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-1333490Fall 2019 Scholarship Newsletter Fall 2019 Scholarship Newsletter SIGN UP FOR YOUR SENIOR MEETINGS!All seniors need to meet with their counselor one-on-one in September to discussplans for after graduation. Sign-ups will begin in September! Please watch the announcements or email your counselor for more information! 477202585725 Mark your calendar NC Countdown to College ALL seniors are strongly encouraged to participate. You can attend workshops, talk to college representatives, do a scavenger hunt, and more. For more details, see the calendar of events posted in counseling. Ayuda para la Universidad Wednesday, October 23, 2019 6:30-8:30pm, Forest Hills Media CenterThis presentation is given in Spanish by Juana Hernandez from the College Foundation of NC. She will speak to Spanish-speaking students and families about applying to college, financial aid, minimum admission requirements and general preparation for college. 9525000Deciding where to go after high school is a big decision. Unsure? It’s alright! We have all been there. My name is Ms. Gonzalez-Barcenas (Ms. GB). I’m the new College Advisor. If you want to chat about college options or scholarships, come see me. My office is located in the counseling suite in the College Advising Center. Excited to meet you!87630019050Hi, I’m Ms. Ponder. I will be the go-to counselor for the scholarship newsletter and scholarship applications. I will be working with Ms. GB to make sure the newsletter is always up to date and available. My office is located in the counseling suite right beside the College Advising Center. I am looking forward to working with you all this year!Welcome back! Here is key information about the SAT & ACT:If you are planning on applying to a four-year college or university, it is a good idea to take either the ACT or the SAT at least two times.You do NOT (and should not) wait until your scores come in to apply to colleges. You do NOT need to take the SAT or ACT if you are only applying to community colleges.2019-2020 test datesSAT ACT Test DateRegister byTest DateRegister byAugust 24July 24September 14August 16October 5September 5October 26September 20November 2October 2December 14November 08December 7November 7February 08January 10March 14February 13April 04February 28May 2April 2June 13May 08June 6May 6July 18June 19**Students who receive free or reduced lunch may receive fee waivers to take each test two (2) times free of charge. These waivers also make you eligible for college application fee waivers. See your counselor for more information.** To sign up for the SAT: / To sign up for the ACT: For help signing up for a test, see your counselor or Ms. GB in the College Advising Center. College Application Information:You SHOULD start your applications ASAP! Many colleges have already opened their applications.You MUST watch deadlines! Each college has their own deadline.You MUST list the colleges that you have applied to in your Naviance account.You MUST request for your transcript to be sent through your Naviance account so your School Counselor can ensure that it is sent on time!You CAN find scholarship information on your Naviance account. If you are interested in playing Division I-II sports in college you MUST create a NCAA Clearing House account. Use the following website: importantly, you SHOULD celebrate the small wins- it’s an arduous process. New School Counselor Divisions:Ms. Cobb: Last Names A-ClMrs. Thomas: Last Names Co-HaMrs. Haigler:Last Names He- MeMs. Ponder: Last Names Mi-SeMs. Bimson: Last Names Sh-Z$cholarships… get that money!! 15240014478000If a scholarship is highlighted in yellow=deadline has passed*Scholarship materials must be submitted by the end of the SCHOOL DAY (3:30pm) on the listed deadline date* New scholarships are added at the end of the newsletter left85090NCWIT Award for Aspirations in ComputingAmount: VariesCriteria: High school females (grades 9-12) who have demonstrated outstanding aptitude and interest in computing, demonstrate leadership ability, and high academic performance. Must be a U.S. resident or citizen to apply. To apply: : Application opens September 1, 201919052200025AXA Achievement Scholarship Amount: $2500-$25,000 scholarships are awardedCriteria: Any high school senior planning on attending two or four year college next year. Applicants should demonstrate ambition and self-drive as evidenced by outstanding achievement in school, community or work-related activities. Must be a U.S. resident or citizen to apply. To apply: for more information and to apply, visit Deadline: Application opens in September 2019 (apply early – applications will be cut off after 10,000 are received)(Off to College Scholarship Sweepstakes)Amount: $500 (two winners every two weeks from Oct-May)Criteria: High school seniors planning to attend a two year or four year public or private college. Fifteen drawings will be