Uncomfortable truth

Second bestFeaturing:Korak- Bryant WoodSlaver- David MorinHendrik- Jay Amato uncomfortable truth“It’s like this, boy. If I’m honest with you …..”I looked the young man over. Good-looking, well-built. “Don’t get me wrong, kid. It’s just .. you just don’t cut the mustard.”He showed a few signs of bruising from the way the team had had to get him to take us seriously. But nothing that would damage the price on his hide. Interesting specimen. But plenty of times I had hi-jacked this quality out of a gym. Plenty of guys dumb enough to fall for the line of a photo shoot .. pricks who fancied the world wanted nothing better than to see them prancing around in designer underwear. “I like you. I could do something with you.”His scowl made it clear he was not interested in doing business with me. Not that he had any choice. It was true. He had the looks, the build, he had the goods in all the right places. I was gonna recoup the costs of the expedition on his hide alone. But he wasn’t the big prize money I’d promised myself.“But without your old man,.. without Tarzan …. I’m definitely short-changed ….”I could almost hear the others laughing behind my back. Am I gonna I turn up at the usual haunts in Zanzibar with “Son of Tarzan” up-for-sale? What they gonna say? “Ya leave the old man behind, then?. He too much for ya? Had to settle for bringing in infants?”Yeah, this sucker was going to come up with a good price. Plenty went for his type. Take him for a fighter. Plenty who’d get turned on by his looks and the physique. Men buying this kind of type to get their wives off their back so they could chase their own pursuits. Plenty of guys too who’d go for a sucker looking this good for themselves. BUT .. Tarzan .. THAT was what the punters would really go for. That was why we’d been sweating it out in this jungle .. hunting the prize beast down. But only come up with his whelp.OK .. put up the pair of them ….. Putting father and son up on the auction block. Tarzan, King of the Jungle getting the punters panting. Then put up Korak, Son of Tarzan, alongside him - then this sucker really would be worth his weight in gold. Rarity value that combo. Worth infinitely more. But .. Key was, the old man. Tarzan in the slave auction .. THAT was what would hike up this pup’s price. “Wasting your time ….”Did I expect the brat to make it easy? Quite some thing to ask a son to sell his father into lifelong slavery. Selloff your old man for some performance-freak on the rich-perv’s private party scene. You had to reckon on that costing. A boy selling out his dad. Gonna have to work for it.Alone .. without his old man .. I’d get a good price with this young hunk. But nothing exceptional. It was Tarzan I was gonna have to get my hands on. Snatching the brat was a bonus. But only with Tarzan in the lead. Still .. looking on the bright-side, we were half-way there. Just gonna have to persuade the brat to give up the father. Tarzan - a fortune by himself. But WITH him, Korak became a tasty asset too. “Go fuck yourself. I’ll never tell.”The punk had spirit, you had to give him that. Spirit. Fuck, I like spirit. So did Hendrik. I could sense him getting excited. I reckoned he was already feeling the opportunity piquing with interest in his shorts. Listening to the way this kid answered back .. Hendrik enjoyed a bit of spirit, spiced up the job. With this punk mouthing off .. that had to be getting him eager to rise to the brat’s challenge.“You could make it easy on yourself,” I offered.“Do your best,” that Korak snapped back. He was definitely laughing at me. Mocking the idea I could get him to betray his father’s whereabouts. “Best won’t be enough ..,” he jeered.This kid had spunk. Mis-placed maybe. But …“You’ll get nothing out of me ….”I didn’t want to disappoint him. It was just that if he knew what he was up against , maybe it would save some time.“My friend Hendrik here. He’s glad you see it like that. He’s been kinda looking forward to meeting you.”I looked over at my partner. Characteristically I did not get any response back. Long time back Hendrik had had that sense-of-humour by-pass. Hard for him to crack a smile. Not when he was on-the-job anyway. Even I could feel unnerved by the emptiness in his eyes. I’d wondered a few times how far down you went till you got through the humanity in his soul. But still … he did the business.“’ Cause we’d asked around. Heard that your old man fancies himself as some kind of hard-nut. Stubborn old fool. Not the kind who takes kindly to someone making him do something against his will.”I shrugged.“Capturing him, selling him off. Life as someone’s slave - not going to go down too well. Not with old Tarzan”I nodded over my shoulder at Hendrik.“So that was where my friend Hendrik came in. Has a way with changing people’s minds.”I smirked at Tarzan’s whelp.“So you reckoned that can be passed on, do you? Get born a touch-ass?”The brat had contempt written all over his face. What did I expect? After all, he didn’t know, did he? Stupid sucker, he thought he could brave this out. After all, it was me who knew what to expect. That was why I had come prepared. Brought friend Hendrik along.