D-Day Student Handout.docx - Ms. Paras

D-Day“D” in D-DayThe D in D-Day stands for day. It marks the commencement of an important military event. When there are certain days before an event -For example: five days before the event- the days will be written like : D-5. The same goes for the days after the event. D+5 stands for 5 days after the event takes place. What was D-Day?D-Day was the most amphibious military operation in history.It was Military operation that was constructed in Britain and formed an invasion force in secret that consisted of American, British, and Canadian soldiers. The operation was named “Overlord”It aimed to split Germany on 2 fronts, ally invasion forces on the west and Soviet Union on the right.Liberating European countries under German control was essential for winning the war.June 5th,1944:General Dwight Eisenhower gave the go ahead for operation “Overlord” on the night of June 5, 1944.6,000 ships, aircraft, and other vessels crossed the English Channel and headed towards france. 11,000 aircraft were mobilized to provide cover for the invasion forces.June 6th, 1944: Invasion DayGround invasion began at 6:30 a.mAllies stormed the beaches of NormandyCanadian and British troops were assigned the beaches of: Sword, Juno, and Gold(all were captured with light opposition)American troops were assigned: Utah(captured with light opposition), Omaha(troops faced heavy resistance due to Omaha’s hilly terrain, troops suffered 2,000 casualties)A foothold was established at the end of the day.156,000 Allies stormed the beachesEnd of the battle of NormandyIn less than a week the allies secured the beachesOver 326,000 troops, 50,000 vehicles, and over 100,000 tons of equipment came ashore in Normandy.Allies fought their way through Normandy’s countryside.By the end of August of 1944, Paris and Northwestern France were liberated from the Germans ending the battle of Normandy.SignificanceHelped shorten the length of the war. The invasion allowed the allies to move in directly into France.Prevented Adolf Hitler from developing his modern “weapon of terror” called the “V2”-8572476200 ................

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