Getting Started with the TExaS Simulator

“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. ”

Ken Olson, president,, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977

Quiz 1 review

closed book, no calculator

Lectures 1-11

Online HW1-3

Labs 1 and 2

1) Definitions (matching or multiple choice)

volatile, nonvolatile, RAM, ROM, port

static efficiency, dynamic efficiency

structured program, call graph, data flow graph

basis, nibble, precision, decimal digits (see table below)

fixed-point, overflow, ceiling and floor, drop out,

bus, address bus, data bus,

memory-mapped, I/O mapped

bus cycle, read cycle, write cycle,

IR, EAR, BIU, CU, ALU, registers,

device driver, reset vector

friendly, mask, toggle,

22 = 4

23 = 8

24 = 16

25 = 32

26 = 64

27 = 128

28 = 256

29 = 512

210 = 1024≈ 103

211 = 2048

212 = 4096

213 = 8192

214 = 16384

215 = 32768

216 = 65536

162 = 256

163 = 4096

164 = 65536

|decimal digits |exact range |exact alternatives |approximate bits |

|3 |0 to 999 |1,000 |≈ 10 |

|3½ |0 to 1999 |2,000 |≈ 11 |

|3¾ |0 to 3999 |4,000 |≈ 12 |

|4 |0 to 9999 |10,000 |≈ 13 |

|4½ |0 to 19,999 |20,000 |≈ 14 |

|4¾ |0 to 39,999 |40,000 |≈ 15 |

|5 |0 to 99,999 |100,000 |≈ 17 |

|5½ |0 to 199,999 |200,000 |≈ 18 |

|5¾ |0 to 399,999 |400,000 |≈ 19 |

|6 |0 to 999,999 |1,000,000 |≈ 20 |

|6½ |0 to 199,999 |2,000,000 |≈ 21 |

|6¾ |0 to 3,999,999 |4,000,000 |≈ 22 |

|N |0 to 10N-1 |10N |≈ N*log2(10) |

|N½ |0 to 2*10N-1 |2*10N |≈ N*log2(10)+1 |

|N¾ |0 to 4*10N-1 |4*10N |≈ N*log2(10)+2 |

Table 2.2. Standard definition of decimal digits.

2) Number conversions, 8-bit (fill in the blank)

convert one format to another without a calculator

signed decimal e.g., -56

unsigned decimal e.g., 200

binary e.g., %11001000

hexadecimal e.g., $C8

I won’t ask you to convert signed binary or signed hex:

signed binary e.g., -%00101111

signed hexadecimal e.g., -$2F

fixed-point representations

given resolution convert between value and integer

given precision and range choose the fixed-point format

3) Details of executing single instructions

8-bit addition, subtraction yielding result, N, Z, V, C

(like HW2, HW3)

simplified cycle by cycle execution

assembly listing to execution cycles (Lab 3.6)

for indexed mode addresses, for example

ldaa 4,x

ldaa 40,x

ldaa -4,x

ldaa -40,x

ldaa $400,x

ldaa 4,+x

ldaa 4,-x

ldaa 4,x+

ldaa 4,x-

calculate effective address

go from assembly to machine code xb

go from machine code xb to assembly

simple multiply and divide (mul idiv fdiv)

stack functions for bsr and rts

4) Simple programs (look at assembly code in Chap 1,2,3)

