Oath of Office for Court Interpreters

Oath of Office for Court Interpreters

I solemnly swear [or affirm] that in all proceedings in the courts of Wisconsin to which I am appointed as an interpreter, I will interpret truly, accurately, completely, and impartially, in accordance with the standards prescribed by law, the code of ethics for court interpreters, and Wisconsin guidelines for court interpreting.

For sign language interpreters only: If a person with limited English proficiency due to a disability is part of a jury panel, the court shall appoint a qualified interpreter for that person. §§885.38(1)(b)(2), 885.38(3)(c).

If I am appointed as an interpreter for a juror, I also swear [or affirm] that I will not participate personally in the jury’s deliberations, nor make any comment about my personal recollections of the evidence or my opinions about the outcome of this case. I will not disclose or comment upon anything that I hear in jury deliberations unless ordered to do so by the court.

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| |Signature |

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| |Name Printed or Typed |

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| |Date |

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|Subscribed and sworn to before me | |

|on:       | |

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|Notary Public, State of Wisconsin/ | |

|Person Authorized to Administer Oath | |

|My commission expires:       | |


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