Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers

Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers…In the time of famine, in the last seven-year cycle

Genesis 45:1-8a – The world was in the second year of great seven-year famine—there were still five years to go. Egypt alone had grain, because Joseph had them store grain for seven years during the seven years of abundance.

Genesis 41:23, 27: “kadima” – “the forward moving east wind” that brought famine to Egypt after seven good years to prepare before it.

In November of 2007 at the Annapolis Conference in Maryland, then President George W. Bush said: “We have to lock in Kadima…” Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel, representing the Kadima Party of government was locked in until Netanyahu of the Likud Party came to be the Prime Minister. By January of 2008, the world news media began reporting serious warnings about worldwide famine! Food shortages began to be felt even in America. Along with other nations, in Egypt there were riots because of food shortages.

Genesis 41:15-32, 54-57 speaks of worldwide famine … caused by drought from the east wind (“kadima). Egypt under Joseph was wise and prepared. The rest of the world ended up starving.

The wise always prepare--based on Yahuweh’s guidance of what He sees from His eternal viewpoint. Those who are re-born by His Spirit (there are 40 things that He does when one is re-born by faith in Messiah to make them a “new creation”), can contact Eternity through their changed spirit – and thus can know what is coming in the future by His personal instructions. (John 16:13)

Excerpt from Genesis 45:1-8: “And Joseph was unable to restrain himself before all those who stood by him, and he called out, `Have everyone go out from me!’ So, no one stood with him while Joseph made himself known to his brothers”.

He most likely showed them his circumcised phallus. That would be the Hebrew thing to do—conclusive proof of who he was. Those with Jacob were 70 people, who finally all came into Egypt during the fifth year of the famine, to be with Joseph. Joseph was #71 … his two sons made 73. No other people on the face of the earth were circumcised, so Joseph showing his circumcision to his brothers would have been proof positive.

Starting with Genesis 45:5, Joseph makes this speech to his brothers, who are terrified – since they had tried to kill him, and then sold him for a profit to traders going into Egypt: “And now, do not grieve or be displeased with yourselves, because you sold me here, for Elohim sent me before you to preserve life. For two years now the scarcity of food has been in the land and there are still five years in which there is neither plowing or harvesting.

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And Elohim sent me before you to preserve for you A REMNANT IN THE

EARTH and to give life to you by a great escape. So then, you did not send me here, but Elohim…”

Now Yahuweh is sending a forerunning remnant to preserve life, just as He sent Noah and his family into the ark to preserve life, and sent Moses to the Hebrews to bring them out to preserve the House of Jacob from distinction.

Genesis 45:9: “Hurry and go up to my father and say to him, `Thus says your son Joseph’, “Elohim has made me master over all Egypt. Come down to me; do not delay” ”.

This is no time for lollygagging! If you want to be spared dying of famine, disease, wild mutates of beasts and human mixes, chemical, biological and chemical war, go to where “Joseph” has prepared food for the time when almost all of the world’s people will die. Later I tell how modern “Joseph” is preparing for Yahuweh’s remnant during the last 3 ½ years before Messiah comes, when anti-messiah will rule the earth--except for one small area.

In the second year of the seven years of worldwide famine, the Hebrews found sanctuary in a place near to the land of Israel, but not in Israel. In the last 3 and 1/2 years, Yahuweh’s people will find sanctuary, food, water, and shelter, in the time of great worldwide famine, in the wilderness of Edom.

As of Tishre 1—Yom Teruah this year (2009, beginning 2010 on the seven-year shmittah cycle-Jubilee calendar), we have now begun the second year of the last seven-year cycle before Messiah comes. We have five years to go before the end of the time of world famine and death. We are in the same year now as was Joseph when he revealed himself to his brothers, and his brothers took action to preserve their lives!

Jacob gave Joseph’s youngest son—Ephraim--the birthright that should have been Reuben’s. (Genesis 48:15-20) Reuben was caught in immorality, and lost the birthright (I Chronicles 5:1-2) Thus Judah is the scepter holder for all the tribes (Genesis 49:10), and Ephraim has the birth right for all the tribes. Reuben saved Joseph from being murdered by his brothers, and later Judah backed him up—giving the brothers the alternate plan of selling him to Ishmaelite traders going into Egypt. This is interesting because Reuben lost his birthright, but saved the brother whose son would be given his birthright.