held and one winner will be chosen every two weeks from October through May.To apply: Registration begins mid-September at : Application opens in mid-September Amount: Full tuition, housing, books, fees, laptop, travel fees, and summer experience at UNC Chapel HillCriteria: Full scholarship to UNC Chapel Hill for extremely well rounded and academically driven students. The Morehead-Cain is considered one of the nation’s premier undergraduate scholarship programs. Morehead scholars are usually in the top 10% of their class and are chosen based on four criteria: Leadership, Moral Force of Character, Scholarship and Physical Vigor. Applicants cannot apply binding early decision to any other university. To apply: The FHHS scholarship committee can endorse 3 students. If you would like to be considered by the scholarship committee, complete a nominee questionnaire and submit to Ms. Ponder. Students who do not receive a school endorsement may self-nominate for this scholarship at . Deadline: To be considered by the scholarship committee, come get a nominee questionnaire from Ms. Ponder in the Counseling Office and return by September 17, 2019. Park Scholarship 19050114935Amount: Full scholarship to NC State: tuition, room & board, books, supplies, travel, and personal expenses. This scholarship is valued at up to $200,000 over four years. Criteria: Outstanding high school seniors who have demonstrated success in academics, service, and leadership, and character. Scholars are ranked at the top of their class and have excellent test scores. Students who do not receive a school endorsement may self-endorse at . Must be a U.S. resident or citizen to apply. To apply: FHHS will endorse two nominees – If you would like to be considered by the scholarship committee, submit a resume and/or one page statement about how you have succeeded in academics, service, leadership and character to Ms. Ponder.Deadline: Submit material to Ms. Ponder by October 08, 201919052200025Lowell L. Bryan ScholarshipAmount: $30,000 annually; one male and one femaleCriteria: Available to exceptional high school scholar athletes planning on attending Davidson College; nominees should possess “academic and personal excellence, strong promise of significant impact in their classes and their lives on campus, and potential for significant success in Davidson’s NCAA Division I athletic program”. (**please note: football and basketball are NOT qualifying sports for this scholarship).To apply: FHHS can nominate 3 students for this scholarship. If you would like to be considered, let Ms. Ponder know and submit a resume and/or one page statement by September 17, 2019Deadline: September 17, 2019-57148114300Amount: Varies (up to the value of full tuition)Criteria: The Gates Scholarship is a highly selective, full scholarship for exceptional, Pell-eligible, minority, high school seniors. Scholars will receive funding for the full cost of?attendance that is not already covered by other financial aid and the expected family contribution, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Eligible students must have a min. weighted GPA of 3.3 or above, be a U.S. Citizen, Pell eligible, and be African-American, Hispanic American, American Indian/Alaska?Native*, Asian or Pacific Islander American.To apply: Please see Ms. GB in the College Advising Center for more details.?Deadline: September 15, 2019Amount: $200,000+ (covers four years of full tuition at selective four-year colleges and universities)Criteria: High-achieving low-income high school seniors planning to attend a selective four year private college on the programs approved list. Competitive applicants are in the top 5-10% of their class, score highly on college admission tests, are the first in their families to attend a four year college, and have demonstrated financial need. To apply: The online application is now open at: / See Ms. GB in the College Advising Center for details. Deadline: September 26, 2019 Amount $200,000+ (covers four years of full tuition at four-year colleges and universities)Criteria: This scholarship is open to DACA and TPS students with exceptional high school resumes and the desire to attend a four year college or university. To apply: Application opens in September. Apply at / Please see Ms. GB in the College Advising Center for more details.?Deadline: September 30, 2019-61911114300Levine Scholars ProgramAmount: $105,000 – full tuition, room and board and summer experiences for 4 years Criteria: Students should show a commitment to community service and have high levels of academic achievement. The average applicant has a 3.9 unweighted GPA/4.7 weighted GPA, SAT scores between 1350-1400, and ACT scores between 29-33. Must be a U.S. resident or citizen to apply. To apply: See Ms. Ponder in the Counseling Office if you would like to be nominated (There is no limit to the number of students we can nominate – I will need your SAT and/or ACT scores and