Acts 2: 1 – 4

A Pentecost sermon by:

Rev. H.A. Bergsma





(May 2006)


Psalter 287

Law of God

Psalter 25

Scripture Reading: Acts 2: 1 – 21

Text: Acts 2: 1 – 4

Congregational Prayer


Psalter 349


Psalter 304: 1, 2, 3

Thanksgiving Prayer

Psalter 49

Doxology: Psalter 316

Congregation of the Lord,

Pentecost is certainly a remarkable Christian feast; in fact, a most remarkable Christian feast!

The sights and sounds of Pentecost are “unbelievable” so to speak.

After all, have you ever heard a sound as of a rushing mighty wind, without anything to show for it … no trees bending; … no dust flying; … no forces trying to push you over?

And have you ever seen men standing around with tongues of fire on their head … and not getting their hair or heads burned?


And yet, those were the sights and sounds of Pentecost.

And those sight and sounds of Pentecost signalled the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church.

It is Pentecost today … fifty days after Easter, and ten days after commemorating the ascension of Jesus Christ.

Pentecost is a Christian feast, because it celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, even as Jesus Christ had once promised this.

Let us then this hour consider …


1. Their Factual Occurrence

2. Their Spiritual Meaning

3. Their Blessed Results


It should escape your attention that there was something about that little group gathered together in Jerusalem, which made it conducive for Pentecost to occur.

We are told in our text “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” (Acts 2:1)

There is some significance to this.

This little group of people, making up the early Christian Church were all with one accord in one place.

They were together in that place in unity of purpose.

You can read of such unity of purpose already in Chapter 1:14, that they all continued with one accord … how?

In prayer and supplication!

Well now, this created the condition for what was soon to happen namely, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

In other words, before the Holy Spirit would be poured out upon the Church, this Church was moved to be in one accord, in harmonious union, and in unity of purpose.

This Church needed to be in one accord in prayer and supplication.

Someone once said, “The blessed dove (referring to the Holy Spirit) will not light upon a people embroiled in strife.”

The Holy Spirit, you see, is a very sensitive Divine Being.

He hates disharmony and disunity, and He often quietly withdraws His saving influences wherever there is prevailing discord.

But on Pentecost, the conditions were right for the Holy Spirit, even as the people of the Lord were in one accord in one place.

And apparently they wonderfully remained that way because at the end of our text chapter, verse 46 we read of them that they, continued daily with one accord in the temple.

“With one accord in one place.”

Such a condition made them receptive to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Well then, what occurred that day?

We are told this in the verses 2 and 3 … there was this sudden sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind; and there was the appearance of cloven tongues like as of fire on each one the twelve apostles.

They were unbelievable sights and sounds as signs of Pentecost, but nevertheless, these things happened as a matter of fact.

They were not the figment of someone’s imagination.

Some liberal Bible scholars want to tell us that these things did not really happen

They want to take everything about the supernatural out of the Bible.

Their motto is, “Whatever cannot be believed, in all probability did not happen” and they would then also dismiss as fact the signs of Pentecost.

Let us not fall for such liberal scholarship.

I believe it is true to fact what the Bible tells us here in our text, and I trust that you believe it too.

The twelve apostles were together in a place close to the temple in Jerusalem, or perhaps even in one of the side-buildings of the temple.

They were there in unity of spirit and unity of purpose, praying, waiting for the promised fulfilment of the Lord’s Word.

Suddenly it occurred!

The noise like that of a violent wind was heard, and this noise roared through the place where the twelve apostles were gathered.

This noise filled the place.

Can you imagine what that must have been?

Here was this sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, filling the entire house where they were sitting.

And then, to make the event even more remarkable was what could be seen at that moment … the sight of what looked like flames of fire, like split tongues, licking upwards, and to be seen upon the head of each disciple.

No doubt, awesome to see, as you can well imagine. … the appearing of cloven tongues like as of fire and sitting upon each disciple,

These then are the sights and sounds of Pentecost.

You know, there was a practical purpose to these sights and sounds.

They served to summon people from all over Jerusalem to get to where the twelve apostles were gathered.

These sights and sounds served to alert the people to an unusual event, and bring them together to witness the event.

You could say that the sound of this violent wind acted like a siren, calling the attention of the people, and that the sight of those tongues of fire acted like flashing lights, bringing the alerted people to one central place.

