Significant Figures in Measured Numbers (Dr

Significant Figures in Measured Numbers (Dr. Amah)

1. A number is significant if it is

a. A. a nonezero digit 4.5 g (2)

122.35 m (5)

b. A zero between nonezero digits 205 m (3)

5.082 kg (4)

c. A zero at the end of a decimal number 50.L (2)

25.0 oC (3)

d. Any digit in the coefficient of a number written in scientific notation

4.0 x 105 m (2)

5.70 10-3 g (3)

2. A number is not significant if it is

a. a zero at the beginning of a decimal number

0.0004 lb (1)

0.075 m (2)

b. a zero used as a placeholder in a large number without a decimal point.

850 000 m (2)

1 250 000 (3)

Significant Figures in Calculations

Multiplication and Division

1. In multiplication and division, the final answer is written so it has the same number of digits as the measurement with the fewest significant figures (SFs).

a. 24.65 x 0.67 = 16.5155 → 17

(4) SFs (2) SFs display final answer (2) SFs

b. 8.00 = 4 → 4.00

2.00 display final answer (3) SFs

(3) SFs

Addition and Subtraction

2. In addition or subtraction, the answer should have the same number of decimal places as the measurement with the fewest decimal places.

2.045 decimal places


36.145 calculator display

36.1 answer, rounded to one decimal place


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