email address). Deadline: Please see Ms. Ponder by September 27th to be nominated19052200025 Amount: $500Criteria: High School seniors; awarded on the basis of character, not GPA! You do not have to be taking engineering classes to be eligible. For more information, check their website: . To apply: Submit an essay of between 500-1000 words to scholarships@ answering the following question: When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What relationships or accomplishments will be important on this journey? Include your full name, the name of your high school, and your plans for next year. Deadline: October 6, 201919052200025Amount: range from $250 to $10,000Criteria: These awards recognize artistic excellence in all forms: cinema, dance, music, photography, theatre, voice, visual arts and writing. You will be asked to submit a portfolio along with your applications. Winners will be invited to summits in New York, Miami, or Washington D.C. to take master classes with professional artists in their discipline. You may be required to submit a portfolio or audition tape in order to apply. Must be a U.S. resident or citizen to apply. To apply: apply online at : October 11, 201919052200025Carolina Covenant Scholarship:Amount: Varies, can cover up to full tuition for four yearsCriteria: Applicants must apply and be accepted to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and demonstrate substantial financial need. Must be a U.S. resident or citizen to apply. To apply: Apply for UNC-Chapel Hill at and apply for financial aid in January with the FAFSA. Deadline: Apply by October 15, 2019 for an earlier admissions decision (January 15 at the latest).66677114300The Thomas Wolfe ScholarshipAmount: Full tuition & expenses for four years at UNC Chapel Hill Criteria: This is a unique scholarship opportunity for strong writers – you are required to submit multiple examples of your writing. Students who write poetry, fiction, plays, or nonfiction are eligible. Students who apply for this award must submit their separate application for early admission to UNC Chapel Hill by October 15, 2019. Then, they must apply for the Thomas Wolfe Scholarship by October 15, 2019. Must be a U.S. resident or citizen to apply. To apply: For more information about this scholarship and to apply, visit : Apply to UNC for Early Action by October 15, 2019, Scholarship due by November 15, 2019 609608890NC ScholarshipAmount: Multiple scholarships awarded, ranging from $5,000 to $20,000Criteria: This scholarship provides financial assistance to students with financial need who have exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity. Seniors applicants must be a U.S. resident or citizen, be planning to go to earn a bachelor’s degree (four year college), have a minimum 2.0 GPA, demonstrate critical financial need ($55,000 or lower adjusted gross family income is required), and be involved in extracurricular activities.To apply: apply online at **Please note that there are several parts to this application, including a school certification form and a copy of your parents’ tax return. Be aware of the deadline! To apply, use the online application: . Deadline: October 25, 2019-March 15, 20200-1270Career & Technical ScholarshipAmount: Up to $2500Criteria: Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a career or technical program (up to 2 years) at an accredited non-profit post-secondary institution in the United States, demonstrated critical financial need (must be eligible to receive the Federal Pell grant as determined by completion of the FAFSA), demonstrated perseverance in overcoming adversity, and be a United States citizen. Funds may be used for tuition, fees, books and supplies. ? To apply: : October 4, 201919052200025Amount: varies – multiple scholarships up to $20,000 will be given out nationwide Criteria: The Coca?Cola Scholars Foundation evaluates applicants on the basis of demonstrated leadership in academics, school, community and civic activities, as well as personal character and the motivation to serve and succeed.??Students must plan to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. institution. Must be a U.S. citizen or resident to apply. To apply: For more information and to apply: Deadline: October 31, 2019 by 5:00 PM.19052200025Amount: $10,000 renewable for four yearsCriteria: ?The Ron Brown Scholar Program seeks to identify African-American high school seniors who will make significant contributions to society. Applicants must excel academically, exhibit exceptional leadership potential, participate in community service activities and demonstrate financial need.?Must be a U.S. citizen or resident to apply.To apply: For more information, and to apply, visit : November 01, 2019Centennial Scholarship114300113665Amount: Range from $4000 up to $95,000 over 4 yearsCriteria: Students should have demonstrated high academic achievement throughout high school with proven and