E-mail Newsletter

[pic] |7-6 Air Cav re-CAP

Group 13, Texas Wing, South Western Region, Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary | |

|December 2003 |Volume 1, Number 12 |

|December News |December News |

|ELT Search |December was an active month for the Squadron especially, for those members who volunteered for duty / activity at the TX WNG |

|Encampment |Winter Encampment. Our thanks to all those Cadets and Seniors who gave up their time to support the activities, and participate|

| |in their training! |

| |ELT Search Hooks-Mays by Capt Ted Tessitore |

| |Delta Squadron at Hooks and the 7-6 Air Cavalry Composite Squadron at Conroe worked together while conducting and ELT search |

|Civil Air Patrol is the United |mission (03M2876) in the Tomball, area 18 December 2003. Group 13 Incident Commander (IC) Jan Hays asked 1Lt Ayre if the |

|States Air Force Auxiliary |squadron could provide an aircrew to locate an ELT in the Hooks / Mays area. We launched CAP Flight 4235 (N235TX), the 7-6 Air |

| |Cavalry Squadron Aircraft with Capt. Hooper as pilot and Capt. Taylor as observer. They were tasked to fly to the Tomball, |

|7-6 Air Cav re-CAP is |area and start an airborne ELT search. Delta Squadron was contacted to form a UDF Team to work with the aircraft to locate, |

|the newsletter of the: |investigate the cause, and silence the ELT or address any associated emergency. The IC also had an FM-VHF mobile radio standby |

|7-6 Air Cavalry Civil Air Patrol |to assist in radio communications between the CF4235 and IC by radio relay to the IC by phone. |

|Composite Squadron, Group 13, Texas| |

|Wing. |The aircrew detected a weak and intermittent ELT signal over the west side of Tomball near the Academy Store. The Delta UDF |

|Commander: |Team arrived and was not able to receive an ELT signal but checked the Academy Store further as they can sell ELT devices for |

|Capt. S. Dicker |boating and hunting use. No signals were received. |

|4724 S. Parkway | |

|Conroe, TX 77303-4355 |CF4235 was instructed by IC to start flying an expanding circular ELT search with Tomball at the center as the UDF Team headed |

| |back towards Hooks Airport. Not long into the new circular ELT search the aircraft received ELT signals in the area of Hooks |

|Cell Phone: |Airport and through communications with the control tower at Hooks was able to determine that aircraft on the ground at Hooks |

|(713) 504 7154 |also received the ELT signal. However, it sounded a bit strange and mixed up, like more than one ELT. |

| | |

|Pager : |This information was passed to the IC and the aircraft returned to Conroe while the UDF Team started a search in the South East|

|713-684-8385 |section of Hooks Airport. The ELT was found to be in a hanger operated by Champions Aviation. The owner of the hanger could not|

| |be contacted and the ELT was silenced the next morning. |

|Fax: | |

|(713) 218-5560 |The reason the ELT sounded unusual was that the original ELT signal was bouncing between and off all the hangers in the area. |

| |The hanger in which |

|E-mail: |Any comments, news or information to communicate? Please contact 1Lt D. |

|stephen.dicker@ |Ayre, the editor, and Public Affairs Officer via email at ayrefam@ |

|or | |

|cap76aircav@ | |

| |the ELT was located had a small space beneath one hanger door on the West side of the building, which faced approximately |

|We’re on the Web! |toward Tomball. |

|7- | |

| |The signal emanating through the door open was likely reflected to someplace around Tomball. And as the aircraft was much |

| |higher than the UDF ground team it could receive weak ELT signals at times even though the ground team could not. The time |

| |delay cause by the entire signal bouncing mixed up the sound on the ELT signal. Situations like this tend to make an ELT search|

| |a challenge at times. |

| | |

| |Another job well done through coordinated efforts of a crack air and ground team members. The ground team returned the next |

