Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Walkthrough - Main Quest

Last updated 17th April 2006. Written by EagleEyes89, Crunch, Frantic, Icecool, Vandredi, Claydemon.

Deliver the Amulet

After some tutorials and wandering through caverns, the Emperor is inevitably assassinated by the Mythic Dawn. Before he dies, he entrusts you with the magical Amulet of Kings, instructing you to take it to Jauffre in Weynon Priory.

So your first task is finding Jauffre. Open up the map and fast travel to Weynon (southeast of Chorrol, which is northwest of the Imperial city). Jauffre is in the main house, top floor. Engage in conversation to complete the quest.

Find the Heir

Before you leave, ask the 4 inhabitants of Weynon for assistance. Each of them will give you something. After you have gathered the 4 items of assistance (including the horse) from Weynon, it is time to head south. Fast Travel to Kvatch. you will be rushed by a citizen fleeing the city. He will inform you of the daedra attack. Head up the hill to where the 3 remaining guards are standing. Talk to the captain, Savlian Matius.

He will set you off on a new quest to deactivate the oblivion portal. Head in the portal to begin. This portal is the easiest of them all by a longshot. Simply go to the big tower in the middle, called the sigil keep, and enter. Head upwards through the rending halls and other various rooms, and keep going up. There are scamps and dremora along the way so be careful. I don't believe there are any traps in THIS portal so don't worry. Once you reach the top, enter the door that says Sigillum Sanguis. Enter that and go up the two ramps to the sigil stone, taking out any daedra on the way. Activate the stone and voila, you're done, watch the effects and you're teleported out.

Breaking the Siege of Kvatch

Once you have closed the portal talk again to Marius. Join the fight to retake the city. First you will take the main plaza. Once all the daedra are dead, Marius will lead you and the gang into the chapel where the civilians are waiting. There you will find Martin. Talk to him and then escort him out of the city and take him back to Weynon.

The Battle for Castle Kvatch

(this is an optional quest)

When you enter the chapel with civilians (and Martin), you can tell Martin to wait and talk to guard captain Savlian Matius. You're to liberate the castle. Follow Matius, kill daedra, after a while you'll discover that the main gate is locked from inside. Therefore, as instructed, return to the chapel, talk to Berich Inian, take him and some extra guards and use the underground way into the castle. Kill daedra, open the main gate from inside, join with Matius, kill daedra. Kill more daedra, finally finding the dead body of the Count. Loot the signet ring, return to Matius and give him the ring. Done.

Here are some tips if you are about about level 8 and you want to kill everything inside the portal, as well as all invaders in Kvatch in one go.

Weapons and Armor:

• bring extra weapons and armor (or repair hammers) or you will run out of durability, unless you are using Blunt weapons and Heavy Armor, in which case you will have a ready supply from enemy soldiers you kill (at least inside the portal)

• remember that daggers give you a very short range, which is suicidal against armored knights with shields

• regular swords and leather armor are enough for this quest


• cold magic owns fire Atronachs

• Daedra Hearts (collected from soldiers) restore health

• Daedra soldiers like to use "Weight of" maces which have Burden enchantments and similar on them

• magic users will summon scamps and run away from you, instead of chasing them, trap them against a wall and slash away

General Tips:

• if you sneak, you can pretty much fight everyone inside the portal one on one

• save before each door, if too many soldiers spawn in one room (it is random), reload

• if you are lucky, you won't see anything stronger than an Atronach on either side of the portal

• in massive battles with many NPCs on your side, make sure to not let the enemy gang up on a single person

• if an enemy is occupied with an NPC soldier, the most effective thing is to slash away at his back

• of course, kill weaker enemies first

• after you clear an area, you can always wait 1 hour to recharge your hp and mana

• for an easier time killing get Martin to follow you. He is invincible, and pretty strong. So its a good idea to use him. I got this done at lvl 5, using him.