“Inherited the old man’s genes, have you?. Singing from the same hymn-sheet. Son-of-Tarzan - chip off the old block. Just as pig-headed?”I glanced over my shoulder at Hendrik. I should have known. Waste of time expecting any human reaction out of my friend. He just stared at the kid. Waiting for my nod. Then the agony machine would whirr into action.“Looks like Hendrik is gonna have to change your mind, then. Persuade you to sell your old man out …..”I do love cocky young men. Just can’t get enough of their belief in their invincibility. This Korak gave me that look. Swaggering. Full of himself. Well, that can be changed.“Glad you’ve got the right idea.”The brat sneered.“You’re wasting your time.” voice of experienceI gave another good looking-over. Strong, muscled, well-built. He’d do Ok. And our chat had confirmed he was full of himself. Plenty liked that. The way college-jocks go round, picking up the pick-of-the-girls. That swagger that comes from an alpha male with an enviable physique that turned people’s heads. Had the pick of the honey-pot in the sack. Plenty of punters liked slapping that out of a slave.If only he knew …. How far that muscle was going to get him … and that attitude.“… which is why I invited Hendrik along ….”As if he was finding the heat too much, my partner had stripped off his top. Wiped the sweat off his face with his shirt .. a typical manly move. Hot? No, I knew better. He was letting the brat get an eyeful. Just a mild starter. Letting this son-of-Tarzan see he was not the only Adonis in this jungle. Hendrik had put on muscled bulk when the Son-of-Tarzan was still growing pimples. Maybe Hendrik’s not-too-subtle posturing was bit over the top, but I could see that Korak was following Hendrik’ moves. Seeing this new object for Korak’s interest dramatically flick glistening sweat off a sharply defined torso. With bulk to back it up. Korak was watching closely as Hendrik undid the button of his jeans. In an all-guys-together-here move he swiped the T-shirt down over his 10-pack. Rubbing his pubes dry. Not the most subtle of moves. But Hendrik was making the point. His way of getting the brat to give him a good looking-over. Get an eyeful of the assets. And Hendrik never failed to impress.“Last few years for Hendrik …. I’m sure he won’t mind me saying this ….I looked over at him. Why do I keep making that mistake? Expecting some kinda reaction out of Hendrik, …. I’d get more out of looking into a snake’s eyes. Besides, Hendrik wasn’t into me, he was too much into giving the ape-brat the out-psyching work-over.“ …. Been hard for the likes of him,” I blabbered on. Allowing the two of them to get into sizing each other up. After all, it wasn’t the truth of my words that counted. It was the anxiety I was meaning to plant. “Since they built the new South Africa, you know. The old life - those were glory days, eh?”This time I did not bother looking for any response from Hendrik. I was looking for some reaction from the ape-pup. Hendrik had positioned himself so that his steely-blue eyes burned into his intended victim. He knew better than me - from experience - the value of the unspoken gesture. Body-language. The subliminal threat. Can’t beat it for loosening the bowels.And I could see that the Son-of-Tarzan had started to take an interest in my partner. … he was catching-on .. that Hendrik wasn’t here to brew up tea. Things going to plan then …..“Had a fucking good job in the old regime. Didn’t ya, Hendrik? Job satisfaction, too ….”I didn’t look for any response. Discussions with Hendrik were a one-way street. Besides, this dialogue was now solely for the benefit of the ape-brat.“Sort of a marriage of convenience - between personal preferences and a professional life. Paid to do what you got a kick out of ….”I let the moment hang. Sure that the word of what used to go on in the jails under Apartheid had made it even into this neck of the jungle.“You see, …. Hendrik gets a kick out of it. Makes his day. Doing over guys like you.”I whipped my head over to Hendrik. He and Korak were locked in a fixed glare .. fighters sizing each other up. Yep, the ape-boy was catching on.“Not into hurting woman, are ya, Hendrik? Sweet as a kitten in the sack .. they say.”Reaction? Pleased at the compliment? Not even a shrug. I hadn’t expected one. The glare-war between these two protagonists took precedent.“But men ….. Maybe I shouldn’t say this .. but after all, who else is listening hereabouts?”I shrugged at the ape-boy but his line of sight didn’t include me anymore.“Truth-be-told, … our Hendrik here … he gets off on it.”The nod of my head directed the ape-boy’s attention to Hendrik’s pants. Just in case this son-of-Tarzan hadn’t been waiting for the signs already. Nodded in that direction. Inviting him to see if Hendrik might already be showing. I nodded surreptitiously. As if I had just betrayed a state-secret. Like this was just something between the brat or me. Keep it under wraps, kiddo. It was true, after all. Hendrik was signalling he was up for it. Clear as the eyes on your face .. the shape of Hendrik’s pants had re-designed itself. He was looking forward to starting.