204 - Salafi


ومن ذلك أن ملك الموت لما جاء إلى موسى عليه السلام ليقبض روحه لطمه ففقأ عينه فرجع إلى ربه فرد عليه عينه

And from that is that the Angel of Death, when he came to Moosaa ‘alaiyhissalaam to take his soul – he (Moosaa) struck him

and knocked out his eye; so therefore he (the Angel) went back

to his Lord and He restored his eye to him

Q1. Who is the Moosaa being referred to here?

He was Moosaa ibn ‘Imraan ‘alaiyhissalaam, the Kaleem of Allaah (the one to whom Allaah spoke).

Q2. What did he do to the Angel of Death and why?

The Angel of Death came to Moosaa in the form of a man as a test. The Angel told him that he was going to take Moosaa’s soul so Moosaa struck him on the face and knocked out his eye, for Moosaa was a man of zeal and fervour.

Q3. What did the Angel of Death do after this?

The Angel of Death went back to his Lord and told Him that He had sent him to a servant who did not wish death.

Allaah then restored his eye to him and said “Go to him (Moosaa) and tell him to place his hand upon the skin of a bull and whatever his hand covers from the skin of the bull - then he can have for every hair a year of life.”

Q4. What did Moosaa say when the Angel of Death came to him the second time?

The Angel of Death came back to Moosaa and told him of what Allaah had said.

Moosaa replied, “And after that?”

The Angel answered, “Death.”

Moosaa said, “In that case, (make it) now my Lord.”[1]

So when he knew that he was the Angel of Death and that he was a messenger of Allaah, then he submitted – whereas initially, Moosaa did not know that he was the Angel of Death.


ومن ذلك أشراط الساعة

And from that are the Signs of the Hour

Q1. What is the meaning of ashraat here?

It is the plural of the word shart which means ‘a sign’.

Q2. How does the Shaykh hafidhahullaah explain the aayah from Soorah Muhammad (47:18)?

Allaah, the Most High, says:

So are they awaiting except that the Hour comes upon them; for indeed its ashraat (signs) have already come![2]

Meaning: the signs of the establishment of the Hour and the closeness of its taking place.[3]

How will they take admonition when it comes to them?[4]

So when the Hour is established, there will be no scope for having eemaan and believing only at that time, and repentance will not be accepted from them then.

Q3. How does the Shaykh subdivide the ashraat us saa’ah ?

He divides them into:

a) The First Signs – which have already occurred and finished.

b) The Intermediate Signs

c) The Latter Signs.

Q4. Is the sending of the Messenger of Allaah sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam from the ashraat us saa’ah ?

Yes, his sending was from the First Signs. He was the Prophet of the (Last) Hour, as was shown by his sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam statement:

I have been sent along with the Last Hour like these two.

And he sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam indicated with his index and middle finger.[5]

Q5. What other ashraat us saa’ah are mentioned by the Shaykh here from the first subdivision?

They include the conquests and the spread of Islaam widely upon the Earth, as well as the trials and tribulations occurring amongst the people, the wars and the shedding of blood.

Q6. What examples does the Shaykh mention of the second subdivision?

The Intermediate Signs are very many in number.

So we live in the midst of amazing matters including inventions and great industries and the rapid means of communication and the lands coming close to each other – all of these are from the Intermediate Signs.

Q7. From whose family will the Mahdi come?

The Latter Signs are ten in number and will occur in the future, one following on in quick succession from the previous one.

From these Signs is the appearance of the Mahdi and he will be from the family of the Messenger sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam from the descendants of al Hasan, the grandson of the Messenger sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam.

The Mahdi’s name will be like that of the Messenger sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam i.e. Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillaah.

Q8. What will the Mahdi do?

He will spread justice and he will spread Islaam and Allaah will aid the religion through him. He will fill the Earth with justice just as it was previously filled with oppression.

And in his time, al Maseeh ud Dajjaal will emerge.

