Employee Handbook - Sunrise Company

Employee Handbook


This Handbook is intended to provide employees with a general understanding of some of the Company's personnel policies. It is not an employment contract or a legal document. The information in this Handbook should be helpful in familiarizing employees with the Company.

While Sunrise Company certainly hopes that every employee will find the employment relationship satisfying, at the same time, it recognizes that relationships are not always mutually satisfactory. To protect both parties' rights, it should be remembered that the employment relationship may be terminated on an at-will basis by either you or Sunrise Company. This means that you may quit at any time and Sunrise Company may terminate your employment at any time, for any reason, or for no reason. Moreover, no one other than the President and Chief Executive Officer of Sunrise Company has the right to modify the at-will nature of this employment relationship, and any such modification must be in writing and signed by one of these two designated individuals and the affected employee.

If you are an employee who is otherwise covered by the Handbook and you have entered into a written employment agreement signed by you and a designated officer of the company, the guidelines, procedures and benefits discussed in this Handbook are not applicable to the extent they are inconsistent with your written employment agreement. However, if the written agreement does not address conditions or terms set forth in the Handbook, the Handbook shall apply. This Handbook cannot anticipate every situation or answer every question about employment. Rather, this Handbook serves as guideline to your employment relationship with Sunrise Company. From time to time, circumstances will undoubtedly require that the policies, practices and benefits described in the Handbook be changed. Accordingly, other than the at-will relationship set forth above, which can only be altered by a written agreement signed by both you and a designated officer of the company, Sunrise Company reserves their right to modify, supplement or rescind any provision of the Handbook as it deems necessary. If any changes to the Handbook become necessary, the Company will endeavor to notify you of such changes by distributing revised pages to you. Please keep your Handbook readily available and insert updated material promptly so that it is current at all times. When new policies are added or existing policies are changed, the most recent policy shall prevail and govern any new action taken.

Throughout this Handbook, we have often used the words "he", "him" and "his" when the meaning includes "she", "her" and "hers". This wording is used solely for ease of reading and should not be interpreted as any form of bias. This Handbook supersedes any and all prior verbal or written policies or procedures of Sunrise Company.

"Builder of America's Finest Country Club Communities"



Revised September 2014

Handbook-Intro Revised September 2014.doc


This Handbook is intended to provide employees with a general understanding of some of the Company's personnel policies. It is not an employment contract or a legal document. The information in this Handbook should be helpful in familiarizing employees with the Company.

While Sunrise Company certainly hopes that every employee will find the employment relationship satisfying, at the same time, it recognizes that relationships are not always mutually satisfactory. To protect both parties' rights, it should be remembered that the employment relationship may be terminated on an at-will basis by either you or Sunrise Company. This means that you may quit at any time and Sunrise Company may terminate your employment at any time, for any reason, or for no reason. Moreover, no one other than the President and Chief Executive Officer of Sunrise Company has the right to modify the at-will nature of this employment relationship, and any such modification must be in writing and signed by one of these two designated individuals and the affected employee.

If you are an employee who is otherwise covered by the Handbook and you have entered into a written employment agreement signed by you and a designated officer of the company, the guidelines, procedures and benefits discussed in this Handbook are not applicable to the extent they are inconsistent with your written employment agreement. However, if the written agreement does not address conditions or terms set forth in the Handbook, the Handbook shall apply. This Handbook cannot anticipate every situation or answer every question about employment. Rather, this Handbook serves as guideline to your employment relationship with Sunrise Company. From time to time, circumstances will undoubtedly require that the policies, practices and benefits described in the Handbook be changed. Accordingly, other than the at-will relationship set forth above, which can only be altered by a written agreement signed by both you and a designated officer of the company, Sunrise Company reserves their right to modify, supplement or rescind any provision of the Handbook as it deems necessary. If any changes to the Handbook become necessary, the Company will endeavor to notify you of such changes by distributing revised pages to you. Please keep your Handbook readily available and insert updated material promptly so that it is current at all times. When new policies are added or existing policies are changed, the most recent policy shall prevail and govern any new action taken.

Throughout this Handbook, we have often used the words "he", "him" and "his" when the meaning includes "she", "her" and "hers". This wording is used solely for ease of reading and should not be interpreted as any form of bias. This Handbook supersedes any and all prior verbal or written policies or procedures of Sunrise Company.