potential leadership qualities, extracurricular activities and unique life experiences. Students applying for this scholarship should be planning on majoring in one of the degrees in the College of Textiles at NC State – fashion and textile management, fashion and textile design, information systems design, product engineering, chemical processing, or textile technology. To apply: Students must apply to NC State before the early action deadline of October 15th and qualify for admission. FHHS can endorse up to 2 students for this scholarship. If you would like to be considered, submit a resume and/or short statement to Ms. Ponder by November 5th. If you are not chosen for a school endorsement, you can also self-nominate from mid-September and December 1. See Ms. Ponder for details.Deadline: Submit materials to Ms. Ponder by November 5, 201819052200025Belk Scholarship Amount: Approximately $63,000 annually; this scholarship covers the full cost of attending Davidson College (including tuition, room & board, and fees). Criteria: “A candidate's record and recommendations must show demonstrated purposeful engagement in the classroom, with students and civic organizations, on the athletic field or in the arts. While academic achievement is paramount, Belk Scholars also exhibit intellectual curiosity and a commitment to both their local and global communities.”To apply: FHHS can nominate up to two Belk Scholarship candidates. If you would like to be considered by the scholarship committee, submit a resume and/or short statement to Ms. Ponder by October 4th. For more information, visit the website: : Submit materials to Ms. Ponder by October 4, 2019left8763000No Sweat ScholarshipAmount: $2,500 Criteria: This scholarship is for students in 8th-12th grades. It’s an easy and free to apply scholarship, with no minimum GPA, no income requirements, and no essay to write. Students can use the award for any educational-related need (tuition, books & supplies, etc). To apply: Visit to apply.Deadline: September 30, 201919052200025Amount: High school recognition and chance to enter a state level competition for $1,000 Criteria: High school students who have completed significant amounts of volunteer work in the communityTo apply: Fill out online application at . Your completed form needs to be submitted to Ms. Ponder. The principal, with input from the scholarship committee, will certify one FHHS applicant to progress in the scholarship competition. Deadline: November 5, 2019 (Please let Ms. Ponder know when you complete your application!)19050203835EC ScholarsAmount: substantial scholarship of $62,000 to East Carolina UniversityCriteria: Anyone who applies to ECU by November 15th and meets the following criteria will automatically be considered for EC Honors College and the accompanying scholarships: Minimum math/verbal SAT combined score of 1200 on the old SAT and/or a min. of 1270 on the new SAT or ACT composite score of 27, and an unweighted GPA of 3.5 OR weighted GPA of 4.0. If you meet these requirements, you will send an application for Honors College which must be completed in order for you to be eligible for the EC Scholars program. To apply: Complete your ECU application by November 11, 201919052200025Art Institute Scholarship CompetitionsAmount: variesCriteria: The Art Institute offers several scholarships in a variety of areas. Each has their own requirements and deadlines, so check their website for detailed information!To apply: Visit their website at: : Varies 19052200025SPCC has a single form that is used to apply to all of their scholarships. Applications can be found online at Any student who applies to SPCC and fills out the common scholarship application, and completes a FAFSA will be considered for any scholarship for which they qualify. 19052200025National Database of Nursing ScholarshipsThe National Database of Nursing Scholarships has over 1,700 nursing programs to research, and over 10,000 nursing scholarships listed. To apply, students must visit for Hispanic StudentsThe Hispanic League website provides a long list of scholarships for Hispanic students. Visit for information. left8318500Tucker Scholarship Amount: The scholarship will provide full tuition, room, board, and required fees to the recipient over 4 years of college.Criteria: Candidates should be current high school seniors who are first-year applicants at Gardner-Webb University for a bachelor's program. Each applicant should be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and plan to live on campus. The scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who exemplifies the attributes highlighted in Mark 12:30. The candidate will stand apart from other applicants by the depth of character, faith, and service-driven life. The student will be required to demonstrate how they can thrive in the challenges of GWU's academic environment and graduate prepared to live out the university's motto making a