How else do you think the twelve apostles could so quickly afterwards address a crowd of people consisting of Partians and Medes and Elamites … and the list goes on down to Cretes and Arabians.

The sights and sounds of Pentecost brought all of those people to gather around the twelve apostles.

How do you think Peter and the others could preach to a massive congregation shortly afterwards from which evidently three thousand were brought to saving faith that day.

The sights and sounds of Pentecost brought them as congregation before the Apostle Peter.

The sights and sound of Pentecost brought them together, and compelled them to sit up and listen and pay attention to what God in heaven was pleased to do that day.

This tells us already that the events of Pentecost are meant for worldwide broadcasting, and also intended for worldwide attention.

On that day, people from no less than 18 different regions of the world were called together to be present at the Pentecost event.

We have a record of this in our text chapter the verses 9, 10, and 11.

I imagine that on that day, in the congregation around the twelve apostles, faces could be seen of various colours and races and tribes.

They were all alerted by the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and attracted by the sight of tongues of fire.

These things really happened.

They are a matter of fact.

Now, before I go to my second point, I would like you to think about several things.

Since the Lord used such unusual sights and sounds to attract people to the twelve apostles and to their preaching, should we as Church perhaps not also employ some unusual sights and sounds to attract people from the world to Church?

Well, if the Lord wants to use unusual sights and sounds to attract people to Church, we leave that up to Him.

After all, what happened at Pentecost was not man’s work, but the Lord’s work.

Those sights and sounds came from heaven.

Today we are called to attract people and bring them into Church by the preaching of the Gospel and by our holy conduct, and by our Christian witness.

These are to be our sights and sounds to attract and bring people into Church.

Another thought …

Those sights and sounds of Pentecost certainly gathered a variety of people around the twelve apostles to hear Pentecost preaching.

The Lord brought people together that day from all nations tribes and tongues and colours.

The first Pentecost congregation made up of such people.

Are we willing and ready to be such a Pentecost assembly?

Another thought …

Pentecost, and the outpouring and outworking of the Holy Spirit is meant for worldwide broadcasting and intended for worldwide attention.

Are we faithful in promoting this?

Now that we have heard that the sights and sounds of the signs of Pentecost, … the sound of a violent wind and the sight of fiery tongues were factual occurrences, what is the Spiritual Meaning of those signs of Pentecost?

I would like to consider this with you in the second place.

Why did the people get to hear a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind?

Why did the Lord use this sort of sound?

What does such a sound have to do with Pentecost and with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

As you know, the Holy Spirit is often compared to the wind, and His work is often compared to the work of the wind.

The words of Jesus as recorded in John 3 offer the clearest example, when He says, “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.”

In the Song of Solomon, chapter 4, the Holy Spirit is prayed to, “Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.” (verse16)

In Ezekiel chapter 37 we hear of the Holy Spirit again being addressed as the wind, verse 9, “Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.”

The Holy Spirit then, is often compared to the wind, and His work is often compared to what the wind does.

A person is born again through the invisible, but powerful blowing of the Holy Spirit.

You don’t know where He comes from or where He is going.

You cannot see Him, but He sure has an effect on you.

When He comes upon a dead sinner, and breaths in him the breath of life, there will be life.

And when the Holy Spirit comes and blows through such a life of a Christian, reviving and refreshing things happen.

It is quite understandable therefore, that the Lord used the sound of a mighty rushing wind filling the house, as a sign of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

This is how the Holy Spirit operates in the Church, and in the hearts of sinners.

And then there is this other sign of Pentecost yet, that of the tongues, or flames of fire.

Also this is a good description of the Holy Spirit.

John the Baptist spoke of this when talking about the Lord’s power, as is recorded in Matthew 3:11 “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.”

Fire is often a symbol of Divine presence and of Divine activity, in which the Holy Spirit has the active part.

Think of Moses at the burning bush, and of Israel being guided through the desert by a fiery cloud.

They were signs of Divine Presence when the Holy Spirit played an active role.

I read in Jeremiah 20:9 that the Word of God was in the prophet’s heart “As a burning fire shut up in (his) bones.”

He could not hold back any longer – he just had to speak.

This is the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is like a fire and works like a fire … powerful, and providing the energy to speak.

No wonder that the Lord therefore used the appearance of fiery tongues as another Pentecost sign of the coming and outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

This is how the Holy Spirit operates in the Church and in people’s lives … like a fire – putting tongues on fire for the Word of God.

There then is the spiritual meaning of the two signs of Pentecost … the wind and the fire as signs of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.