Joseph was sent ahead to aid all his brothers—keeping alive the tribes of Jacob—preserving Yahuweh’s covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

We are going into the time of severe famine – and already the 3rd and 4th seals are in full-blown horror in great parts of Africa and Asia. But, then, the seals are only over 1/4th of the earth…. (Revelation 6:5-8)

The fifth seal, verse 9, has been going on since about the 1920s over the same area of the earth. Under the guise of peace, the U.N. has been riding since 1945 to take peace from the earth (Revelation 6:1-2). There have been more wars worldwide than in any time in world history—Revelation 6:3-4.

We long for the opening of the sixth seal--Revelation 11:15-19—the gathering of His set-apart ones in the first resurrection, and the destruction of evil.

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The tribe of Joseph is represented by the ten tribes of the House of Ephraim—Reuben, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulum, Ephraim and Manasseh. The House of Judah is comprised of Judah, Levi and Benjamin—making 13 in all—“Joseph” being 2 tribes.

Messiah only came for the lost ten tribes Israel (Matthew 15:23), and only sent His Apostles to find the lost ten tribes (Matthew 10:5-6), to return a remnant to the Covenant of Yahuweh. Refer to my article “Who Are the Ten?” for complete understanding throughout the Word.

Isaiah 11:12-14; Zechariah 9:13-17: Before Messiah comes, even before anti-messiah comes, a portion of Ezekiel 37:15-28 will be fulfilled, as Ephraim and Judah join together for the first time in unity since 722 BCE, to fight militarily against the Arab Muslims—primarily Hamas, Fatah, and Hezbollah, within their own country. They will join their Air Force to come down on the Philistines (Palestinians) with force—primarily in Gaza and the “West Bank”, and most likely along the Lebanese border.

This joining of Ephraim and Judah militarily in our day will reunite the tribes together, even as they were united under Joseph. Terrorists are on the Egyptian border and in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, coming into Gaza through the Rapha crossing, and into the Negev across an un-patrolled border. It is here that the two Houses of Jacob will re-unite, moving to the west towards the Mediterranean Sea, and to the west toward Jordan and Iran. This will be a joint military campaign against the destroyers of Israel.

In November 2009, I talked with two well-known Torah-guarding Jewish believers in Israel who are strong supporters of the coming together of the two Houses of Jacob. The lady presented a current scenario that might well join the two houses of Jacob together as in Isaiah 11:12-14. She related that the IDF and IAF were in a crisis situation. Over 50% of the young men and women who are military age are either Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox Jews or Arabs—neither who would fight with the Israeli military. Therefore, they are facing a serious loss of “manpower”. There are many young men and women in America—where more Israelites and Jews are found than anywhere else in the world—that would love to fight with Israel against their enemies. To allow these young ones to come and join with Judah, would be a definite fulfillment of Isaiah 11:12-14 and Zechariah 9:13-14!

Thing is: Yahuweh has His ways that work, and His people need to wait on His ways, rather than going on in their own limited reasoning, and, as usual, put obstacles in the way of what He is trying to do. This is a warning on all levels—we must learn to leave to His Spirit what He has not told us to do.

Many are into political gimmicks to try to get Ephraim into the nation of Israel. But, Jeremiah 17:5-9 tells us “Cursed is the man that trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm…” and Isaiah 2:22 says “Cease from man whose breathe is in his nostrils”.

Abba Yahuweh does not play man’s games, nor can He be controlled by

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intellectual tricks and manipulation. He pulls things off under the nose of intellectual reasoning so that only He gets the esteem and honor!

Many Torah-guarding believers think they know Abba Yahuweh and proceed to act in His behalf, but it is not on His behalf. The actions of many prove they do not know Him, nor do they know His ways, His nature, or His thinking. They do not know His voice—nor does His Spirit lead them. Most have a religion—no more, no less—so they can only go by their soul (mind and emotions) reasoning. These “off-on-their-own” people end up in a ditch while those that know Yahuweh are brought in on His secrets, and get to watch Him work!