initialize stack

create global variables

set reset vector

specify an I/O pin is an input

specify an I/O pin is an output

clear an I/O output pin to zero

set an I/O output pin to one

toggle an I/O output pin

check if an I/O input pin is high or low

e.g., if PA4 is low then make PB2 high

8-bit operations

add, sub, shift left, shift right, and, or, eor

simple if-then like examples in Chapter 3

no if-then-else

no if((uG1>5)&&(uG2 Threshold){ | ldab PTT |

|♪♫♪♫♫ |cmpb Threshold |

|} |bls next |

| |♪♫♪♫♫ |

| |next |

|if(PTT >= Threshold){ | ldab PTT |

|♪♫♪♫♫ |cmpb Threshold |

|} |blo next |

| |♪♫♪♫♫ |

| |next |

|if(PTT < Threshold){ | ldab PTT |

|♪♫♪♫♫ |cmpb Threshold |

|} |bhs next |

| |♪♫♪♫♫ |

| |next |

|if(PTT = 5){ |cmpa #5 |

|♪♫♪♫♫ |blo next |

|} |♪♫♪♫♫ |

| |next |

| | ldaa sG |

|if(sG >= 5){ |cmpa #5 |

|♪♫♪♫♫ |blt next |

|} |♪♫♪♫♫ |

| |next |

Compare 8-bit versus 16-bit conditionals

Assume uG1 and uG2 are unsigned 8-bit variables

Assume uH1 and uH2 are unsigned 16-bit variables

|C code |assembly code |

| | ldaa uG2 |

|if(uG2 >= uG1){ |cmpa uG1 |

|♪♫♪♫♫ |blo next |

|} |♪♫♪♫♫ |

| |next |

| | ldd uH2 |

|if(uH2 >= uH1){ |cpd uH1 |

|♪♫♪♫♫ |blo next |

|} |♪♫♪♫♫ |

| |next |


     ♪♫♪♫♫ ; body of while loop

inc uG

      bra  loop




     ♪♫♪♫♫ ; body of while loop

      bra  loop

Problem: write code that waits for a switch to be pressed. Assume PM3 is an input with a switch attached.

“640K ought to be enough for anybody. ”

Bill Gates, 1981

4. Assembly Language Programming

Chapter 4 objectives are to:

• Present an introduction to product development,

• Discuss the TExaS editor and assembler,

• Basic approach to assembly language programming,

• Define the pseudo-ops supported by TExaS.

4.1.1. Assembly language development

• editor

• source code

• assembler

• crossassembler

• object code

• loader

• debugger


Figure 4.1. Assembly language development process.

The first pass

check for syntax errors

size of each line of object code

create the symbol table

The second pass

check for syntax errors, errors reported in listing file

create object code, S19 file if needed for real 6812

recreate the symbol table, phasing error if different

put object code, details and source into listing file

add symbol table to the end of the listing file

A symbol table is a mapping between symbolic names

PTT equals $0240

The actual object code is in bold face.





Errors that occur during the assembly process

1) Label previously defined error: label occurs multiple times

2) Undefined opcode error: operation does not exist

3) Operand error: syntax error within the operand

     expression error

     undefined symbol in expression

     addressing mode error

size of allocated storage too big, e.g., ds 100*1000

4) Phasing error: value of symbol changes from pass1 to pass2

5) Can't program address error

6) Branch too far error: destination address is too far away

7) Illegal string termination: e.g., "Hello World!

4.4.9. Assembler pseudo-ops

Pseudo-ops are specific commands to the assembler

or assembly directive

|A |B |C |Meaning |

|org |org |.org |Specific absolute address to put subsequent object code |

|= |equ | |Define a constant symbol |

| |set | |Define or redefine a constant symbol |

|dc.b db |fcb |.byte |Allocate byte(s) of storage with initialized values |

| |fcc | |Create an ASCII string (no termination character) |

|dc.w dw |fdb |.word |Allocate word(s) of storage with initialized values |

|dc.l dl | |.long |Allocate 32-bit long word(s) of storage with initialized values |

|ds ds.b |rmb |.blkb |Allocate bytes of storage without initialization |

|ds.w | |.blkw |Allocate bytes of storage without initialization |

|ds.l | |.blkl |Allocate 32-bit words of storage without initialization |

|end |end |.end |Signifies the end of the source code (TExaS ignores these)  |

  Table 4.8. Assembly directives supported by TExaS.