Q9. Will the Dajjaal be a friend of the believers?

The Dajjaal, the one eyed one, the great liar, will not be a friend to the believers. Rather in his time, there will be a tremendous fitnah (trial) and a great test which will occur by Allaah’s permission and from Allaah’s wisdom.

Q10. What will ‘Eesaa ‘alaiyhissalaam do when he descends before the end of time?

‘Eesaa ‘alaiyhissalaam will emerge at the end of the time of the Dajjaal whom he will kill. Then ‘Eesaa will judge by the sharee’ah of Muhammad sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam.

‘Eesaa will remain upon the Earth for some time. He will then die at the time that Allaah has decreed for him to do so

And there is no one from the People of the Book except that he will certainly believe in him (i.e. ‘Eesaa) before his (i.e. ‘Eesaa’s[6]) death.[7]

So he will die and be buried, just as the other prophets were.

Q11. Which will emerge first – Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj or the Beast?

Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj are two tribes from the descendants of Aadam ‘alaiyhissalaam. They will emerge before the Beast and will cause tremendous evil, trials and tribulations, bloodshed and great hardships upon the believers.

Q12. What will the Beast that emerges before the end of time do?

The Beast will distinguish between the believer and the kaafir.

And when the Word befalls them We will bring out for them a Beast from the Earth[8] who will speak to them declaring that the people did not have certain faith in our signs.[9]

So the Beast will place a sign upon the believer by which it will be known that he is a believer; likewise he will place a sign upon the kaafir by which it will be known that he is a kaafir.

So the people will then be able to recognise each other, the believer as a believer and the kaafir as a kaafir.

Q13. Where will the Sun rise from before the end of time?

It will rise from its place of setting; and this is the last of the Major Signs.

When this occurs, then acceptance of eemaan and of repentance will cease.

Q14. What will the Fire do that occurs before the end of time?

After the Sun has risen from its place of setting, a Fire will emerge from the depths of Aden in Yemen. It will gather the people towards Shaam (Palestine, Syria and Jordan).

The Fire will remain with them wherever they spend the night and stop with them wherever they stop to take a rest. It will drive the people on towards the mahshar (the Gathering Place).


مثل خروج الدجال

like the emergence of the Dajjaal

Q1. Why is al maseeh ud dajjaal so called?

He is called ad dajjaal because he is a great liar from the word dajl (which means falsehood).

He is called al maseeh because either:

a) he proceeds throughout the earth, and he yamsahuhaa (he crosses it) quickly because of the rapid means of transport with which Allaah has equipped him which are faster than the wind.


b) it may refer to his right eye being mamsoohah (smooth) – meaning that he is one eyed.

Q2. How will we be able to recognise the dajjaal ?

He will claim to be Allaah, the Majestic and Most High – but Allaah is not one eyed.

In addition, “kaafir” will be written between the two eyes of the Dajjaal and this will be read by everyone.

Q3. Why is ‘Eesaa alaiyhissalaam called the maseeh ?

He is called maseeh because he used to yamsahu (wipe) his hand upon a sick person and the person would be cured by the permission of Allaah.

Q4. Which maseeh will kill which maseeh ? And where will this occur?

The Maseeh of guidance (‘Eesaa) will kill the Maseeh of misguidance (the Dajjaal). He will chase the Dajjaal and kill him at the gate of Ludd, a city in Palestine.

Q5. How will ‘Eesaa alaiyhissalaam rule?

After killing the Dajjaal, ‘Eesaa will rule by the sharee’ah of Islaam, breaking the cross (of the Christians) and killing the swine and setting aside the jizyah (the tax paid by the Jews and Christians).

So ‘Eesaa will judge with the legislation of Muhammad sall Allaahu ‘alaiyhi wa sallam.


ونزول عيسى ابن مريم عليه السلام فيقتله

وخروج يأجوج ومأجوج

And the descent of ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam ‘alaiyhissalaam

so he will kill him (the Dajjaal)

and the emergence of Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj

Q1. Who are Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj?

