US History 1 – Chapter 3 Study Guide – 100 Points – 110 ...

US History 1 – Chapter 3 Study Guide – 100 Points – 110 Maximum

CA Standard(s): 11.1 Students analyze the significant events in the forming of the nation…

Terms to Know :

1. Monroe Doctrine

2. Missouri Compromise

3. Sectionalism

4. Andrew Jackson

5. Trail of Tears

6. Nullification Theory

7. Industrial Revolution

8. Erie Canal

9. Samuel Morse

10. Eli Whitney

11. 2nd Great Awakening

12. Temperance Movement

13. Transcendentalism

14. Know-Nothings

15. Lucretia Mott

16. Seneca Falls Convention

17. Underground Railroad

18. Abolition Movement

19. Frederick Douglass

20. Manifest Destiny

21. Gold Rush

22. Texas Revolution

23. Mexican-American War

24. Bear Flag Revolt

25. Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo

Homework Grid:

|A1. Define all the terms in Cornell or |B. Research the Mexican Cession and |C. Write a Point – Counterpoint |D. Write three (3) 1-page diary |

|Three-Column Format (25 points) |create a map that shows which parts of |Article OR write and give a speech |entries that clearly communicate |

|A2. Complete the Daily Notes: EQ, Do Now, |the US today were ceded to us from |that discusses a key issue of the |the thoughts and details of a |

|Notes, EQA (5 points per day) |Mexico as part of the Treaty of |mid-1800s such as slavery, the |pioneer “on the trail” heading |

| |Guadalupe-Hidalgo (15 points) |Mexican-American War, temperance or |West. Include which trail they |

| | |women’s rights |traveled & where they wrote from |

| | |(15 points) |(15 points) |

|E. Create a double-bubble map that lists |F. Create a Flip Book of the seven (7) |G. Write a ½ - 1 page high quality |H. Create an acrostic that |

|and defines the major similarities and |themes of the reading (35 Points): |paragraph answer to the question |explains the major economic, |

|differences between the North and the |-Growing US International Power |below: |cultural, political and religious |

|South during the 1800s. Include a |-Growing US Nationalism | |developments during the mid 1800s.|

|paragraph that explains your diagram (15 |-Growing US Sectionalism |What role did the 2nd Great Awakening|Use MANIFEST DESTINY as your stem |

|points) |-Immigration Issues |play in reforming American society in|(25 points) |

| |-Social Reforms |the mid-1800s? Discuss (3) examples | |

| |-Freedom Fighters |(10 Points) | |

| |-Expansion & Conflict | | |


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