“You’ll see, ape-boy. Soon learn .. to your own costs, I’m afraid ..,” I shrugged. Like I was feeling some sympathy for the ape-brat .. in his predicament.“Someone like you …. Some big-headed young prick … thinks nothing can change his cocky little mind ….. Well …..”I let the thought hang there, in the air. Just long enough for ape-boy to recognise himself in my words.“Manna from heaven … for friend Hendrik here .. that’s what guys like you are. Boy …”I gave Hendrik a look. But he was engaged in a war of glares with his victim. My look shifted downwards. Seeing Hendrik’s gaze was taking on fuel.“Nothing my friend Hendrik here likes better. Rises to the challenge …. if you get my drift,” I laughed. I winked at the brat. Get it? “My mate Hendrik gets off on a challenge. Gives him a rise.”I snorted.“Gets helluva boner. Just you wait and see …..” Back in the old routineIt was hard work to get the ape-boy to look at me. He had eyes for only one thing now. He’d clicked on where trouble was coming from. Concentrating on the source of the problem. Just as I’d planned .. to get him nervous. He had fallen into the trap, his heart-rate would have lifted. He’d be taking us seriously now. And the sucker was getting a good eyeful of where his real adversary lay. Stripped to the waist, his pants undone .. like we were supposed to get a peek of his arousal anytime. Up-and-ready for the show to begin.“Been a barren few years for our HendrikThe brat wasn’t looking towards me but his hearing was working good enough.“Not like in those glory days. Getting paid for squeezing moronic black terrorists out of their skin.”Not true. Since we’d teamed-up, Hendrik had been in great demand. Plenty of regimes out there coughing up consultancy rates. Hendrik and me, we’d been coining it in. But … what’s a few little white lies between friends?“Couldn’t wait to come up against a real hard-nut. Son-of-Tarzan. I ask you .. does it come any better?”I glanced back at Hendrik, hoping to raise a smile. But he was at war. Eyes slitted, face muscles taut. And just the first twitches in the mind-games with a victim I’d admired him deploy.“Chance to hone those skills again. Get himself back in. Work himself back up to peak of perfection? Get back on board again with all those old techniques. Squeeze some bastard till the pips squeak.”Was I fooling myself? Had I spotted some shift? In the ape-boy’s body language? In the cockiness with which he had earlier answered me back? Was there a tension that wasn’t there before? Had he started to take it in? Were my words getting through? Surrounded by the crew, nowhere to run. Up against a world-class torturer. Up against years of experience in torturing prisoners who had been fervently committed to their cause. They too had been determined - determined as fuck not to give in. As rock-hard bloody-minded to defy as Hendrik himself was to win. Stubborn as hell in their determination not to grass on their friends. Not to betray their cause. Just as Korak was starting out refusing to betray where his father’s whereabouts. Those black terrorists had learned the error of their ways .. the ape-pup would too.“Probably I shouldn’t be talking out of school. Hendrik is going to be mighty pissed-off at me.”I’d got closer to the boy. Talking quietly to him, like this was just between us. Sharing a secret with the ape-brat. Making as if I myself had reason to look nervously at my torturer-friend for betraying secrets. But in reality, psychologically drawing him in. Suckering him.“Between you and me, Korak …. Hendrik is busting a gut. Can’t wait to get back in the saddle.”I smiled. I gave him a slight shrug.“And truth-be-told …I let the brat see my eyes were all over him. The power in his raised shoulders, hard plates of muscle on his chest. Abs like you’d dedicate months of sweat and effort to produce in the gym. “.. you’re fucking made for it.I gave his impressive physique a nod. Telling him by my appreciative appraisal that I was impressed by what I saw.I gave a quick glance over my shoulder at my partner.“And between us, mate .. I reckon Hendrik can’t wait to get his hand in. Prove he’s still got what it takes ….” Young man’s prideHe had to know he was fucked. He was surrounded by the crew that had chased him down. Hands tied behind, he had nowhere to run. And he had a dude with attitude to match his muscles .. a guy with a reputation for breaking the back of men’s wills itching to get at him. But he did still have his get-out-of-jail-free card. Just a matter of how he played his hand. I gave his balls another squeeze.“I get it, kid. Not a thing a young stud like you ’s gonna wanna hear …”I was sounding sympathetic. Like I understand how this young guy was not feeling top of the world right now.