difference for God and humanity. For more information go to: apply: The application process for the Tucker Scholarship starts with a nomination by a non-family mentor. Typically, the nominator is a school counselor, teacher, minister, or community leader. If you would like to be nominated by FHHS submit a resume and/or short statement to Ms. Ponder by November 1st. You will need to have your application complete by November 6th.06350Youth Leadership & Scholarship ProgramAmount: $2,000Criteria: Any student who has experienced homelessness, was born on or after November 11, 1999, and plan to attend college for the first time in the fall of 2020. To apply: Deadline: November 10, 2019-152400-29337000 Alex Kahle Memorial Scholarship Amount: $4,000? Criteria:?The recipients’ qualifications will include a record of academic excellence, a passion for community service, and history of exhibiting leadership in their school and community.?Each high school is allowed one candidate. Chosen candidate will then participate in the Union County Christmas Parade, representing FHHS. There will be an interview process by a panel of outside judges from the community to select The Union County Christmas Parade Princess. If candidate is chosen as Christmas Parade Princess they will receive the scholarship. To apply: Submit resume & a one page response on the importance of community service to Ms. Ponder. Deadline: October 2, 2019left3619500 Cheatham-White Scholarship Amount: Full Tuition, student fees, housing, meals, textbooks, laptop, supplies, travel & personal expenses. Each scholarship also provides 4 summers of fully funded enrichment & networking opportunities that may include international travel & study. Criteria: Be a competitive applicant for admission as a freshman in the fall semesterBe a United States citizen or permanent resident.Be on course to graduate from high school in the spring semester prior to college admissionMinimum 4.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale cumulative GPAMinimum 1280 (new)/ 1200 (old) SAT or 28 ACTShow exceptional qualities of character and leadershipBe significantly involved in extracurricular activitiesDemonstrate a strong commitment to service For more information: To Apply: Submit your resume, test scores, and a one page response on the importance ofcommunity service to Ms. Ponder. Deadline: November 20, 2019-47625214630Goodnight Scholars ProgramAmount: Full tuitionCriteria: High-achieving North Carolina high school students from low- and middle-income families who aspire to study in a science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) or education major at NC State. Automatic Invitation: In mid-December, the Goodnight Scholars Program will issue approximately 800 invitations to apply to prospective first-year NC State students who have applied for fall 2020 admission.To receive an automatic invitation to apply, a student must:Submit the?general NC State?application by?November 1, 2019.Indicate a family income of less than $110,000 on the NC State application?(confirmed via the FAFSA. See the ‘Free Application for Federal Student Aid Submission’ below.)Be a North Carolina resident.Select a?STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math) major or STEM education major.Demonstrate a history of exceptional academic performance.Self-Nomination: Prospective NC State students who wish to be considered for an invitation to apply may nominate themselves for consideration. This form also allows students to share unique academic and/or financial circumstances that they feel may cause them to be overlooked for an invitation to apply to our Program.?The Class of 2024 self-nomination form will open here on November 1, 2019.For more information: : November 1, 2019 & January 15, 202047625952500Lenoir-Rhyne Teaching Scholars Scholarship ProgramAmount: $5,500-16,000/yrCriteria: Interest in becoming a teacher.For more information: To Apply: Student must complete their application for attendance to Gardner Webb. They will then complete the Teaching Scholars Program application at the following link: Deadline: Rolling through January 10, 20200444500Daughters of the American Revolution –Good Citizen Award & ScholarshipAmount: Varies- $250-5,000Criteria: The DAR Good Citizens program and scholarship contest is intended to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship. Students who exemplify dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism should apply. If you are selected as the school representative you will have the opportunity to compete for state and national recognition. At that point you will need 2 letters of recommendation from teachers.To apply: If you are interest you must submit your resume and 1-2 page response on what makes you eligible to Ms. Ponder by October 8, 2019Deadline: October 8, 20190-444500Daughters of the American Revolution ScholarshipsAmount: VariesCriteria: Varies-Many scholarships are available