Weynon Priory

Bring Martin (from the chapel in Kvatch, referred to as 'the heir' afterwards) to Weynon Priory. A battle is going on there, just help killing (or don't, doesn't matter) and locate Jauffre in the chapel. He'll ask you to send the heir to Cloud Ruler Temple, a hidden Blades fortress north of Bruma.

You can ask all the priests that are still alive for assistance and receive some items. Get the poor dead NPC's horse from the stable (in Weynon Priory not the stable of Chorrol) and fast travel to the temple (I believe riding horse saves your time when fast traveling). The Blades will welcome you in when you get there. Jauffre is the Grandmaster, and he will explain the situation. Martin makes a speech and then Jauffre offers you to join The Blades (it's one of the guilds). I think joining or not doesn't affect the main quest (but affects whether you can loot gear from fortress armory).

The next quest will be heading to the Imperial city and talking to Baurus.

The Path of Dawn

You'll meet Baurus in Luther Broad's boarding house in the Elven District of Imperial City (follow cursor). He'll ask you to sit next to him. Do so and he'll tell you he's being followed. Baurus stands up and walks to the inn basement, the guy follows him then a fight breaks out in the basement. After killing the guy, loot a book from his body. Baurus will ask you to go to Arcane University to consult Tar-Meena. She can be found in the "lobby" of the arcane university, so you don't have to complete the mages guild quests to see her. If she isn't there, come back later and she will be sitting on the bench.

In the Arcane University, Tar-Meena tells you that you need 4 volumes of "commentaries" and gives you the 2nd volume (the book you looted is the 1st volume). She'll then tell you to see the "First Edition" bookstore for another 2 volumes.

The book store owner tells you someone called Gwinas has ordered the third volume and is on his way to collect this book. Wait for the transaction, then talk to Gwinas. Just choose the option on your own (I like peaceful way haha). He'll hand you the book and a note. (You can also bribe Phintias for the book 3, but you still have to talk to Gwinas for the note.)

Return to Elven Gardens District, find and talk to Baurus. Together go through the sewers to the Mythic Dawn meeting place to get fourth book. The meeting will inevitably (?) end up with a fight. Slay three Mythic Dawn agents (can be quite tough, especially if you want to keep Baurus alive). Loot their bodies for fourth volume of the book. You can also loot their lair nearby. Note: You can insist on you being the agent instead of Baurus, so his surviving chance is better.

Baurus will depart to the Blades fortress to serve Martin. You have to discover the location of Mehrunes Dagon shrine from the books. You can talk to Tar-Meena about it, after several days of thinking, she will discover it for you. You must go to Palace District, cemetary, to the tomb of Prince Camarril. Wait until noon. The Mythic Dawn shrine will be marked on your map. Yuppie! Note: You can directly go to the position if you figure out the puzzle yourself.

Dagon Shrine

Go to the shrine, marked on your map. Enter, talk to the first guy, he'll open the door for you. Second guy (Harrod?) will welcome you to the Mythic Dawn cult. You will be asked to join and give him all your possessions.

Option 1: Kill em all. You won't be able to get the amulet of kings because the leader escapes with it to 'paradise' just before you get there. Pick up the book at the shrine-place and leave.

Option 2: Let Harrod take all your stuff. Follow him, witness how the leader escapes with the amulet (same as #1). You need the book. I did not manage to steal the book unnoticed (Harrod followed me closely), therefore, fallback to option 1. Harrod has all your stuff.

Bring the Book to Martin at the Cloud Ruler Temple. Go talk to Jauffre about spies.


Talk To Steffan at Cloud Ruler Temple.

Kill the spy at the runestone (Saveri Faram) and collect her basement key. Go to "Captain Burd" in Bruma. Go look for Jearl in a cave outside Bruma. Find the document with the enemy's plans in the basement. Take the document to Jauffre.