Joseph—the House of Ephraim—the House of Israel (Jacob)—is now known many Orthodox Jews (Judah). They refer to us as “Joes”. September 12, 2007 was the end of the 2, 730-year punishment of the northern ten tribes, exiled in 723-722 BCE. The Orthodox knew this. In Jerusalem it was the greatest Sukkot since the reign of Solomon.

Some of the Orthodox stopped my friends and asked if they were “Joes”. Refer to my inter-related articles in this order: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition”, “The September 12, 2007 Report from Jerusalem”, and “Pole Shift”. These give timing.

The Orthodox Jews know who the “Joes” are. They are very, very excited, because they have known that when Yahuweh restored Ephraim, Messiah will come. They know we are in the last seven-year cycle before Messiah comes. They know that September 12, 2007, Yom Teruah entering into 2008 on the shmittah cycle calendar, was their sign of Messiah’s coming—and our entrance into the last seven-year cycle. Abba Yahuweh gages prophetic timing by shmittah years, the years of land rest, from Tisrhe 1 Yom Teruah (Sept./Oct.) until Tishre 1 Yom Teruah of the next year. The fiftieth year, after the 49th shmittah year, is the year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25).

Thus, now, as in the days of Genesis, Joseph is once again revealing himself to his brothers – to the other eight Ephramite tribes, and to Judah and Levi and Benjamin. Now through DNA testing, Levites of the Aaronic priesthood lineage can be traced back to Aaron by the male’s Y-chromosome. This lineage goes back through Zadok, through Phinehas (Numbers 25) to Eleazer, to Aaron—the

pure line of the set-apart Aaronic Levitical priesthood. Aaron married a woman that was of the tribe of Judah. Thus from the beginning Judah and Levi were intertwined. Zechariah 6:12-15 says that Messiah will sit on His throne as both High Priest and King. He is both from the House of Levi and the House of Judah.

The beginning of the final reuniting of the tribes of Jacob is happening! The males of the House of Joseph, the ten tribes, mostly living in America, have been circumcised in the flesh. Circumcision of the flesh, as an outward sign of the Covenant Yahuweh made with Abraham, never ceased. “Circumcision of the heart”--purity and cleanness before Yahuweh, cutting away all attachment to the “flesh” of the world system—has been a theme of Yahuweh’s Word from the days of the prophets. (Deuteronomy 10:16; Jeremiah 4:4) See the

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wording in Genesis 17:1-14. I find it quite amazing that the majority of the males of the West who are circumcising their hearts to return in obedience to Torah, are circumcised in the flesh. Notice in Genesis 17:1-14 the word “everlasting”, as is used in all of His instructions. How long is everlasting?

“For My Covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. And an uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, he shall be cut away from his people—for he has broken My Covenant”.

The sons of Joseph can now go before their brothers--Judah, Levi, Benjamin,

and all those of the House of Ephraim—and prove in their flesh that they are one of them--in Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Of course the sons of Jacob must also be circumcised in their heart—born of the spirit of Yahuweh and guarding His Torah. These are the signs to the Orthodox Jews as to who is really a “Joe” and who is not.

One Sephardic Rabbi in Jerusalem, who runs a wonderful soup kitchen for the poor and homeless, made the statement that they (the Orthodox Jews) knew who were of the true House of Joseph by their genuine love for Judah—by their willingness to come stay in the land and help Judah. He said that those who come and say “we love you” then leave and do nothing, are counterfeits. Truly words are cheap, and religious people mouth words in the millions, but do not act on what they say. The true sign of the House of Ephraim is how they join with Judah in prayer, in love, in action, in being with them, and helping them, without trying to convert them to pagan Christianity. They take notice of what is genuine and what is phony.

There is a strange “Joseph” type that Yahuweh is using to prepare a refuge for His children during the days of anti-messiah. They have been working since the late 1800s on His project. They have put billions of dollars into His project. They have set everything up to protect His people during the last 3 ½ years before Messiah comes, when famine and death by all means will be worldwide. This strange “Joseph” comes from the very nations where most of Joseph’s children ended up—America and Western Europe.