through this organization!! To apply: : August-February 15, 2020left4191000National Co-op Scholars ProgramAmount: VariesCriteria:Have committed to one of the partner schools programsPartner schools: Johnson & Wales University Clarkson UniversityDrexel UniversityMerrimack CollegeRochester Institute of TechnologyState University of New York OswegoThe University of ToledoUniversity of CincinnatiWentworth Institute of TechnologyHave a cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scaleApply for admission for the 2020-2021 academic year at institution(s) you select on the scholarship applicationMeet other merit scholarship criteria as established by the institution(s) selected on the applicationTo apply: : February 15, 2020left13398500Create Real Impact ScholarshipAmount: $1500Criteria: Young people enter to win cash and prizes by showcasing art, music, video and creative writing to address reckless and distracted driving and solve the problem. You must be a legal resident of the U.S. To apply: : October 5, 2019-19050201930Hispanic Heritage Youth AwardsAmount: $3,500Criteria: Latino high school seniors who excel in the classroom and community and for their excellence in various categories including: Business & Entrepreneurship, Community Service, Education, Healthcare & Science, Media & Entertainment, and Technology & Engineering. The following is strict criteria:Be currently enrolled in high school and graduating in the spring of 2020)Must have a minimum unweighted 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale or 7.5 on a 10.0 scaleMust enroll at an accredited higher education institution in 2020-2021Be of Hispanic heritage (includes Spain, Brazil, Philippines)Be a U.S. permanent resident, U.S. citizen, or qualify under the DACA To apply: Deadline: October 15, 201902540Women’s Ministries Scholarship ProgramAmount: $20,000Criteria: Be a female who is committed to serving the mission of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and attending a Seventh-Day Adventist college. Scholarship awards are based on academic achievement, financial need, and community outreach. To apply: Deadline: October 15, 2019left18605500AmericanMuscle Student Scholarship ProgramAmount: $2,000Criteria: Only students currently enrolled full-time in an American college, technical institute, or high school seniors planning to attend a college or post-secondary institution are eligible to be awarded a scholarship through this program.Scholarships are restricted to those students pursuing an automotive degree or related field of study.All applicants must include some form of proof of enrollment when submitting applicationsTo apply: Those students who have exceptional drive and ambition should submit a 700-1500 word essay to scholarships@ stating who you are and how you plan on using your automotive education to incite positive change and innovation within the custom car industry. All entries must be submitted as a PDF or Microsoft Word document to be eligible for consideration and must be accompanied by proof of acceptance to an accredited U.S. college or university. Deadline: October 15, 2019-285757620000Voice of Democracy-What Makes America Great Scholarship Amount: $30,000Criteria: Students enrolled in public, private, or parochial high school or home school program in U.S. and territories, as well as DODA schools. Permanent U.S. citizens or those who have applied for permanent U.S. citizenship and are under the age of 20 are eligible. To apply: See Ms. Ponder for application packet. Deadline: October 31, 2019left000 High School Heisman ScholarshipAmount:Criteria: The Heisman High School Scholarship program is looking for all types of high-achieving seniors from more than 29,000 public and private high schools within the U.S. We consider young men and women who participate in a wide range of sports as well as school and community activities. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES ACROSS THE COUNTRY THAT EXCELS IN THE CLASSROOM, ON THE FIELD AND WITHIN YOUR COMMUNITY, APPLY NOW!To apply: : October 29, 2019Scholarships are not the only way to get money for college! Be on the lookout for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in October. You can create your FSA IS now! This will help you in the FAFSA process. To create an FSA ID go to: IS NOT AN EXHAUSTIVE LIST OF SCHOLARSHIPS. To search for other scholarships, you can use the websites listed below. It is also a good idea to look at the financial aid portion of the website of the schools to which you are interested in applying – they often have specific need- and merit-based scholarships just for their applicants. Churches, community groups, your employer or family members’ employers are also great resources for potential scholarships. HELPFUL SCHOLARSHIP WEBSITES (list continues on next page)fafsa.studentaid. scholarships raise.me ................

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