1. Imbecile (103) 7. Felony (117)

2. Tenure (104) 8. Hydrochloric (117)

3. Conjugate (107) 9. Cubism (119)

4. Dynamics (114) 10. Asphyxiated (126)

5. Bigoted (117) 11. Wistful (129)

6. Misdemeanor (117) 12. Vespiary (104)

1. How does Mel exhibit being alienated or being an outcast, once again, when discussing the new mascot name of hornets? How was the new name decided and what does this say about democracy? (95)

2. What metaphor does she use to describe herself when she sees IT? After this event, what new decision does she make in regards to school? (97)

3. What is she thinking about when she thinks she should just “get it over with”? How does this display how she is trying to change? (99)

4. In the paragraphs about SYMBOLISM, how does Hawthorne’s writing style in The Scarlet Letter connect or have similarities to Anderson’s style in Speak? How is “Why couldn’t he(Hawthorne) just say what he meant” ironic? (100)

5. List some use of Symbolism, symbols, or significant signs that Melinda was displaying that as Hairwoman stated, “Once you figure it out, it’s clear as day.” (102)

6. What happens in English class that reflects Melinda’s fear of the consequences for “speaking” up? (102)

7. When was the last time Mr. Freeman had anything nice to say to Melinda, in regards to her art? (103)

8. Why does Mel think Mr. Freeman is the sanest person she knows? (104)

9. What does Heather do to Melinda? What does Mel’s reaction display or what do you think it means in connection to Melinda’s roller coaster of a transformation? Will this cause her to regress back into a deeper depression? Explain (105-107)

10. What does she say about Andy that alludes to the summer party? (108)

11. What is her response when she thinks, “Does he (David) like me?...Do I want him to like me?” (109)

12. How does Heather’s Valentive present cause Mel to take a step backward in her trying to get better? (110)

13. How does her voluntary and rather strange visit to the hospital make her feel? What does she realize? Does it help her figure things out about herself? Explain (111-113)

14. Why are she and her parents having a meeting with Principal Principal and why was the guidance counselor present? (113)

15. What do you think about Principal Principal when he doesn’t even know Melinda’s name during the parent conference? (114)

16. List 2 uses of sarcasm/humor used to allow the reader to see how the events during the conference are ridiculous and ineffective in helping Melinda? (115)

17. Why is she in MISS and what is it? Who shows up? Why is he there? (116-117)

18. Explain the statement, “I sit like I have an egg in my mouth. One move, one word, and the egg will shatter and blow up the world.” Think about the egg being her secret. (117)

19. What style of art finally “screams” at her or gets her attention? Whose art is this? (119)

20. How does Mel open up while sitting with Mr. Freeman in the car, and what is her immediate reaction when she does? Why do you think she reacts this way? (122)

21. What does Mr. Freeman tell Mel to do with her art? What profound or very insightful message does Mr. Freeman try to get across to Melinda? (122)

22. How is Mel a seed in connection to page 126. Explain the significance to her life at the moment.

23. How can the cheerleaders chant be a wake-up call or even foreshadowing for Melinda? (130)

24. What was the secret? Did you know 100% before this point or were you not quite sure exactly what happened to her? (135)

25. Could Mel have done other things to prevent IT from what he did? Explain (135)

26. Why doesn’t she tell the cops the truth? (136)


1. Momentum (150) 4. Self-Incrimination (157) 7. Loathsome (193)

2. Indoctrination (172) 5. Suffrage (154)

3. Incriminate (157) 6. Suffragettes (154)

1. How has Andy’s name changed after the reader finds out her secret? Who is he hanging out with now? (143)

2. How is Mel’s conversation with Ivy a possible turning point for her Melinda slowly growing a new skin and evolving? (145-146)

3. Which lie truly seems to connect to Melinda and why? (148)

4. What are the phases her tree art went through and how do they connect to her? (151-52)

5. How does Melinda try to help Rachel? What would’ve been more effective? (152)

6. How is Mr. Freeman’s advice on how to draw the tree more than just about art? (153)

7. What is her display in Mr. Neck’s class reflect her own personal struggle to speak? How do her actions reflect her inner strength and intelligence? (155-156)

8. Why do you think IT keeps bothering her? (160-162)

9. “I’m tough enough to play but strong enough to win” (170) Explain in connection to Melinda

10. How does Ivy feel about Andy? What does Mel add to the bathroom graffiti? (162; 175)

11. Why does Mel almost kick Heather out of her room when she visits for the first time? Why did Heather actually come to see Mel? What is Mel’s response? How does this display she is finding her “voice” again? How does this also exhibit that she hasn’t truly found it yet? (178-180)

12. How does Rachel’s first reaction of learning about Mel’s secret differ from her 2nd reaction and why? (183-184)

13. What does Ivy show Mel and how do you think this makes Mel feel? (185)

14. Explain the significance of Melinda’s dad’s statement on page 187.

15. What does Rachel do at the prom? (190-191) At this point in the novel, do you think Rachel believes Melinda?

16. Why does Melinda decide she doesn’t want to hang out in her closet any longer? (192)

17. What does Andy try to do in Melinda’s closet? (194-195)

18. Why is this time different? How does Melinda change her fear into freedom? (194-195)


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