They are two tribes from the descendants of ‘Aadam ‘alaiyhissalaam. Their story is mentioned in the Qur’aan.

Q2. Who was Dhul Qarnain and how did he come to know about Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj?

He was a great king and a person of eemaan whom Allaah established him in the Earth. So he travelled to the eastern parts of the Earth and to the western parts, calling to Islaam and to tawheed and making jihaad in Allaah’s cause.

Dhul Qarnain reached two great mountains and found beyond them a people who could scarcely understand any words – and they were Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj who were threatening the rest of mankind.

Q3. What did Dhul Qarnain build and what effect did it have?

The (people of that area) said:

O Dhul Qarnain! Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj are causing corruption upon the Earth so can we pay you a tribute for you to build a barrier between us and them?

So he said:

That which my Lord has established me upon is better.[10]

So he refused to take anything from them for doing that task, mentioning that that which Allaah had given him was sufficient for him.

So he asked them to bring materials and then he built this barrier to fill the gap between the two great mountains such that no one could go through it or surmount it.

So they were not able to surmount it nor pierce it.[11]

And in fact, this barrier became one of the great favours of Allaah upon mankind.

Q4. Will this construction remain for ever?

No, because at the end of time, the two tribes will demolish this barrier.

So when the Promise of my Lord[12] comes about, He will level it to the ground. And the Promise of my Lord is ever true.

And We shall leave them to surge amongst each other like waves on that Day.[13]

Q5. Will Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj spread goodness or corruption?

When they emerge they will cause corruption and bloodshed and evil as is not known except to Allaah.

Q6. How will Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj die?

Mankind will not be able to oppose them. But Allaah will send an worm like illness to afflict them in their necks which will kill them all. The Muslims will then be at peace from them. The creatures of the Earth will eat from their bodies until they become fat.


[1] This hadeeth is reported in the Musnad of Ahmad from the hadeeth of Aboo Hurayrah and its narrators are reliable, narrators of the Saheeh, except for ibn Lahee’ah; the hadeeth is also reported through authentic chains of narration also in the Musnad of Ahmad and al Bukhaaree (1339) (3407) and Muslim from the hadeeth of Aboo Hurayrah also.

[2] Soorah Muhammad (47) aayah 18

[3] And Shaykh ‘Abdur Rahmaan ibn Naasir as Sa'dee rahimahullaah[4]ŒŽÌÖØZ x RSU„žòá˹¨¹ said about the aayah in tayseer il kareem ir rahmaan :

For indeed its ashraat (signs) have already come!

Soorah Muhammad (47) aayah 18

Meaning: its signs proving how close it (the Hour) is.

[5] Soorah Muhammad (47) aayah 18

[6] Hadeeth reported by al Bukhaaree (6504), Muslim and Ahmad in his Musnad.

[7] And that his death refers to Eesaa’s death is the tafseer given by amongst others ibn ‘Abbaas, Qataadah and al Hasan (Tafseer at Tabaree)

[8] Soorah an Nisaa (4) aayah 159

[9] And Shaykh ‘Abdur Rahmaan ibn Naasir as Sa'dee rahimahullaah said about the aayah in tayseer il kareem ir rahmaan :

a Beast from the Earth..

Soorah an Naml (27) aayah 82

(meaning) coming out from the Earth – or a Beast from the Beasts of the Earth, and not from the sky.

[10] Soorah an Naml (27) aayah 82

[11] Soorah al Kahf (18) aayaat 94 to 95

[12] Soorah al Kahf (18) aayah 97

[13] And Shaykh ‘Abdur Rahmaan ibn Naasir as Sa'dee rahimahullaah said about the aayah in tayseer il kareem ir rahmaan :

So when the Promise of my Lord comes about…

Soorah al Kahf (18) aayah 98

Meaning – the emergence of Ya-jooj and Ma-jooj.

[14] Soorah al Kahf (18) aayaat 98 to 99


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