| |day to shut off the ELT, and a FIND for the crews. |

| | |

| |Winter Encampment-Camp Swift |

| |The Winter encampment has just finished at Camp Swift in Bastrop. There were 202 cadets from Texas (and other) Wing(s). C/Capt|

| |Kurtz was Bravo Flt Commander, and C/1Lt Walls was on Medical Staff, while C/Capt McElvaney was a public affairs officer for |

| |the winter encampment. Cadets McCann and Joncyk participated in the Advanced Training Squadron (ATS). Cadets Handfelt and |

| |Whatley participated as Basic Cadets in Alpha and Charlie Flights respectively. Capt Tessitore and C/M/Sgt Tessitore were on |

| |the ATS training Staff. Wing Commander Eldridge attended the Pass In Review ceremony. |

| | |

| |Squadron Commander’s Call |

| |by Capt. S. Dicker |

| |Ladies & Gentlemen, |

|Commander’s Call | |

| |I hope each of you received everything you wanted for Christmas and are ready to get back to work. I anticipate 2004 to be a |

| |very busy year for the 7-6 Air Cav. We have four FTX's scheduled on the unit calendar located on the unit website. Please |

| |prepare your field gear so you will be able to participate in the FTX's. I anticipate moving into our enlarged office space |

| |sometime in February if all goes well. Will need some senior muscle to move in. In addition, I'm hoping the trailer donation |

| |paperwork will be completed in January in time for the February FTX. As soon as the trailer paperwork is completed, we will |

| |begin setting up our communication section in the trailer. We've completed all the FAA requirements for the erection of the |

| |communication tower on the US Army Reserve Center and are just awaiting the Army's authorization to begin construction. And if|

| |that’s not enough, we will be conducting a major recruiting event in April. We're going to be busy! |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Quote of the Month: "The journey is the reward" -Taoist Saying |

|Famous Quotes |Upcomming Events & Activities |

| |Glider O-Flights: Our next scheduled Glider O-Flights are January 3rd. Our Gliding activity is run by CAP members of the |

| |Soaring Club of Houston at their Gliderport between Magnolia and Hempstead. Cadets should sign up for this activity on the |

|January Events |Squadron’s bulletin board or contact 1Lt D. Ayre by phone at 281 367 0519 or via e-mail at ayrefam@ . Information|

|O-Flights |about the club and its facilities can be found at . Cadets are encouraged, and SM’s are required, to take the |

|ES Training (Jan) |Soaring Society of America’s (SSA) Wing Runner course which is available on the national website . Typically we |

|Level 1 Training |assemble at the US Army Reserve Center Aviation Support Facility (USARC ASF) at 0730 for a 0800 hrs departure, returning around|

| |1800 hrs. |

| | |

| |Powered O-Flights: There are no o-flights scheduled so far in January. Any changes in this will be announced during regular |

| |meetings and posted on the Calendar. Additionally we have set up a trial sign up calendar for all O Flights at |

| | for cadets to sign up on line. |

| |Senior Member Level 1 Training: Will be conducted on Saturday 31st January at the ARC, Montgomery County Airport. This is also|

| |a requirement for all Cadets who have attained the age of 18 years |

| |ES Training |

| |Group 13: by Majors Rand Woodward and Chuck Brenholm |

| |The next unfunded SAREX is scheduled on January 24th and 25th at DWH (Delta Sqdn-David Wayne Hooks Airport). This is open to |

| |all Cadets and Seniors who wish to attain ES qualifications. Both Cadets and SM’s must have taken and passed the CAPT 116 100 |

| |question test and have a CAPF 101 card to participate, and the respective CAPF 101T for the qualification they wish to obtain. |

| |They must have sent in a TXWG F17a to Chuck Bremholm or Rand Woodward as soon as possible. Cadets wishing to attend should |

| |contact Captains Tessitore, Brown, Hooper or 1Lt Ayre for further information. |