Go back to Bruma. When you're in Bruma go to the East Gate, there's a beggar standing at it, ask him about strangers in town and jog his memory with 5 gold. He'll tell you to go to Jearle's house. Go there, kill her.

Alternative: I found and slew both spies (Saveri & Jearl) at the runestone. Then I spoke to captain Burd in Bruma Castle Barracks (received authorization to search Jearl's house). Went there, entered basement, got plans. Went through the cave (probably not necessary). Return to Cloud Ruler Temple.

Report to Jauffre, he'll take the plans, and send you to Martin.

Blood of the Daedra

Martin tells you that you must get him a daedric artifact. He'll point you to a book. The book is on the table where he's reading. Read it. It'll point you to the Shrine of Azura.

You don't have to go to the Shrine of Azura, however. You can perform any of the Daedra Quests. However, make sure that you don't like the daedric artifact too much because Martin will take it from you and you will never see it again. Therefore, choose something that you don't like.

Take the daedric artifact back to Martin at Cloud Ruler Temple.

Bruma Gate

After you've given Martin the artifact, Jauffre will tell you that a gate has opened just outside of Bruma and he wants you to show the guard how to close it. Head down there, and there will be about 10 guards standing outside a portal. After a short pep talk, you, the commander, and 2 other guards head into the portal. Don't expect the normal guards to live, because they won't. It's a simple gate, only requiring you to circle the tower to the right, fighting dremora, until you reach the door, and then its upwards as usual. Save often, as you don't want the commander to die, and once you hit the top, you'll both teleport out, and he'll thank you and let you know that they'll be able to close any gates around there from now on. (*sniff* *sniff* yea thats bullshit)

Gathering Support for Bruma

After you get the blood of the daedra, jauffre will tell you that you need to gather reinforcements for bruma in case of another attack. FYI, none of these side quests need to be done but it helps with the overall feel of the final battle at the great gate. Turns out that there has been oblivion gates opening EVERYWHERE, mainly in front og major cities. Travel to each one and they will support bruma if you close the gate in front of their city. Some of them are easy, and some are damn hard, but they're all about 5-15 minute affairs. For the leyawiin one, you have to find the counts son in the portal and escort him out for a reward. Once you close about 7 gates, and get 7 reinforcements, jauffre will tell you that you've done well, and to start helping martin(which you could have done from the beginning but w/e)

Blood of the Divine

The next item Martin will tell you that you need, is the Blood of a Divine, but since they don't manifest themselves in a physical form, you have to get the nest best thing... The armour of Tiber Septim! It's in an abondoned fort/tomb called Sancre Tor which is in the western part of Cyrodiil, north of Chorrol. It's a decent sized dungeon and has tons of ghosts if you need ectoplasm for any reason. The armour has been put behind a forcefield by a Lich I believe (who is long gone, don't panic) and to get to the armour, you'll have to "free" the 4 cursed blades that are in the form of skeletons with blade helmets and a katana. They are in each of the separate wings off of the main chamber, and once you "free" them all, they'll dispel the shield and you'll be able to go and grab the armour from its pedestal.

Great Welkynd Stone

The third item of the 4 you have to acquire for Martin is the great welkynd stone, which happens to be in a HUGE ayleid ruin called Miscarcand. It's northwest of Skingrad, and it is massive, with many traps and enemies of every kind. Once you make your way to the stone itself, you can just go grab it, which seems too easy... cuz it is. Once you grab it, 2 zombies and a lich appear behind you and begin unleashing. If you're a melee fighter, you may have trouble, because the lich has a staff that lowers your strength, and may over-encumber you, and keep you that way. Because of this, you'll want to dispose of him as fast as possible, and jump side to side to avoid his shots. He holds a key that leads to the quick way out, which is probably the way you'll want to take.

