Signs of Pregnancy Answer Sheet

Signs of Pregnancy ? Answer Sheet

Early Signs of Pregnancy

1.) Failure to menstruate: Earliest symptom. Emphasize that not every woman completely stops menstruating during pregnancy, and missed or late period can have many causes, including pregnancy.

2.) Breast changes: Fullness and aching. Areolas (the dark area around the nipples) gets darker. 3.) Nausea and vomiting 4.) Tiredness: Common throughout pregnancy, but especially in the first trimester 5.) Increased vaginal fluid 6.) Frequent urination: An early sign of pregnancy that often disappears after the first two or three

months and then reoccurs later in pregnancy as the weight of the growing fetus presses on the bladder.

Physical Changes of Pregnancy

1.) Hunger: Women need about 300 more good calories a day. Cravings for healthy food are usually the body's response to its nutritional needs. However, junk food cravings may fill a woman up and decrease her intake of good protein, fruits, vegetables, and dairy.

2.) Heartburn: (Indigestion) Common during pregnancy. Smaller meals of non-greasy food and eating slowly may help decrease heartburn.

3.) Constipation: Common during pregnancy. Drinking enough fluids and eating raw fruits and vegetables can help.

4.) Skin markings: Stretch marks on the abdomen, breasts, and thighs are common. A line from the belly button to the pubic area is also common. Stretch marks are not causes my "stretching", but by the pressure of changes in the breasts and abdomen. Women may notice blotches, rashes, and acne as well.

5.) Other normal changes: backache, heaviness, aching in the pelvic area, insomnia, faintness, feeling fetal movement, leg cramps, weight gain, and a swelling abdomen.

6.) Abnormal changes: Require a visit to the doctor or midwife. Vaginal bleeding, unusual vaginal discharge, painful urination, reduced amount of urine per day, swelling of hands, feet, or face, chills or fever, severe abdominal cramps.

Emotional and Social Changes of pregnancy for MEN and WOMEN

1.) Afraid, worried, anxious: about the birth or the child or their role as a mother or father 2.) Proud 3.) Happy, excited 4.) Loving and close

5.) Stressed and distant 6.) Varying feelings about their own or the partner's body 7.) Jealous, left out 8.) Angry 9.) Depressed, overwhelmed 10.)Healthy, fit 11.)Exhausted, unhealthy 12.) Lonely 13.) Nurturing

Emphasize that feelings are temporary. If negative feelings don't disappear in a few days the man or woman should talk to friends, family, a trust adult, or a medical professional.

Source: Pregnancy Day 2: The Experience. (2006) Public Health ? Seattle & King County Family Life and Sexual Health, Grades 9 and 10, Lesson 14.


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