| | |

|Profiles |Profiles: SM Alex Tapia & Jeff Durham |

| |by Chaplain (Major) George Klett |

| |Alex A. Tapia, born January 17, 1969 in Santiago, Chile, and raised in Holland. He came to the United States in 1979, graduated|

| |from Westfield High School in Spring, Texas, and earned his B.S. in Industrial Technology from the University of Houston in |

| |1997, along with an Associate Degree in Aeronautical Science from San Jacinto College that same year. An avid and learned |

| |pilot, he began flying |

| |in 1989 and within three years received ratings of CFI, CFII and MEI while working with Sun Coast Aviation in Florida. In 1995 |

| |he started his own company, Airplane Management and Corporate Flying Service, at Hobby. Then in 1997 he became a pilot with Air|

| |Eagle out of Chicago O'Hare, and in 1999 began flying with US Airways out of Pittsburg. Back to Houston in 2000 Alex became |

| |Vice |

| |President of AXA Advisors in the practice of financial consulting for pilots and the aviation community. In 2001 he married his|

| |wife Dana, a former flight attendant, and they live in The Woodlands with their 16 months old daughter Alexa! In addition to |

| |his family and his flying activities Alex enjoys cooking! |

| | |

| |Jeff Durham was born May 12, 1985 in Oklahoma, and moved to Huntsville this past January where he is a high school senior in |

| |the class of 2004! He joined the CAP as a cadet this past May and stepped up to the status of "senior |

| |member" in November. In September he earned his private pilot's license and also has been signed-off in tail wheel and complex |

| |aircraft, as well as in high performance aircraft, already logging more than eight hours in the covetted  Stearman! He is the |

| |recent recipient of a scholarship granted by Freedom Flight, a non-profit organization offering mentoring flights for |

| |prospective |

| |pilots and medical flights for the handicapped. He aspires to become a commercial airline pilot, and has been accepted by the |

| |Spartan School of Aeronautics to the class of 2007, from which he will receive a B.S. in Aeronautical Technology and an Airline|

| |Transport Pilot rating. Jeff has six brothers and sisters and is active in the Second Baptist Church in Huntsville. In addition|

| |to flying his interests include voice and drama; he was a member of the All State choir in Claremore, Oklahoma! |

| | |

| |We welcome these two new members into the CAP and look forward to their dutiful contributions to the life of our squadron! |

| |Senior Member Spin |

|Flight Ops |Flight Operations by Capt Jeremy Hooper |

| |Howdy!  I hope you are all having a happy holiday season.  This month's perations column will focus on recent directives passed|

| |down to us at the December Group 13 Commander's Call.  First of all, the deadline of January 1, 2004 is fast approaching for |

| |all pilots to get their qualification data entered into the online Member Information Management System (MIMS). As of that |

| |date, only pilots validated in MIMS will be authorized to fly CAP aircraft.  While certain paper |

| |records will still be required to be maintained in your file, a complete file will no longer be sufficient.  As of 12/12/03, |

| |the following pilots are cleared by MIMS: Maj. Mooring, Capt. Laughlin, Capt. Hooper, and 1Lt. Ayre.  Flight Release Officers |

| |(FROs) will be required to verify that the PIC is authorized by MIMS prior to issuing a flight release.  At this time, no |

| |flight release number is required; although future plans call for a nationally-issued flight release number for each flight.  |

| |If you have a 1st Class or 2nd Class medical certificate, and you wish to allow that certificate to lapse to a 3rd Class |

| |certificate, you should enter your certificate into MIMS as a 3rd class (in addition to the class of certificate you have); |

| |otherwise MIMS will not automatically recognize your 1nd Class medical as a 2nd or 3rd class after 6 months.   |

| | |

| |There is a new CAPF 2a.  This form is not to be used for pilot-related qualifications.  All pilot-related qualifications will |

| |be entered into MIMS.  If approval is necessary as an O-pilot or CFI, it will be necessary to submit a copy of your Pilot |