“Hurts the pride, don’t it? Good-looking. Well-built. Got the girls on a string. Only gotta smile at one and she’d offering her virginity …”I’d got Tarzan’s boy down on his knees. He’d not wanted to play ball. Struggled when I had him gripped by the scruff of the neck. Fought back angrily when I was kicking away at the back of his knee. Forcing him down. Didn’t like it. But he’d had his hands tied behind him all this time. What the hell he gonna do about it? I had to dole out a few hard knocks to the back of his head to get him to stay put. But hey, what the prick think I am? Some novice at this game?“Gotta hurt .. punk like you .. full of rampant testosterone as you are. Not what you wanna hear .. offend all that big-idea of yourself. Dick stuffed full of some idea of how great you are. Nothing can take you down. Gonna take some swallowing .. getting told that some old bloke like your own old man is worth more. You don’t measure up.”I was leaning over the top of Korak’s head. My hands on the hard muscle-plates of his chest. Pushing him backwards, his tied arms pinned against my legs. Trapped against me as a hand pawed away at his heaving young man’s cocky chest.“ …Pay you a compliment, kid …” I gave his chest a quick stroke. An appreciative gesture. OK, maybe more a bit of a wind-up. .“ .. you look like you can take it. Not some pansy, Korak - hats off to you. You look the part.”He shied away, my thumb had been rubbing idly at a nipple. Now my hand stroked seemingly admiringly that muscle-hard chest.“Made for it, in fact. Just what Hendrik needs. Just what he’s been looking for. Some real competition. Good practice material.” I felt the brat stiffen against my touch. My knuckles were working approvingly into the hardness of his front.“Give him plenty to work on .. body like yours. A solid work-out.”His cocky-man’s head was probably liking the praise. Although he had to know it was all bullshit. But ten-to-one his heart was not too happy about that Hendrik bit …“Fit for fucking purpose …”The nipple had gone hard. Like he knew what it was doing to him elsewhere Korak gave another try, squirmed and wriggled to get away. But I just closed the pinch on him. Pressing with the squeeze his back into my legs. Twisted hard down on his teat. It wasn’t going to hurt. Just make him mad because he was having to put up with it.I gave his chest a hard slap. Not to hurt. A sort of mark of appreciation at a young dude having earned himself a strong fine physique. My hand twisted in his hair. I yanked his head right back. We were looking into each other’s eyes, upside down. I nodded at Korak appreciatively. “Reckon you think you can give Hendrik here a run for his money?”My lips pursed. Like someone thinking about putting down a hard bet - but indicating my money wasn’t on him. The dubious look on my face was telling him I had decided where my money was safe.My finger was running from his collar bone up the length of the stud’s throat. His squirming said he wasn’t happy about getting pawed around.“Reckon you think you’re gonna put up a bit of a fight.”I smiled upside down into his angry glare.“Don’t you?”My crooked finger was now taunting him by rubbing across his cheek. His tied hands trapped against me, his head twisted up into mine face, I was getting him riled, I could see.“But don’t you worry you’re little head about it.”He managed to wriggle his face free of my mauling finger. I gave his cheek a stinging slap. Pleased to see an eye water.“He won’t spoil this pretty face of yours.”I was back to taunting him. Stroking my finger along his strong jawline.“Hendrik .. he knows the price of a pound of beef …”To emphasise what I was talking about my hand slid through the nervous sweat on his chest. Fingers spread out, digging lightly into the muscle-hard chest-mound as my hand moved. My grip went in, in under the overhang, the hand gave his solid man-tit a good grope. Nothing to hurt. Just saying this was something he was gonna have to get used to. I gave his angry eyes a wink. He was gonna have to put up with more than this. “This stuff …”His chest got another luscious squeeze to spell out what I was talking about.“ .. gonna fetch me a good price.”I smiled down into the ape-boy’s scowling face.“But first .. the small matter of ratting on your old man.”I interrupted his sneer.“Yeah I know …. Not easy.”My head indicated over to the side.“But that’s why I brought friend Hendrik along. He has his ways and means .. of helping you change your mind.”Korak snarled back. My hand still had him by his tit.“Go fuck yourselves. Especially that asshole Hendrik. He's getting nothing.”I shrugged. Smiled generously into the ape-pup’s sneer. Carrying on as if he’d said nothing.“ .. mind you .. ,” I said, “ .. word of warning …” No holds barredTo make sure the brat knew where the warning lay, I jerked his head forward with a shove in his hair. My other hand gripped him by the chin. Making him look straight at the glowering Hendrik.“Don’t wanna get you worried like .. “Hendrik stood staring his snake-eye gaze at Korak down on his knees. A brooding muscled menace.