In Aqaba, Jordan, where I lived and watched prophecy being fulfilled for eight years, I saw this preparation down to the last detail by the U.S., the E.U., and the U.N. Humorous don’t you think… “The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just”. (Proverbs 13:22) Since 1963 at least, the World Food Bank has been storing grain in the Aqaba area in underground and above ground facilities. In 2002, the U.N. declared Edom (Mt. Seir, Petra--from Aqaba to Petra) the world area for refugees, and for famine and disaster relief! The U.N. is also storing food near Petra in underground facilities. The U.S. military has underground bases all around Petra. The King’s highway has been re-built, as I wrote about in “There Shall Be A Highway”, and all the other details are being finalized--down to the smallest one. Between Petra and Bozrah (about 40 miles) there is an awesome fertile agricultural valley. The water is there at the base of Mt. Peran – some of the most geologically perfect water on earth.

The return path of Messiah is from Sinai, over the Port of Aqaba on the Red

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Sea, to Petra, to Bozrah (Isaiah 63:1-6; Habakkuk chapter 3, etc). Daniel 11:41 and Isaiah 16:1-8 show that that area to be the only safe area at the time of anti-messiah…as well as many other Scriptures. Refer to the article: “Edom, Petra, and the Re-gathering and Preservation of All the Tribes”.

One more point: When the northern ten tribes were driven from the land finally by 722 BCE, [they colonized the world on their own from 1000 BCE because of their commercial world trading with the Phoenicians] into Assyria, only three

tribes were left in the land. Assyria’s policy was to take their captives and scatter them into other lands under their power. Thus almost all of the people

of the tribes went toward the west to find their brothers and sisters who had colonized nations of the west during their world trading days (1000-722)--though some went into Egypt, some to Asia, some to India, and some to what is now Afghanistan, and southern Russia. But, the greatest concentration of Joseph went towards what is now the UK, Western Europe, and especially America. The evidence of this is astronomical! The Pilgrims said they were of the House of Manasseh, and the early pioneers displayed characteristics of Manasseh. The work of men like Ya’ir Davidy in tracing the tribes to Western Europe, and Joseph particularly to the UK and America, working with Messianics and other Jews, has given us a new revelation of where our ancestors went after Yahuweh scattered them in punishment. Ya’ir has written several books, beginning with his classic—The Tribes. A believer who has worked with him closely is Steven Collins. His five series of books are absolutely fascinating! Ya’ir is a rabbinic Jew, but his research without his theology is awesome.

There are more American believers in Yahushua now returning to Torah than in any other place in the world. I write hard things to Americans and warn them with bitter tears of the destruction of America that is almost upon them, but I also call to the House of Jacob in America to “COME HOME” to Torah, and prepare for the coming Kingdom of Messiah Yahushua, who will enforce Torah with a rod of iron. When He comes, He will take His set-apart remnant to the Land of Israel as a whole. We must focus on this great event!

We are in the time of “the restoration of all things”—Acts 3:19-21—in preparation for the return of Messiah Yahushua. There are more verses and passages in the Scriptures on the subject of the return of the whole House of Jacob, than on any other subject. Refer to my 2-page list of Scriptures: “The Aliyah Scriptures”. Go through them carefully to see the greatest joy on the heart of Yahuweh and Yahushua now…Their plan of total restoration of a remnant of the whole House of Jacob is now in the works.

If you are guarding Torah, you are part of this great restoration. It was OUR ancestors who crossed the Red Sea to freedom. He is calling us to come out of all that Egypt represents (the world system), unto Himself at Sinai, and embrace the Torah of Yahuweh—the instructions and teachings that form the marriage requirements of Yahushua for His Bride. His love for you is your reason for coming out unto Him… who else loves you like He loves you!

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Torah is basically the terms of the marriage covenant that His Bride will guard with great joy and discipline, to only please her coming Bridegroom.

Study these verses above for yourself in context. Ask the Spirit of Yahuweh to teach you what He wants to teach you. He will add revelation knowledge to you as you sincerely sit in His Presence to know more of what He is doing in these last days.



December 25, 2009

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