| |Records Checklist (signed by the squadron commander) to the Wing Director of Operations (DO).  In addition, the CAPF 101 "101 |

| |card" is obsolete.  It will be necessary to print off a 101(e) card from the national webpage. Also, it is important to |

| |realize that only CAP corporate aircraft may be used for CAP-reimbursed flying activities, unless special permission is |

| |obtained from the Wing Commander, Deputy Wing Commander, or Wing DO.  See the wing supplement for detailed instructions on how |

| |to submit a request for this approval through email or regular mail.  The approval should be requested several weeks in |

| |advance, |

| |if possible.     |

| | |

| |We're going to start washing our plane, N235TX, once per month.  In addition, it will be necessary to wax the plane quarterly. |

| |Each wash/wax job will be documented on a special sheet in the aircraft records and on the discrepancy sheet.  Cadets |

|Emergency Services |participating in O-flights may be asked to stick around after their flight to help wash the plane. |

| | |

| |Emergency Services by Capt Tessitore |

| |Well, another year come and goes. The efforts of many within the squadron, to train in a multitude of ES areas, have been a |

| |success. |

| | |

| |Many cadets and seniors have begun their initial training by attending ES classes on the 4th Tuesday squadron meeting of each |

| |month. Some of the topics touched were communication, hazards, UDF equipment, personal field equipment, survival, etc. |

| |Special Saturday classes in First Aid and CPR. |

| |A number of dedicated senior squadron staff received additional non-CAP training to become qualified First Aid & CPR |

| |Instructors and one went on to become a Certified EMT. |

| |3 weekend FTXs were held at Woodville, Texas in which ES skills were gained and practice in the fields surrounding the Tyler |

| |County Airport. |

| |Both cadets and seniors trained and recertified in ES specialty areas such as Ground Team Member, Urban Direction Finding Team,|

| |Ground Team Leader, Mission Radio Operator, Ground Branch Director, Planning Section Chief, Mission Safety Officer, Mission |

| |Chaplain, Radio Unit Leader, etc. |

| |The senior involved on the aviation side advanced by training and recertifying Mission Pilots, Mission Transport Pilot, |

| |Observers, Scanners, O-Flight Pilot, etc. |

| |The squadron participated in approximately 14 ELT missions as either air flights and/or ground teams. |

| |Members of the squadron participated or trained during all Group 13 SAREX activities this year. |

| |Squadron member trained in communication and obtained or purchased CAP FM-VHF radios and participate often in the nightly Group|

| |13 Radio Net and operate specialized nets when requested to support mission goals. |

| | |

| |Yes, 2003 is nearly gone but the training persists through the last days of the year at the Cadet Winter Encampment and |

| |Advanced Training Squadron activities at Camp Swift between Christmas and New Years. |

| | |

| |The year 2004 will bring greater challenges as the part CAP will play in the defense of our country from terrorism as part of |

| |the Department of Homeland Defense. We will be again be afforded an opportunity to work and build an Emergency Services team |

| |to meet those challenges “That Others May Live”. |

|Communications | |

| |Thank you all for what you gave in time, effort, money, sweat, and toil. Your help was essential in meeting today’s challenge |

| |and building tomorrow’s leaders, our cadets of today. |

| | |

|Aerospace Ed. |Have a safe and enjoyable holiday season. See you all next year. |

| | |

| |Communications |

|Logistics |As Capt. Dicker mentioned, we are now awaiting the Army’s permission to erect the new comm’s tower. |

| | |

| |Aerospace Education |

| |No report. |

|Maintenance Hanger | |

| |Logistics |

| |A kind benefactor has come forward and allowed us to acquire Chaplain Riddle’s enclosed trailer for ES and other activities. |

| |We are waiting for approval from the Wing Commander to allow the donation to occur and for permission to be able to tow a |

|Cadet Programs |trailer with the van. |

| | |

| |Maintenance Hanger |

| |Our aircraft N235TX is functioning well. The DF Equipment and some electrical wiring should be replaced / repaired at the next |