“I feel it’s only fair to warn you ..”I had tugged Korak’s head back up. We were back to looking at each other from upside down. “Think you should know …”My finger was running up Korak’s extended throat. For a moment I paused at the pulsing artery. Feeling the pulse strong there. Nerves?“That precious bit of man-tackle between your legs .. “My face had on a look of concern.“Just so’s you know .. I probably wouldn’t count on getting it up .. not for a few weeks anyway …”Bollocks! I knew that, of course. Hendrik too knew this stud was destined for sex. Man or woman .. who gave a fuck? But a looker this good was prime-meat as a fuck-machine or for being used on the other end. No way would any serious damage happen down there. But fuck-it .. what was it drove a stud of this age? What above all did he value? What got him worried him most?“With Hendrik, like .. once he gets a head of steam under him …”My voice took on a tone of a friend giving this ape-pup a good piece of advice.“ … he runs the risk of getting carried away .. it tends to get kind of no-holds-barred. Once the blood is up .. Hendrik here .. he rules nothing out.”Bullshit! In this case, this sucker’s hide was worth enough to recoup our costs. Not risking that. But Hendrik knew the ropes .. he wouldn’t have to go that far .. he’d just keep piling it on.Truth-be-told .. if this kid he but knew …. the poor asshole did not stand a chance .. not a snowball-in-hell’s chance. If history was anything to go by … for all his posturing and macho preening .. sorry kiddo .. he had not a motherfucking chance. I was working with the best. Hendrik cost. But he delivered. It might take some waiting around for the result .. if this ape-brat really was a chip off the old block. But Hendrik had worked on the best. And he’d scarcely-ever failed .. and where he had, they weren’t walking the earth anymore. Hendrik wasn’t about to spoil his record .. not for some young ape-brat full-of-himself.“But you could make it easy on yourself.”Spoken like the supreme piss-artist I was. Like I was concerned for the boy’s well-being.“Tell us … Tarzan. Where can we put our hands on your old man?”It took a while. I could almost hear the cogs whirring in the ape-boy’s head. Going through his options. Computing what he knew about the old regime in South Africa. Balancing that with his stubbornness, his unwillingness to cooperate. Factor in some young man’s dumb-ass drive to prove Hendrik wrong. And his reluctance to sell his father out. Understandable, that last one …. But his obstinacy was gonna get him nowhere. Even if he managed to put up some fight. This sucker was bound to lose .. it was an unfair fight .. odds stacked against the young prick. He was going up against the world’s elite. He was going down …Yep ….. It DID take a while before Korak replied.“Wasting your breath …..”I saw the brat hesitate. Like he did know what he was letting himself in for. His head trapped against me managed to indicate towards Hendrik .. who was still staring him down. In ice-cold stillness. Looking with those dead-pan eyes. Like staring into the bottomless pit of a snake’s gaze. Was there a momentary second-thought going through the brat’s head? A moment of self-doubt? Then he got it together.“ .. And you can tell your Afrikaner dickhead-friend …. Tell him, Go fuck yourself.”If I am honest, I’d never expected the pup to come up with anything else. And with Hendrik, I’d put my money on it .. this ape-brat cocksucker had undoubtedly met his match. I’d brought Hendrik along to sort out Korak’s old man. The boy would be putty in his evil maulers.But it’d be entertaining watching. I love a young man’s cockiness .. love it being taken apart even more.I shrugged. Looking down into his face.“Your choice, ape-boy. Your decision. Ape-brat. I gave his chest an encouraging slap. Gave him a wink. Encapsulating my thoughts.Brought this on yourself, sucker. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.OK, ape-boy. Give it your best shot .. your best ain’t gonna do. Know what, kid .. Today .. meet your match. See what it’s like .. coming to terms with reality .. That was what lay behind that wink.“And best of all …”From over above his head, I gave Tarzan’s brat a final smirk.“ .. you know what .. I’ve got front row seats.”I righted myself, leaving the ape-pup on his knees. Lamb to the slaughter. Hendrik hadn’t moved. Calculated, ice-cold. I settled back on a fallen tree trunk. Hendrik was in no hurry to start. He stood, knotted arms folded across solid chest, abs of steel playing their intimidating part .. staring across at the brat. Korak was returning the favour. On his knees still glaring across the space in-between them. A pair of gladiators .. psyching each other out.Hendrik knew he could afford to let this young prick have his moments of self-belief. No harm in allowing him to persuade himself he had a single motherfucking chance. Battle could commence, I thought to myself .. when they’re ready. Pretty soon, Tarzan’s pup was gonna be thinking this fight had already gone on too long. Far too long …..May the best man win. Not worth putting money on, though. Lousy odds. end ................

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