Equate symbol to a value

equ ()

= ()

|; 9S12C32 |

|org $3800 |

|size equ 5 |

|data rmb size |

|org $4000 |

|sum ldaa #size |

|ldx #data |

|clrb |

|loop addb 1,x+ |

|dbne A,loop |

|rts |

 Program 4.3. A constant implemented with equ might make the program easier to change.

; ********** port12.rtf ****************

ATDDIEN equ 0x008D ; ATD Input Enable

DDRAD equ 0x0272 ; Port AD Data

DDRM equ 0x0252 ; Port M Direction

DDRT equ 0x0242 ; Port T Direction

PTAD equ 0x0270 ; Port AD I/O Register

PTM equ 0x0250 ; Port M I/O Register

PTT equ 0x0240 ; Port T I/O Register

Programming tip: Use equ definitions only if it makes the program easier to understand, to debug, or to change.

Redefinable equate symbol to a value

set ()

More information about local variables in Chapter 8.

|; 6812 |

|; *****binding phase************* |

|I set 0 |

|J set 1 |

|; ******allocation phase ******** |

|function |

|leas –2,sp allocate I,J |

|; ********access phase ********** |

|clr I,sp Clear I |

|ldab I,sp Reg B is copy of I |

|staa J,sp store into J |

|; ********deallocation phase ***** |

|leas 2,sp deallocate J,I |

|rts |

 Program 4.4. Simple functions with local variables using set.

Form constant byte

() fcb (,,...,)

() dc.b (,,...,)

() db (,,...,)

() .byte (,,...,)

str1 fcb "Hello World",0

str2 fcb ‘Hello World’,0

str3 fcb \Hello World\,0

Form constant character string

() fcc



LABEL2  fcc  "Jon Valvano "

LABEL4  fcc  \Welcome to FunCity!\

The ASCII string generated by fcc is not null-terminated, so if a termination is needed, you must add it explicitly using either

Strg1 fcc "happy"

fcb 0


Strg2 fcb  "happy",0

Form double byte

() fdb (,,...,)

() dc.w (,,...,)

() dw (,,...,)

() .word (,,...,)

org $FFFE

fdb main

Define 32-bit constant

() dc.l (,,...,)

() dl (,,...,)

() .long (,,...,)

S1  dl     100000,$12345678

S2  .long  1,1000,1000000,1000000000

S3  dc.l   -1,0,1

Set program counter origin

     org ()

     .org ()

Reserve multiple bytes

() rmb ()

() ds ()

() ds.b ()

() .blkb ()

Checkpoint 4.8: Why can’t you use a forward reference in a rmb directive?

Reserve multiple words

() ds.w ()

() .blkw ()

ds.l Reserve multiple 32-bit words

() ds.l ()

() .blkl ()

End of program (optional)

     end ()

     .end ()

|; 9S12C32 |

|size equ 4 |

|DDRT equ $0242 ; Port T Direction |

|PTT equ $0240 ; PT3-PT0 to stepper |

| |

|org $3800 ;RAM |

|Count ds 1 |

|Angle ds 2 ;resolution 0.1 deg |

|org $4000 |

|main movb #$FF,DDRT ;PT3-PT0 outputs |

|movw #0,Angle ;0 deg |

|run movb #size,Count |

|ldx #steps |

|step movb 1,x+,PTT ;step the motor |

|ldd Angle ;0 to 358.2 deg |

|addd #18 ;step 1.8 deg |

|cpd #3600 ;full rotation? |

|bne skip |

|ldd #0 ;back to beginning |

|skip std Angle |

|dec Count ;4,3,2,1 |

|bne step |

|bra run |

|steps fcb 5,6,10,9 ;output sequence |

|org $FFFE |

|fdb main |

 Program 4.5. A stepper motor controller using fcb.

Start TExaS

New program, microcomputer, IO,

Add Angle, Count to Viewbox

copy, paste Program 4.5

add robot car PT0 to left wheel, PT4 to right wheel

Tire circumference to 4π=25.13272


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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