The Great Gate

Now martin will tell you that the last item is exactly what he feared, the opposition to the great welkynd stone, the great sigil stone! This means that a great gate will have to be allowed to open outside bruma, the same kind of gate that levelled kvatch! martin tells you to go down to bruma and break the news to the countess. She is remarkably accepting of the possible end of her town. You will the have to meet martin, jauffre, baurus and the countess in the church. Tell martin your ready and they will begin to make their way out to the battlefield. head out there and wait for a while, since martin just wanders out there quite slowly. once he gets there, he will give a speech to the soldiers(theres like 15) and then will become vulnerable (he wasnt before, being a main quest character). 3 gates need to open for the great gate to appear, and you need to protect martin during that time, it takes about 5 min for all 3 to open, so fight off the dremora as best you can. Once the great gate opens a countdown starts, 13 minutes. Immediately enter the gate and shit yourself at the thing comin towards you. Its dagon's seige engine. ou need to get the gate closed before it reaches the opening or all is lost. Save and head left. You need to use the towers and the walkways between them to make your way to the sigil keep. once you get there, its like any other gate, and you just get to the top and take the stone. You have tons of time, so dont rush, but dont bother killing every enemy. Once you get it, you'll be teleported out, and no matter how fast you did it, the engine will be just out of the gate and the gate will have destroyed it on its way down. martin thanks you, and almost everyone will be dead most likely. head back to the temple to find out about the next stage in finding camoran and the amulet of kings.


Now that martin has all 4 of the items needed to open the portal, he'll tell you to get some rest and meet him in the main hall for the ritual. Do whatever and talk to him again when your ready. He'll ask you if your ready and reply yes, the he'll open the gate. Hop in and enter paradise, or so it seems. Follow the path and keep right, fight off the daedra and you'll come to a dremora that will tell you to either fight him or do a quest for the "bands of the chosen", the item needed to get into the forbidden grotto. Just fight him, he's not that strong, take his sword too, along with the bands, its pretty decent. Head into the cave behind him and enter the flooded grotto. Make your way through and fight any enemies you encounter until you reach the door to the forbidden grotto, which nobody comes out of(you'll see why later). it look remarkably like an oblivion cave in there, but dont worry about it, just proceed through until you meet a robed guy that talks to you. Take his help, you'll need it, and he'll pretend to be questioning you while the guard commander investigates. Once it's over, leave out the other side of the cage, and proceed through the caves. The guy who helped you will meet up with you later on and offer to help you defeat Camoran. Take it or leave it it's up to you. Once you get out of the grotto, stay right again and you'll meet up with 3 mages that will lead you to Camoran. He'll talk to you(like all good bad guys) and then attack. DON'T GIVE HIM A CHANCE TO CURSE YOU!! If you're a melee fighter close immediately with the most powerful weapon you have and hammer him. If your a ranger, do that from a distance while avoiding his shots, same with a mage. Once you kill him the place will come crashing down, make sure you grab the amulet off Camoran, and you'll be transported back to the temple.

Light the Dragonfires

Martin will be waiting for you in emperor clothing and suggest that you take him to the palace in the imperial city immediately so he can end the invasion once and for all. Fast travel as you'll need to save your armour and weapons(trust me). Once you get there, inside and watch Ocato and Martin talk, during which a guard will come running in saying the city is under siege, gates are opening all over the place INSIDE the city. Martin says to take him to the temple of the one immediately so he can light the dragonfires. Head out of the palace, make sure to stay with martin and protect him(if you have a heal on target, cast it on him often. once the daedra in the area outside the palace are done with(they do stop coming) martin will run to the temple district, follow closely. Once you get in the temple district, the real fight begins.... Mehrunes Dagon has come to the imperial city, and he's about 100 feet tall. Pause the game, find a change of underpants, and then sprint to the temple ignoring any enemies, and hopin Dagon doesnt hit you with that 40 foot axe he's got. Once you get inside, meet martin on the side watch the cinematic! Congratulations, you've completed the main quest!! Ocata will notify you of the imperial dragon armour that he's having crafted for you and will be in the armoury in 2 weeks.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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