| |100 hour inspection which will probably occur in January. We should also receive the next GPS update card sent to our Group. |

| | |

| |Cadet Programs |

| |Cadets are encouraged to also go into the MIMS (FMS) Qual/Cert area on the National HQ website, and input their Curry |

| |achievement. Those who have completed CAPT 116 (online) – a requirement for ES qualifications, should enter this on the same |

| |area also. Those Cadets who have attended ATS should be able to complete the GTM achievement in MIMS. This will allow the |

| |cadets to print their own CAPF 101 cards, required for participation in ES activities. |

| | |

| |Applications for National Cadet Special Activities should have already been submitted. |

|Safety | |

| |ALL CADETS PLEASE NOTE! There has been a change in our regular squadron meeting nights. In future ALL first Tuesdays in the |

| |month, activity will change to Aerospace Education and Emergency Services, with uniform being BDU’s. Drill will be dropped |

| |from the first Tuesday’s activities. This change will be in ADDITION to the normal Emergency Services activity on the 4th |

| |Tuesdays |

| | |

| |In 2003 our cadets had received 68 Glider O Flights (at a cost to CAP of $30ea), and 32 Powered O Flights (not counting back |

| |seat rides), at an average cost of ~$30 per flight |

| | |

| |Safety by Capt Clyde Domengeaux |

| |What is odorless, tasteless, and has no color?        |

| |"CARBON MONOXIDE (known also by its chemical symbols CO)"    |

| | |

| |This gas results from the incomplete combustion of carbon-based fuels, such as, gasoline, natural gas, LP gas, oil, kerosene, |

| |coal, wood, or charcoal. |

| |The reason this is so harmful to us is that it restricts the amount of "oxygen" absorbed from your lungs into your bloodstream.|

| |Some of the results of Carbon Monoxide poisoning can lead to organ, brain, and central nervous system damage. Many people who |

| |suffer from C.M. mistake it for the flu, and even some physician's misdiagnosis the illness.    |

| | |

| |Some of the systems are headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, and rapid heartbeat. The victim's skin also|

| |may turn pink, or, red in response to rising blood pressure. If you experience any of these problems, "Do Not Ignore" them, as |

| |it can lead to serious problems, such as loss of hearing, blurred vision, vomiting, disorientation, seizures, cardiac arrest, |

| |loss of consciousness, coma, and respiratory failure. Possible sources of Carbon Monoxide are in homes with wood burning |

| |fireplaces: motor homes; airplanes; enclosed areas with a fire burning; school buses (faulty exhaust systems); automobiles, |

| |etc. |

| | |

| |None of us are immune to this deadly gas. The effects may differ with age, individual's health, the length and level of |

| |exposure. Individuals with pre-existing health problems, such as heart or lung disease are especially vulnerable, as are the |

| |elderly, infants, children and even unborn babies. |

| |Carbon Monoxide is measured as "parts per million". Levels 1 to 70 ppm, typically do not experience any symptoms. If the level |

| |of gas increases and remain above 70ppm, the symptoms may become more noticeable (as mentioned above) If levels increase to |

| |150-200ppm, the victim may become unconscious, and, death is a possibility. |

|Admin | |

|Membership 110 (70 Cadets) |Alarms are available on the market for transit vehicles as well as your homes. Just remember, in event of a fire, which will |

| |eventually show itself in the form of smoke or flames, you may never know you have a Carbon Monoxide problem until TOO LATE. |

| |These alarms are similar to the smoke and fire alarms, but, they act as early warning systems. The location of these alarms are|

| |very important, so, follow the manufactures instructions. |

| | |

| |Many of you, or, your family, may be exposed to higher than usual CO levels and not even know it. One example is letting your |

| |vehicle idle for extended period of time without moving. In certain cases, the exhaust can build up to dangerous levels in, or,|

|Professional Development |around the vehicle. The vehicle should be parked in such a way that the exhaust can dissipate easily. Incorrectly installed or |

