floats. Add pennies to your boat- how many does it hold before it sinks?Draw a map of your house and yard. Make it a treasure map~ hide “treasure” and mark it on the map! Have a family member use the map to find it!Build a tower out of plastic cupsUse a magnet to help you identify things in your house that are magnetic or notTear up different colored paper and glue it on paper to make a rainbowBuild a house for your dolls, complete with furniture, orbuild a garage for your carsStart a collection: pennies, rocks, bottle tops...Draw a chalk mural on the sidewalkHow to log into ClasslinkTo ensure you are at the right version of classlink use this link - is your student’s lunch number Password is first initial of first name + first initial of last name + birthdate (mm/dd/yy) + #Passwords must be lowercaseo Example: Username 123456 Password: jr020311#You will be able to access Google Classroom from here. How to log into Google Classroom First make sure you are not signed into your personal google account. You have to be signed into your student’s account to see their classroom. Sign into the Google webpage.After signing into Google press the nine dots in the top right hand corner- A drop down menu should appear.Google classroom will be an option in the drop down menu.Username is your student’s lunch number + @henry.k12.ga.usPassword is first initial of first name + first initial of last name + birthdate (mm/dd/yy) + #Passwords must be lowercase: Username 123456@henry.k12.ga.us Password: jr020311# Google Classroom codes for Kindergarten Specials· PE: xtr7iea· Music: pikclsy· Art: Ms. Hamrick: t5jxchu Ms. Shelton: 4gtf4u6 Ms. Smith: 76glwnf Ms. Turpin: bsyvdvl· Leader Lab: 37cy6gv· Library: sipyue6 ................

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