Handbook-Intro Revised September 2014.doc

Handbook Acknowledgment Form


This is to acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Employee Handbook and understand that it contains important information on the company's general personnel policies and on privileges and obligations as an employee. I acknowledge that I am expected to read, understand, and adhere to company policies and will familiarize myself with the material in the Handbook. I understand that I am governed by the contents of the Handbook. I also understand that, other than the at-will policy which is set forth in this Handbook and reiterated in the paragraph below, the company may change, rescind or add to any policies, benefits or practices described in the Handbook from time to time in its sole and absolute discretion with or without prior notice. I understand that the Company will attempt to distribute such new policies or changes to me in writing to be incorporated in this Handbook. When new policies are added, or existing policies or procedures are changed, I understand that the most recent policies shall prevail and will govern any new actions taken. I also understand that the statements contained in this Handbook are not intended to create any contractual or other legal obligations.

I understand that I am free to leave the Company at any time for any reason, and that the Company reserves a similar right. Thus, both the Company and I have the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without advance notice and with or without cause. I understand that this is called "employment at-will" and that no one other than the Founder and Chairman of the Board or President of the Company has the authority to enter into or alter this arrangement, to enter into an agreement of employment for a specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to this policy. Furthermore, if the Founder and Chairman of the Board or the President of the Company makes such an agreement with me, I understand that it must be in writing and signed by one of these two designated individuals and me.

Employee Signature ______________________________________________

Employee Name (print) ___________________________________________

Date ________________

Witness ___________________________

Human Resources Copy

Handbook Acknowledgment Form


This is to acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Employee Handbook and understand that it contains important information on the company's general personnel policies and on privileges and obligations as an employee. I acknowledge that I am expected to read, understand, and adhere to company policies and will familiarize myself with the material in the Handbook. I understand that I am governed by the contents of the Handbook. I also understand that, other than the at-will policy which is set forth in this Handbook and reiterated in the paragraph below, the company may change, rescind or add to any policies, benefits or practices described in the Handbook from time to time in its sole and absolute discretion with or without prior notice. I understand that the Company will attempt to distribute such new policies or changes to me in writing to be incorporated in this Handbook. When new policies are added, or existing policies or procedures are changed, I understand that the most recent policies shall prevail and will govern any new actions taken. I also understand that the statements contained in this Handbook are not intended to create any contractual or other legal obligations.

I understand that I am free to leave the Company at any time for any reason, and that the Company reserves a similar right. Thus, both the Company and I have the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without advance notice and with or without cause. I understand that this is called "employment at-will" and that no one other than the Founder and Chairman of the Board or President of the Company has the authority to enter into or alter this arrangement, to enter into an agreement of employment for a specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to this policy. Furthermore, if the Founder and Chairman of the Board or the President of the Company makes such an agreement with me, I understand that it must be in writing and signed by one of these two designated individuals and me.

Employee Signature ______________________________________________

Employee Name (print) ___________________________________________


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SECTION SUNRISE COMPANY & YOU ...................................................................1 IMPORTANT GUIDELINES......................................................................2 LEAVE OF ABSENCE AND BENEFIT POLICIES ................................3 INJURY AND ILLNESS PREVENTION SAFETY PROGRAM ...........4 TAX DEFERRED INVESTMENT & PROFIT SHARING PLAN .........5

Handbook-Intro Revised September 2014.doc


Message From:

William Bone, Chief Executive Officer

Dear New Employee: Welcome to Sunrise Company. Whether you have just joined our staff or have been at Sunrise Company for a while, we are confident that you will find our company a dynamic and rewarding place in which to work, and we look forward to a productive and successful association. We consider the employees of Sunrise Company to be one of its most valuable resources. We sincerely hope that your position with us is both rewarding and enjoyable. You can make a difference! This Employee Handbook is not a contract of employment. It was written to help you get acquainted our Company, to give you a brief explanation of our philosophy, and to outline some of our policies and procedures. The Handbook will not answer all of your questions, but it will serve as a guideline to your relationship with Sunrise Company Remember, always feel free to approach any member of our management team with your questions. Our success is based on the personal attention and contributions of our employees. As a new member of the team, you will make a difference. We will be depending on YOU. We are proud you joined our Company and extend to you a warm WELCOME! Sincerely,

William Bone Founder and CEO

Handbook-Intro Revised September 2014.doc


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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