| |vented water heaters, furnace, stove/ovens, can create problems. Every year new stories are heard / told about families who use|

| |BBQ grills, non-vented LP gas burners, catalytic heaters, or, other apparatus for overnight heating, and, NEVER WAKE UP. |

| |Our CAP aircraft have visual CO detectors, which are changed out regularly. |

| | |

| |Admin / Personnel Matters by 1Lt. Brumlow |

| | |

| |Squadron strength was at 110 in late December, with 70 cadet members and 40 seniors. |

| | |

| |We welcome the following new cadets whose membership cards were issued this month: C/Basics Kyle Avacato, David Buchner, and |

| |Ray Lopez. |

| | |

| |New Sr. Members / Promotions: Craig Joncyk joined, and Capt Ray Hischke joins us as a transferee from TN Wing |

| | |

| |Just a friendly reminder of membership renewals - you may renew on line |

| | |

|Questions & Comments |Professional Development by Lt. Col. Bill Williams |

|ARC Security |ATTENTION CADETS: Any cadet that thinks they have sponsored a new member should contact me immediately. Cadets are missing out |

| |on a great opportunity to compete for the nice prizes to be given away for recruiting. All three of the prizes are valuable and|

| |some one will walk away with them. So far I do not have any names of Cadets who have sponsored a new member. The new member may|

| |be a Senior, Cadet, Cadet Sponsor, Business or Aerospace Member. Just make sure that your name and CAP ID appear on the |

| |application. |

| | |

| |We have had several senior applications for membership. It would be great if arrangements could be made for a Level I |

| |Orientation Course early in next year. The most likely date appears to be the last Saturday of January. Please let me know if |

| |you’re interested. |

| | |

| |Most members have at least one Specialty Track they are working on. I have a master list of this information correct through |

| |December, 2003 from the Nat’l Headquarters. Please check with me if you want to know what’s required for your rating or if you |

| |want to add another Specialty. |

| | |

| |For more information on Senior Professional Development, contact Lt. Col. Bill Williams Tuesday evenings or e-mail at |

|Calendar |billbill9@. My home phone is 936-264-4296. |

| | |

| |Seniors & Parent Power |

| |Comments & Questions |

| |Q. The guards will not let us into the facility sometimes to collect our children without signing in. |

| |A. I need each of you to remember that the Civil Air Patrol program is a guest of the 7-6 Air Cavalry Squadron of the United |

| |States Army Reserves.  Changing times and alerts come in daily to the facility and weekly there maybe changes in the procedure |

| |to enter the facility. Responsible for the facility’s security are the Security Guards.  They follow the instructions of their|

| |supervisors of the 7-6 Air Cavalry Squadron U. S. Army Reserves.  If they request you to sign in, you must sign in, please DO |

| |SO WITHOUT ARGUEMENT OR ADVERSE COMMENT.  I cannot and WILL NOT allow any individual to disturb our agreement with the U.S. |

| |Army Reserve Center.  If you fail to sign in after being told to do so and enter the facility, you may be subject to |

| |arrest.  Do not expect me to try to intervene.  This program, which supports |

| |some seventy of our children, is more important than any one individual.  I |

| |would appreciate and demand your cooperation in this matter. Capt Stephen R. Dicker, Commander, 7/6 Air Cavalry Composite |

| |Squadron, CAP, USAF Auxiliary |

| | |

| | |

| |Any parent having questions, concerns or suggestions should feel free to email the Squadron Commander, Capt. Stephen R. Dicker |

| |at stephen.dicker@ . Capt. Dicker can also be reached on his cell phone at 713-504-7154 for immediate needs. |

| | |

| |Calendar We have placed the Calendar on the squadron website, with the expectation of keeping it more current and saving space |

| |in the newsletter. Go to it is also available directly at |

| |Also see the trial sign up calendar for all O Flights at so cadets may sign up on line. |



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