This is how the Holy Spirit would work after being poured out on Pentecost.

He would work as a wind and as a fire in the Church.

Do you know something of the Holy Spirit as a Wind and a Fire in your life?

We are living in the Pentecost era.

We are in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit has been poured out, and ever since has remained on this earth to work in the Church of Jesus Christ.

And He works as a wind and a fire, especially in bringing dead sinners to life, and turning them into living Christians.

Both wind and fire works of the Holy Spirit are a necessity.

Do you know something of the blowing of the Holy Spirit in your life as an irresistible force taking you to the cross of Christ in order to lay your burden of sin and guilt at the foot of that cross?

Perhaps the wind of the Holy Spirit worked the other way round for you … as a soft breeze coming from the cross of Christ, and carrying the fragrance of Christ’s sacrifice towards you and drawing you in love towards your Saviour.

Has the wind of the Holy Spirit unplugged your ears to hear the calling of the Saviour to come to Him in repentance and faith, and to

hear the words of forgiveness and pardon and peace with God?

Has it opened your eyes to see the goodness and grace and mercy of God through Jesus Christ towards you?

Do you know the fire of the Holy Spirit which can kindle the flame of zeal and love for Jesus Christ and His cause … the fire of the Holy Spirit which enters into your bones and into your system and compels you to speak of Jesus Christ?

This is the work of the Holy Spirit that we need, else we will remain stationary in our fallen condition, dead in trespasses and sins, polluted with evil, and covered with guilt.

The Holy Spirit can bring a change in all of that.

This is why the Lord has given Him on Pentecost.

This is why He was poured out, in order to bring about and work such a change in us.

Have you learned to rely on His wind and firework?

Have you called on Him for it?

Are you receptive to Him?

The Holy Spirit has been poured out upon the Church on the day of Pentecost, with the goal of working as wind and fire in the Church.

He did so most certainly on Pentecost and it left Blessed Results, as I want to show you yet lastly.

What were the blessed results of the Holy Spirit filling the Church?

Well, there are many blessed results of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

But let me just point you back to our text where it speaks of that one blessed result … that, as they were filled with the Holy Spirit, “They began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

The apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit became speakers of the Word of God and speakers of the deeds of Jesus Christ.

We read of this in verse 11, that they became speakers of “The wonderful works of God.”

That’s the blessed result of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

No, the apostles did not begin to speak in unintelligible tongues.

They began to speak with other tongues, that is, in other languages, in the languages of the strangers who were gathered round them.

For the Partian people they spoke Partian; and for those of Mesopotamia, they spoke Mesopotamic; for those of Egypt they spoke Egyptian; and for those who were from Arabia, they spoke Arabic, and so on.

This was wonderful of course, because this was necessary on that day, because so many from foreign places were gathered around them that day.

And yet, the most wonderful thing was not that the apostles spoke in foreign languages that day, but rather, that they spoke, “As the Spirit gave them utterance”, about “the wonderful works of God.”

This is indeed the blessed result of Pentecost, congregation!

It is the ability and the willingness to speak with a tongue, controlled by the Holy Spirit, about the wonderful works of God.

And as they did, they became instruments in bringing others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, so that at the end of the day no less than 3000 people were pricked in the heart, set on repenting, and persuaded to believe in Jesus Christ.

Are such blessed results to be noticed amongst us too … of tongues controlled by the Holy Spirit; of tongues, sanctified by the Spirit, edifying to the Church of Jesus Christ, instrumental in bringing others to Jesus Christ?

Are you able to speak with that sort of tongue already?

This is possible when the wind and fire of the Holy Spirit have touched your heart and life.

This is possible when you have been led, or driven, or drawn to Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and for the renewing of your life.

Boys and girls! The Holy Spirit is eager to get you to Jesus the Saviour.

Perhaps it is storming in your life; perhaps there is much confusion and turmoil inside and outside.

Is this not perhaps the Spirit’s way of telling you that you need to be at Jesus feet?

Older ones! Are you going through trials or temptations – even fiery one perhaps?

You should then be fleeing to Jesus for coverage and protection.

This is the Spirit’s work, through wind and fire, to get you to Jesus.

Be receptive to Him, and under His influence, and by His filling you will be given to speak then as you have experienced it … those wonderful saving, redeeming forgiving works of the Lord.

And they began to speak … “as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

May this blessed result be heard on you and me.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches.



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